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The phytoplankton population from a station in the Jellicoe Channel area of the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, was fairly constant, in terms of total population and species composition, throughout the year. Correspondence analysis enabled us to identify 3 groups of species. The largest of these comprised the core species which were present most of the time and included some, such as the coccolithophores, with a strongly seasonal occurrence. The species in the second group were mainly large centric diatoms and appeared for short periods during the winter months, apparently brought in by incursions of oceanic water. The third group of species occurred between April 1970 and October 1971 when there was a period of unusually warm weather: the winds were lighter and more often blowing onshore and this perhaps led to warmer, less nutrient‐rich surface waters being brought into the Gulf.  相似文献   
为探讨更新世以来河北平原东部植被演化和气候变化特征,研究分析了大厂凹陷S9钻孔的孢粉植物群。根据S9钻孔中孢粉的分布,自下而上划分了6个孢粉组合,组合I和组合II为以针叶树为主的针阔叶混交林,组合IV—IV为疏林草原植被,整体为稀树草原型植被环境。根据孢粉组合的变化特征,还原了研究区更新世以来的气候变化规律: 研究区在早更新世气候温暖半干旱; 中更新世早期气候变冷,之后气候总体呈变暖变干旱的趋势; 晚更新世早期气候持续变暖,由湿润向干旱转变。研究区的孢粉演化模式与我国中北部许多地区的植被演化模式相似,同时与东亚、北太平洋以及南半球的气候变化特征表现出了较好的一致性。  相似文献   
关于上海地区金山群大地构造属性的思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据上海地区金山群的岩石组合、原岩及原岩建造、变质作用、构造形变特征,以及已有的同位素年龄值,认为金山群与浙东南陈蔡群基本一致,是华厦古陆块的基底组分。参照华厦古板块与扬子古板岩多期聚合的观点,推断分布在(?)径——川沙断裂南东侧的金山群块断体,是晋宁期末二古板块碰撞对接、于结合带内形成的构造推叠岩片。  相似文献   
In the German State Brandenburg, water clarity and the concentrations of the water quality components chlorophyll a, seston and gelbstoff were measured in 27 lakes. Correlation analysis showed, that spectral beam attenuation at 662 and 514 nm was mainly dependent on changes in chlorophyll a concentrations. In the UV-channel at 360 nm, beam attenuation depended mostly on gelbstoff.

Multiple linear regression provided a direct model of beam attenuation at 514 nm with the inputs of inorganic seston, chlorophyll a and gelbstoff. The specific beam attenuation coefficients were comparable to other natural waters around the world. An inverse model is presented, from which gelbstoff and chlorophyll a could be predicted with some accuracy from the inputs of beam attenuation coefficients at 514 and 360 nm. However, it became obvious that biological variability put major constraints on the predictive capacity of both the direct and the inverse model.

Furthermore, we observed a good correspondence of Secchi depth and the inverse of beam attenuation at 514 nm. The predictions of Secchi depth and chlorophyll a concentration from the inverse model were assessed in perspective of using this instrument instead of laborious chemical analysis for future trophic status classification according to LAWA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser). Predictions of trophic status were principally good when using calibrated models, however, quality of classification critically depended on predictions of chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

In situ primary production data collected during 1978–1981 period and 1997–2000 period were combined to improve understanding of seasonal and spatial distribution of primary production in the southeastern Bering Sea. Mean daily primary production rates showed an apparent seasonal cycle with high rates in May and low rates in summer over the entire shelf of the southeastern Bering Sea except for oceanic region due to lack of data. There was also an increasing trend of primary production rates in the fall over the inner shelf and the middle shelf. There was a decreasing trend of primary production rates between late April and mid-May over the inner shelf while there was an abrupt increase between late April and mid-May over the middle shelf and the outer shelf. In the shelf break region, there was an increasing pattern in late May. These suggest that there was a gradual progression of the development of the spring phytoplankton bloom from the inner shelf toward the shelf break region. There was also a latitudinal variability of primary production rate over the middle shelf, probably due to either spatial variations of the seasonal advance and retreat of sea ice or horizontal advection of saline water in the bottom layer. Annual rates of primary production across the southeastern Bering Sea shelf were 121, 150, 145, 110, and 84 g C m−2 yr−1 in the inner shelf, the middle shelf, the outer shelf, the shelf break, and oceanic region, respectively. High annual rates of primary production over the inner shelf can be attributed to continuous summer production based on regenerated nitrogen and/or a continuous supply of nitrogen at the inner front region, and to fall production. There were some possibilities of underestimation of annual primary production over the entire shelf due to lack of measurement in early spring and fall, which may be more apparent over the shelf break and oceanic region than the inner shelf, the middle, and the outer shelf. This study suggests that the response of primary production by climate change in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf can be misunderstood without proper temporal and seasonal measurement.  相似文献   
对福建省水温分层型富营养化山仔水库夏季大坝断面垂向水体的物理化学参数进行了监测分析,并应用荧光分析法结合显微镜细胞计数法,对垂向分层水体和沉积物中的浮游植物生物量、群落组成及丰度进行了分析.结果表明,水库的水温分层能够引起水化学指标的分层.夏季大坝断面水体中的浮游植物以蓝藻门微囊藻属占绝对优势,垂向分布表现为表层的浮游植物细胞数量高于底层,温跃层以下细胞数急剧减少,水温分层可能决定着浮游植物的垂向分布,底泥中的浮游植物将为水体的水华提供"种源".  相似文献   
西宁地区位于黄土高原与青藏高原的接壤处,是环境和气候变迁的敏感地带。本文对西宁市北川河河谷地区黄土沉积的钻孔剖面进行了孢粉分析,获得了比较丰富的孢粉数据,结果呈现出以松、桦、蒿及藜等木本及草本植物花粉为主的孢粉组合。据各类植物花粉量在该剖面垂向上的明显变化,由下而上可划分为5个孢粉带。研究表明,该剖面的孢粉分析数据及资料不仅记录了75kaB.P以来大量的古地理及古环境的变迁,也揭示了西宁地区晚更新世以来古植被及古气候的演替及变化,其演变分别经历了5个阶段:第一阶段为森林型针叶林,反应了温爽轻湿的气候;第二阶段为针叶林,为温凉轻润的气候;第三阶段为针叶林夹稀树草原,属温和湿润夹温凉轻湿的气候;第四阶段为森林草原,反应了温凉轻爽的气候;第五阶段为针叶林,反应了温和湿润的气候。  相似文献   
The Aral Sea, Lake Balkhash, and Lake Kamyslybas are closed lakes in Central Asia. They range from oligosaline to metasaline. The salinity of the Aral Sea has increased by more than 30 g L−1 since widespread irrigation began in its catchment area. Few studies of the phytoplankton have been conducted on these lakes since extensive irrigation started. The investigation reported here compares the flora of phytoplankton in these saline lakes. In the Small Aral Sea, phytoplankton density gradually decreased with increasing electrical conductivity (EC) (∼ salinity), but there was no such relation in Lake Balkhash and Lake Kamyslybas. In the Aral Sea, Dinophyceae and Bacillariophyceae were frequently observed in most areas of high EC value, and Cyanophyceae were most conspicuous in the area of medium and lower EC values. In Lake Balkhash, Cyanophyceae were most conspicuous, but Chlorophyceae were also noticeable. Most Cyanophyceae in Aral Sea formed filaments with heterocysts. The distinct characteristic of the phytoplankton of the Lake Balkhash was that all dominant species form colonies covered with a gelatinous film. Siliceousplankton diversity gradually decreased with increasing EC values in the Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部大浪滩梁中矿区是一个以液体钾矿为主、固液并存的大型钾镁盐矿田。通过对梁中矿区大浪滩凹地钾镁盐矿点实地考察,以兴元钾肥厂开挖的固体钾盐(软钾镁矾、钾石盐和杂卤石等矿物)剖面为研究载体,采集73件固体盐样。通过XRD矿物组成分析,发现梁中凹地盐类呈石盐+泻利盐—石盐+泻利盐+软钾镁矾—石盐+泻利盐+钾石盐—石盐+钾石盐+光卤石—石盐+水氯镁石矿物组合变化。其中,在Ⅱ阶段(5.32.6 m)沉积了层状的固体钾盐矿物(包含软钾镁矾、钾石盐和光卤石)。地层中沉积的软钾镁矾,结晶良好。通过对比分析认为,软钾镁矾的形成条件:1)外来水体的混入,溶滤了地表盐滩中可溶性钾;2)(全新世)相对较高的温度条件,芒硝等矿物的溶解,会使湖表卤水中硫酸盐含量明显增加,卤水组成点易落在25℃介稳相图的白钠镁矾相区,有利于软钾镁矾结晶析出;3)干旱的气候条件。  相似文献   
为了深入探讨珠江三角洲的沉积古环境和古气候历史,在三水市区获取了2个高取芯率的钻孔岩芯,进行了12个AMS 14C测年,并结合孢粉、硅藻等分析结果探讨三水地区全新世的海平面与河流水动力变化,以及古植被演替过程。结果表明:钻孔所在区域全新世沉积总体从9 000 cal. a B.P.左右开始,呈现河流相―河湾相―河口湾相―潮坪相―河口湾相―河漫滩相的演变过程。三水区的早全新世沉积阶段年代最早为9 000 cal. a B.P.左右,表现为河口湾相的淤泥质粉砂沉积,硅藻以淡水种类为主,最高沉积速率为1.6 cm/a。海侵初始时间为8 700 cal. a B.P.左右,最高海平面时间为7 600 cal. a B.P.左右,此时海岸带发育红树林,丘陵山地发育较茂盛的亚常绿热带常绿阔叶林;中―晚全新世阶段(6 500―2 200 cal. a B.P.),以泥炭粉砂沉积为主,沉积速率为0.2~0.5 cm/a,河口区高潮线附近及河流弯道低洼滩地在5 000 cal. a B.P.前后形成淡水沼泽、河口三角洲边缘区洼地水松林发育。在晚全新世(2 200 cal. a B.P.左右)以来,陆相黏土质沉积指示河口泥沙快速堆积,三角洲平原迅速扩大,沉积速率高达1.7 cm/a。孢粉结果显示次生的芒箕孢子剧增,陆地植被稀疏,人类活动显著增强。  相似文献   
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