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贺兰山地区大气冰核浓度的测量及初步分析 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
根据 1 994年在银川和阿拉善左旗观测得到的冰核资料 ,给出了两地不同天气条件下的大气冰核浓度 ,分析并讨论了冰核浓度与风、降水、天空状况等的关系 ,给出了飞机在空中测量冰核的结果。 相似文献
文章专门讨论与特定成岩作用伴生的铬、铂和硫化物矿床形成的内生因素。该类成岩作用对矿石富集有显著影响。矿床的巨大规模起因于与广泛强烈的成岩过程有关的特殊的成矿作用。这些作用导致产在超基性杂岩中的特殊纯橄榄岩(铬矿石)、基性超基性层状侵入体中的低硫层和铁镁橄榄石纯橄榄岩(铂族金属矿床)的形成,以及富铁火成分异岩的透岩浆硫化作用(Cu Ni硫化物和Cu Zn Pb硫化物矿石)。还根据巨型矿床的成因模型提出了矿物学岩石学的找矿标志 相似文献
Content versus concentration: Effects of units on measuring the biogeochemical properties of soft sediments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
T.J. Tolhurst A.J. Underwood R.G. Perkins M.G. Chapman 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2005,63(4):665-673
A variety of scientific disciplines require measurements of the biological, physical and chemical (biogeochemical) properties of soft sediments. These properties vary temporally and spatially in a highly complex fashion, due to interaction and feedback between the processes that control them. This paper presents theoretical and real examples showing how interaction between the properties of sediments and the use of different units of expression (i.e. content and concentration) can change patterns in the data and thereby alter the interpretation of results. Common mistakes leading to incorrect measurements being taken and incorrect inference of data are presented and a new conceptual way of thinking about natural sediments is discussed. We conclude that the presentation and interpretation of data expressed as concentration is preferable to content for biogeochemical measurements in sediments, because content data is confounded by various factors (including core density/mass), leading to mistaken inference. 相似文献
During a one‐year period temporal and spatial variations in suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and deposition were studied on a salt and freshwater tidal marsh in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium, SW Netherlands) using automatic water sampling stations and sediment traps. Temporal variations were found to be controlled by tidal inundation. The initial SSC, measured above the marsh surface at the beginning of inundation events, increases linearly with inundation height at high tide. In accordance with this an exponential relationship is observed between inundation time and sedimentation rates, measured over 25 spring–neap cycles. In addition both SSC and sedimentation rates are higher during winter than during summer for the same inundation height or time. Although spatial differences in vegetation characteristics are large between and within the studied salt and freshwater marsh, they do not affect the spatial sedimentation pattern. Sedimentation rates however strongly decrease with increasing (1) surface elevation, (2) distance from the nearest creek or marsh edge and (3) distance from the marsh edge measured along the nearest creek. Based on these three morphometric parameters, the spatio‐temporal sedimentation pattern can be modelled very well using a single multiple regression model for both the salt and freshwater marsh. A method is presented to compute two‐dimensional sedimentation patterns, based on spatial implementation of this regression model. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
东海初级生产力遥感反演及其时空演化机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
According to calculation results of ocean chlorophyll concentration based on SeaWiFS data by SeaBAM model and synchronous ship-measured data, this research set up an improved model for Case I and Case Ⅱ water bodies respectively. The monthly chlorophyll distribution in the East China Sea in 1998 was obtained from this improved model on calculation results of SeaBAM. The euphotic depth distribution in 1998 in the East China Sea is calculated by using remote sensing data of K490 from SeaWiFS according to the relation between the euphotic depth and the oceanic diffuse attenuation coefficient. With data of ocean chlorophyll concentration, euphotic depth, ocean surface photosynthetic available radiation (PAR), daily photoperiod and optimal rate of daily carbon fixation within a water column, the monthly and annual primary productivity spatio-temporal distributions in the East China Sea in 1998 were obtained based on VGPM model. Based on analysis of those distributions, the conclusion can be drawn that there is a clear bimodality character of primary productivity in the monthly distribution in the East China Sea. In detail, the monthly distribution of primary productivity stays the lowest level in winter and rises rapidly to the peak in spring. It gets down a little in summer, and gets up a little in autumn. The daily average of primary productivity in the whole East China Sea is 560.03 mg/m^2/d, which is far higher than the average of subtropical ocean areas. The annual average of primary productivity is 236.95 g/m^2/a. The research on the seasonal variety mechanism of primary productivity shows that several factors that affect the spatio-temporal distribution may include the chlorophyll concentration distribution, temperature condition, the Yangtze River diluted water variety, the euphotic depth, ocean current variety, etc. But the main influencing factors may be different in each local sea area. 相似文献
经过对宝山铜多金属矿床的野外地质调查,认为该矿床主要由斑岩型铜钼(银)矿体、矽卡岩型铜、钼(银)矿体、角岩化变质粉砂岩内热液充填型铜金(钼、银)矿体组成.与成矿密切相关的构造为北东向F1断裂和北西向F2断裂.斑岩型铜多金属矿体呈细脉状、稀疏浸染状-稠密浸染状产出于花岗闪长斑岩中,矿体形态似层状、透镜状.矽卡岩型铜多金属矿体以浸染状和细脉-网脉状分布于花岗闪长斑岩与奥陶系碳酸盐岩接触带及其围岩裂隙中,呈似层状、透镜状产出.角岩化泥质粉砂岩中热液充填型铜多金属矿体,规模较小,均以细脉-网脉状黄铜矿、辉钼矿石英脉的形式分布于与花岗闪长斑岩接触带附近的志留系殿背组、清水组泥质粉砂岩中,呈透镜状产出.三类矿体在成因上存在联系,成矿作用主要受控于花岗闪长斑岩,只是成矿物质沉淀的空间位置存在区别.宝山矿床为与高钾钙碱性重熔型花岗闪长斑岩成因密切联系的构造-岩浆岩"三位一体"的成矿机制,即矿体赋存于斑岩、矽卡岩、角岩化泥质粉砂岩中所形成的"斑岩-矽卡岩-热液充填"复合型矿床. 相似文献
为了考察粒子图像测速度技术在风沙环境风洞中的测量精度及在风沙边界层研究中的应用潜力,通过筛选适当的示踪颗粒,借助PIV测量系统重新测量了风沙环境风洞中的风廓线,并获得了风沙边界层内跃移沙粒的速度和浓度分布规律。实验结果表明:PIV测得的风速廓线与标准风速廓线仪所测结果相当吻合(R2≥0.99);沙粒跃移的平均水平速度和相对浓度(灰度)沿距离沙面高度分别呈幂函数和负指数分布,沙粒速度随高度和自由风速的增加而增大,相对浓度随高度的增加而快速衰减,风速越小衰减越快,风速越大衰减越慢,这一结果与前人的结论一致。PIV系统为将来能够进行更加精确的风沙运动微观机理研究提供了技术保证。 相似文献
Shigenao Maruyama Takashi YabukiTetsuya Sato Koutaro TsubakiAtsuki Komiya Mikihito WatanabeHiroshi Kawamura Katsumi Tsukamoto 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2011,58(5):567-574
The American physical oceanographer Henry Stommel and co-workers proposed “the perpetual salt fountain” and suggested the possibility of upwelling deep seawater without an energy source. In the open ocean, deep seawater containing rich nutrients becomes a source of primary production. Previously, we have tested Stommel's hypothesis by numerical simulations and in ocean experiments, and confirmed the upwelling of a perpetual salt fountain. In the present study, we conducted an open-ocean experiment in the Philippines Sea, and succeeded to demonstrate an increase in chlorophyll concentration. The chlorophyll concentration at the pipe outlet was much greater than that in the surrounding seawater. Satellite ocean-color image around the pipe was analyzed, and the signal of artificial upwelling is investigated. Composite analysis of satellite chlorophyll image indicates an increased surface chlorophyll distribution in the vicinity of pipe position, in which the increasing signal is much larger than the expected production based on nutrient supply. Although the problem must be further discussed, this increased signal is shown to be statistically significant. This mechanism may contribute to effective utilization of fishery resources in subtropical oligotrophic region. 相似文献
Processes controlling solubility of biogenic silica and pore water build-up of silicic acid in marine sediments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dissolution experiments in batch and flow-through reactors were combined with data on sediment composition and pore water silicic acid profiles to identify processes controlling the solubility of biogenic silica and the build-up of silicic acid in marine sediments. The variability of experimentally determined biogenic silica solubilities is due, in part, to variations in specific surface area and Al content of biosiliceous materials. Preferential dissolution of delicate skeletal structures and frustules with high surface areas leads to a progressive decrease of the specific surface area. This may cause a reduction of the solubility of deposited biosiliceous debris by 10–15%, relative to fresh planktonic assemblages. Dissolution of lithogenic (detrital) minerals in sediments releases dissolved aluminum to the pore waters. This aluminum becomes structurally incorporated into deposited biogenic silica, further decreasing its solubility. Compared to Al-free biogenic silica, the solubility of diatom frustules is lowered by as much as 25% when one out of every 70 Si atoms is substituted by an Al(III) ion.The build-up of silicic acid in pore waters of sediments with variable proportions of detrital matter and biogenic silica was simulated in batch experiments using kaolinite and basalt as model detrital constituents. The steady-state silicic acid concentrations measured in the experiments decreased with increasing detrital-to-opal ratios of the mixtures. This trend is similar to the observed inverse relationship between asymptotic pore water silicic acid concentrations and detrital-to-opal ratios in Southern Ocean sediments. Flow-through reactor experiments further showed that in detrital-rich sediments, precipitation of authigenic alumino-silicates may prevent the pore waters from reaching equilibrium with the dissolving biogenic silica. This agrees with data from Southern Ocean sediments where, at sites containing more than 30 wt.% detrital material, the pore waters remain undersaturated with respect to the experimentally determined in situ solubility of biogenic silica.The results of the study show that interactions between deposited biogenic silica and detrital material cause large variations in the asymptotic silicic acid concentration of marine sediments. The production of Al(III) by the dissolution of detrital minerals affects the build-up of silicic acid by reducing the apparent silica solubility and dissolution kinetics of biosiliceous materials, and by inducing precipitation of authigenic alumino-silicate minerals. 相似文献
作为叶经济学谱系中的一个关键指标,叶寿命是植物为了获得最大化光合碳收获的重要适应策略。由于很难鉴别越冬芽鳞痕以及区别不同叶龄叶片,鲜有研究关注柏科物种的叶寿命,使得我们对该类群的叶经济学谱系研究缺乏了解。基于此,我们对西藏东南部色季拉山不同海拔、不同冠层高度的方枝柏叶寿命和单位重量的叶氮含量(N;)开展了调查分析。结果表明,方枝柏平均叶寿命约为4.2±1.2年,总体上不同海拔间叶寿命差异不明显。随树冠高度的垂直变化,叶寿命总体上并未表现出明显的线性变化趋势。随叶寿命的增加,N;呈现降低趋势。进一步分析了叶寿命与对应绿色小枝长度的关系,发现二者关系不显著或解释度极低,表明小枝长度不能很好地预测叶寿命的变化。总的来说,在高山林线以及邻近的亚高山地区,海拔和冠高的变化对方枝柏叶寿命的影响较小,而叶寿命与叶氮含量的关系符合叶的经济学法则。 相似文献