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Compilation of some new data on ophiolites for Greece and Yugoslavia, and published data from previous studies, indicate that platinum-group element (PGE) and gold concentrations in chromite ores are generally low, ranging from less than 100 ppb to a few hundred ppb. However, samples from several ophiolite complexes exhibit an enrichment (of a few ppm) (a) only in Os, Ir and Ru,(b) only in Pt and/or Pd or (c) in all PGE. This enrichment (up to 10s ppm) is mainly related with chromitites hosted in supra-Moho dunites and dunites of the uppermost stratigraphic levels of the mantle sequence and it seems to be local, independent of the chromitite major element composition and the chromite potential of the ophiolite complexes. The contents of PGE combined with less chalcophile elements (Ni, Co, Cu), the ratios of incompatible/compatible elements, and PGE-patterns provide evidence for discrimination between chromitites derived from primitive magmas and those derived from partially fractionated magmas, although they have a similar major element composition. Thus, they can be used for a stratigraphic orientation in the mantle sequence, and therefore for exploration targets. Moreover, PGE data offer valuable information for the evaluation of the chromite potential in ophiolite complexes. The most promising ophiolites seem to be those which apart from the petrological and geochemical characteristics indicating extensive degree of partial melting in the mantle source contain only one chromite ore type (the other type being only in small proportion) of limited compositional variation, in both major elements and PGE, low ratios of , while PGE-enriched chromitites in the mantle sequence are only occasionally present. In contrast, ophiolites which contain both high-Cr and -Al chromitites, and where their chalcophile element data implies relatively extensive fractionation trend are not good exploration targets for chromite ores, although they are related with a SSZ environment.  相似文献   
根据山西宁武煤田某煤矿2#煤层采掘及钻孔揭露情况,发现该井田中部和南部存在古河流冲刷带。通过对比基于优选的4个地震属性的四元一次、四元二次多项式回归模型与BP神经网络预测模型,决定将BP人工神经网络模型预测煤层厚度数据应用于整个测区古河流冲刷带的预判工作。首先利用GeoFrame系统和Landmark公司Poststack模块,提取2#煤层反射波的各类沿层切片,分析并圈定出2#煤层古河流冲刷带的大致范围,在此基础上,利用垂直时间剖面中2#煤层反射波的各种波形特征,进一步判别2#煤层古河流冲刷带解释的可靠性,然后结合BP神经网络预测模型获得的2#煤层厚度变化趋势图,最终解释出2#煤层古河流冲刷带范围:勘探区内2#煤层厚度变化范围0~5.3m,根据其煤层厚度变化趋势,将全区划分出一大二小3个古河流冲刷带。  相似文献   
对金沙江–红河富碱侵入岩带内的玉龙、北衙、铜厂–长安冲三个斑岩型铜、金矿床的流体包裹体进行了详细研究。三个矿床成矿阶段的流体包裹体类型主要有H_2O-NaCl气液两相包裹体,含钠盐、钾盐/方解石、金属子晶多相包裹体以及H_2O-CO_2包裹体。成矿期流体均一温度多在250~500℃之间,高者可达650℃及以上,盐度多在10%~50%NaCleq之间,成矿流体都具有高温、高盐度、富K、富CO_2的特点,显示典型的岩浆热液特征。并且,单个流体包裹体的成分分析也显示流体中除含有较高的成矿元素Cu、Mo、Pb、Zn等外,还含较高的K、Rb、Sr等元素,进一步证明成矿流体源自岩浆分异流体,且经历过从高温高盐度到高温中低盐度的演化。结合该区流体包裹体中广泛存在沸腾包裹体群的事实,进一步证实沸腾作用在斑岩型矿床中的普遍存在,并且说明其很可能是这些矿床金属元素沉淀的重要机制。  相似文献   
Chromite deposits in Iran are located in the ophiolite complexes, which have mostly podiform types and irregular in their settings. Exploration for podiform chromite deposits associated with ophiolite complexes has been a challenge for the prospectors due to tectonic disturbance and their distribution patterns. Most of Iranian ophiolitic zones are located in mountainous and inaccessible regions. Remote sensing approach could be applicable tool for choromite prospecting in Iranian ophiolitic zones with intensely rugged topography, where systematic sampling and conventional geological mapping are limited. In this study, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data were used for chromite prospecting and lithological mapping in the Neyriz ophiolitic zone in the south of Iran. Image transformation techniques, namely decorrelation stretch, band ratio and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to Landsat TM and ASTER data sets for lithological mapping at regional scale. The RGB decorrelated image of Landsat TM spectral bands 7, 5, and 4, and the principal components PC1, PC2 and PC3 image of ASTER SWIR spectral bands efficiently showed the occurrence of major lithological units in the study area at regional scale. The band ratios of 5/3, 5/1, 7/5 applied on ASTER VNIR‐SWIR bands were very useful for discriminating most of rock units in the study area and delineation of the transition zone and mantle harzburgite in the Neyriz ophiolitic complex. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) technique was implemented to ASTER VNIR‐SWIR spectral bands for detecting minerals of rock units and especially delineation of the transition zone and mantle harzburgite as potential zones with high chromite mineralization in the Neyriz ophiolitic complex. The integration of information extracted from the image processing algorithms used in this study mapped most of lithological units of the Neyriz ophiolitic complex and identified potential areas of high chromite mineralization (transition zone and mantle harzburgite) for chromite prospecting targets in the future. Furthermore, image processing results were verified by comprehensive fieldwork and laboratory analysis in the study area. Accordingly, result of this investigation indicate that the integration of information extracted from the image processing algorithms using Landsat TM and ASTER data sets could be broadly applicable tool for chromite prospecting and lithological mapping in mountainous and inaccessible regions such Iranian ophiolitic zones.  相似文献   
叙述了新疆东昆仑古尔嘎哈拉曲哈研究区金、钨矿区域成矿带典型矿床特征和找矿标志成矿带,总结了研究区地质矿产特征、成矿地质条件、化探异常组合特征和典型矿化点特征,研究了已知矿点成矿因素、成因类型。指出了找矿方向,在含有金属硫化物等矿化,同时具有较强的硅化、绿泥石化、绿帘石化、绢云母化等蚀变构造带、断裂带内找金、钨等矿体。优选圈定了金、钨找矿靶区。  相似文献   
马莲泉-小泉井断裂带是天山-阴山纬向构造带北山西段的一条重要的近东西向断裂带,呈波状缠绕于北东东向和北西西向两组断裂的相邻交汇点之间,其成因广为地学工作者所关注。文章通过卫星影像分析和野外地质调查,对马莲泉-小泉井断裂带的几何学、运动学特征进行了详细研究,认为它是由北西西向博罗霍洛断裂带的近东西向次级压扭性断裂不断吸收主断裂的水平位移演化而成,主要形成和活动时期为中新生代,成因与中生代以来博罗霍洛断裂带的大规模右行走滑构造背景密切相关。这一研究成果对探讨天山-阴山纬向构造带北山段的成因具有重要意义。  相似文献   
库车褶皱冲断带天然气成藏体系及有效运移优势通道   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
库车褶皱冲断带天然气成藏体系由侏罗系煤系烃源岩、侧断坡断层输导体系和侧断坡相关背斜构造圈闭构成.相对于走滑断层而言, 侧断坡断层是有效的天然气运移优势通道.研究表明, 侏罗系煤系生成的天然气通过侧断坡断层向上运移到白垩系巴什基奇克组侧断坡相关背斜的砂岩储集层聚集成藏, 异常压力的幕式泄压可能是油气运移的主要方式.克拉2、迪那2、迪那1和吐孜1等气田的发现是库车褶皱冲断带天然气成藏体系的有效体现.侧断坡相关背斜是库车褶皱冲断带天然气勘探的新领域.   相似文献   
阿克苏附近所发现的元古界阿克苏群为一完整的蓝片岩-绿片岩系列,我们通过野外调查肯定了这一认识,并认为它是高压-温相的变质块体,长40km,宽约2.5km.该变质岩由强烈片理化的绿泥石-黑硬绿泥石石墨片岩、黑硬绿泥石-多硅白云母片岩、绿片岩、蓝片岩及少量石英岩、变铁质岩组成.原岩包活泥质岩、砂岩、基性玻屑凝灰岩、块状熔岩、枕状熔岩及少量深海沉积物.蓝片岩的矿物组合:青铝闪石-绿帘石-绿泥石-钠长石-石英-阳起石.阿克苏群为世界上真正的前震旦纪蓝片岩之一,其变质年龄至少有800Ma.  相似文献   
辽西中侏罗世高Sr低Y型火山岩的成因及其地质意义   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
通过对辽西阜新地区中侏罗世蓝旗组火山岩的岩石地球化学研究,燕山地区存在着中侏罗世高Sr低Y型火山岩。这些高Sr低Y型火山岩为高铝高钠低镁(Al2O3>15%,Na2O≥3.37%,MgO≤1.33%,Mg#≤0.35)的安山岩-英安岩,高Sr(≥541μg/g)低Y、Yb(Y≤19μg/g,Yb≤1.35μg/g)含量及高Sr/Y(≥40)比值,强烈的稀土元素分馏((La/Yb)N>17,(No/Yb)N>1.2)),Eu异常不明显(0.82~0.96),高场强元素(如Nb、Ta)相对亏损。这些特征与太古代英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩(TTG)岩套相似。我们认为这些火山岩起源于古老的下地壳玄武质岩石的部分熔融,其形成可能与玄武质岩浆的底侵作用有关。辽西中侏罗世蓝旗组高Sr低Y型火山岩对探讨燕山造山带岩浆起源及地球动力学具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Red Hills peridotite in the Dun Mountain ophiolite of SouthIsland, New Zealand, is assumed to have been produced in a paleo-mid-oceanridge tectonic setting. The peridotite is composed mostly ofharzburgite and dunite, which represent residual mantle andthe Moho transition zone (MTZ), respectively. Dunite channelswithin harzburgite blocks of various scales represent the MTZcomponent. Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-bearing dunites occursporadically within common dunites. These dunites representproducts of melt–wall-rock interaction. Chondrite-normalizedrare earth element (REE) patterns of MTZ clinopyroxenes showa wide compositional range. Clinopyroxenes in plagioclase dunitesare extremely depleted in light REE (LREE) ([Lu/La]N >100),and are comparable with clinopyroxenes in abyssal peridotitesfrom normal mid-ocean ridges. Interstitial clinopyroxenes inthe common dunite have flatter patterns ([Lu/La]N 2) comparablewith those for dunite in the Oman ophiolite. Clinopyroxenesin the lower part of the residual mantle harzburgites are evenmore strongly depleted in LREE ([Lu/La]N = 100–1000) thanare mid-ocean ridge peridotites, and rival the most depletedabyssal clinopyroxenes reported from the Bouvet hotspot. Incontrast, those in the uppermost residual mantle harzburgiteand harzburgite blocks in the MTZ are less LREE depleted ([Lu/La]N= 10–100), and are similar to those in plagioclase dunite.Clinopyroxenes in the clinopyroxene dunite in the MTZ are similarto those reported from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) cumulates,and clinopyroxenes in the gabbroic rocks have compositions similarto those reported from MORB. Strong LREE and middle REE (MREE)depletion in clinopyroxenes in the harzburgite suggests thatthe harzburgites are residues of two-stage fractional melting,which operated initially in the garnet field, and subsequentlycontinued in the spinel lherzolite field. The early stage meltingproduced the depleted harzburgite. The later stage melting wasresponsible for the gabbroic rocks and dunite. Strongly LREE–MREE-depletedclinopyroxene in the lower harzburgite and HREE-enriched clinopyroxenein the upper harzburgite and plagioclase dunite were formedby later reactive melt migration occurring in the harzburgite. KEY WORDS: clinopyroxene REE geochemistry; Dun Mountain ophiolite; Moho transition zone; orogenic peridotite; Red Hills  相似文献   
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