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王锦旗  宋玉芝  薛艳 《湖泊科学》2015,27(3):451-458
将菹草(Potamogeton crispus)成株置于50、100、150、200μW/cm2剂量的UV-B辐射下,利用调制叶绿素荧光仪测定紫外辐射对菹草成株PSⅡ系统的损伤程度.结果表明:急性辐射初期叶片最大光合速率、耐强光能力、叶片捕光能力均随辐射剂量增大而减少;16 d后,UV-B辐射剂量小于100μW/cm2的实验组,辐射促进其叶片光能利用效率、最大光合速率、耐强光能力,而高于100μW/cm2的实验组,随辐射时间延长,其抑制作用持续,最终高于100μW/cm2剂量组植株均死亡,而低于100μW/cm2剂量组差异不大.结果表明辐射剂量小于100μW/cm2时,UV-B辐射对叶片最大光合速率、耐强光能力、叶片捕光能力的影响较小,而高于100μW/cm2时,UV-B辐射对植株叶片PSⅡ系统构成的损伤,降低了植株叶片的光合作用能力.春末夏初陆上紫外辐射逐渐增加,对菹草伤害程度加剧,因此,紫外辐射可能是促进菹草春末夏初大批衰亡的重要原因.  相似文献   
根据多种因素对太原井水位动态影响的程度与大小,对太原井水位快速上升机理进行探讨。结果表明,太原井水位快速上升不仅与降雨量增多、晋祠泉域地下水开采量减少关系密切,而且与太原盆地应力场大小与方向改变也有一定关系,是非构造因素与构造活动因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
单频GPS快速定位中病态问题的解法研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
研究只利用少数历元GPS载波相位观测值进行快速定位时的新解法.在分析病态法矩阵结构特性的基础上,基于TIKHONOV正则化原理,提出一种选择正则化矩阵R的新方法,减弱法方程的病态性.与其他方法相比,新方法得到与模糊度准确值更接近的浮动解及其相应的均方误差矩阵.结合LAMBDA方法,用均方误差矩阵代替协方差阵确定模糊度的搜索范围,可准确快速地确定模糊度,最后得到基线向量的解.结合算例,将新解法与最小二乘估计、岭估计和截断奇异值法分别结合LAMBDA方法解算模糊度的结果进行比较分析,展示新解法的效果.  相似文献   
The partial cycle(PC) strategy has been used in many rapid refresh cycle systems(RRC) for regional short-range weather forecasting. Since the strategy periodically reinitializes the regional model(RM) from the global model(GM)forecasts to correct the large-scale drift, it has replaced the traditional full cycle(FC) strategy in many RRC systems.However, the extra spin-up in the PC strategy increases the computer burden on RRC and generates discontinuous smallscale systems among cycles. This study returns to the FC strategy but with initial fields generated by dynamic blending(DB) and data assimilation(DA). The DB ingests the time-varied large-scale information from the GM to the RM to generate less-biased background fields. Then the DA is performed. We applied the new FC strategy in a series of 7-day batch forecasts with the 3-hour cycle in July 2018, and February, April, and October 2019 over China using a Weather Research and Forecast(WRF) model-based RRC. A comparison shows that the new FC strategy results in less model bias than the PC strategy in most state variables and improves the forecast skills for moderate and light precipitation. The new FC strategy also allows the model to reach a balanced state earlier and gives favorable forecast continuity between adjacent cycles. Hence, this new FC strategy has potential to be applied in RRC forecast systems to replace the currently used PC strategy.  相似文献   
采用快速急冷工艺制备含碳粉末触媒,并以此触媒为原料,在国产DS6×800A型铰链式六面顶压机上进行金刚石合成实验;实验结果表明:在高速冷却条件下(冷速为104℃/s~106℃/s),大量石墨碳被固溶在触媒材料内部,固溶在触媒材料内部的石墨碳形态有球形、长条形及其它不规则形状;固溶石墨碳的存在有利于石墨碳源在高温高压金刚石合成过程中的溶解与传输,从而,缩短了触媒溶剂中溶解碳达到过饱和的时间,提高了金刚石的形核率和合成单产。  相似文献   
西北太平洋热带气旋快速增强与环境垂直风切变统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢礼江  邱新法  王伟 《热带地理》2013,33(3):242-249
利用1990-2009年美国联合台风警报中心整编的热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析等压面流场资料,在分析西北太平洋TC每24 h强度变化统计特征的基础上,确定了西北太平洋TC快速增强的阈值,对比不同阈值条件下,TC快速增强初始时刻的强度,TC快速增强发生的季节变化和空间分布特征,进一步研究环境垂直风切变与TC快速增强的关系。结果表明:在西北太平洋海区,当TC强度24 h变化达到样本累积百分率的88%、90%、93%和96%的概率时,对应的强度变化值分别为25 KT、30 KT、35 KT和40 KT,定义它们为TC快速增强的阈值。该阈值越大,快速增强初始时刻的强度也越强。60%左右的TC快速增强发生在8-10月,TC快速增强的空间分布集中于125°-150°E、10°-25°N的矩形区域内。对流层不同层次的垂直风切变与TC快速增强的关系有差异,TC快速增强阈值为40 KT时对应的对流层中上层(200~500 hPa)、对流层中下层(500~850 hPa)和对流层(200~850 hPa)的垂直风切变值的概率分布显示:当垂直风切变≥12 m/s时,分别只有9.7%、1.5%、11.1%的TC可以快速增强;且其与TC快速增强时强度变化的相关系数分别为-0.15、0、-0.04,以200~500 hPa的最为显著,表明对流层中上层垂直风切变对TC强度增强的抑制作用最明显。在TC快速增强阈值为40 KT的初始时刻,将200~850 hPa垂直风切变划分为东风切变和西风切变的统计表明,57%的TC在东风切变的环境下可以快速增强。  相似文献   
Several paleoseismic events are recorded in the Neogene Linqu Group, exposed in the Linqu area, Shandong Province, China. The events were interpreted on the basis of fieldwork and laboratory analysis, which showed the presence of seismites with plastically deformed soft-sediment deformation structures in the Shanwang Formation, and of seismic volcanic rocks in the Yaoshan Formation which show brittle deformation. The earthquake-triggered soft-sediment deformations in the seismites include load structures, ball-and-pillow structures, flame structures, pillow-like beds, boudinage structures, slump folds, syn-depositional faults, veins of liquefied sand, and dikes of liquefied sandy lime-mud. The seismic activity is also reflected in what might be called ‘brittle seismites'; these originated when, under the influence of seismic vibrations, semi-consolidated conglomerate was shattered. Moreover, volcanic activity is related to intense earthquakes that affected basalts intercalated with sand layers; these successions are known as ‘seismic volcanic rocks', which are characterized by veins of liquefied sand intruding the basalts. All above traces of paleoseismic activity were left from one single time span of 4 Ma with active seismicity that took place 14–10 Ma. This time span is known as ‘the Linqu Neogene Paleoseismic Active Period', which is divided into four paleoseismic episodes, which were responses to tectonic extension and basin rifting in this area. It even includes the activity of the Yishu Fault Zone during the Miocene and the Neogene. The ratios of trace elements in the seismites, w(La)/w(Sc) and w(La)/w(Th) are higher than the average value of the upper crust, but w(Th)/w(Sc) is lower; this is geochemical evidence for the basin rifting that resulted in a high sedimentation rate. The intense and frequent paleo-earthquakes are held responsible for the rapid burial of the Shanwang Biota. Secondary earthquake-induced processes(e.g. slumping of a lake shore and the strongly increased lacustrine sedimentation rate) contributed to the rapid burial of the biota.  相似文献   
随着近年来给水部队钻井装备的不断更新,钻井设备的自动化程度和施工效率大大提高。与此同时,原来配制周期较长的泥浆配制设备及工艺就显得更加落后,急需进行改进,以适应现代战争对野战给水工程保障快速高效的特点。因此,根据西北水井施工特点和黄土块特征及水井施工实际情况,研制了一种新型快速造浆机。介绍了该新型快速造浆机的工作原理、结构特点和实际使用效果。  相似文献   
应用高密度电阻率法实现坝体渗漏快速探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坝体渗漏探测是水利工程除险加固工作的重要环节,事关大坝安全运行,具有重要工程意义。文中以某坝体渗漏处理的问题为例,为解决传统探测手段的不足,开展了高密度电阻率法探测试验,结合工区地质和岩体地球物理特征分析,快速定位坝体渗漏区域。工程处理结果表明,高密度电阻率法可有效地解决小范围和小渗流量的渗漏部位探测问题,定位快速准确,可为查找坝体渗漏的原因以及工程治理措施提供依据。  相似文献   
Since the Cenozoic, the Tibetan Plateau has experienced large-scale uplift and outgrowth due to the India–Asia collision. However, the mechanism and timing of these tectonic processes still remain debated. Here, using apatite fission track dating and inverse thermal modeling, we explore the mechanism of different phases of rapid cooling for different batholiths and intrusions in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. In contrast to previous views, we find that the coeval granitic batholith exposed in the same tectonic zone experienced differential fast uplift in different sites, indicating that the present Tibetan Plateau was the result of differential uplift rather than the entire lithosphere uplift related to lithospheric collapse during Cenozoic times. In addition, we also suggest that the 5–2 Ma mantle-related magmatism should be regarded as the critical trigger for the widely coeval cooling event in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, because it led to the increase in atmospheric CO2 level and a hotter upper crust than before, which are efficient for suddenly fast rock weathering and erosion. Finally, we propose that the current landform of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau was the combined influences of tectonic and climate.  相似文献   
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