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北京市奥运期间气象灾害风险承受与控制能力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭虎  熊亚军  扈海波 《气象》2008,34(2):77-82
针对北京市奥运会期间的7种主要气象灾害(雷电、冰雹、大风、高温、暴雨、大雾和霾灾害),建立了气象灾害风险承受能力与风险控制能力评价的指标体系.经过专家评分,获取7种气象灾害的评价指标所对应的分值.利用层次分析法,计算评价指标的权重系数.最后得到7种气象灾害评价指标的加权平均值作为其风险承受能力与风险控制能力系数.利用灾害模数、经济易损模数、生命易损模数3个指标进行北京市奥运期间18个区县空间易损度区划分析.结果表明:北京市奥运会期间,高温灾害和暴雨灾害的风险承受能力与风险控制能力最弱;雷电灾害和大雾灾害的承受与控制能力中等;冰雹灾害和霾灾害较强;大风灾害最强.易损度空间差异分析表明,城区(东城区、西城区、崇文区和宣武区)、朝阳区和海淀区为高易损性区域;丰台区、石景山区、房山区、昌平区、顺义区和大兴区为中易损性区域;门头沟区、通州区、平谷区、怀柔区、密云县和延庆县为低易损性区域.  相似文献   
宁夏主要气象灾害特征分析及防御对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对1951-1996年出现的干旱、暴雨、洪水及雨涝、冰雹、风灾等主要气象灾害的特征和规律进行统计分析,总结得出:宁夏的气象灾害具有种类多,范围广,频次多,持续时间长,灾情严重,具有群发性和诱发性等特点。在此基础上提出了气象防灾减灾对策。  相似文献   
Understanding the stratigraphic fill and reconstructing the palaeo‐hydrology of incised valleys can help to constrain those factors that controlled their origin, evolution and regional significance. This condition is addressed through the analysis of a large (up to 18 km wide by 80 m deep) and exceptionally well‐imaged Late Pleistocene incised valley from the Sunda Shelf (South China Sea) based on shallow three‐dimensional seismic data from a large (11 500 km2), ‘merge’ survey, supplemented with site survey data (boreholes and seismic). This approach has enabled the characterization of the planform geometry, cross‐sectional area and internal stratigraphic architecture, which together allow reconstruction of the palaeo‐hydrology. The valley‐fill displays five notable stratigraphic features: (i) it is considerably larger than other seismically resolvable channel forms and can be traced for at least 180 km along its length; (ii) it is located in the axial part of the Malay Basin; (iii) the youngest part of the valley‐fill is dominated by a large (600 m wide and 23 m deep), high‐sinuosity channel, with well‐developed lateral accretion surfaces; (iv) the immediately adjacent interfluves contain much smaller, dendritic channel systems, which resemble tributaries that drained into the larger incised valley system; and (v) a ca 16 m thick, shell‐bearing, Holocene clay caps the valley‐fill. The dimension, basin location and palaeo‐hydrology of this incised valley leads to the conclusion that it represents the trunk river, which flowed along the length of the Malay Basin; it connected the Gulf of Thailand in the north with the South China Sea in the south‐east. The length of the river system (>1200 km long) enables examination of the upstream to downstream controls on the evolution of the incised valley, including sea‐level, climate and tectonics. The valley size, orientation and palaeo‐hydrology suggest close interaction between the regional tectonic framework, low‐angle shelf physiography and a humid‐tropical climatic setting.  相似文献   
概略地叙述了西宁地区的泥石流形成条件和形成机理,并将西宁地区泥石流划分为稀性泥石流类及泥石质泥石流种类。在此基础上提出防治泥石流灾害的意见。  相似文献   
Based on a new idea for research on cycling of marine biogenic elements, this study showed that only the leachable form phosphorus in natural grain sizes manne sediments constitutes the transferable phosphorous in the sediments. The transferable phosphorus content in the natural grain sizes surface sediments in the Huanghe River estuary adjacent waters ranges from 58.5-69.8 μg/g, accounting for only 9.1%-11.0% of the total phosphorus content, whereas the leachable form (“transferable” )phosphorus content in the sediment after it was totally ground into powder was found to be 454.8-529.2μg/g, accounting for 73.4%-89.1% of the total phosphorus. Analysis of the correlation between thebill,ass of benthos and the leachable form (“transferable” ) phosphorus showed that most of the leachableform (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment did not participate in the marine biogeo chemical cycling. Furthermore, a synchronous survey on benthos showed that the biornass of meio-and maero-benthos exhibited good positive correlation with the leachable form of phosphorus in the naturalgrain sizes sediment, but peorer correlation with the leachable form (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment, indicating that transferable phosphorus in marine sediment is the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediments, and is not the previously known leachable form(“transferable”) phosphorus obtained from the totally ground sediment.  相似文献   
自然资源大数据及其处理技术应用能够为自然资源研究与管理,特别是揭示自然资源系统要素、结构与关联研究提供基础支撑,为资源科学发展提供新思路、新方法和新技术。本文试图厘清自然资源大数据的概念、主要特征和发展趋势,分析自然资源大数据对于国民经济与社会发展的重要现实意义。自然资源大数据建设既是自然资源信息化的重要组成部分,也是提高自然资源产业及整个社会经济效率、完善自然资源治理结构和提升自然资源治理能力现代化的新手段。本文在地球系统科学体系下,构建了自然资源大数据应用研究的知识框架,基于“一图一网一平台”结构,提出建立空天地一体化自然资源大数据库和“生产-生活-生态”应用框架,探讨建立基于自然资源数据收集、处理与应用的结构体系,并以此技术框架分析了自然资源大数据应用研究的学科前沿进展和发展趋势。  相似文献   
Quantitative measures of accessibility are increasingly used in land cover change modeling and in assessing human pressure on the environment. In riverine Amazonia the significance of physical accessibility for biodiversity, land use patterns and economic livelihoods is widely acknowledged, but attempts to quantify accessibility in practice have been few in number. In this study we compare different distance- and frequency-based measures of spatial accessibility and develop a quantitative model of accessibility patterns for the north-eastern Peruvian Amazonia where rivers form the core of the transportation network. We model accessibility between the rural areas of the Loreto region and the capital city of Iquitos, using different distance algorithms in a geographic information system, and complement the distance model with information on river boat frequencies and transport capacities. Patterns of accessibility are visualized in terms of potential production zones for different types of agricultural and non-timber forest products.This study demonstrates how results from different accessibility measures vary considerably. The mean Euclidean distance to Iquitos is almost 270 km, the mean network distance nearly 760 km and the mean travel time 70 h. Observed network distances from validation points to Iquitos are on average 1.6 times longer than Euclidean distances, and for the whole study area, the average ratio between modeled network distances and Euclidean distances is 3.1. The correlation between network distances and time distances is very strong, but time distances are relatively shorter along the major channels where boat traffic is considerably faster than along narrow, tightly meandering rivers. Measures of boat frequency and transport capacity show that availability of transport possibilities is highly varying across the region. These measures provide insights into the ’thickness’ of trade, indicating the level of market integration for riverine settlements. We conclude that quantifying accessibility in an environment like Peruvian Amazonia requires measures that take into account the spatial structure and dynamic nature of the riverine transportation network. Time as a unit of distance provides the most relevant measure of accessibility in the Amazonian context, where many human actions and traditional livelihoods are controlled by travel times between the regional core and the hinterland.  相似文献   
王金华 《华南地震》2019,39(2):136-141
鉴于格宾石笼护岸、护坡等优质特性,对其应用至地震减灾工程进行研究。经分析可知,格宾石笼主要利用双绞合六边形金属网片组合为箱笼,再装填石料堆筑构成防护整体;格宾石笼具有高强度耐久性、透水性、整体性与柔韧性和施工过程简单便利等特征。依据格宾石笼构造与特性分析,分别将地震减灾工程下格宾石笼拦挡坝施工划分为格宾石笼护基与格宾石笼护坡两部分进行研究。利用测量放线、挖掘基础、规整地基、铺垫反滤层、格宾放置与连接、支顶加固、石料装填封盖等步骤实现格宾石笼护基施工。通过削坡、铺设土工布、砂砾垫层、安装网箱、装填石料和封盖等步骤实现格宾石笼护坡施工。分别在冲击力、位移和能量三方面验证格宾石笼拦挡坝支护技术,实验结果表明,冲击力和坝体自身材料性质有关联,格宾拦挡坝材料属于柔性材料,冲击力由此减小,耗费冲击力能量效果十分明显;坝体可以利用整个结构全部能量承担很大负载;格宾石笼拦挡坝体耗能效果显然优于浆砌石坝。  相似文献   
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