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应用气相色谱-气体同位素质谱(GC-C-IRMS)分析正构烷烃单体碳同位素之前,需要对饱和烃样品中正构烷烃和异构烷烃进行预分离、富集,在预分离和富集过程中正构烷烃单体碳同位素是否发生分馏是高精度分析正构烷烃单体碳同位素比值(δ13C)的关键。本文以正构烷烃混合溶液为对象,利用柱色谱、5Å分子筛络合、环己烷-正戊烷混合溶剂两次洗脱,GC-C-IRMS分析正构烷烃单体碳同位素,研究前处理过程中正构烷烃单体碳同位素是否发生分馏。结果表明:使用柱色谱分离前后,多数正构烷烃单体碳同位素比值相差-0.2‰~0.2‰;当5Å分子筛不完全络合时,未络合的正构烷烃单体碳同位素比值偏重约0.7‰,可能发生了微弱的碳同位素分馏,但并未影响洗脱后的正构烷烃单体碳同位素比值;使用环己烷-正戊烷混合溶剂洗脱前后,碳同位素比值相差-0.2‰~0.5‰,以同样方式洗脱第二次,获得的正构烷烃单体碳同位素比值与模拟样品相差-0.3‰~0.2‰。分析不同回收率(>20%)正构烷烃的单体碳同位素比值,处理前后的差值基本在0.3‰以内,可见当正构烷烃回收率低至20%左右时,其单体碳同位素仍未发生明显分馏。柱色谱分离-5Å分子筛络合-混合溶剂洗脱方法适用于回收率大于20%的正构烷烃单体碳同位素分析。  相似文献   
介绍应用于美国凤凰计划的Allen望远镜阵(ATA)的对数周期馈源(LPA)概况,初步给出此种馈源的基本参数及性能,仿真估算了其驻波比和方向图,并结合正在进行中的我国500m孔径球面射电望远镜(FAST)计划,探讨了应用这种宽带馈源的可能性及其限制。  相似文献   
In meandering rivers cut into bedrock, erosion across a channel cross‐section can be strongly asymmetric. At a meander apex, deep undercutting of the outer bank can result in the formation of a hanging cliff (which may drive hillslope failure), whereas the inner bank adjoins a slip‐off slope that connects to the hillslope itself. Here we propose a physically‐based model for predicting channel planform migration and incision, point bar and slip‐off slope formation, bedrock abrasion, the spatial distribution of alluvial cover, and adaptation of channel width in a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel. We simplify the analysis by considering a numerical model of steady, uniform bend flow satisfying cyclic boundary conditions. Thus in our analysis, ‘sediment supply’, i.e. the total volume of alluvium in the system, is conserved. In our numerical simulations, the migration rate of the outer bank is a specified parameter. Our simulations demonstrate the existence of an approximate state of dynamic equilibrium corresponding to a near‐solution of permanent form in which a bend of constant curvature, width, cross‐sectional shape and alluvial cover distribution migrates diagonally downward at constant speed, leaving a bedrock equivalent of a point bar on the inside of the bend. Channel width is set internally by the processes of migration and incision. We find that equilibrium width increases with increasing sediment supply, but is insensitive to outer bank migration rate. The slope of the bedrock point bar varies inversely with both outer bank migration rate and sediment supply. Although the migration rate of the outer bank is externally imposed here, we discuss a model modification that would allow lateral side‐wall abrasion to be treated in a manner similar to the process of bedrock incision. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
无机盐类对天然矿物低温催化混合酯生烃反应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脂肪酸酯是一类重要的生烃母质。选择了十四烷酸甲酯、十六烷酸甲酯和十八烷酸甲酯的混合酯为模型反应物,以方解石、白云石、伊利石、钙蒙脱石和黄铁矿为催化剂,分别考察了氯化钾、氯化镁、氯化钠、硫酸钠以及混合盐对天然矿物低温催化混合酯生烃反应的影响。结果表明,无机盐类对矿物催化下混合酯的生烃反应均有不同程度的影响,硫酸钠具有反催化作用,其它盐类具有正催化作用。且在各无机盐存在下,不同的矿物表现出不同的催化活性。  相似文献   
以最常用的18种原料为对象,用线性规划的方法对华东沿海中国对虾人工饲料配制过程中的限制营养成分进行了分析。结果表明,粗脂肪、粗灰分、磷、精氨酸、赖氨酸是限制性营养成分,粗纤维和蛋氨酸在以植物性蛋白质为主的配方中是限制性营养成分。因此,在中国对虾人工饵料配方设计中,应注意选用脱脂原料,增加矿物质添加剂中磷的含量以及采用富含精氨酸和赖氨酸的原料。  相似文献   
环北京地区积层混合云微物理结构飞机联合探测研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用北京、山西和河北三省市飞机在环北京地区探测的积层混合云微物理结构特征资料,结合卫星等宏观观测资料,分析了环北京地区积层混合云系空间云微物理结构特征。结果显示,冷锋云系前部,云内部微物理参数空间分布不均匀,2700m以上较大,垂直方向云粒子浓度和直径呈正相关关系,浓度极值间差7个量级,大滴粒子浓度差7个量级,降水粒子浓度差6个量级,水平方向云粒子浓度和直径分布不均匀,呈反相关关系。冷锋云系中部,云微物理参数垂直分布不均匀,在2500~3600m和4000m以上高度层出现云粒子峰值,且云粒子浓度和直径呈反相关关系,云滴粒子浓度极值间差6个量级,大滴粒子浓度差7个量级,降水粒子浓度差5个量级,水平方向云粒子分布不均匀,云粒子浓度和直径呈反相关关系。冷锋云系前部,云粒子谱在4800m高度谱型为单峰谱,4200m高度谱型多峰分布,3600m高度谱型为双峰谱。云降水粒子谱三高度层谱型差异不大,4800m高度谱型为单调递减谱,峰值在小粒子端(≤100μm),4200m和3600m高度谱型相似,为双峰谱,峰值分别在≤小于100μm和230μm处。降水粒子谱三高度层谱型相似,都为单峰谱,峰值相差不大。冷锋云系中部,云粒子谱在三高度层谱型差异较大,4800m高度谱型为单峰谱,峰值在小滴端,4200m高度谱型为单峰谱,峰值在15μm处,3600m高度谱型为双峰谱,峰值分别在7μm和30μm处。云降水粒子谱三高度层谱型差异不大,4800m高度谱型为单调递减谱,峰值在小粒子端(≤100μm),4200m和3600m高度谱型相似,为双峰谱,峰值分别在≤100μm和200μm处。降水粒子谱三高度层谱型相似,都为单峰谱,峰值相差不大。  相似文献   
When applying an explicit integration algorithm in e.g. soil plasticity, the predicted stress point at the end of an elastoplastic increment of loading might not be situated on the updated current yield surface. This so-called yield surface drift could generally be held under control by using small integration steps. Another possibility, when circumstances might demand larger steps, is to adopt a drift correction method. In this paper, a drift correction method for mixed control in soil plasticity, under drained as well as undrained conditions, is proposed. By simulating triaxial tests in a Constitutive Driver, the capability and efficiency of this correction method, under different choices of implementation, have been analysed. It was concluded that the proposed drift correction method, for quite marginal additional computational cost, was able to correct successfully for yield surface drift giving results in close agreement to those obtained with a very large number of integration steps. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

California's excellent road system has provided unmatched mobility for most of the state's residents. Recently, however, constraints on construction of high-capacity roads have threatened the future of unrestricted auto use. California's transportation planners have therefore shifted emphasis from expanding the transportation system to increasing its efficiency. No concomitant change has occurred, however, in state legislation or resource allocation. As a result, rather than being an integrated process, transportation planning and implementation are fragmented. This paper examines the origins and implications of this situation and possible remedies for it.  相似文献   
张振  张朝  叶观宝  王萌  肖彦  程义 《岩土力学》2020,41(6):2122-2131
劲芯水泥土桩是一种软土地基处理的新方法,近年来已成功应用于公路、铁路路基处理工程中。然而由于人们对其承载路堤的失稳破坏机制认识不足,无法正确指导设计。采用反映桩体材料破坏后特征的应变软化模型,模拟劲芯水泥土桩承载路堤失稳破坏1g模型试验,通过分析路堤失稳破坏过程中桩体塑性区的开展和桩身受力的变化情况,研究了桩体的破坏顺序及其破坏模式。结果表明:路堤失稳过程中,劲芯水泥土桩并非同时发生破坏,路面正下方桩体首先发生受压破坏,坡面下方桩体自坡脚至坡肩依次发生弯剪破坏;由于桩体的存在,路基中滑动面并非完全穿过桩体破坏位置。基于桩体破坏顺序、破坏模式、受力情况变化,以及荷载传递规律,阐释了劲芯水泥土桩承载路堤渐进式失稳破坏机制。采用现行规范中基于残余强度的柔性桩处理方法,计算的安全系数与试验结果较为接近,但其适用性还需做进一步研究。  相似文献   
波长色散X射线荧光光谱法测定铜精矿中铜铅锌硫镁砷   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
采用偏硼酸锂和四硼酸锂混合熔剂熔融法制样,波长色散X射线荧光光谱法测定铜精矿中铜、铅、锌、硫、镁、砷,考察了熔剂、玻璃化试剂和预氧化条件对制样的影响。采用理论α系数和经验系数相结合的方法校正元素间的效应。测定铜精矿试样各组分的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=12)均小于3%,结果与化学分析法吻合。  相似文献   
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