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海口湾的溶解氧及海水水质指标限制值问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈春华 《海洋学报》2006,28(2):146-150
海水溶解氧对海洋生物的生存、生长和发育相当重要,与生物活动有着密切的联系,它的含量变化是反映生物生长状况的一个重要标志,同时也是污染监测的重要指标.海口湾是海南省的重点海域,1989年以来,陈春华等对海口湾的环境问题进行了大量的研究[1~6],本论文就海口湾的溶解氧监测结果进行分析,并发现了溶解氧水质标准限制值存在的问题.每年在该湾布设10余个站点进行污染监测,有必要对海口湾近7年监测结果进行综合分析.  相似文献   
本文在阐述土地资源质量概念的基础上,结合相关学科理论,重点论述了反映土地资源质量的两方面内容;一是空间形态特征,包括起伏量、坡度、坡长、坡形及侵蚀和沉积程度;二是物质特征,包括土体构型、结构质地、物理性质、物质组分、化学性质以及生态功能等  相似文献   
近年来机载Li DAR系统在国内不断发展,其测绘市场和应用领域不断扩大,提高并保证测绘精度在所难免,但是机载Li DAR系统是由多个子系统集成,各个子系统都会不同程度地引入误差,数据采集与处理的各个环节都会对最终结果产生影响。本文通过具体试验对国产机载Li DAR数据采集与处理过程中的质量控制方法进行了研究。  相似文献   
本文基于地质环境是由诸多因素有机组合而成,其质量也是各因素质量的复杂组合,是一种模糊现象,难以精确评价,但又存在明显差异的认识,采用模糊数学理论,即以环境地质亚区为单元,考虑多因素的综合影响。采用数量化的动态聚类法,对晋陕蒙接壤地区地质环境质量进行了评价:包括自然条件下地质环境质量评价和煤炭、水资源开发后地质环境质量的相对变化评价。  相似文献   
景观生态学在城市规划和管理中的应用   总被引:53,自引:2,他引:53  
城市是典型的人工景观,空间结构上属于紧密汇聚型,功能上表现为高能流、高容量和文化上的多样性。城市景观生态研究包括城市空间结构与生态过程,城市景观风貌与城市生态建设,城市景观规划是其最直接的应用。首先论述了城市景观质量与价值评价,包括景观美学评价与景观视觉容量。城市空间结构和景观规划原则是该文论述的主题,包括城市空间布局、城市空间扩展的廊道效应以及城市绿地系统的空间结构分析;以上海和广州市的绿地系统为例进行了重点介绍,最后对于城乡交错带的景观变化进行分析,用景观格局及其动态来描述城乡交错带的城市化过程特点,介绍了上海和沈阳的典型研究。  相似文献   
Biological aerosols from air constitute a significant source of exposure to microorganisms in public places. Airborne microorganisms are involved in the development of certain respiratory symptoms, allergies, or infections among users and occupants. Various sampling instruments have commonly been used in aerobiology to collect bacteria and fungi suspended in the air. The objective of this study was to develop a reliable procedure for sampling in indoor public environments presenting different levels of occupancy, airborne bacteria and fungi to be subjected to molecular analysis (bacteria and fungi quantitative PCR, capillary electrophoresis single strand conformation polymorphism fingerprinting). Four different sampling devices were tested in situ in an office building (open‐plan type) and the sampling strategy chosen was tested in two museum contexts. In accordance with the drawbacks involved to our study (quantitative and qualitative aspects, cost, and overcrowding), cyclone device appeared to be most suitable. The results underline the effectiveness of this high‐volume aerosol sampling device for both qualitative and quantitative molecular analysis. Four in situ sampling collections were carried out in 1 day in the Louvre Museum to study quantitative and qualitative variations of airborne bacterial and fungal diversity. The quantitative results revealed a similar order of magnitude for the numbers of both bacteria and fungi. In the Louvre Museum, the samples yielded between 3.7 × 104 and 4.1 × 104 genome equivalent (GE) bacteria/m3 air and between 5.0 × 104 and 5.9 × 104 GE fungi/m3 air and in the Decorative Arts Museum between, 2.1 × 104 and 2.5 × 104 GE bacteria/m3 air and between 1.4 × 104 and 1.7 × 104 GE fungi/m3 air. The results also indicate that the dominant bacterial community displayed a stable structure over a short period of time whereas dominant eukaryotic airborne community appeared more variable.  相似文献   
博斯腾湖水质现状(2010-2011年)及近50年来演变趋势   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
博斯腾湖(简称博湖)6个采样点周年(2010年6月-2011年6月)水质调查分析表明,博湖水质空间差异明显,但不同样点水质月变化无一致趋势.大湖区西北角水域水质最差;开都河入湖处水质月变化幅度大,水质相对较好;中东部水域水质处于中间水平.小湖区喇嘛湖水质最好,介于Ⅰ-Ⅲ级之间;北闸附近的湖沼湿地,水质差,多为Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ...  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to apply time series analysis to investigate whether the groundwater quality in the coastal area is affected by the tide. Continuous and regular in situ monitoring data of electrical conductivity (EC) and groundwater level, and tidal level data measured by the National Oceanographic Research Institute were used for the time series analysis. Through the time series analysis, it is known that EC and groundwater level conspicuously fluctuate with two periodicities (15.4 and 0.52-day), which is very similar to those of the tide. Also the behaviors of their fluctuations vary in accordance with the tidal period. These indicate that the groundwater quality has been mainly controlled by the tidal level, and the strength of tidal effect on the groundwater quality is different according to the tidal period.  相似文献   
近年来,随着济宁、枣庄地区煤矿资源的大规模开发,矿坑排水对矿区地下水资源及生态环境产生的负面影响愈发突出,已逐步引起政府和社会有关部门的关注.本文是在全面调查区内矿山基本情况。矿坑排水水量、水质的基础上,进行了矿坑水水处理方法的探索.指出了矿坑排水合理开发利用方向.并提出了综合利用规划建议。  相似文献   
张士三  陈劲毅 《台湾海峡》1998,17(3):337-341
海洋监视工作的效益和工作质量评价是海洋行政执法管理中对其工作结果进行检查和自检的一种方法。本文根据海洋监视可控度,海上管理目标实现情况及效益判断事项,分别建立了工作效益和工作质量评价的数学公式。该公式表明,效益指数VS与海洋监视可控度K呈正比,与权益怀事项数、性事项数及公益性事项数之和也呈正比。工作质量指数VZ与海洋监视可控度K呈正比,而与对压K的违法事件发生率、环境质量参数、海洋资源非合理开发项  相似文献   
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