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张利红  李跃清  秦宁生  徐祥德 《气象》2011,37(10):1233-1240
利用不同同化方式分别同化青藏高原地区新一代综合气象观测网的自动站和GPS大气可降水量信息,探讨这些观测资料对我国夏季不同区域降水预报的作用。通过两组数值试验对2008年夏季连续两个月的天气进行分析场和降水预报结果检验,得出以下主要结论:(1)由于同化测站的平均台站高度在2550m以上,因此同化青藏高原地区新一代综合气象观测网资料后,对背景场调整的正作用主要集中在500 hPa以上;循环同化方式对背景场的调整作用比静态同化方式更明显,尤其在500 hPa以上;(2)无论用静态同化,还是循环同化,该观测网资料对华北地区降水预报的改善作用都不太明显,只是对个别降水量级有改善作用;(3)采用静态同化,会对西南地区东部24小时降水预报有改善作用;在多数情况下同化沿99°E附近的7个测站资料得到的降水预报结果比同化24个站的好;(4)对于长江中下游地区,采用循环同化方式更有利于该地区降水预报准确率的提高,尤其是对25~48小时降水的预报;同时,在多数情况下同化24个自动站和GPS大气可降水量信息对降水预报改善比只同化7个站的更好。  相似文献   
Two notable species of erect cyclostome bryozoans from a nearshore benthic fauna off Spirits Bay, northernmost New Zealand, are described here for the first time. The first, Spiritopora perplexa gen. et sp. nov., is an endemic cerioporine‐grade genus which is abundant in this area. Colonies are characterised by an unusual combination of fixed‐and free‐walled skeletal morphologies: autozooids forming the extensive encrusting colony bases are normally fixed‐walled, whereas those forming the short, bifoliate erect branches are usually free‐walled. The highly distinctive morphology of S. perplexa, very different from any other fossil or Recent cyclostome, together with its success in overgrowing competitors for space, makes its restricted geographical distribution puzzling and highlights the importance of conservation in this area now closed to trawling, Danish seining, and commercial scallop dredging. The second species, Calvetia osheai sp. nov., is less common, and has small, tree‐like colonies. It is the third species assigned to this distinctive cancellate genus, previously known only from Recent of Tierra del Fuego and the Eocene of Antarctica.  相似文献   
分析灰色系统GM(1,1)模型建模中所存在的问题,提出以现代非线性回归分析的方法改进GM(1,1)模型的建模方法.实例计算表明该方法优于传统的建模方法。  相似文献   
本数据集在1:50 000活鸡兔图幅内综合应用了遥感、地面调查、物探、钻探,以及水化学同位素等多种方法进行数据采集,共完成2期遥感数据解译800 km2,地面调查点377个,丰水期、枯水期地下水水位统测240点次,抽水试验10组,水体样品采集共计127组,水文地质钻探累计进尺600 m。本数据集细化了工作区内第四系孔隙含水层、白垩系洛河组孔隙-裂隙含水层富水等级,填补了侏罗系安定组、直罗组水文地质信息的空白;同时,加入了与采煤相关的次生环境地质要素,并首次将浅层含水层疏干区较为准确地勾画出来,还建立了采煤影响下的地下水的循环模式,突出了矿区水文地质调查的特色。本数据集为矿区水文地质调查工作的规划、部署与总结提供常态化支持,对保障国家能源安全、生态安全具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
古潜山是中国水热型地热的主要富集区,具有分布广、潜力大、开发利用条件好等特点,同时也是中国地面沉降相对严重的地区.廓清古潜山区地面沉降的影响机制是区域地下水资源以及地热资源的合理规划与开发利用的基础.本文从地面沉降的机理出发,以雄安新区为例,从第四系厚度、黏性土含量、水位变化、土体固结性、地下水的越流补给以及地下水开采...  相似文献   
中国新型城镇化在“十九大”后发展的新态势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新型城镇化建设,关系到城镇化质量提升,关系到中国向高质量发展转型,关系到新时代“两阶段目标”的实现。“十九大”后,中国新型城镇化表现出4个方面新态势:一是走中国特色新型城镇化道路成为广泛共识,从城镇化严重滞后转向新型城镇化,从盲目赶超发达国家转向符合中国实际,从土地城镇化转向人的城镇化;二是新型城镇化是破解新时代不平衡不充分主要矛盾的重要抓手,新型城镇化具有高度综合性,与乡村振兴、“一带一路”等加强协同推进;三是新型城镇化在新时代背景下需要细化和深化,重点是人的城镇化与基本公共服务均等化、生态文明与可持续城镇化、社会治理与制度创新、空间治理与空间规划;四是城市群发展的重要性不断增强,京津冀协同、粤港澳大湾区,长三角城市群、中西部地区重点城市群以及国家级新区等空间载体在新型城镇化中引领作用更加凸显。加强新型城镇化的基础研究,提升地理学服务国家新型城镇化能力。  相似文献   
从田园城市到精明增长:西方新城市主义思潮演化及批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工业时代的洗礼和二战后城市人口的迅速增长,城市蔓延、中心城市衰退和大城市病已经成为了制约西方国家城市可持续发展的三大毒瘤,新城市主义理念孕育而生。从田园城市到精明增长,新城市主义思潮经历了长时间的酝酿和演化,其倡导的多样化、紧凑型、公交导向的交通和社会融合的城市形态普遍受到多数人的支持,但在实践当中,新城市主义者又常常因违背其宣扬的社会公正、对抗蔓延、保护生态和文化多样性等价值理念而备受批评。  相似文献   
湖南东坡矿田内矿产资源丰富,但已探明的铅锌资源严重危机。在综合研究该区成矿地质条件、矿床特征、成矿规律的基础上,圈出3个找矿靶区,即妹子垅、牛角垅及塘渣水预测区。根据本区矽卡岩型钨锡多金属矿、脉状铅锌矿的产状及矿石矿物组合特征,确定的勘查思路为:以已知矿床深边部为主,兼顾外围;以铅锌矿为主,兼顾钨锡多金属矿;以地质方法为主,物探方法相结合。根据本区的实际情况,选用了地面高精度磁测、激电测深、坑探、钻探等工作手段。通过物探工作,在区内圈出22个磁异常,在妹子垅发现低阻高极化体--矽卡岩型钨锡矿化体。通过工程揭露,在妹子垅预测区见到厚度10.86~32.00 m的矽卡岩型钨锡多金属矿体,矿床规模可达大型。塘渣水预测区,Ⅱ4矿体新增333+334类Pb+Zn资源量8.23×104t;500中段发现水平厚度103 m的矽卡型钨锡多金属矿体,矿床远景规模可达大型。牛角垅预测区,见到厚度大(3.58~9.37 m)、品位富(平均品位Pb 14.94%,Zn 2.22%,Ag 1 444.44×10-6)的铅锌矿,规模达中型。通过综合研究,笔者认为东坡矿田深部及外围找矿前景好,在横山岭、蛇形坪及玉皇庙的深部,具有寻找矽卡岩型、云英岩型锡多金属矿的潜力;在沙坪里、金狮岭、古塘一带,中浅部是寻找铅锌银矿,深部是寻找矽卡岩型或蚀变岩型多金属矿的有利地段。  相似文献   
S 《山地科学学报》2008,5(1):63-72
Livestock behaviour in the Pyrenees includes free grazing and a long resting period that provokes the accumulation of dung and urine in some places,so-called camping areas. The aims of this study were (i) to analyze any change in floral composition,and in nutritional and chemical contents of plants in a livestock camping area; and (ii) to relate the floral composition with soil chemical properties. In a linear transect,five sampling zones were established,from the centre of the camping area to the surrounding Nardus stricta-dominant pasture. The above ground plant biomass and the topsoil were sampled in each zone with 6 replicates per zone. Plant species were classified and weighed to calculate above ground biomass,nutritional and chemical contents,and Shannon diversity and evenness indices. Additionally,soils were sampled in two periods,at the beginning and at the end of grazing period. Soil available nutrients (nitrate,ammonium,phosphorus,potassium,calcium and magnesium),total nitrogen,organic carbon and pH were measured.
Plant chemical contents (protein,lignin and others) were significantly related to the proportions of grasses,legumes and other plants; so,the protein content is positively correlated with legumes plant biomass while lignin content is negatively correlated with grasses. Both plant and soil nutrients increased linearly towards the centre of the camping area. However,the relationship among plant species richness,diversity and evenness relative to its position along the studied transect was bell-shaped. From the outskirts to the centre of the camping area,plants with low nutrient demand were progressively replaced by those with medium and high nutrients demand and by pioneers.
Nardus stricta-dominant pasture has low plant diversity and plant nutrient content as well as a poor soil nutrient availability. The presence of the camping area introduced patches with more soil nutrients and new species in the large spatial scale. However at a small spatial scale,the strong soil nutrien  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to evaluate the current state of rural area development at the county level in the eastern coastal China. An evaluation index system including 18 factors was developed, and a rural development index (RDI) was constructed to evaluate rural development state in 2000, 2004, and 2008. The quantitative evaluation indicated the following results. 1) This study derived four dominating components by means of principal component analysis, which can explain 78.2% of the total information, namely agricultural production input, the basic condition of agriculture, the comparative effectiveness of grain production, and the household′s own basic conditions. 2) Since the turn of the new millennium, the rural area in the eastern coastal China has experienced a rapid development in general. Well developed, developed, moderately developed and undeveloped rural areas respectively occupied 29.32%, 22.33%, 21.91%, and 10.51% in 2008. 3) The countryside had maintained a sound momentum of developing trend between 2000 and 2008, while the rural development in the eastern coastal China lacked sustainability. And 4) industrialization, urbanization, original economic basis, and location are four major driving forces of the disparity of rural area development in the eastern coastal China. Given these results, the strategies and policies for the improvement of each rural group were put forward.  相似文献   
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