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城乡关系研究进展及其对乡村振兴的启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着乡村振兴战略的实施,我国已经进入城乡关系变革及乡村发展快速转型的关键时期。科学认知国内外城乡关系理论发展和演变规律对实施乡村振兴战略、缩小城乡差距、调整城乡结构和优化城乡格局具有重要意义。本文在系统梳理国外城乡关系理论及我国乡村发展与城乡关系演进的阶段性特征的基础上,从经济、社会、生态及文化的视角阐述了我国乡村发展与城乡关系研究的相关进展,并在此基础上探讨了未来重点的研究领域和方向。乡村发展思维应由生产主义导向转向后生产主义,关注乡村多元价值,深化基于乡村多功能转型理论的乡村振兴机制、区域路径与模式研究;在科技迅速发展,新事物新因素大量涌现的新时代,应关注特色小镇、田园综合体、民宿及乡村电子商务等新兴乡村转型发展形态的形成机制;同时,基于不同地域类型的乡村振兴的机制与模式研究也应得到重视,结合国际乡村地理学前沿,深入开展发达地区乡村的混杂性研究。广泛的城乡空间重构进程对乡村地区产生剧烈的影响与挑战,对于乡村振兴视角下城乡空间重构的动力机制与模式的研究仍需持续关注;根据我国的特殊国情,创新适合我国基本国情与发展实际的乡村振兴理论与实现路径,推动城乡融合发展。  相似文献   
雷达观测数据有回波强度、径向速度、速度谱宽及偏振参量等多种基数据,不同气象算法任务模块需要输入的基数据不尽相同,需要对其进行按需发送。针对事件通道和任务模块间存在大量不必要的通信,根据分布式雷达产品生成系统实时数据传输和松散的数据驱动通信模型的需要,结合CORBA命名服务和通知服务的特性,提出一个基于通知服务的实时数据传输模式。分布式雷达产品生成系统的数据流的基础由标准CORBA通知服务的核心部件构成,通过命名服务绑定算法任务名和对象引用。该模式提供了过滤机制,这种机制通过在事件提供者和消费者任务子模块之间高效的路由事件来支持松散的数据驱动的通信。  相似文献   

The Regional Geography of Canada, 3rd ed.Robert M. Bone Oxford University Press 70 Wynford Drive, Don Mills, ON, M3C 1J9, Canada 2005, xxi + 572 pp Hard Cover ($45.00 US) ISBN 0-19-541933-2  相似文献   
Jamie Peck  Nik Theodore 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):195-1109
The paper presents a genealogy of the Bloomberg administration’s Opportunity NYC program, launched in 2007 as part of New York City’s explicitly experimental anti-poverty strategy. Opportunity NYC was modeled on “conditional cash transfer” programs, currently operating in more than thirty countries across the Global South, drawing direct inspiration from Mexico’s widely touted Oportunidades program. This striking case of South-North policy emulation calls attention to some distinctive features of what is characterized here as a transnationalizing “fast-policy” regime, based on technocratic forms of program evaluation and development, dense expert networks, and orchestrated communities of practice, within which a range of policy intermediaries—particularly those connected with multilateral agencies—are assuming significant new roles. What appears to be a pragmatic form of policy learning in fact operates in the context of narrow ideological parameters, within which there is a concerted technocratic “push” toward favored solutions.  相似文献   
Since the UK introduced a Climate Change Act (CCA) in 2008, similar legislation has followed in a number of states, with each having a slightly different take. What unites these examples is that they all represent framework legislation that aims to facilitate climate change mitigation by creating continuous policy processes whereby mechanisms for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are developed and implemented. This article is concerned with the extent to which they are living policy processes or rather symbolic gestures. We analyse seven European CCAs with regard to GHG emission reduction targets, planning/implementation mechanisms, and feedback/evaluations prescribed by the laws. These three features correspond with three aspects of climate policy integration (CPI): interpretations of CPI as a norm; CPI as a process of governing; CPI as a policy outcome. We show that CCAs address all three aspects of CPI and constitute living policy processes, although to varying extents. However, CCAs are also policy processes in that they are part of a political system, affected by political forces external to the legislation, positively and negatively.

Key policy insights

  • CCAs can provide a normative basis for policymaking on climate change at the national level, especially through quantitative emission reduction targets.

  • Whilst CCAs can bring some stability and predictability to policymaking on climate change (mainly because legislation is more difficult to amend or remove than policy strategies), they are still vulnerable to political developments.

  • Most CCAs lack either short/medium-term (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden) or long-term (Austria) targets. Given EU Member States’ aim to decarbonise in the next three decades and the Paris Agreement's global goal of pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, states need to find ways to guide this process. One approach could be the inclusion of short-term, medium-term and long-term targets in their CCAs.

  • Since sanctioning mechanisms are lacking across all the CCAs analysed here, it is not clear what will happen if legally binding targets are not met. Just as it is difficult to imagine speed limits and speed cameras without accompanying penalties, it is hard to imagine how CCAs without sanctions can deliver decarbonization.

湿地环境政策是与湿地保护有关的环境公共政策的简称。考虑了湿地环境政策的两类不可逆性,一是旨在降低湿地破坏的环境政策对社会施加了沉没成本(suck cost);二是湿地环境的破坏可能部分或完全不可逆。将P indyck构建的不确定条件下环境政策实施时机模型,结合湿地系统特点,经修正后引入到湿地环境政策分析中,并以红树林湿地环境政策为例,探讨了不确定性和不可逆性之间的相互作用以及它们对湿地环境政策设计和政策实施时机的影响,求出了湿地环境政策被采用时的临界点。结果表明,考虑了不可逆性和不确定性的湿地环境政策,可避免传统湿地环境政策的缺陷和局限,保障其有效实施和运行,因而对近年来国家或地区层面湿地环境政策的制订有理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   
刘倩  李富佳  庄岩  程昊  齐晓明  杨洋  季梦晨 《地理研究》2021,40(11):3046-3062
蒙古国作为中国的邻国,两国之间的资源和产业互为补充,贸易合作前景广阔。选择最佳区位和产业来加强对蒙古国的投资,对促进中蒙俄经济走廊建设具有重大战略意义。但是目前研究较为有限,存在着投资环境不明确,投资风险未知,严重限制了对蒙投资和贸易合作。本研究团队对蒙进行了十数年科学考察研究,获得了大量一手调研数据。根据对调研数据及蒙古国区域政策的分析,本研究构建了投资环境评估模型ESE-PRT模型,从经济、社会、生态、资源、交通、政策等方面科学评估了蒙古国22个省级行政单元投资环境,划分了四类投资区,进一步揭示了优先投资区的投资优先产业及主要的投资风险,并针对蒙古国投资环境提出了相应的投资对策。本研究结果将为蒙古国重点投资区位选择、中资企业海外布局及中蒙双边经贸合作提供科学支撑,并将对中蒙俄经济走廊建设具有重要的现实促进意义。  相似文献   
At 3:05, September 4, 2017, an ML4.4 earthquake occurred in Lincheng County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, which was felt obviously by surrounding areas. Approximately 60km away from the hypocenter of Xingtai MS7.2 earthquake in 1966, this event is the most noticeable earthquake in this area in recent years. On the one hand, people are still shocked by the 1966 Xingtai earthquake that caused huge disaster, on the other hand, Lincheng County is lack of strong earthquakes. Therefore, this quake has aroused widespread concerns by the government, society and seismologists. It is necessary to clarify whether the seismogenic structure of this event is consistent with the previous seismicity and whether it has any new implications for the seismic activity and seismic hazard in this region. Therefore, it is of great significance to study its seismogenic mechanism for understanding the earthquake activity in Xingtai region where a MS7.2 earthquake had occurred in 1966. In this study, the Lincheng earthquake and its aftershocks are relocated using the multi-step locating method, and the focal mechanism and focal depth are determined by the "generalized Cut and Paste"(gCAP)method. The reliability of the results is analyzed based on the data of Hebei regional seismic network. In order to better constrain the focal depth, the depth phase sPL fitting method is applied to the relocation of focal depth. The inversion and constraint results show that aftershocks are mainly distributed along NE direction and dip to SE direction as revealed by depth profiles. Focal depths of aftershocks are concentrated in the depths of 6.5~8.2km with an average of about 7km. The best double-couple solution of the mainshock is 276°, 69° and -40° for strike, dip and slip angle for nodal plane I and 23°, 53° and -153° for nodal plane Ⅱ, respectively, revealing that it is a strike-slip event with a small amount of normal-fault component. The initial rupture depth of mainshock is about 7.5km obtained by the relocation while the centroid depth is 6km derived from gCAP method which was also verified by the seismic depth phase sPL observed by several stations, indicating the earthquake is ruptured from deep to shallow. Combined with the research results on regional geological structure and the seismic sequence relocation results, it is concluded that the nodal plane Ⅱ is the seismogenic fault plane of this earthquake. There are several active faults around the hypocenter of Lincheng earthquake sequence, however, none of the known faults on the current understanding is completely consistent with the seismogenic fault. To determine the seismogenic mechanism, the lucubrated research of the MS7.2 Xingtai earthquake in 1966 could provide a powerful reference. The seismic tectonic characteristics of the 1966 Xingtai earthquake sequence could be summarized as follows:There are tensional fault in the shallow crust and steep dip hidden fault in the middle and lower crust, however, the two faults are not connected but separated by the shear slip surfaces which are widely distributed in the middle crust; the seismic source is located between the hidden fault in the lower crust and the extensional fault in the upper crust; the earthquake began to rupture in the deep dip fault in the mid-lower crust and then ruptured upward to the extensional fault in the shallow crust, and the two fault systems were broken successively. From the earthquake rupture revealed by the seismic sequence location, the Lincheng earthquake also has the semblable feature of rupturing from deep to shallow. However, due to the much smaller magnitude of this event than that of the 1966 earthquake, the accumulated stress was not high enough to tear the fracture of the detachment surface whose existence in Lincheng region was confirmed clearly by the results of Lincheng-Julu deep reflection seismology and reach to the shallower fault. Therefore, by the revelation of the seismogenic mechanism of the 1966 Xingtai earthquake, the seismogenic fault of Lincheng earthquake is presumed to be a concealed fault possessing a potential of both strike-slip and small normal faulting component and located below the detachment surface in Lincheng area. The tectonic significance indicated by this earthquake is that the event was a stress adjustment of the deep fault and did not lead to the rupture of the shallow fault. Therefore, this area still has potential seismic hazard to a certain extent.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the ways in which policies of enclosure, privatization, and deregulation have unfolded in several regions of North America and examines the consequences they have had for small-scale fisheries in practice. This introductory essay provides a brief overview of the history of neoliberal thought, discusses some of the key ways it has influenced fisheries policies in North America and around the world, and presents a thematic overview of the papers included in this special issue.  相似文献   
The Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA), which was enacted in 1998, is the primary legislation addressing South Africa's marine fisheries. In June 2012, another important instrument, the Policy for the Small Scale Fisheries Sector (SSFP) in South Africa, was adopted to rectify the exclusion of many small-scale fishers from access to resources, that had resulted from weaknesses in the MLRA. This paper assesses the MLRA, aspects of the SSFP and selected other subsidiary policies and regulations in relation to current best-practices, especially the extent to which they support an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). The study concludes that there are some serious gaps and shortcomings in the MLRA that should be addressed. These include, among others, the need to: (i) revise the MLRA so as to incorporate requirements for open and transparent management and governance; (ii) entrench the principles of co-management, emphasised in the SSFP, for all fisheries; and (iii) include a legal requirement for detailed management plans for all fisheries. Despite these shortcomings, there has been considerable progress in implementation of EAF, at least in the country's bigger fisheries. However, this should not be seen as a justification for avoiding or delaying a revision of the MLRA to bring it into line with modern best-practices as encompassed by EAF.  相似文献   
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