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目的:探讨胸部多排螺旋CT扫描在肋软骨隆鼻术中的应用价值。方法:收集符合纳入标准120例拟行自体肋软骨隆鼻术患者,都进行了胸部多排螺旋CT术前检查,并进行多种三维重建分析自体肋软骨是否符合手术标准,部分病例进行了术后CT复查评估。结果:CT准确评估肋软骨无钙化(1级)28例和轻度钙化(2级)62例,均可行自体肋软骨隆鼻术;中度钙化(3级)23例中12例可用自体肋软骨行隆鼻术,剩余7例全部重度钙化(4级)患者直接放弃肋软骨而采用耳软骨等替代进行隆鼻术。同时还发现叉状肋3例、肋软骨部分融合7例,镜面右位心伴内脏扭转1例,肺部占位病变2例。结论:多排螺旋CT及多种三维重建对拟选择自体肋软骨行隆鼻术的患者是术前首选的影像学检查方法,可以准确评估自体肋软骨是否存在钙化及程度,并能精准测量各肋软骨实际走行、长度、宽度及厚度,能够为肋软骨隆鼻术提供可靠的术前影像信息,同时还可以用于术后评估移植效果及排查并发症等。  相似文献   
Twentieth‐century summer (July–August) temperatures in northern Finland are reconstructed using ring widths, maximum density and stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of Scots pine tree rings, and using combinations of these proxies. Verification is based on the coefficient of determination (r2), reduction of error (RE) and coefficient of efficiency (CE) statistics. Of the individual proxies, δ13C performs best, followed by maximum density. Combining δ13C and maximum density strengthens the climate signal but adding ring widths leads to little improvement. Blue intensity, an inexpensive alternative to X‐ray densitometry, is shown to perform similarly. Multi‐proxy reconstruction of summer temperatures from a single site produces strong correlations with gridded climate data over most of northern Fennoscandia. Since relatively few trees are required (<15) the approach could be applied to long sub‐fossil chronologies where replication may be episodically low. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用地面三维激光扫描仪对目标物体表面进行多方位、多角度的扫描,可以获取其表面大量且密集的高精度点的三维坐标信息以及反射率信息,将这些信息存储到电脑中,使用专业软件进行处理,再使用建模软件生成建筑物的三维模型。本文所研究的是使用地面三维激光扫描仪,通过高速激光测量方式,快速、全面、精确地获取建筑物表面的三维信息,经过一系列的点云数据处理及模型处理,最终完成曲面模型三维重建的过程。  相似文献   
The Salinas de Añana diapir is located in the Basque-Cantabrian basin part of the great evaporite basin, along with the Gulf of Mexico and the Central European basin, when the fragmentation of Pangea started. The evolution of these basins can only be achieved by understanding the control of salt in the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of these basins.Sedimentation began with clastic Buntsandstein sediments and minor Muschelkalk limestones. Subsequent Keuper evaporites are the bottom of sedimentary cover constituted by Jurassic limestones and marls, a clastic Lower Cretaceous and an alternant limestone and marl Upper Cretaceous, whose deposition has been conditioned by salt tectonics. The emplacement of salt extends from the Aptian until now, favored by the duplication of the salt thickness associated with the thrust of Sierra Cantabria, so it is an excellent example to study changes in the regime of intrusion along the time. The geodynamic evolution of the Salinas de Añana diapir was determined through the interpretation of 45 reprocessed seismic lines, along with information from three wells. Migration of the salt in this diapir, conditioned by N120E and N30E pre-Alpine basement lineations, was determined using time isopach maps of the various rock layers. Vertical evolution of the diapir was determined through the reconstruction of a north-south section at various geologic times by flattening the respective seismic horizons. A minimum of salt flow into the diapir coincides with a minimum rate of sedimentation during the Turonian. Similarly, maximum flows of salt into the diapir occurred during the Coniacian and Lower Santonian and again from the end of the Lower Miocene to the present, coinciding with maximum rates of sedimentation during these times. In the Tertiary, probably during the Oligocene, the diapir was displaced to the south by the Sierra Cantabria thrust, maintaining the contact between the evaporites of diapir and the same evaporites of the lower block. Since the Oligocene, the salts of the lower block migrated towards and into the diapir, deforming the trace of the overthrust.  相似文献   
为改善风云三号 (FY-3) 微波成像仪10.6 GHz通道空间分辨率,提出利用超分辨率图像重建算法进行图像重建。分析并指出FY-3微波成像仪10.6 GHz通道具有过采样特征,具备重建得到高于瞬时视场图像的潜力;基于超分辨率图像重建理论,根据FY-3气象卫星轨道、姿态,微波成像仪性能参数以及工作模式等物理约束,建立微波成像仪的超分辨率成像模型,并推导计算出超分辨率成像模型参数;采用POCS算法重建得到10.6 GHz通道的超分辨率图像,采用目视比较分析、图像统计分析对重建图像进行质量评价:重建图像像元平均梯度提高26.5%,功率谱分量和提高5.7%,重建图像具有更高的空间分辨率;台风亮温分析应用显示了从重建图像可发现更微小的景物细节目标。采用超分辨率图像重建算法对FY-3微波成像仪10.6 GHz通道进行重建处理,结果有效且正确,可为数据用户提供更多可用的遥感数据,对微波遥感数据应用具有提升作用。  相似文献   
朱红  宋伟东  谭海  王竞雪 《测绘学报》2016,45(9):1081-1088
鉴于现有超分辨率重建方法难以突显重建影像细节信息的问题,提出多尺度细节增强的遥感影像超分辨率重建模型框架。首先,通过最小二乘滤波方法将序列影像分解成包含大尺度边缘的平滑信息和包含中小型尺度的细节信息;其次,利用插值方法得到相应的高分辨率细节信息和平滑信息,构造纹理细节增强函数,提升中小型细节的增强幅度;最终,融合细节信息和平滑信息,得到初始的超分辨率重建结果,并利用局部优化模型进一步改善重建影像质量。选取同时相和多时相遥感影像作为试验数据。试验结果表明,本文重建结果与插值方法、TV方法和MAP方法相比,在客观评价指标上均有显著提高,明显改善了重建影像的纹理细节。论文提出的多尺度细节增强的超分辨率重建方法,可以使重建影像提供更多高频细节信息,具有较好鲁棒性和普适性。  相似文献   
低空大比例尺地形图航测生产关键技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴博义  苏国中 《测绘科学》2016,41(8):138-143,133
针对传统航空摄影测量生产工艺在生产过程中遇到的影响大比例尺测图精度的问题,该文探讨了低空航测生产大比例尺地形图的关键技术。通过选用宽角相机、低航高飞行、强化影像匹配、野外布设标志控制点、优选平差模型、精化测图操作等改进方式,以提高大比例尺航测精度;组建无人飞艇低空航测系统,对提出的技术方法予以实现;最后给出了山西境内近30个县市建成区1∶500测绘生产实践的部分验证成果。  相似文献   
针对时变参数灰色模型PGM(1,1)的背景值重构收敛速度及稳定性问题,该文运用积分的方法综合序列在Δt内不同变化趋势,导出背景值模型的准确表达式。实现了反映序列对新老信息偏爱程度的最优权值介于(0,1)内,且非不能越过某一阈值;给出了背景值重构模型最优解准确求取的具体算法步骤。基于MATLAB语言的实验结果表明:改进模型预测精度高,易于实现;所研究的带权灰色模型GM(1,n)背景值模型的重构及计算方法验证了PGM(1,1)模型重构及计算实现方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   
遥感影像超分辨率处理方法与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陆婉芸  王继周 《测绘科学》2016,41(12):53-58,69
随着人们对影像高分辨率需求的不断增加,图像超分辨率技术已成为相关研究领域的热点之一。针对在遥感领域并非所有的超分辨率方法都可用的现状,该文按照遥感影像超分辨率处理的流程,将超分辨率问题分为退化模型、配准、重建和精度评定4大模块。对于其中每一模块的理论、常用方法与研究进展进行了较全面的综述及比较分析。最后对这一领域的未来发展进行思考和展望。  相似文献   
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