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地理学时空数据分析方法   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
随着地理空间观测数据的多年积累,地球环境、社会和健康数据监测能力的增强,地理信息系统和计算机网络的发展,时空数据集大量生成,时空数据分析实践呈现快速增长。本文对此进行了分析和归纳,总结了时空数据分析的7类主要方法,包括:时空数据可视化,目的是通过视觉启发假设和选择分析模型;空间统计指标的时序分析,反映空间格局随时间变化;时空变化指标,体现时空变化的综合统计量;时空格局和异常探测,揭示时空过程的不变和变化部分;时空插值,以获得未抽样点的数值;时空回归,建立因变量和解释变量之间的统计关系;时空过程建模,建立时空过程的机理数学模型;时空演化树,利用空间数据重建时空演化路径。通过简述这些方法的基本原理、输入输出、适用条件以及软件实现,为时空数据分析提供工具和方法手段。  相似文献   
Long-and short-term climatic curves were preliminarily established based on the comprehensive analysis of geochemical information since the Late Cenozoic in the Qinghai Xizang(Qinghai-Tibet)Plateau.The curves show that the climate in the plateau was alternatively dry-warm and cold-wet during the period of 30-3.4 Ma when the plateau was not uplifted to an enough altitude and the monsoon was not completely formed either,In the period of 3.4-0.73 Ma.the climate fluctuated between dry-cold and wet-warm when the plateau was rapidly uplifted and the Asian monsoon was consequently formed.Since 0.73 Ma.the climate became even drier when the plateau continuously rose.In the Holocene period.the climate alternatively changed with a complex model of being cool-dry,warm-wet and cold-wet.  相似文献   
闵开付  程亮  周晓  夏南  李宁  李满春 《热带地理》2020,40(4):684-693
从建岛潜力、岛礁辐射能力和岛礁承载能力3个方面选取26个指标,采用主客观综合赋权法确定各因子权重,利用线性加权法获得被越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱等国所侵占的南沙44个岛礁的战略价值,并对结果进行空间插值,分析其空间格局特征。结果表明:1)被马来西亚侵占的弹丸礁、越南侵占的南威岛、以及菲律宾侵占的中业岛,其战略价值位列前3,评价得分分别为100、98.42和97.09。2)岛礁辐射能力空间分布格局呈现“NW—SE条带式”,“最高”和“高”等级的区域由研究区西北延伸至东南,然后向东北、西南两侧递减,辐射能力格局中有2个核心区域和2个次级核心区域。承载能力空间分布格局呈现“横向条带式”,由北向南越来越低,有1个核心区域和2个次级核心区域。建岛潜力空间分布格局有3个核心区域及2个次级核心区域。3)岛礁战略价值空间分布格局有3个核心区域,分布于研究区中部、北部及南部,与越南、菲律宾、马来西亚密切相关的核心区域各有1个。越南侵占岛礁最多且空间分布较广,有2个次级核心区域也与越南密切相关,越占岛礁若进一步建设,将形成多核心协同的战略格局,需密切关注。  相似文献   
黄淮海平原农区典型村庄用地扩展及其动力机制   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
王介勇  刘彦随  陈玉福 《地理研究》2010,29(10):1833-1840
以地处黄淮海平原农区的禹城市伦镇赵庄村为典型案例,利用高分辨率航空遥感数据为基本信息源,结合村庄逐户调查数据,通过土地利用分类与制图,定量研究典型村庄用地格局特征、扩展模式及其动力机制。结果表明:赵庄村土地利用呈"耕地—作业空间—居住空间"的圈层式空间格局。2008年村庄用地规模比1967年增加了1.26倍,主要表现为宅基地的扩展和打谷场用地增长,1985~1990年村庄用地扩展速度最快,村庄用地在空间上向西和向南方向扩展显著。村庄用地扩展主要表现为渐进式蔓延扩展、突变式非地扩展和填充式补充扩展三个阶段。农户居住需求增长与农业生产规模扩大是村庄用地扩展的内生动力,村庄内部条件与外围环境的巨大反差是村庄用地向外扩展的外部环境动力,农户收入增长为村庄用地扩展提供了经济基础,而村庄土地规划缺失与管理缺位使村庄用地扩展失去约束力,这些因素相互作用,共同驱动村庄用地扩展。最后,针对村庄用地扩展存在的问题,提出了促进村庄土地可持续利用的对策建议。  相似文献   
ThepatterncharacteristicsofthetendencyvariationsofearthresistivityanditsrelationtoearthquakesHe-YunZHAO(赵和云)(EarthquakeResear...  相似文献   
区域水资源开发模式研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
正确的不资源开发模式对于指导合理开发利用区域水资源并最大限度降低环境生态负效应具有重要的意义。以松嫩盆地为例,根据研究区内的水文、水文地质条件,应用模糊集理论与方法确定出松嫩盆地各县市的水资源开发模式,并对各种开发模式做了简要论述。  相似文献   
立交桥结构的自动识别对道路网多尺度建模、空间分析和车辆导航具有重要意义.传统基于矢量数据的立交桥识别方法过分依赖人工设计的特征,对复杂场景的适应性较差.本文提出了一种基于目标检测Faster R-CNN神经网络模型的立交桥识别方法,该方法利用卷积神经网络学习立交桥样本的深层次结构特征,进而实现立交桥的自动识别与准确定位...  相似文献   
This work investigated the biology of Paromola cuvieri in the Atlantic Ocean, including reproductive patterns, sex structure, depth distribution and egg development. Females were more abundant than males, mainly at depths greater than 600 m. Males were dominant in size classes larger than 110 mm carapace width (CW), especially over 120 mm, for which only males were observed. The mean length of both sexes decreased with depth. P. cuvieri appears to have continuous reproduction throughout the year. Large females tend to spawn mainly between summer and winter, but smaller females spawn during the summer. Four maturity categories were identified based on the ovary colour, and these categories were histologically validated. Three categories of testes were identified according to their colour and morphology. Sexual maturity was estimated at sizes between 71.6 and 74.0 mm CW for females and at 91.0 mm CW for males. The relative growth showed changes along the ontogeny, at 73.6 mm CW (females) and 91.3–92.2 mm CW (males). Egg development appears to not be completely synchronous, and two colour patterns can be observed simultaneously. Four stages of egg development were found: eggs undivided and fully filled with yolk in orange egg masses; eggs with a free region of yolk visible in orange or red egg masses; embryos with slightly pigmented, crescent-shaped eyes in brown egg masses; and embryos with visible pigmented structures, enlarged eyes, segmented appendages and abdomen in brown egg masses. The mean number of external eggs carried by females in stage I was estimated to be 315,753±19,267. Three species of barnacle were observed on the exoskeleton: Poecilasma aurantia, Poecilasma crassa and Heteralepas microstoma (Cirripedia, Thoracica).  相似文献   
Karst rocky desertification is a typical type of land degradation in the Southwestern China. It has great ecological and economical implications for the local people. Landsat images from the middle of Guizhou Province collected in 1974, 1993 and 2001 were used for change detection of the pattern of Karst rocky desertification. The results show the following findings: (1) Desertification area expanded drastically in 27 years, at an increasing rate about 116.2 km2/year. (2) High areas (900–1,500 m) are the most affected. (3) Areas with the slope <5° or >25° are also easily tend to be Karst rocky deserted. (4) The process of Karst rocky desertification is nearly irreversible. Few areas of Karst rocky desertification could be meliorated to non-desertification land. (5) Most of the degraded lands are located in the south and the central of the study region, and the meliorated land areas are sparsely located in the east and the west part of the region. All these findings would provide bases for the decision-making of the local government to improve the Karst rocky desertification  相似文献   
宋程  张永仙  夏彩韵  张小涛 《地震》2019,39(2):135-146
应用改进的图像信息方法, 结合DEMETER电磁卫星的电子温度数据, 对2008年汶川MS8.0地震进行了长时程的回溯性预测研究。 与以往的地震电离层演化图像提取异常的研究相比, 将其回溯的时程延长至震前近11个月, 并向震后延长48 d。 在长期连续的异常扰动演化图中, 出现了两个明显的异常时段, 且在震前2个月短期内异常扰动明显减弱并趋于背景值。 两个时段出现的异常扰动分布位置及其形态以及持续时间皆不重复, 这体现了前兆异常的不易确定, 难以定性及定量识别的特点。 电离层异常扰动特征的长时程研究, 有评估其预测参数和模型可靠性的实际作用, 也为应用中国卫星观测数据服务于地震预报等研究积累经验, 具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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