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地幔氧逸度的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对目前国际上诸多有关地幔氧逸度的研究结果的系统分析和总结 ,提出了地幔中自由氧对地幔物质的性质、状态及运动过程产生影响的基本作用方式 ;介绍了目前地幔氧逸度研究的主要研究手段 ,包括本征氧逸度的实验室测量、模拟氧逸度的实验室测量、地幔氧逸度计及理论计算等及其优缺点 ;定性探讨了地幔氧逸度的时空分布规律 ,获得了地幔随时间的推移变得愈来愈氧化 ,随深度的增加变得愈来愈还原 ,以及在横向上不同大地构造部位的地幔区域具有不同的氧逸度等诸多结论。结合目前人们对地幔物质组成、性质、状态、运动过程及地球的起源与演化历史等的认识 ,初步提出了地幔不同圈层氧逸度的约束机制。最后 ,针对目前地幔氧逸度的研究现状 ,为今后提出了一些参考性的研究方向。  相似文献   
胶南榴辉岩矿物氧同位素平衡及其Sm-Nd年代学制约   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对苏鲁地体中的胶南榴辉岩进行了矿物氧同位素分析,并与同一手标本矿物的Sm-Nd内部等时线定年和Nd-Sr同位素分布进行了对比。研究表明,石榴子石与绿辉石之间的氧同位素平衡与否能够对矿物Sm-Nd同位素体系的平衡状况和内部等时线定年结果的有效性给予直接制约。合理的石榴子石+绿辉石Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄产于两矿物之间达到并在峰变质条件下保持氧同位素平衡的样品中,而两矿物之间处于氧同位素不平衡的样品不能给出正确的Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄。同一矿物在手标本尺度出现显著的O-Nd-Sr同位素不均一性,据此对这些元素在石榴子石和绿辉石中的扩散速率顺序进行了估计,不仅得到了与实验扩散系数相吻合的结果,而且由此估计出在峰变质条件下达到矿物内部同位素均一化所需要的时间应大于10Ma。  相似文献   
A new coastal marine ecosystem model was developed, which was composed of pelagic and benthic ecosystems, and was applied to Mikawa Bay, Japan. This model deals with variations of biochemical and physical interactions among dissolved oxygen and C–N–P species (composition formed out of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus elements) so that it resolves the flux dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen elements. The physical and biochemical mechanism figured in this model is constructed for the purpose of simulating the estuarine lower trophic ecosystem, in areas where the sea was too deep for light to reach the sea-bottom. As a result of coupling the benthic with pelagic system, the effect of process of sedimentation and nutrient diffusion back to the pelagic system could be indicated. In addition, by implementing the tidal flat ecosystem model's calculation result, the integrated model can include the effect of water purification in tidal flats where the light can reach the sea-bottom, and where sea-weed, sea grass and benthic algae exist. In this study, the model indicates that oxygen-depleted water exists at the sea-bottom especially in summer mainly caused by an increase of oxygen consumption in the benthic system and a decrease of the vertical mixing water process. Furthermore, by comparing the case – with the tidal flat ecosystem model and the case without it, the effect of water purification of tidal flat estuaries was indicated. From the viewpoint of a short time scale, the tidal flat has the potential to restrict red tide (rapid increase of phytoplankton), and from the viewpoint of a long time scale, it restricts the sedimentation of detritus. Restricting the sedimentation prevents oxygen-depleted water occurring in the coastal marine system of Mikawa Bay.  相似文献   
Abstract: The disseminated Au‐Ag telluride Bulawan deposit, Negros island, Philippines, is hosted by dacite porphyry breccia pipes which formed in a Middle Miocene dacite porphyry stock. Electrum and Au‐Ag tellurides occur mostly as grains intergrown with or filling voids between sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and tennantite. Calcite, quartz and rare dolomite are the principal gangue minerals. Four types of alteration were recognized in the deposit, namely; propylitic, K‐feldspar‐sericitic, sericitic and carbonate alteration. Carbonate alteration is correlatable to the gold deposition stage and occurs mostly along fault zones. The δ18O and δ13C compositions of calcite and dolomite in propylite zone and ore‐stage dacite porphyry breccia were determined. The δ18O values of calcite in propylitized andesite range from +12.2 to +14.7%, and their δ13C values range from ‐6.1 to ‐1.0%. The δ18O values of calcite and dolomite in sericite‐ and carbonate‐altered, mineralized dacite porphyry breccia and dacite porphyry rocks range from +15.1 to +23.1%, and the δ13C values of calcite and dolomite range from ‐3.9 to +0.9%. The δ18O and δ13C values of the hydrothermal fluids were estimated from inferred temperatures of formation on the basis of fluid inclusion microthermometry. The δ18O values of hydrothermal fluid for the propylitic alteration were calculated to be +8.5 ‐ +9.5%, assuming 375°C. On the other hand, the δ18O values of ore solutions for base metal and Au mineralization were computed to be +13.6 ‐ +14.6%, assuming 270°C. The hydrothermal fluids that formed the Bulawan deposit are dilute and 18O‐enriched fluids which reacted with 18O‐ and 13C‐rich wallrocks such as limestone.  相似文献   
Experiments for oxygen isotope exchange between ferberite and water were carried out and the followingequation on oxygen isotope fractionation between ferberite and water against temperature was obtained:Combining this equation with the equation of Clayton et al. (1972) on oxygen isotope fractionation be-tween quartz and water, an equation on oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and ferberite was ob-tained:The Bigeleison-Mayer function method was used to calculate the oxygen isotope fractionation betweenquartz and ferberite. The theoretical curve obtained agrees with the experimental calibration results quite wellin the temperature range of study.The above calibrated equation has been used in 5 world famous tungsten deposits to determine their tem-peratures of formation. The results show that the temperature range for an idividual deposit determined by thisgeothermometer agrees with those obtained from fluid inclusion determination and other isotopegeothermometers.  相似文献   
青藏高原现代降水中dδ^18O/dT的变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
章新平  姚檀栋 《冰川冻土》1995,17(4):308-314
不同时间尺度dδ^18O/dT的天气气候意义是不同的,其数值大小也是不一样的。本根据对青藏高原沱沱河、德令哈、西宁三站大气降水中δ^18O与温度关系的分析,并与具有长序列资料的地区进行比较。初步给出了青藏高原不同时间尺度dδ^18O/dT之间的差异。  相似文献   
Oxygen isotope compositions were measured in quartz grains extracted from a 7.0 Ma red clay-loess sequence at Lingtai and six late Pleistocene loess sediments (Malan loess). Results show that the changes in oxygen isotope compositions of Malan loess are basically controlled by the geochemical characteristics of the source materials, while the effect of weathering process after dust deposition could be minor. The oxygen isotope distribution of quartz grains from red clay at Lingtai is similar to that of the overlying loess-paleosol sequence, thus indicating that the red clay at Lingtai has the same eolian origin as the loess-paleosol deposits. Furthermore, the oscillations of the isotope compositions in 4–16 μm-sized quartz grains may reflect the changes, to some extent, of the climatic systems of the source region.  相似文献   
Dissolved oxygen (DO) and nitrate concentrations of groundwater from a total of 191 new monitoring wells, with a maximum depth up to 300 m, in the Choshui fan delta of Taiwan were measured to delineate the regional patterns of the two components. Unconfined aquifers of the proximal part of the fan delta contain 1~7 mg/l of DO, and a 250-m deep well still has an unusual value of 1.83 mg/l. DO concentrations decrease downgradient along flow paths to below detection limit (0.01 mg/l) in shallow confined aquifers during the last 40 years, possibly due to oxidation of organic matters in sediments. A plume of high nitrate-N concentrations (0.5–17 mg/l) originating from the proximal part of the fan delta has been developing, possibly since 1956, due to agricultural fertilizers. From 1997 to 2001, the concentration has increased at a rate of ca. 0.28 mg/l per year.  相似文献   
流体控制着地球系统中质量和能量的传输。流体岩石反应过程在岩石圈中是十分普遍的现象。在流体流动体系中 ,流体在岩石裂隙中通过平流、扩散、水动力弥散和动力学弥散等方式进行输运并与岩石发生同位素交换反应。文章首先对封闭体系、“封闭”体系、开放体系以及缓冲体系中的同位素交换模型进行了简单讨论 ,然后在讨论氧同位素动力学交换机制的基础上 ,建立了平衡交换模型和动力学交换模型。结合流体流动的归一化速率、弥散系数和流体岩石的反应速率等变量 ,对流体岩石交换反应的流体运动方程中的Peclet数和Damk¨ohler数进行了讨论 ,并详细解释了它们在流体岩石交换反应过程中的物理意义和地质用途。  相似文献   
Abstract   A continuous, well-preserved core was obtained from the Choshi area, on the Pacific side of Japan, to investigate paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes around the northwestern Pacific region during the middle Pleistocene. Siliciclastic sequences in the core are divided into five formations – the Obama, Yokone, Kurahashi and Toyosato Formations in the Inubo Group and the Katori Formation, in ascending order. Examination of calcareous nannofossils and magnetic polarities detected four datums in the core sediments of the Inubo Group: the top of Reticulofenestra asanoi , the base of Helicosphaera inversa , the top of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa and the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary. Fourteen marine isotope stages (MIS24–MIS11) were identified in the δ18O and δ13C records based on detected datums and the graphic correlation with the standard stack oxygen isotope curve. Magnetic susceptibility and gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator density were also measured and low values characterize the glacial intervals. Biogenic sedimentation by primary production may be larger during the glacial periods because of invasions of nutrient-rich northern surface-waters related to the southward shift of the Kuroshio front in the Choshi area.  相似文献   
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