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曹入文  周训  陈柄桦  李状 《地学前缘》2021,28(4):361-372
温泉的水化学和成因研究对地热资源的开发利用有重要意义。四川巴塘县茶洛温泉的分布受茶洛—松多断层带的控制,沿北东—南西向的河流两岸出露,附近出露三叠系灰岩、砾岩和燕山期花岗岩。在温泉区出露有近20个泉眼,对其中10个泉眼进行采样测试。受出露点冷水混入的影响,东北部的两个泉眼温度为45~51 ℃,中西部地区的泉眼温度为77~89 ℃,部分为沸泉泉眼;各泉眼流量为0.01~1.8 L/s;pH值为6.1~8.1,矿化度为0.39~1.06 g/L,F-含量为15~22 mg/L,偏硅酸含量为69~356 mg/L。泉水主要阳离子为Na+、K+和Ca2+,主要阴离子为 CO 3 2 - HCO 3 -、Cl- SO 4 2 -,水化学类型为HCO3-Na型。氢氧同位素数据表明,研究区地下热水来源于大气降水,补给高程约为4 400~4 800 m,补给区年均气温在-10 ℃左右。利用SiO2温标估算茶洛温泉热储层温度约为150~200 ℃,热水循环深度约为2 810~3 480 m。茶洛温泉为大气降水入渗后在地下深循环过程中被大地热流加热,再沿断层带在河谷涌出地表而形成的温泉。在河流西北岸分布有灰岩,地下水溶蚀形成空洞,来自浅处的冷水和来自深部的热水在空洞中混合并被加热至沸点,导致热水间歇性上升喷出地面,形成间歇喷泉。  相似文献   
西北干旱区夏半年深厚的混合层与干旱气候形成   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了更好地理解西北干旱区大气混合层(ML)厚度的变化特征及其对当地干旱气候形成的影响,我们利用张掖和民勤站夏季及相关月的实测探空资料及T-log P图解法,首先计算了该两地逐日ML厚度,然后分析并讨论了它的时空间变化特征、与干湿天气气候的关系,以及夏半年的深厚ML,对加剧当地干旱气候的影响.结果表明:(1)河西中东部ML厚度的年变化及地区差异明显.冬季最浅薄,夏半年深厚(特别是5、6月),4月及10月分别是ML急剧增厚及变薄的过渡期;同时,更靠近西北干旱区中心的河西西部及北部的ML更深厚.(2)夏季干(湿)天气通过加强(减弱)地气间的感热交换和干对流,而明显影响当地的ML厚度.平均而言,以高温日最深厚,千日次之,小雨日再次之,而中强雨日最浅薄.千年夏季的ML厚度平均比湿年的对应值增厚300 m左右.夏季典型千日的ML厚度比雨日厚3000 m,典型干日的ML厚度昼宿变化不大.(3)反过来夏半年深厚的ML也通过增加雨滴蒸发损耗,减少了干旱区的降水,加剧了当地干旱的程度,因此夏半年深厚的ML也是形成干旱气候背景的成因之一.  相似文献   
The structural feature shown on a remote sensing image is a synthetic result ofcombination of the deformations produced during the entire geological history of an area.Therefore, the respective tectonic stress field of each of the different stages in the complexdeformation of an area can be reconstructed in three steps: (1) geological structures formed atdifferent times are distinguished in remote sensing image interpretation; (2) structuraldeformation fields at different stages are determined by analyzing relationships betweenmicrostructures (joints and fractures) and the related structures (folds and faults); and (3)tectonic stress fields at different stages are respectively recovered through a study of the featuresof structural deformation fields in different periods. Circular structures and related circlular and radial joints are correlated in space to con-cealed structural rises. The authors propose a new method for establishing a natural model ofthe concealed structural rises and calculating the tectonic stress field by using quantitative dataof the remote sensing information of circular structures and related linear structures.  相似文献   
湘西合仁坪钠长石-石英脉型金矿床围岩蚀变及质量平衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘西柳林汊一带钠长石-石英脉型金矿十分发育。为了揭示该区金矿的成矿物质来源、成矿过程及成矿流体信息,对该区最典型的合仁坪钠长石-石英脉型金矿床围岩蚀变特征进行研究,并利用标准化Isocon图解法,对围岩蚀变过程中物质带入、带出进行质量平衡计算。结果表明:合仁坪金矿床的围岩蚀变主要包括绢云母化(褪色化)、黄铁矿化和绿泥石化,其中褪色化分布最为广泛,是该区金矿床最重要的蚀变类型;在合仁坪金矿床形成过程中,围岩中的Al2O3为惰性组分,Na2O、Sr、V、Cr、W、Nb、Th及部分挥发分(S、CO2和H2O)等组分被带入围岩中,而SiO2、Fe2O3、K2O、CaO、MgO、Cu、As、Pb、Zn、Ni、Co、Sb、Li、Rb、Ba等组分从围岩中迁出;轻稀土元素的迁出程度远远大于重稀土元素,围岩蚀变过程中轻、重稀土元素发生强烈的分异;矿脉中钠长石的钠质并非来自赋矿围岩,而是由成矿流体从外界带入的;矿脉石英中硅质则部分来自赋矿围岩。  相似文献   
基于Matlab的Durov三线图的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
水化学分类是实现水资源可持续开发利用的重要前提之一。Durov三线图作为主要的水化学分类图因绘制复杂而限制了其在现实中的应用,且一些常见的水化学软件也不具备绘制Durov三线图的功能。Durov三线图包括原始型Durov三线图及在其基础上演变而成的扩展型Durov三线图。通过介绍两种Durov三线图的差异、组成特征和投影原理,提出了在Durov三线图中建立坐标系的方法,并推导了将水化学数据投影到Durov三线图的公式。在此基础上,阐述了基于Matlab语言编程实现原始型Durov三线图和扩展型Durov三线图的方法和流程,并以公开发表的数据绘制了两种Durov三线图。基于相同的数据比较发现,相关水化学软件绘制的原始型Durov三线图及一些公开发表的研究成果中的扩展型Durov三线图与本文所用Matlab语言绘制的Durov三线图相一致,表明该程序准确可行。本程序既可以实现原始型Durov三线图的绘制,也可以实现常见水化学软件不能完成的扩展型Durov三线图的绘制。该程序的应用,将有助于Durov三线图的高效应用,特别是扩展型Durov三线图的应用不但可以作为水化学分类的依据,同时还可以指示某些水化学过程。  相似文献   
孟元库  许志琴  马士委  刘晓佳 《地质学报》2016,90(11):3023-3038
一般剪切带主要由纯剪切和简单剪切共同作用,不同的剪切带及不同的构造位置两者所占有的比例不同。利用运动学涡度(Wk)可以定量地分析两者间的比值大小。本文通过极莫尔圆法和有限应变轴率Rs/石英c轴组构法对冈底斯岩浆带中段谢通门-曲水滑覆型韧性剪切带的运动学涡度进行了计算,两种方法获得了较为一致的结果。通过极莫尔圆法,对剪切带中的9组糜棱岩样品进行了运动学涡度计算,获得了Wk=0.73~0.96,平均值Wk=0.83。运用有限应变轴率Rs/石英c轴组构法对4个样品进行了分析,得到Wk=0.85~0.93,均值为0.88,两种方法获得了较为一致的应变结果。还根据极莫尔圆图解,计算了该韧性剪切带的减薄量S=0.09~0.35,平均减薄量为0.20。研究表明该韧性剪切带为典型的以简单剪切为主伴有部分纯剪切的一般剪切,该剪切带的形成可能与拉萨地体在中新世时从挤压到侧向伸展的转换有关。该剪切带变形特征和运动学涡度的确定深化了对藏南冈底斯地区的构造演化过程的理解,并对青藏高原中南部的地质研究具有推进作用。  相似文献   
本文利用Voronoi图及其对偶Delaunay三角网研究了平面离散点集拓扑邻近稳定区域的计算方法,证明了点的拓扑邻近稳定区域必须满足的两个条件,给出了点的拓扑邻近稳定区域定量计算模型,并通过实验证明其正确性。  相似文献   
How dissolved organic matter (DOM) undergoes chemical changes during its transit from river to ocean remains a challenge due to its complex structure. In this study, DOM along a river transect from black waters to marine waters is characterized using an offline combination of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) coupled to electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS), as well as tandem ESI-FTICR-MS. In addition, a water extract from degraded wood that mainly consists of lignins is used for comparison to the DOM from this transect. The HPLC chromatograms of all DOM samples and the wood extract show two major well-separated components; one is hydrophilic and the other is hydrophobic, based on their elution order from the C18 column. From the FTICR-MS analysis of the HPLC fractions, the hydrophilic components mainly contain low molecular weight compounds (less than 400 Da), while the hydrophobic fractions contain the vast majority of compounds of the bulk C18 extracted DOM. The wood extract and the DOM samples from the transect of black waters to coastal marine waters show strikingly similar HPLC chromatograms, and the FTICR-MS analysis further indicates that a large fraction of molecular formulas from these samples are the same, existing as lignin-like compounds. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments show that several representative molecules from the lignin-like compounds have similar functional group losses and fragmentation patterns, consistent with modified lignin structural entities in the wood extract and these DOM samples. Taken together, these data suggest that lignin-derived compounds may survive the transit from the river to the coastal ocean and can accumulate there because of their refractory nature.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction The main production of Yabulai salt lake was original salt and recycled salt many years ago.After decade’s production,the sale lake resource is more and more deficient.Glauber's salt and magnesium salt are concentrated in brine now.It could affect the quality of the salt.In recent years,research had done much work to  相似文献   
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