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We analyze the angular structure of the 21-cm interstellar neutral hydrogen emission at six and seven declinations in the northern (published previously) and southern polar caps of the Galaxy (Galactic latitudes from ?40° to ?90°), respectively, with an extent of 90° in right ascension. The RATAN-600 radio telescope has a beam width averaged over these regions of 2.′0×30′. One-dimensional power spectra for the angular distribution of interstellar neutral hydrogen emission were computed in each 6.3-km s?1-wide spectral channel by using the standard Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) code and were smoothed over 1h in right ascension. The Galactic latitude dependence of the mean parameters for the sky distribution of H I line emission at high latitudes was found to correspond to the distribution of gas in the form of a flat layer only in the northern region, while in the southern cap, the gas distribution is much less regular. In addition, the mean H I radial velocities are negative everywhere (?3.7±3.0 km s?1 in the north and ?6.0±2.4 km s?1 in the south). The power spectra of the angular fluctuations in the range of angular periods from 10′ to 6° appear as power laws. However, the spectral indices change greatly over the sky: from ?3 to ?1.2; on average, as the Galactic latitude increases and the H I column density decreases, the fluctuation spectrum of the interstellar gas emission becomes flatter. In the northern polar region, this behavior is much more pronounced, which probably stems from the fact that the gas column density in the south is generally a factor of 2 or 3 higher than that in the north. Therefore, the spectra are, on average, also steeper in the south, but the dependence on Galactic latitude is weaker. Using simulations, we show that the observed power-law spectrum of the H I emission distribution can be obtained in terms of not only a turbulent, but also a cloud model of interstellar gas if we use our previous spectra of the diameters and masses of H I clouds.  相似文献   
偏振遥感的中性点大气纠正方法研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
地表物体具有较强的偏振特性, 因此可以作为偏振遥感的信息源。但是, 大气的偏振效应强于地表的偏振效应, 导致星载遥感器无法有效接收地表目标的偏振信息, 大气的起振与退偏效应成为偏振遥感对地表目标进行观测和应用的一个瓶颈问题。本文提出一种利用大气中性点对偏振遥感中地表偏振效应与大气偏振效应进行分离的方法, 通过天空中大气线偏振度为零的中性点区域进行对地观测, 目的是去除大气偏振作用, 进而最大限度地获取地表目标偏振信息。地面实验的结果验证了利用大气中性点进行大气纠正具有理论上的可行性。  相似文献   
朱彦鹏  赵天时  陈长流 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):265-272
结合中国移动甘肃定西分公司新城区移动通信综合楼项目,在大厚度自重湿陷性黄土场地上进行长时间的桩基浸水载荷试验(试桩直径为800 mm,桩长26 m,试坑深度为2 m),对不同深度下、不同范围内的桩侧负摩阻力的变化特征以及土体的沉降过程进行分析。试验结果表明,特殊浸水条件下桩侧负摩阻力沿桩身出现多个峰值,并且正、负摩阻力出现交错分布的现象,无法给出建筑桩基技术规范[1]规定的平均负摩阻力值;桩周土体沉降量亦沿桩身出现多个峰值,并且其变化趋势直接影响桩侧正、负摩阻力沿桩身交替变化的走势;中性点位置并未得出建筑桩基技术规范[1]所提供的单一参考值而是沿桩身出现了多个中性点;黄土的实际湿陷情况是分段发生湿陷的,而不是如传统观点所述在单一中性点以上突然出现整段湿陷。  相似文献   
We have studied the H+ velocity distribution function at Mars and Venus near the bow shock both in the solar wind and in the magnetosheath by a simple analytical one-dimensional model. We found that over half of the ions in the ring velocity distribution which moved towards the magnetosheath were scattered back into the bow shock. The original ring distribution is destroyed in less than an ion gyro period. Ions contained in the magnetosphere which hit the bow shock bounce back into the solar wind with a maximum energy exceeding twice the energy of solar wind protons. The ions finite gyroradius causes an asymmetric flow in the magnetosheath with respect to the direction of the convective electric field, which can be observed already a few ion gyroradius downstream of the bow shock.  相似文献   
Observations of three nearby 3C radio galaxies, 3C430, 3C449, and 3C465, with the Nan?ay radio telescope (France) reveal for the first time the 21 cm absorption line of neutral hydrogen. The line is blue shifted by several hundred km/s in all three objects. This can probably be explained by an outflow of neutral hydrogen from the parent galaxies. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 535–542 (November 2008).  相似文献   
地面堆载作用下楔形桩中楔形角的存在可以降低桩身下拽力,但针对倒楔形角的存在与中性点位置关系的研究却相对较少。为了分析地面堆载作用下楔形桩和等截面桩的桩-土相互作用机制,基于透明土材料和PIV(particle image velocimetry)技术,采用非插入式测试方法开展地面堆载作用下楔形桩和等截面桩中性点位置的对比模型试验研究,测得不同地面堆载等级作用下桩体沉降与桩周土体沉降等变化规律,探讨了桩-土相对位移、中性点位置与地面荷载等级的变化规律。研究结果表明,利用透明土材料来研究桩基中性点位置的试验方法在技术上是可行的;文中试验条件下楔形桩和等截面桩中性点位置均随着地面堆载等级的增加而降低。  相似文献   
利用化学传感器检测海水中的多氯联苯   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为建立一种简单快捷的多氯联苯检测方法, 本研究应用化学传感器对宁波沿海重点陆源排污口及周边海水中的多氯联苯进行了检测, 采用HS-SPME-GC-MS(顶空固相微萃取-气质联用)对结果进行了验证。利用化学传感器测定海水中的多氯联苯, 在LDA(线性判别分析)中, 总判别率为99.81%。海水体积增大到5mL时, LDA 最低检测限达到了0.01ng/L。建立的模型中, 欧氏距离、相关性、判别函数法和马氏距离对样品浓度鉴别的正确率分别达到了100%、100%、92%、84%。采用Loading分析法简化了传感器阵列, 使BP神经网络总的MSE达到了5.6548e?006, 总的相关系数0.99998, 而最大误差只有1.0300e?002的水平。HS-SPME-GC-MS对海水中多氯联苯浓度的检测限最 低为0.001?g/L, 远高于化学传感器的0.01ng/L, 回收率在100%—120%之间。  相似文献   
研究了一类时变不确定系数多离散时滞中立型系统的时滞相关鲁棒稳定性问题.利用线性矩阵不等式技术,提出了一种计算该系统自由权矩阵和时滞上界的简化方法,并在系统中考虑了中立项时滞和离散时滞,得到了上述系统为稳定与鲁棒稳定的一些充分条件.最后,用数值例子说明了该方法的有效性和较小的保守性.  相似文献   
碳酸盐型尾矿在缓冲期/中性矿山废水(NMD)释放期的重金属污染问题易被忽视。本文以广西大厂锡石-硫化物尾矿作为研究对象,采用柱淋滤实验方法,探讨碳酸盐型尾矿在缓冲期重金属的释放机制,为此类型尾矿重金属污染的防治提供依据。实验结果表明,大厂尾矿在缓冲期(约7年,pH值为6. 6~8. 0)存在Sb、Zn、Cd、As(Pb)释放污染问题。在尾矿堆放初期(0. 5年,pH值由7. 6降至7. 2),Zn、Sb、Cd快速、大量释出;中期(0. 5~2. 5年,pH值由7. 2波动升高至8. 0),Sb较平稳释出;后期(2. 5~7年,pH值变化范围为8. 0~6. 6,呈降低趋势),受气温及pH值影响,As、Sb(Pb)呈波动或间歇振荡释出,即在夏季高温、pH值较高时,释出元素浓度较高,反之,在冬季低温、pH值较低时,释出元素浓度较低。重金属的释放与尾矿中硫化物的氧化程度高低及氧化先后顺序有关。这些矿物的氧化顺序大致为:闪锌矿(Zn、Cd)、辉锑锡铅矿(Sb)→脆硫锑铅矿(Sb)→毒砂(As)、方铅矿(Pb)。因此,对于(广西大厂)碳酸盐型尾矿在缓冲期的重金属污染应分阶段、季节(夏季),采取有针对性的防治措施;在缓冲期(7年)后应注意尾矿酸性矿山废水(AMD)+重金属(如As、Sb)复合污染的防治。  相似文献   
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