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The English Channel (the Channel) represents a major sink and transport pathway of anthropogenic radioactive 129I. Despite this important role, data concerning the distribution of 129I in seawater of the Channel are scarce, and most of existing data are restricted to the eastern part of the Channel. The advection and dispersion of 129I from the French coast toward the central and further the English coast, especially in the Channel west of Cap de La Hague, are not fully investigated. We present results of iodine isotopes (127I and 129I) analyses of surface water samples collected along the central English Channel in October, 2010. The data show high 129I concentrations between Dover Strait and La Hague, followed by a dramatic drop towards the Celtic Sea and reveal the dispersal of 129I towards central and northern part of the Channel. Our observation also implies that the entire British coast is contaminated by 129I. 129I levels in the westernmost English Channel, close to the English coast, may reflect combined influences from La Hague and Sellafield. Evolution of 129I between 2005 and 2010 suggests a strong link to temporal marine discharges from La Hague plant. The discharges from the nuclear reprocessing facility have continued since 2010 and thus an ecological evaluation of 129I radioactive hazards in the environment of the Channel may be needed.  相似文献   
Reefs are one of the marine habitats listed in Annex I of the European Union's Habitats Directive, which aims to establish a coherent European ecological network of Special Areas of Conservation. EU Member States are required to prepare and propose a national list of sites for evaluation under the scheme, but currently the occurrence of reefs in the United Kingdom's nearshore and offshore areas is not well documented. Here we report on our search for rocky reefs in the central English Channel, which unexpectedly revealed an extensive reef system covering an area of 1100 km2. Prior to our work, it was generally perceived that the seabed in this area comprised mostly gravel, with a few isolated rock outcrops.Our approach to determining the location, extent and character of these reefs incorporated broad, medium and fine-scale analyses over a 3200 km2 area of seabed, using single- and multi-beam acoustic data, ground-truthed by underwater video and stills imagery. A benthic terrain model was developed in ArcGIS to map topographic features at the broad and medium scales. Biotope assignments were made at the fine scale through detailed analysis of video footage obtained from 30 sampling stations. The study area has a complex geological history and lies at the centre of a major bedload-parting zone. Together, these strongly influence the seabed character and the distribution of biotopes. An integrated assessment of the physical and biological features was used to map the study area to level 4 of the EUNIS habitat classification system.Similar physical conditions exist in other areas of the UK continental shelf, raising the prospect of predicting where other rocky reef systems might occur. In the absence of a co-ordinated national seabed survey programme, such predictions, coupled with interpretation of existing single-beam bathymetry data, can help prioritise areas where limited survey resources could be most effectively deployed.  相似文献   
集装箱环球航线的枢纽区位优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐骅  金凤君  王成金 《地理学报》2008,63(6):593-602
集装箱航运业中规模经济较为明显。集装箱船舶不断地大型化, 加上巴拿马运河的改造, 在不久的将来环球航线这种充分利用船舶规模经济的航线形式将会重新出现, 最终使世界集装箱航线形成一个全球范围的轴辐网络。以Ashar 提出的赤道环球航线为基础, 通过分析航运成本来作一些修正, 寻找最佳的枢纽港口区位。优化的结果与Ashar 的赤道环球航线略有出入, 例如中国台湾港口具有明显的区位优势。中国港口尤其是黄海、渤海沿岸港口地理位置条件相对较差, 因此急需加强港口建设以应对未来的挑战。  相似文献   

The 2011 wreck of the MV Rena off the northeast coast of New Zealand, and subsequent impacts, has been called New Zealand's worst ever maritime environmental disaster. It is certainly one of the world's most complex as it involved a pollutant combination of oil and dangerous goods debris in a dynamic oceanic environment adjacent to a pristine coastline. Heavy fuel oil, shipping containers loaded with cargo, and a wide range of wreck debris and contaminants were spread along hundreds of kilometres of coastline of the Bay of Plenty. Much of this landed on sandy beaches and rocky shores. Broken containers released often toxic substances, and the wreck itself slid down the pinnacle of the wreck site at Astrolabe Reef (Otaiti). The reef remains heavily contaminated, with substantial remnants of the ship and its cargo present, and chemical effects still evident in some species. Here we present the background and timeline of events that unfolded after the grounding. The following articles contain the results of the ensuing chemical, toxicological and ecological studies of contamination and environmental recovery. At the time of writing, numerous legacy issues remain.  相似文献   
将中国海洋科研合著论文作为衡量海洋科研合作网络的重要指标,借助复杂网络分析方法及可视化软件,分别对2007和2017年海洋科研合作网络的整体结构特征和空间差异进行分析.结果表明:1)海洋科研合作网络具有明显的"小世界"和"无标度"特征,具有较强的通达性和集聚性,网络的开放程度有所提高,但同时呈现离散趋势和不均衡特征.2...  相似文献   
论我国沿海地区的海陆经济一体化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
栾维新  王海英 《地理科学》1998,18(4):342-348
在给定了海洋产业概念的基础上,重点论述了海域自然基础的特殊性,海洋产业结构与陆域产业结构的差异,并从技术和陆域产业向海洋延伸的可能性等方面分析了海洋产业和陆域产业间形成差异的原因;在海岸带地区由海洋生态系统和陆域生态系统所形成的复合生态系统是海陆产业联系的自然基础,而海洋产业对陆域的技术和空间上的依赖则决定了海陆经济一体化的必然性;最后,作者从发展临海产业,海陆统一规划和协调海陆生态系统等三方面论  相似文献   
“21世纪海上丝绸之路”航运服务业网络格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王列辉  张楠翌  朱艳 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1663-1670
在"一带一路"倡议下,发展航运服务业对于巩固与提升中国在全球航运网络中的地位具有重要意义。构建103家跨国公司在"21世纪海上丝绸之路(海丝之路)"沿线1 054个城市的分布数据库,分析7种航运服务业在"海丝之路"沿线的网络特征。研究表明:①"海丝之路"沿线航运服务业网络的层级分布特征明显,处于第一层级的均为亚洲城市,说明亚洲航运服务业在航运服务业网络中地位重要。②在"海丝之路"这一层面,伦敦、香港、新加坡等城市和地区构成大的联系三角,在中国层面,上海、香港、北京构成小的联系三角。③高端航运服务业主要分布在欧洲城市,亚洲城市在中端航运服务业方面占据重要地位,在低端航运服务业方面,非洲城市在仓储服务业表现突出,亚洲和欧洲城市则在船舶修造业实力雄厚。④高端航运服务业往往受城市的历史、文化、语言、法律、制度影响较大,对地方的根植性较强,倾向于首都等内陆城市,而中低端航运服务业主要依托于货物运输,受自然条件和区位条件等因素的影响较大,往往随货物运输转移而转移,倾向于分布在港口城市。  相似文献   
在维修和改造8410型电感耦合等离子体直读光谱仪过程中,经常需要对ICP高频发生器中的开关电源进行维修和调整。简述开关电源基本原理,介绍-145V开关电源稳压过程及故障维修。  相似文献   
中国大洋样品馆是承担我国深海样品接收整理、安全保存、共享利用等相关事务的专门机构,收入保存了我国深海资源勘查以来采集的大量珍贵的大洋样品,并通过共享服务的方式为科学家提供样品,科学家借助先进的设备和技术方法对样品进行研究,取得了众多创新性的科学认识.但是,科学家却无法全面了解既往航次调查样品信息,无法实时掌握样品馆藏情...  相似文献   
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