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Major, trace and rare earth element contents of Fe- and Al-rich metapelites from the Korda (Yenisey Ridge) and Amar (Kuznetsk Alatau) formations were determined to examine the nature, origin and evolution of their protoliths. Results indicate that these rocks are the redeposited and metamorphosed products of Precambrian kaolinitic weathering crusts, while the geochemical distinctions between the studied metapelites are determined by different weathering conditions in the source area and tectonic settings. The protolith of the Korda Formation metapelites was produced by erosion products of the post-Archean granitoid rocks, which accumulated under humid climate conditions in shallow-water basins along the continental margin. The geochemical characteristics of the deeper primary deposits of the Amar Formation suggest that volcanogenic material of mafic composition derived from an island-arc environment had a major role in supplying the erosion zone. These results agree with lithofacies data and with the geodynamic reconstruction of the evolution of the Yenisey Ridge and Kuznetsk Alatau during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, respectively. It was shown that REEs had limited mobility during contact metamorphism. The coherent mobility of REEs during collisional metamorphism may be attributed both to mineral reactions responsible for modal changes and to local chemical heterogeneity inherited from the initial protolith.  相似文献   
浙闽地区华夏地块前寒武纪基底上部主要由新元古代龙泉群、马面山群和万全群组成.上述3个岩群的变沉积岩具有相似的岩石组合及主、微量元素地球化学特征, 它们是华夏地块统一基底的重要组成部分.它们主要由片岩类、变粒岩类、石英岩类和大理岩类组成, 其中片岩类和变粒岩类的SiO2变化于52.89~75.03, TiO2为0.48~1.05, Al2O3为9.19~20.3, ∑REE为(149~323)×10-6, δEu为0.34~0.80, (La/Yb)N为7.96~15.6, 具中等-强烈铕负异常, 轻、重稀土分异明显; 石英岩类的SiO2变化于95.49~97.44, ∑REE很低, 在(8.89~15.1)×10-6, δEu=0.63~0.81.原岩性质及构造环境分析表明, 片岩类和变粒岩类的原岩主要是杂砂岩和粘土岩等, 石英岩的原岩为硅铁质沉积岩.所有变沉积岩的原岩均以长英质成分为主, 具有上地壳岩石的地球化学特征, 部分样品显示有古老沉积物的加入; 它们形成于岛弧-活动陆缘环境, 成熟度不高, 属于近源沉积, 与本地区华夏地块基底下部变质岩系岩石(古元古代的天井坪组、八都群、陈蔡群、麻源群)具有相似的物源.   相似文献   
A combined study of zircon morphology, U–Pb ages and Hf isotopes as well as whole‐rock major and trace elements was carried out for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite and felsic gneiss from the main hole (MH) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project in the Sulu orogen. The results show contrasting Hf isotope compositions for bimodal UHP metaigneous rocks, pointing to contrasting origins for their protoliths (thus dual‐bimodal compositions). The samples of interest were from two continuous core segments from CCSD MH at depths of 734.21–737.16 m (I) and 929.67–932.86 m (II) respectively. Zircon U–Pb dating for four samples from the two core segments yields two groups of ages at 784 ± 17 and 222 ± 3 Ma, respectively, corresponding to protolith formation during supercontinental rifting and metamorphic growth during continental collision. Although the Triassic UHP metamorphism significantly reset the zircon U–Pb system of UHP rocks, the Hf isotope compositions of igneous zircon can be used to trace their protolith origin. Contrasting types of initial Hf isotope ratios are, respectively, correlated with segments I and II, regardless of their lithochemistry. The first type shows positive ?Hf(t) values of 7.8 ± 3.1 to 6.0 ± 3.0, with young Hf model age of 1.03 and 1.11 Ga. The second type exhibits negative ?Hf(t) values of ?6.9 ± 1.6 to ?9.1 ± 1.1, with old Hf model ages of 2.11 and 2.25 Ga. It appears that the UHP rocks from the two segments have protoliths of contrasting origin. Consistent results are also obtained from their trace element compositions suggesting that mid‐Neoproterozoic protoliths of bimodal UHP metaigneous rocks formed during supercontinental rifting at the northern margin of the South China Block. Thus, the first type of bimodal magmatism formed by rapid reworking of juvenile crust, whereas the second type of bimodal magmatism was principally generated by rift anatexis of Paleoproterozoic crust. Melting of orogenic lithosphere has potential to bring about bimodal magmatism with contrasting origins. Because arc–continent collision zones are the best place to accumulate both juvenile and ancient crusts, the contrasting types of bimodal magmatism are proposed to occur in an arc–continent collision orogen during the supercontinental rifting, in response to the attempted breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia at c. 780 Ma.  相似文献   
内蒙古集宁地区变质岩系的特征、原岩恢复及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集宁地区位于内蒙古中部,阴山山脉东段,隶属华北地台北缘内蒙台隆凉城断隆.基底主要出露太古宙中深变质岩系,以大土城隐伏深断裂为界,断裂以南为集宁岩群分布区,以北为乌拉山岩群分布区.集宁岩群变质岩系的原岩主要由泥质长石砂岩、泥质粉砂岩及碳酸盐岩组成,伴有基性岩体侵入;乌拉山岩群变质岩系的原岩是由长石砂岩、泥质长石砂岩、泥质砂岩、泥质粉砂岩夹安山岩、安山质凝灰岩及碳酸盐岩等组成的一套巨厚的火山-沉积建造.通过1:5万袁家房子等四幅矿调,对集宁地区的变质岩系的地球化学特征及含矿性进行了调查研究,综合分析认为变质岩系为本区的主要赋矿岩层,为本区找矿指出了方向.  相似文献   
The source rock from which the sillimanite gneisses derive mainly was the biotite plagioclase gneiss in the Larsemann Hills. It is the deformation-metamorphism process under special pressure and temperature condition, not the original rock compositions, that controls the presence of sillimanite. To a great degree, the sillimanite gneiss was the mixture of the detaining materials of the migrating felsic melt from the bt-plagioclase gneiss that underwent partial melting and the relics when the melt was removed. In sillimanitization the original rock had been changed substantially in chemical composition. The related metamorphism process severely deviated from the isochemical series, the process was of, therefore, an open system. In addition, the Al2O3 contents of the original rock was an important, but not critical factor for the formation of sillimanite, i.e., the sillimanite-bearing rock need not be of aluminum rich in composition, and vise contrarily, the aluminum rock may not produce sillimanite. The authors of the present paper postulate that the source rock from which the aluminum rich rock derives need not be of aluminum rich, but sillimanitization is generally the Al2O3 increasing process. The aluminum rich sediments such as clay or shale need not correspond directly to sillimanite-rich gneisses. No argillaceous rock present equals to sillimanite-rich gneiss in chemical composition. The protoliths to the sillimanite gneisses from the Larsemann Hills, east Antarctica, and their adjacent area may be pelite, shale greywacke, sub-greywacke, quartz sandstone and quartz-tourmalinite. If correct, the conclusion will be of significant implication for the determination of the sillimanite gneiss formation process and the reconstruction of the protolith setting.  相似文献   
本文在总结全球地幔橄榄岩岩石学和地球化学特征的基础上,首次提出了一个用于判别HPUHP变质带中变质橄榄岩原岩及其成因类型的判别图解。该图主要由镁铁总量MgO+(%)和一个参数m+f/si比值构成。另用Al2O3和CaO分别与MgO+(%)制成两个辅助图解,以示方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩之间在Al2O3和CaO含量上的分界。通过原岩判别结果和研究表明,PP3孔和PP1孔两者在变质组合、原岩成因类型、地球化学和变质条件方面存在一系列的重大差异。分别代表来自两种极端的地球化学类型和两种不同大地构造环境的UHP变质体。PP3钻孔以Ol+Gt+Cpx+Opx+Sp为变质矿物共生组合的含石榴石纯橄岩,其原岩系来自地幔残余成因的方辉橄榄岩遭受UHP变质作用的产物,它以成分高度均一,富Mg(Mg’=92),极端亏损不相容元素REE(∑REE<1×10-6可称为超亏损型)为特征。在变质相中仍保留原岩的残余矿物铬尖晶石(Sp),其成分显示蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩的成分趋势。并出现以Gt和Sp共存相为特征的变质相。据实验结果(klemme,2004)表明该共存相的稳定域的PT条件CrSp可达7Gpa,T1400℃,即形成于200km的地幔深度。综合研究显示该孔变质橄榄岩原岩(方辉橄榄岩)具有大洋岩石圈地幔残余成因的某些印记,而不是同深度原生地幔岩相转变的产物。PP1孔变质橄榄岩是由无水矿物相(Ol+Opx+Cpx+Gt)+含水矿物相(Phl±Chu)组成的石榴石橄榄岩杂岩,其原岩来自两种不同成因的超镁铁岩系列:一为具地幔成因的方辉橄榄岩二辉橄榄岩系列(可能相当于地幔楔中的Al型橄榄岩),另一部分(少数)来自具岩浆成因的超镁铁岩系列(纯橄岩—异剥橄榄岩—辉石岩组合,可能相当于A2型橄榄岩)。该套变质橄榄岩,以成分高度不均一,极端富集REE(∑REE平均>20×10-6可称为超富集型)和大离子亲石元素(K、Ba、Rb)为特征。这种异常现象并不反映其原岩原有的地球化学特征,它可能是由于在俯冲过程中受到陆壳物质的污染,或壳幔相互作用所致。据该孔变质相中缺乏Sp相,而以Gt为标志的变质相的事实,推断其形成的压力条件应>7Gpa, 即形成的深度应大于200km。上述研究表明在苏鲁UHP变质带中,不仅有来自大陆地幔楔中的地幔残余的UHP变质体,而且首次提出有可能来自大陆俯冲前锋具大洋岩石圈地幔性质的(蛇绿岩型地幔残片)变质体存在,这对揭示该区UHP变质带的形成和演化过程提供了新的信息。  相似文献   
黄旗地区处于中朝准地台东部、胶辽台隆之营口-宽甸台拱南东端.研究区为辽东早前寒武纪地质构造分区东部,主要出露中生代岩浆杂岩和古元古代岩浆岩及地层,古元古代辽河群广泛发育.主要变质岩类型可划分为:片岩、变粒岩、浅粒岩、长石石英岩、钙硅酸岩及大理岩.研究区辽河群变质岩岩石化学特征为:1)硅酸盐类岩石SiO2平均含量为47.32%~78.6%,总体K2O>Na2;2)碳酸盐类岩石总体CaO>MgO,总的特征是富钙、镁.辽河群各类变质岩微量元素含量相似度较高,F、Rb含量高,浓度克拉克值较大.辽河群变质岩的稀土元素特征为:ΣREE平均值为205.9×10-6,LREE/HREE平均值为12.8,δEu平均值为0.56;稀土分布图谱属右缓倾斜型,轻稀土分异较重稀土分异好,属于轻稀土富集型,具负铕和弱负铈异常.结合区域内辽河群原岩建造特点,可推断在古元古代时期研究区属地槽型大地构造环境,反映了辽河群地层整体上构成了一个较完整的火山-沉积建造序列.  相似文献   
兴华渡口岩群作为额尔古纳地块的基底,其变质年龄、原岩类型及大地构造背景一直是地质学家关注的热点。以大兴安岭北段绿林林场一带兴华渡口岩群作为研究对象,利用锆石U-Pb同位素测年限定了原岩的变质时代,结合岩相学与地球化学综合分析方法开展原岩恢复,并进一步讨论了其形成的大地构造背景。研究认为兴华渡口岩群主要由斜长角闪岩类、浅粒岩类、变粒岩类和石英岩类组成;斜长角闪岩类原岩为基性火山岩,浅粒岩类原岩为英安质凝灰岩,石英岩和变粒岩原岩为泥质粉砂岩;斜长角闪岩类亏损非活动性微量元素Ta、Nd、P,大地构造环境属岛弧环境;浅粒岩类主要亏损Ta、Nd、P、Sr、Ti等元素,形成于大陆边缘造山带环境。绿林林场一带兴华渡口岩群的变质年龄下限为774.1±3.8 Ma。   相似文献   
本文在总结全球地幔橄榄岩岩石学和地球化学特征的基础上,首次提出了一个用于判别HP-UHP变质带中变质橄榄岩原岩及其成因类型的判别图解.该图主要由镁铁总量MgO+(%)和一个参数m+f/si比值构成.另用Al2O3和CaO分别与MgO+(%)制成两个辅助图解,以示方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩之间在Al2O3和CaO含量上的分界.通过原岩判别结果和研究表明,PP3孔和PP1孔两者在变质组合、原岩成因类型、地球化学和变质条件方面存在一系列的重大差异.分别代表来自两种极端的地球化学类型和两种不同大地构造环境的UHP变质体.PP3钻孔以Ol+Gt+Cpx+Opx+Sp为变质矿物共生组合的含石榴石纯橄岩,其原岩系来自地幔残余成因的方辉橄榄岩遭受UHP变质作用的产物,它以成分高度均一,富Mg(Mg'=92),极端亏损不相容元素REE(∑REE<1×10-6可称为超亏损型)为特征.在变质相中仍保留原岩的残余矿物铬尖晶石(Sp),其成分显示蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩的成分趋势.并出现以Gt和Sp共存相为特征的变质相.据实验结果(klemme,2004)表明该共存相的稳定域的P-T条件Cr-Sp可达7Gpa,T1400℃,即形成于200km的地幔深度.综合研究显示该孔变质橄榄岩原岩(方辉橄榄岩)具有大洋岩石圈地幔残余成因的某些印记,而不是同深度原生地幔岩相转变的产物.PP1孔变质橄榄岩是由无水矿物相(Ol+Opx+Cpx+Gt)+含水矿物相(Phl±Chu)组成的石榴石橄榄岩杂岩,其原岩来自两种不同成因的超镁铁岩系列:一为具地幔成因的方辉橄榄岩-二辉橄榄岩系列(可能相当于地幔楔中的Al型橄榄岩),另一部分(少数)来自具岩浆成因的超镁铁岩系列(纯橄岩-异剥橄榄岩-辉石岩组合,可能相当于A2型橄榄岩).该套变质橄榄岩,以成分高度不均一,极端富集REE(∑REE平均>20×10-6可称为超富集型)和大离子亲石元素(K、Ba、Rb)为特征.这种异常现象并不反映其原岩原有的地球化学特征,它可能是由于在俯冲过程中受到陆壳物质的污染,或壳-幔相互作用所致.据该孔变质相中缺乏Sp相,而以Gt为标志的变质相的事实,推断其形成的压力条件应>7Gpa, 即形成的深度应大于200km.上述研究表明在苏鲁UHP变质带中,不仅有来自大陆地幔楔中的地幔残余的UHP变质体,而且首次提出有可能来自大陆俯冲前锋具大洋岩石圈地幔性质的(蛇绿岩型地幔残片)变质体存在,这对揭示该区UHP变质带的形成和演化过程提供了新的信息.  相似文献   
余石山地区位于南祁连西南端,处在祁连—柴达木—阿尔金地块的交汇部位,构造复杂。长城纪熬油沟组中的变粒岩,由于变质程度较深,以及后期构造的影响,原岩的特征难以辨别。本文通过岩石地球化学方法,对该区变粒岩及其原岩进行了研究,结果显示其原岩为中酸性岩浆岩,结合高场强元素特征和高的碱含量,确定其原岩为正长岩类。  相似文献   
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