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利用ISSR标记对牙鲆♀与石鲽♂单对杂交亲本及其子一代(全同胞家系)的分离方式进行了研究。结果表明,8个ISSR引物共扩增出181个标记,其中116个为多态性,占总数的64.09%;标记在F1代呈三种分离方式:符合孟德尔分离比例、偏离孟德尔分离比例和异常分离。符合孟德尔分离比例的情况包括:不分离(代表了亲本基因型的5种组合:AA×AA、AA×Aa、Aa×AA、AA×aa、aa×AA);1︰1分离(代表了亲本基因型的2种组合:Aa×aa、aa×Aa);3︰1分离(代表了亲本基因型的1种组合:Aa×Aa)。偏分离的标记包括:亲本中呈多态而在子代中偏离1︰1分离的标记和亲本均有而在子代中偏离3︰1分离的标记。异常分离的标记包括:F1代出现双亲均不具备的标记和双亲或单亲有而子代却无的标记。3种分离位点出现的频率和数量分别为:82.87%、150,11.05%、20,6.08%、11;双亲共有标记中85.33%的不发生分离,单亲特有标记中28.57%—35.85%发生正常分离,该研究结果可为进一步利用该群体构建牙鲆和石鲽遗传连锁图谱奠定良好的工作基础并提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
The geological-geophysical map series of the eastern China seas and adjacent region (1:1 000 000) will be published in the late half year of 2009. The regional tectonic map is one of the main professional maps. The Mapping methods, the division method of geological tectonic units and the main geological tectonic units are mainly discussed. The strata from Pliocene to Holocene are peeled off so as to display the Pre-Pliocene structures. In basins, isopaches are drawn for the Cenozoic deposits. The plate tectonic theory and present tectonic pattern are adopted as the priorities in tectonic division. As to the division of intraplate tectonic units, it is a revision, complement and improvement of previous dividing systems, and the nomenclature for each tectonic unit follows the current system in China. The first-order tectonic unit is plate (Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate). The second-order tectonic unit is tectonic domain (East Asian continental tectonic domain,East Asian continental margin tectonic domain and west Pacific tectonic domain). The Philippine Sea Plate and the west part of the Pacific Plate are called the West Pacific tectonic domain. The part of the Eurasian Plate involved in this study area can be further divided into East Asian continental tectonic domain and East Asian continental margin tectonic domain. The East Asian continental margin domain is composed of the Ryukyu island arc, the Okinawa Trough back-arc basin and the back-arc basin of Sea of Japan. The East Asian continental tectonic domain in this study area is composed of the Sino-Korea Massif, the Changjiang River (Yangtze) Massif and South China Massif. In turn, these massifs consist of basins, folded belts or uplift zones. The basins,the folded belts or the uplift zones are further divided into uplifts and depressions made up of sags and swells.  相似文献   
直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)是一种新的频率合成方法,它具有转换时间短、相位变化连续、全数字可编程等优点.文中介绍了ADI公司生产的AD7008芯片作为频率信号源在声学释放器中的应用.  相似文献   
基于数字频率合成技术的任意波形发生器设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了直接数字合成技术的原理及其在任意波形发生器上的应用,设计了任意波形发生器和多类信号的 混合发生软件.并对任意波形发生器的性能进行了测试.测试结果表明,该仪器频率信号发生准确、可靠.将该仪器用于漆包线信号传输特性分析.得到了漆包线的频率特性.  相似文献   
An extended self-organizing map for supervised classification is proposed in this paper. Unlike other traditional SOMs, the model has an input layer, a Kohonen layer, and an output layer. The number of neurons in the input layer depends on the dimensionality of input patterns. The number of neurons in the output layer equals the number of the desired classes. The number of neurons in the Kohonen layer may be a few to several thousands, which depends on the complexity of classification problems and the classification precision. Each training sample is expressed by a pair of vectors : an input vector and a class codebook vector. When a training sample is input into the model, Kohonen's competitive learning rule is applied to selecting the winning neuron from the Kohouen layer and the weight coefficients connecting all the neurons in the input layer with both the winning neuron and its neighbors in the Kohonen layer are modified to be closer to the input vector, and those connecting all the neurons around the winning neuron within a certain diameter in the Kohonen layer with all the neurons in the output layer are adjusted to be closer to the class codebook vector. If the number of training sam- ples is sufficiently large and the learning epochs iterate enough times, the model will be able to serve as a supervised classifier. The model has been tentatively applied to the supervised classification of multispectral remotely sensed data. The author compared the performances of the extended SOM and BPN in remotely sensed data classification. The investigation manifests that the extended SOM is feasible for supervised classification.  相似文献   
随着数字油田建设的逐步深入,油田数据日益增多,数据集成化管理与应用难度随之增加,建立油田级数据中心成为必然.结合中国石化信息化建设现状,按照统一规划、统一标准、统一投资、统一建设和统一管理的建设原则,提出油田数据中心总体框架,根据框架需求设计数据中心的数据采集体系、数据存储体系和数据服务平台.中国石化油田企业数据中心在胜利油田完成试点建设,并相继推广至其他油田,取得较好效果.  相似文献   
以移动通讯数据传输技术、网络技术和时态数据库技术为基础,构建了导航地理信息的变化发现、分析甄别、采集、加工、处理、存储和发布服务一体化的增量式更新服务模式、技术、软件、质检和标准体系,论述了多源数据融合、时空模型及空间关系的动态实时维护、多尺度增量式导航电子地图综合处理、路径规划和质检方法等关键性技术,实现了导航电子地图近实时更新服务。  相似文献   
太阳成像光谱探测是诊断太阳大气磁场和热力学参数的主要手段. 傅里叶变换太阳光谱仪(Fourier Transform Solar Spectrometer, FTSS)具有宽波段的优势, 是当前中红外高分辨率太阳光谱探测的最佳选择. FTSS通过采集目标辐射等光程差干涉图, 反演获得光谱图, 等光程差采样的间隔决定了反演光谱波长范围. 因此从FTSS宽波段光谱观测对不同等光程差采样间隔需求出发, 基于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)技术, 采用全数字分频、倍频方案, 设计了一套宽波段FTSS等光程差采样系统. 采用分布式余数补偿方法, 有效解决了在参考激光干涉信号倍频过程中, 输出采样信号在输出信号周期间误差累积问题, 并降低了输出采样信号的误差及非均匀性; 经功能仿真及实验测试, 系统在200Hz--50kHz频率范围内, 频率误差delta $<$ 0.04%, 可有效满足FTSS的300nm--25μm宽波段的光谱观测数据采集需求, 为后续可见和红外波段FTSS的研制奠定了技术基础.  相似文献   
为抑制外腔半导体激光器频率漂移,提高频率稳定性,提出一种数字稳频方法。该方法采用数据采集卡,基于LabwindowsCVI语言实现数字锁相放大模块获得稳频误差信号,通过此信号控制压电陶瓷电压,将852 nm外腔半导体激光器的频率锁在铯原子谱线上,实现20 s频率稳定度8.7×10-11。该数字稳频方法降低了人力成本,易升级和修改,具有移植性好和用户界面友好等优点。  相似文献   
本文通过对激光点云与光学影像联合测图所涵盖的关键技术进展进行分析,重点指出目前激光扫描仪进行测绘生产所面临的主要挑战。结合激光扫描技术与光学影像融合后的数据特点与实际行业生产需求,简要探讨了未来激光测图技术发展的趋势及新产品体系构建设想,以期对激光扫描软硬件系统在相关行业应用推广中具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
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