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A down-scaled operational oceanographic system is developed for the coastal waters of Korea using a regional ocean modeling system(ROMS).The operational oceanographic modeling system consists of atmospheric and hydrodynamic models.The hydrodynamic model,ROMS,is coupled with wave,sediment transport,and water quality modules.The system forecasts the predicted results twice a day on a 72 h basis,including sea surface elevation,currents,temperature,salinity,storm surge height,and wave information for the coastal waters of Korea.The predicted results are exported to the web-GIS-based coastal information system for real-time dissemination to the public and validation with real-time monitoring data using visualization technologies.The ROMS is two-way coupled with a simulating waves nearshore model,SWAN,for the hydrodynamics and waves,nested with the meteorological model,WRF,for the atmospheric surface forcing,and externally nested with the eutrophication model,CE-QUAL-ICM,for the water quality.The operational model,ROMS,was calibrated with the tidal surface observed with a tide-gage and verified with current data observed by bottom-mounted ADCP or AWAC near the coastal waters of Korea.To validate the predicted results,we used real-time monitoring data derived from remote buoy system,HF-radar,and geostationary ocean color imager(GOCI).This down-scaled operational coastal forecasting system will be used as a part of the Korea operational oceanographic system(KOOS) with other operational oceanographic systems.  相似文献   
针对海洋数据格式与海洋信息应用系统的异构性,提出一种基于移动代码(Mobile code)的海洋大数据处理软件体系结构。首先,利用统一的网络服务接口与数据交换格式,规范海洋信息应用系统之间的数据访问与共享。其次,通过移动代码将海洋大数据的处理过程移至云端,提高信息处理效率。应用示例实现了异构海洋信息应用系统间的互操作,并且缩短了海量数据的处理时间,验证了该体系结构在海洋大数据处理中的通用性与有效性。  相似文献   
An examination of typical tropospheric ozone variability on daily, monthly, annual and interannual timescales and instrumental precision indicates that the current ozonesonde network is insufficient to detect a trend in tropospheric ozone of 1% per year at the 2 level even at stations with records a decade in length. From a trend prediction analysis we conclude that in order to detect a 1% per year trend in a decade or less it will be necessary to decrease the time between observations from its present value of 3–7 days to 1 day or less. The spatial distribution of the current ozonesonde stations is also inadequate for determining the global climatology of ozone. We present a quantitative theory taking into account photochemistry, surface deposition, and wind climatology to define the effectively sampled region for an observing station which, used in conjunction with the instrumental precision and the above prediction analysis, forms the basis for defining a suitable global network for determining regional and global ozone climatology and trends. At least a doubling of the present number of stations is necessary, and the oceans, most of Asia, Africa, and South America are areas where more stations are most needed. Differential absorption lidar ozone instruments have the potential for far more frequent measurements of ozone vertical profiles and hence potentially more accurate climatology and trend determinations than feasible with ozonesondes but may produce a (fair weather) biased data set above the cloud base. A strategy for cloudy regions in which either each station utilizes both lidars and sondes or each station is in fact a doublet comprised of a near-sea-level lidar and a proximal-mountain-top lidar could serve to minimize this bias.  相似文献   
Unlike current manned systems, NASA's next generation SLR2000 Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) station is fully autonomous, eye-safe, relatively compact and inexpensive, and, during daytime tracking, operates at signal-to-noise ratios several orders of magnitude below unity. Tiny, passivelyQ-switched microlasers generate ultra-short pulses with output energies on the order of 100 J at few kHz rates to achieve mm-levelranging precision to satellite altitudesof 20,000 km. Special ranging receivers, combined with Poisson statistical analysis of the received photon distribution, enable the system to rapidly and reliably identify and extract the single photon laser echoes from the solar background. The enhanced rate of return, combined with a uniform signal strength, can actually drive down both systematic and random range errors. The new SLR2000 technology has already spawned exciting new applications. Compact microlaser altimeters, capable of mapping the surface of a planet or other celestial body at multikilohertz rates, is one such application, and a high altitude, airborne version is currently being developed under NASA's Instrument Incubator Program. Interplanetary microlaser transponders would be capable of performing decimeter ranging or subnanosecond time transfer to spacecraft throughout the inner Solar System, resulting in improved knowledge of planetary motions and librations and enhanced General Relativity experiments.  相似文献   
本文叙述了应用激光荧光雷达系统测量海上溢油类别以及植被、岩矿、土壤、地被物等荧光光谱的方法与技术。该装置由N_2激光源、OSA光学光谱分析仪、卡斯格伦望远镜接收系统三部分组成。该装置可在室内,也可在室外25—60m远处测量各种物质的受激发射荧光。该仪器用标准灯谱进行了校正。  相似文献   
介绍了太空垃圾监测及清除工作现状,分析了现有监测太空垃圾的雷达技术、激光技术及激光雷达技术的可行性,以STK软件模拟分析太空垃圾运动轨迹,得出了太空垃圾实时监测系统的可实现方法和建议。  相似文献   
We question the correlation between vertical velocity (w) on the one hand and the occurrence of convective plumes in lidar reflectivity (i.e. range corrected backscatter signal Pz 2) and depolarization ratio (Δ) on the other hand in the convective boundary layer (CBL). Thermal vertical motion is directly investigated using vertical velocities measured by a ground-based Doppler lidar operating at 2 μm. This lidar provides also simultaneous measurements of lidar reflectivity. In addition, a second lidar 200 m away provides reflectivities at 0.53 and 1 μm and depolarization ratio at 0.53 μm. The time series from the two lidars are analyzed in terms of linear correlation coefficient (ρ). The main result is that the plume-like structures provided by lidar reflectivity within the CBL as well as the CBL height are not a clear signature of updrafts. It is shown that the lidar reflectivity within the CBL is frequently anti-correlated (ρ (w, Pz 2 )) with the vertical velocity. On the contrary, the correlation coefficient between the depolarization ratio and the vertical velocity ρ (w, Δ ) is always positive, showing that the depolarization ratio is a fair tracer of updrafts. The importance of relative humidity on the correlation coefficient is discussed. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
中国利用星载激光雷达开展沙尘和污染研究的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
激光雷达作为一种新兴的主动遥感探测工具,被广泛应用于大气遥感、环境监测等领域。星载激光雷达由于其较广的探测范围、较高的时空分辨率、可获得连续的廓线数据等优势,已经成为全球及区域气溶胶和云特性观测研究的强有力工具。本文总结了自2006年CALIPSO卫星发射以来,中国科学家在利用其开展沙尘气溶胶及污染研究方面的工作,重点阐述了沙尘气溶胶的时空分布、远距离传输、分类识别、光学特性、沙尘释放、辐射与气候效应,以及灰霾和烟尘特性等方面的最新研究成果。对以上研究成果的梳理,有助于深入理解中国在利用星载激光雷达开展沙尘与污染研究的水平,也为未来开拓中国自主研发星载激光雷达的遥感应用领域奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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