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近50 a中国大陆无雨日的时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用中国大陆678个台站1958-2007年的50 a逐日降水资料,分析了年、季无雨日和不同干旱程度持续性无雨日的时空特征和气候变化.结果表明:我国无雨日的空间差异很大,局地无雨日变化受大地形影响明显,无雨日高值区在南疆盆地.低值区在四川盆地,年均最大持续无雨日在南疆高于130 d,四川盆地则少于15 d.近50 a无...  相似文献   

利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析、地面观测和广东雷达等资料,对2018年8月27日—9月1日广东季风低压持续性特大暴雨过程进行了综合分析,主要结论如下:(1)在南亚高压稳定少动、西太平洋副热带高压呈异常双脊形态、强盛的西南季风低空急流北抬的大尺度环流背景下,季风低压显著发生发展并缓慢偏西移,促使本次广东持续性特大暴雨过程的发生。(2)季风低压的生命史可划分为两个阶段:波动加强阶段与减弱消亡阶段。季风低压强度演变与暴雨落区范围大小的逐日分布是同步,但与日最大降水量逐日演变不完全同步。在低压由强转弱并加速远离阶段(8月30日),处于季风低压外围倒槽区的粤东地区却发生了破纪录的极端暴雨。(3)粤东极端暴雨发生在边界层动力辐合及水汽辐合最强、对流层中低层的层结最不稳定阶段,中层南海高压与季风低压的相互作用为暴雨增幅提供了有利条件。来自海洋的偏南暖湿气流北推与前期MCS冷池出流相互作用导致粤东沿海地面辐合线的形成,辐合线西段受莲花山脉地形阻挡和抬升作用长时间停滞维持,致使极端强降水回波的触发和维持。(4)雷达回波演变可划分为三个阶段:块状弱回波西移阶段、带状回波叠加强短雨带东北移阶段和回波减弱东南移阶段。强降水回波呈典型的低质心暖云对流降水结构。

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2013年11月东北大—暴雪持续日数为1982—2020年同期最多的一年。其中,2013年11月17—20日和25日先后发生两次强降雪过程,其中第一次过程降雪持续时间较长,而第二次过程日降雪强度强。基于此,从2013年11月月际异常气候背景和两次强降雪过程的角度,开展其成因和可预测性研究。研究结果表明,2013年11月北极涛动(AO)正位相异常偏强、类北太平洋涛动(NPO)负位相、巴伦支海以北的海冰月增长量(11月减9月)异常偏多和热带-南印度洋海温异常偏暖的气候背景有利于这次东北持续性大—暴雪事件的发生。其中,2013年11月巴伦支海以北的海冰月增长量偏多,意味着季节性海冰生长量增加使得向大气中释放的潜热通量增加,气温偏高,有利于AO正位相加强并激发罗斯贝(Rossby)波列,使得阿留申低压减弱;同时11月热带-南印度洋海温异常偏暖,热带印度洋对流加强和热带西太平洋对流减弱,有利于西北太平洋-阿留申地区维持“气旋-反气旋”式环流异常,呈现类NPO负位相。这样的环流形势有利于从北太平洋向东北地区持续输送水汽。第一次强降雪过程(17—20日)发生前5 d(12—16日)到降雪过程结束(20日),北大西洋涛动(NAO)维持正位相并且强度达到冬半年最强,由此激发持续东传Rossby波,使得西北太平洋-阿留申地区为持续性的南北向“气旋-反气旋”式环流异常,有利于北太平洋水汽持续输送至东北地区。在2013年11月25日第二次强降雪过程中,乌拉尔山阻塞高压显著加强,东北低涡加深,有利于热带西太平洋更为暖湿的水汽输送至东北地区,与北太平洋输送的水汽共同导致第二次强降雪过程的日降雪强度大。最后,利用CFSv2评估2013年11月异常气候背景的可预测性,结果表明CFSv2可提前1个月预测2013年11月热带-南印度洋海温异常偏暖,但对热带印度洋和西太平洋对流异常、NAO以及热带-中高纬大气遥相关预测能力较弱。在次季节尺度上,ECMWF(CMA)能提前29(12) d和13(16) d合理预测出两次过程降雪量的空间分布,这可能是由于模式能合理再现NAO和乌拉尔山阻塞高压等关键环流系统的逐日变化。因此未来还有待提升热带-中高纬大气遥相关、水汽输送以及平流层极涡的次季节-季节预测效能。  相似文献   
引起华北地区夏季出现持续干旱的环流异常型   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
利用中国160个台站降水资料和ERA〖CD*2〗40再分析资料分析了华北地区夏季降水及其对应的大气环流年代际变化特征。分析结果如下:华北地区夏季降水自1977年之后明显减少,出现持续性干旱。1977~2000年500 hPa高度场出现与1966~1976年相反的遥相关波列;华北地区上空700 hPa出现反气旋型环流异常,并出现明显偏北风异常,且下沉气流加强,水汽出现辐散;此外,200 hPa高度上西风带偏南且减弱。相反,1966~1976年华北地区上空700 hPa出现气旋型环流异常,并出现偏南风异常,且上升气流加强,水汽输送辐合;此外,200 hPa上西风异常偏北加强。    相似文献   
Many basaltic volcanoes emit a substantial amount of gas over long periods of time while erupting relatively little degassed lava, implying that gas segregation must have occurred in the magmatic system. The geometry and degree of connectivity of the plumbing system of a volcano control the movement of magma in that system and could therefore provide an important control on gas segregation in basaltic magmas. We investigate gas segregation by means of analogue experiments and analytical modelling in a simple geometry consisting of a vertical conduit connected to a horizontal intrusion. In the experiments, degassing is simulated by electrolysis, producing micrometric bubbles in viscous mixtures of water and golden syrup. The presence of exsolved bubbles induces a buoyancy-driven exchange flow between the conduit and the intrusion that leads to gas segregation. Bubbles segregate from the fluid by rising and accumulating as foam at the top of the intrusion, coupled with the accumulation of denser degassed fluid at the base of the intrusion. Steady-state influx of bubbly fluid from the conduit into the intrusion is balanced by outward flux of lighter foam and denser degassed fluid. The length and time scales of this gas segregation are controlled by the rise of bubbles in the horizontal intrusion. Comparison of the gas segregation time scale with that of the cooling and solidification of the intrusion suggests that gas segregation is more efficient in sills (intrusions in a horizontal plane with typical width:length aspect ratio 1:100) than in horizontally-propagating dykes (intrusions in a vertical plane with typical aspect ratio 1:1000), and that this process could be efficient in intermediate as well as basaltic magmas. Our investigation shows that non-vertical elements of the plumbing systems act as strong gas segregators. Gas segregation has also implications for the generation of gas-rich and gas-poor magmas at persistently active basaltic volcanoes. For low magma supply rates, very efficient gas segregation is expected, which induces episodic degassing activity that erupts relatively gas-poor magmas. For higher magma supply rates, gas segregation is expected to be less effective, which leads to stronger explosions that erupt gas-rich as well as gas-poor magmas. These general physical principles can be applied to Stromboli volcano and are shown to be consistent with independent field data. Gas segregation at Stromboli is thought likely to occur in a shallow reservoir of sill-like geometry at 3.5 km depth with exsolved gas bubbles 0.1–1 mm in diameter. Transition between eruptions of gas-poor, high crystallinity magmas and violent explosions that erupt gas-rich, low crystallinity magmas are calculated to occur at a critical magma supply rate of 0.1–1 m3 s− 1.  相似文献   
To determine the impact of genetic toxicity caused by the Hebei Spirit oil spill on December 7, 2007, we measured DNA damage in the blood cells of striped beakperch in vitro after exposure to extracts from sediments in the Taean area. The objective of this study was to investigate temporal changes of toxic effects caused by residual PAHs in the sediments up to 18 months after an oil spill. In conclusion, DNA damage had reduced over this 18-month period; that is, the sediments recovered quickly from the oil pollution. In addition, statistically significant correlations between PAHs and DNA damage were observed. Because the comet assay is sensitive to DNA damage induced by genotoxic substances from the polluted sediments, the comet assay can be considered a useful tool as a biomarker in investigating genetic toxicity in environmental monitoring and elucidating the recovery of oil pollution after oil spill as well.  相似文献   
郭树东 《测绘工程》2004,13(2):57-60
介绍了黑龙江工程学院测绘工程系以建设产学研相结合的教师队伍为基础,采用产学研相结合的教学模式,通过成立厂校合作委员会、精心组织测量生产实习、搞好毕业设计和培养创新人才等措施,培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高等应用型测绘人才.  相似文献   
利用Voronoi\Delaunay图模型影响范围和局部动态的特性,提出一种基于动态边界定量提取强降水过程空间非均匀分布特征的新方法,根据1959-2002年中国740站逐日降水资料,构建5日、10日两种时间尺度区域持续性年极端强降水过程序列,用以检验该方法的应用效果,并应用该方法分析了5日(10日)区域持续性年极端强降水过程空间非均匀分布特征及其演变规律.结果表明:与传统的数量统计方法和区域插值方法相比,该方法在强降水空间分布中心、过程内不同强度降水覆盖区域、降水集中区等的定量度量方面具有更高的分辨力和较好实际应用价值;气候趋势分析中在1959-2002年间,5日区域持续性年极端强降水过程出现日期有明显提前趋势.  相似文献   
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are semi-volatile chemicals that are toxic to wildlife and human. Typical POPs include most organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs), etc. Most POPs are hydrophobic, capable of accumulating and existing for a long time in the sediments. Well preserved, laminated sediment layers hence can serve as archives for POP pollution history in the sediment pool. Rapid economic growth has taken place since the early 1980s in most parts of China, of which the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Pan-Bohai Bay took the lead. Along with the brilliant regional economic development, the environmental quality has been severely deteriorated. For a more sustainable economic and social development, it is of vital need to understand the relationship between regional economic development and environmental pollution.  相似文献   
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