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汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂带能量场变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the process of preparation and occurrence of a large earthquake,the stress-strain state along the fault zone has close relation with the weak seismicity around the fault zone. The seismic energy release near the fault zone before an earthquake can better reflect the dynamic process of earthquake preparation. Thus,in this paper,the method of natural orthogonal function expansion has been adopted to discuss the time variation about the energy field of the seismic activity along the Longmenshan fault zone before the Wenchuan M_S 8. 0 earthquake,2008. The results show that evident short-term rise changes appeared in the time factors of the typical field corresponding to several key eigenvalues of the energy field along the Longmenshan fault zone before the Wenchuan earthquake,probably being the short-term anomaly message for this earthquake. Through contrastive analysis of earthquake examples such as the 1976 Tangshan earthquake,the authors think that the study of time variation of energy field of seismicity along active fault zone will be helpful for conducting intentional and intensive earthquake monitoring and forecast in active fault regions with high seismic risk based on medium- and long-term earthquake trend judgment.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. As a spatial form, the grid pattern has influenced a range of human activities, from urban planning, architecture, and modern art to graphic design, archaeology, and cartography. Scholars from different disciplines have generally explored the role of the grid within their respective fields of inquiry. One of the earliest geographical attempts to systematically trace the origin and diffusion of the grid‐pattern town was provided by Dan Stanislawski in the mid–twentieth century. In this article I critically examine the limitations of Stanislawski's theory of the grid's origin as a means of challenging the doctrine of diffusionism more generally. I then provide a selective overview of recent approaches to understanding the grid and call for a comparative genealogy of gridded spaces and places.  相似文献   
冻土力学性质影响因素的显著性和交互作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李顺群  高凌霞  柴寿喜 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1173-1177
冻土的力学性质不仅依赖于含水率、温度、应变率、含盐量、围压等因素,也可能依赖于这些因素之间的交互作用。为进一步明确冻土强度、模量等力学指标与以上各因素的依存关系,根据既有试验资料和统计学原理,对冻土力学性质影响因素的显著性和因素间的交互作用进行了研究。结果表明,温度对冻土力学性质的影响最为显著,是影响冻土力学性质的主要因素,含水率、含盐量、应变速率等对冻土力学性质也有显著影响;同时,温度、含水率和应变速率对强度的影响存在明显的交互作用。因此,在研究冻土强度等力学行为时,片面针对某一因素开展研究是不合适的,而应综合考虑各主要因素及因素之间的交互作用影响。  相似文献   
基于正交试验设计的层状盐岩地下储库群多因素优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾超  张凯  张强勇  徐坤 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1718-1726
目前国内正在大规模兴建盐岩地下储库群,其规划设计阶段可优化因素较多,且各因素影响程度不同,选取椭球形腔体几何分布形式、矿柱宽度和夹层位置3个主要因素进行了综合优化研究,旨在分析3个因素的敏感性影响程度,并确立储库群最优形式。对3个因素分别设立3个水平,运用正交试验设计原理,确立了9组试验方案,进行了相关数值模拟试验。评价层状盐岩地下储库群时选用经改进的位移、应力试验指标,基于试验结果运用正交试验法中的极差分析和方差分析对3个因素进行详细分析。结果表明,3个因素中夹层位置影响最显著,矿柱宽度居次,椭球形腔体几何分布形式影响最弱;最优储库群形式为邻腔夹角60°的分布形式、2.0D矿柱宽度、夹层分布在腔体上部1/4H(H为腔体高度)位置。  相似文献   
辽宁冬季气温变化特征及与东亚冬季风的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用1961-2012年辽宁省53站月平均气温资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析的月平均高度场、风场和海平面气压场资料,分析了近51 a来辽宁冬季气温的时空变化特征。在归纳并计算了前人定义的六种东亚冬季风指数的基础上,对比了辽宁冬季气温与这6种东亚冬季风指数的关系。结果表明:1961-2011年辽宁东部冬季气温均方差大于西部,全省绝大部分地区为显著的正趋势;辽宁冬季气温EOF第一模态表现为全省一致异常偏高或偏低的特征;时间系数显著上升,于1977年发生突变;并存在4.5 a、2 a和3 a的周期变化;朱艳峰定义的东亚冬季风指数是各指数中与辽宁冬季气温变化关系最紧密的指数,它无论从突变时间、周期特征、相关系数还是反位相对应关系上,都与辽宁冬季气温关系最密切,且850 hPa经向风场和海平面气压场也能说明二者有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   
The initial ensemble perturbations for an ensemble data assimilation system are expected to reasonably sample model uncertainty at the time of analysis to further reduce analysis uncertainty. Therefore, the careful choice of an initial ensemble perturbation method that dynamically cycles ensemble perturbations is required for the optimal performance of the system. Based on the multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MEOF) method, a new ensemble initialization scheme is developed to generate balanced initial perturbations for the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation, with a reasonable consideration of the physical relationships between different model variables. The scheme is applied in assimilation experiments with a global spectral atmospheric model and with real observations. The proposed perturbation method is compared to the commonly used method of spatially-correlated random perturbations. The comparisons show that the model uncertainties prior to the first analysis time, which are forecasted from the balanced ensemble initial fields, maintain a much more reasonable spread and a more accurate forecast error covariance than those from the randomly perturbed initial fields. The analysis results are further improved by the balanced ensemble initialization scheme due to more accurate background information. Also, a 20-day continuous assimilation experiment shows that the ensemble spreads for each model variable are still retained in reasonable ranges without considering additional perturbations or inflations during the assimilation cycles, while the ensemble spreads from the randomly perturbed initialization scheme decrease and collapse rapidly.  相似文献   
基于NASA遥感系统提供的2003~2015年全球高分辨率海表温度资料,应用经验正交函数分析、时滞相关分析等方法,对北太平洋冬季黑潮延伸体区海温异常特征及其与热带海表温度的可能关系进行了初步分析。研究发现,冬季延伸体区的海温异常主要表现为两类结构特征,其一为上游区域发展型,包括海盆尺度一致性变化的季节模态和纬向反位相的收缩型结构;其二为纬向延展型,包括分叉东扩结构和通道东扩结构,且该两结构型在2010年前反位相,使得2006年前暖异常东扩路径基本控制在36°N以南,其后至2010年期间,暖异常东扩路径偏北,而2010年后结构型转为同位相,暖异常东扩路径偏北。分叉东扩结构表现为与热带海温变化紧密相关,进一步的时滞相关分析与合成分析表明,热带太平洋不同地区对中纬度海温分叉东扩的影响存在差异,Ni?o3区海温异常超前延伸体区分叉东扩模态约1~2个月,而Ni?o3.4区及Ni?o4区则与延伸体区海温分叉东扩保持前后各约3个月的宽谱同期负相关,或可表明El Ni?o的东部型和中部型对中纬度延伸体暖流分叉东扩存在超前和同期相关影响,且中部型影响更显著。  相似文献   
运用经验正交函数(EOF)和交叉小波变换法,分析了湖南省1981―2013 年月蒸发量的时空分布特征及其与月平均气温之间的非线性交互关系。月蒸发量的EOF 分解表明:前3 个空间模态的累计贡献率达77.9%。其中EOF1(63.4%)揭示了湖南省月蒸发量最主要的时空分布特征呈东西反向型,体现出月蒸发量与高程之间存在一定的负相关性;EOF2(8.5%)具有正负位相频繁交替的时间系数,反映了更为复杂的时空变化特征;EOF3(6.0%)的值自西北向东南呈“+、-、+”分布。然后,分别选用洪江、桑植和新晃站作为3 个空间模态的代表站点,并计算出各站点的月蒸发量与月平均气温之间的交叉小波谱和小波一致性,结果表明:两者之间的相关性在8~16个月的时间尺度下最强,且其相位角均为0°,说明气温对蒸发量的影响在该时间尺度下最为显著且不存在时滞效应,但在<8 个月和>16 个月的时间尺度下,强相关性的出现频率和分布以及相位角的方向沿时间轴均呈现出较大的差异性。  相似文献   
级配碎石作为季节性冻土地区高铁路基基床表层填料,其防冻胀问题尤为关键。为研究在不同条件下级配碎石的冻胀特性,选取不同的含水率、细颗粒含量、冷端温度和压实度进行了室内封闭系统冻胀正交试验。结果表明,在不同因素、不同水平的组合时,级配碎石有不同程度的冻胀。当级配碎石含水率为5%时,试样的冻胀率较小;当含水率超过7%时,大部分试样冻胀率超过1%。对冻胀过程中试样温度场、冻结深度、冻胀变形过程和冻后试样含水率分布进行了分析,发现冻后试样冷端位置的含水率高于初始含水率,暖端位置的含水率低于初始含水率。当以冻胀率作为参考序列,其他试验条件作为比较序列时,灰色关联度分析结果表明,影响级配碎石冻胀率的主要是含水率,其次为细颗粒含量、压实度及冷端温度,其关联度相差不大。并得出了最有利于冻胀发展的组合。为满足寒区高速铁路变形量的要求,提出以控制级配碎石含水率小于5%为指标。  相似文献   
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