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Yixunite and damiaoite Were found in a cobalt- and copper-bearing platinum ore vein of a contact metasomatic deposit. The chief ore minerals are bornite, chalcopyrite, magnetite and carrollite. The platinum minerals include moncheite, sperrylite, daomanite, cobalt malanite and cooperite. Yixunite and damiaoite occur as immiscible globules, 1.0 to 2.0 mm in diameter. Yixunite is always in the central part of a globule. It is opaque with metallic lustre, bright white colour and black streak. HM = 5.8; VHN50 = 634 kg/mm2 (573-681 kg/ mm2); insoluble in HCl, HNO3, HF or H3PO4; no cleavage; no magnetism. Density is hard to measure because of small grain size. Calculated density = 18.21 g/cm3. Reflective colour is bright white with a yellowish tint. Isotropic. The mean analytical results (ranges) (%) are: Pt 82.8 (81.8-83.6), In 16.4(15.6-17.1) and total 99.2. The empirical formula (based on 4 atoms) is Pt2.993 In1.007 . The five strongest lines of X-ray diffraction (hkl, d,I) are 111, 2.30 (100); 200, 1.99 (  相似文献   
西昌盆地油气化探普查效果及下一步找油气方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了配合国家加快油气资源勘查步伐,四川石油管理局将西昌盆地作为下一步勘探重点地区,由于西昌盆地属勘探新区,各种地质、构造情况复杂,首先在该区实施了油气化探普查,油气化探普查结果证实了西昌盆地中部地区为油气泄漏特征,这与七坝1井结果吻合,同时发现了三个重点区域,指出盆地西部为下一步工作的重点地区,为下一步地震勘探指明找油气方向。  相似文献   
巫山县城新址位于西坪和大宁河两岸.组成该库段的基岩主要为泥岩、粉砂岩、泥灰岩等,岩性较软弱,且地质构造变动强烈,褶皱、断裂发育,岩层破碎,崩塌、滑坡分布较多,库岸再造问题严重;同时,岸坡再造又严重影响着新县城的规划和库岸的防护.因此把稳态坡形类比法应用于巫山县城新址基岩岸坡的再造预测,定量预测库岸的最终再造宽度,以指导新城的规划与建设.  相似文献   
新物质主义是对消费地理研究中呼吁"重返物质"的补充和超越,论文旨在从新物质主义的视角审视消费地理的研究进展.首先,简要介绍行动者网络理论、拼装体理论、超越人类理论和非表征理论等新物质主义的相关理论基础,发现新物质主义强调物质的能动性、动态性及其对消费网络的影响能力,受此影响,消费地理研究对空间性、社会性、主体性和物质性...  相似文献   
Mucronella perforata was first discovered from Onagawa Bay, northern Honshu, Japan, in 1937 by Okada and Mawatari. It was reported from Hong Kong and its neighboring waters and was referred to the genusHippopodina Levinsen, 1909 of the Family Hippopodinidae Levinsen, 1909 by Huang et al. (1990) and Huang (1994). According to the astogeny of the species, both the ancestrula and its successor zooids have an ascus proximal to the orifice, and its hyperstomial ovicells are imperforate, so it could not be a member of any known genus of the known families of the superfamily Schizoporelloidea Jullien, 1883 in the infraorder Lepraliomorpha Gordon, 1989. The new genusPacificincola and the new family Pacificincolidae established respectively on the basis of reexaminations of the Chinese specimens obtained from the southern Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the northern South China Sea.Schizoporella insculpta Hincks, 1880 andHippoporina mexicana Soule, Soule et Chaney, 1995 have been referred to the new genus in the paper. Contribution No. 3658 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 39670100 supported by NSFC and work also supported by the Special Foundation of Biota, IOCAS.  相似文献   
从730条海水鱼体内采得73种绦虫和其他寄生虫(线虫、吸虫等)。其中一种绦虫共有27条标本,经鉴定为假叶目Pseudophyllidea三枝钩科Triaenophoridae钩吻属Anchistrocephalus。本属为国内新记录,宿主马面鲀为本属新宿主。  相似文献   
於祖相 《矿物学报》1998,18(1):12-16
铂双峰矿产在纯橄榄岩铝矿体中。在铝矿石及矿体邻近的砂矿中均可找到。呈块状聚集体或板片状自形晶,与疏钻矿、含锇自然铱紧密共生。脉状的宽20~301μm,长400~500μm,一般10μm×20μm。金属光泽。条痕黑色。HM=3.05。VHN20=92kg/mm2(平均)。{0001}解理完全。性脆。计算密度为10.21g/cm2。反射色;亮黄白带淡蓝色。内反射无。非均质性中等,偏光色为淡蓝或淡黄。双反射或反射多色性在空气中或油中均未见。5个电子探针分析数据平均(wt%):Cu0.2,Te57.2,Ir24.5,Pt17.2,Bi0.4,总量99.5。实验式为:(IR0.57Pt0.39Cu0.01)0.98(Te1.99Bi0.01)2.00。简化理论式为(11,Pt)Te2。4条最强X射线粉晶衍射线hkl,d,I为:101,2.87(100);102,2.10(70);110,1.98(60);103,1.58O(50)。根据X射线粉晶数据进行指标化,获得铂双峰矿晶胞数据:三方晶系,P3ml,a=0.3973(5),c=0.5315(5)um,V=0.0727nm3,Z=1。铂双峰矿是笔者对双峰矿研究的继续与补充。  相似文献   
The new type of copper deposits concerned with in this paper are vein copper deposits found in the Lanping-Simao Rift Basin, Yunnan,China. As is indicated by H,O,C,S,Pb and Sr isotopes, water and mineralizers in the ore-forming fluids were derived from heated meteoric water and mantle, respectively.The metallic elements(Cu,Ag,Pb,Zn,As,Sb,Fe,REE,etc.)are characterized by a mixed source from the crust and the mantle.  相似文献   
陈璋如  顾孝发 《矿物学报》1990,10(2):102-105,T001
新矿物产于云南盈江县的一个铀矿点氧化带,与多种铀矿物共生。该矿物为致密状集合体,黄色,透明至半透明。斜方晶系,空间群C222_1,晶胞参数a=13.73(1),b=15.99(1),c=17.33(2);V=3804(5);Z=8。计算比重4.17。二轴晶负光性,2V计算=83°,α=1.669;β=1.692;γ=1.710。紫外光照射发弱绿黄色荧光。化学成分UO_376.54,P_2O_511.10,K_2O 2.46,CaO 1.57,ThO 0.51,RE_2O_3 0.45,H_2O 7.37%。矿物化学式为(K_(1-x),Ca_x)(UO_2)_3 (PO_4)_2 (OH)_(1+x)·4H_2O,文中还给出X射线粉晶衍射数据。  相似文献   
土壤水的准确预测对区域旱情评估及水量分析计算十分重要。传统模式大都基于土壤水观测数据构建线性回归方程进行预测。本次研究结合一种新的双参数冻融模型,以新疆喀什为研究区域,综合考虑土壤物理特性和参数的非线性,对区域内的土壤水进行非线性预测,结果显示:喀什地区的土壤水预测结果和实测土壤水数据相比,新模型预测计算误差在6%~10%之间,明显优于传统自动监测仪器的误差值,预测精度大大提高,具有重要的参考和实用价值。  相似文献   
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