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在制作用于海洋测量的传感器时,经常要使用环氧树脂材料。由于此类传感器与常规物理量测量传感器的工作条件不同,它们大多直接工作在条件比较恶劣的海洋环境之中,所以对其制作材料的选择应是较慎重的。笔者在多年研制传感器的过程中,经常要面临测量、筛选环氧树脂材料的问题。文章介绍我们选用环氧树脂材料时采用的一种简便而实用的方法及部分测量数据。希望能够与各位同行进行探讨,共同提高。  相似文献   
We report an improved procedure for the determination of the platinum‐group elements (PGE) and Re, and Os isotopes from a single sample aliquot by isotope dilution (ID) using inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) and negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (N‐TIMS), respectively. A two‐stage column method was used to purify PGE‐Re from their sample matrix and interfering elements (e.g., Mo, Zr and Hf) after Os had been separated by CCl4 solvent extraction. The first column separation step used cation exchange resin (AG50W‐X8) to concentrate PGE‐Re and some potential interfering elements (e.g., Mo, Zr and Hf). In the second step, N‐benzoyl‐N‐phenylhydroxylamine (BPHA) extraction resin was used to separate PGE‐Re from the remaining interfering elements, which all remained strongly absorbed to the resin. The method was used to determine the PGE and rhenium, and Os isotope ratios in a range of geochemical reference materials (TDB‐1, WGB‐1, BHVO‐2 and UB‐N). The obtained results agree well with those previously published. This new method enables PGE‐Re abundances and Os isotopic ratios to be determined on the same sample digestion, and circumvents the problems created by sample heterogeneity when comparing PGE and Re‐Os isotope data.  相似文献   
Solute transport experiments using a non-reactive tracer were conducted on short, undisturbed, saturated columns of a sandy loam soil. All columns, 20 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, were collected along a transect of 35 m. Most of the soil columns had pre-existing macropores. The columns were leached at a steady flow-rate under ponding conditions. The resulting breakthrough curves (BTCs) showed a large heterogeneity. Several of the BTCs displayed early breakthrough and long tailing. All the data were interpreted in terms of dimensional time moments, the classical convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and the mobile-immobile transport model (MIM). Experimental time moments were found to vary significantly among the different BTCs. Analysis of the time moments also revealed that the variance of the field-scale BTC was several times larger than the average of the local-scale variance. The pore water velocity v and dispersion coefficient D were obtained by fitting the CDE to the local-scale BTCs, resulting in an average dispersivity of 7·4 cm. Frequency distributions for the CDE parameters v and D were equally well described by a normal or log-normal probability density function (pdf). When a log-normal pdf for D is considered, the variance of the loge transformed D values (σln D2) was found to be 2·1. For the MIM model, two additional parameters were fitted: the fraction of mobile water, θm/θ, and the first-order mass transfer coefficient, α. The MIM was more successful in describing the data than the CDE transport model. For the MIM model, the average dispersivity was about 2 cm. The MIM parameters v, D and θm/θ were best described by a log-normal pdf rather than a normal pdf. Only the parameter α was better described by a normal pdf. Mobile water fractions, θm/θ ranged from 0·01 to 0·98, with a mean of 0·43 (based on a log-normal pdf). When the CDE and MIM were applied to the data, the fitted pore water velocities, v, compared favourably with the effective pore water velocities, veff, obtained from moment analysis.  相似文献   
主要论述在以乙烯底油的HK-200℃馏分油为原料生产石油树脂过程中,使用的一种新的复合型AlCl3聚合反应催化剂,催化聚合反应机理,最佳聚合反应条件以及其残余物的分离方法等,为乙烯底油的综合利用-制取石油树脂-提供另一条合理而有效的途径。  相似文献   
为了提高普通乳化沥青混合料的路用性能,将乳化沥青与水性环氧树脂有机结合,得到一种新型复合材料——水性环氧乳化沥青。通过试验研究水性环氧树脂用量对混合料的力学强度、水稳定性以及温度稳定性的影响。结果表明:混合料的初期强度、后期强度以及高温稳定性随着水性环氧树脂用量的增加而提高,但其水稳定性和低温稳定性随着水性环氧树脂用量的增加先增大后减小,分别在水性环氧树脂用量为10%和15%时达到最佳提升效果。在实际工程应用中将水性环氧树脂用量控制在10%~15%之间。  相似文献   
人工热压处理有助于天然柯巴树脂聚化,使其萜烯类侧链上的共轭双键断键,可转变为具一定商业意义的绿色、黄绿色、深橙黄色及黑色柯巴树脂。采用SEM,FTIR,^13C NMR等分析测试方法对热压处理前、后柯巴树脂样品的微结构、红外吸收光谱、^13C NMR共振谱进行了研究与分析。结果表明,热压处理可导致柯巴树脂样品中的初级胶粒相互聚合,形成尺度约为180~210 nm的次级异形微球胶粒,微球胶粒聚合体呈无序分布,彼此间形成良好的界面结合;位于3 077(νC-H),1 643(νC=C),889 cm^-1(νC-H)处的红外吸收谱带以及δ=15.8×10-6,82.0×10-6,108.0×10^-6,215.1×10^-6化学位移^13C NMR共振谱峰逐渐消失,由此派生的δ=135×10^-6~13^7×10-6和δ=33.9×10^-6化学位移13C NMR共振谱峰则具重要的鉴定意义。  相似文献   
A new sorbent was prepared by loading rhodamine B on Amberlite IR‐120. Various physico‐chemical parameters such as effects of adsorbate concentration, contact time, pH, and temperature on the sorption of the dye have been studied. Thermodynamic parameters (ΔH° and ΔS°) were also evaluated for the sorption of dye. Kinetic studies revealed that the sorption of the dye was best fit for pseudo‐second‐order kinetic. The metal ion uptake in different solvent systems has been explored through column studies. On the basis of distribution coefficient (Kd), some heavy metal ions of analytical interest from binary mixtures have been separated. The limit of detection (LOD) for the Ni2+ and Fe3+ metal ions was 0.81 and 0.60 µg L?1, and the limit of quantification (LOQ) was found to be 2.72 and 2.0 µg L?1. This sorbent has also been successfully applied in the analysis of multivitamin formulation. The applicability of the modified resin in the separation of heavy metals constituting real and synthetic samples has been explored.  相似文献   
载铝离子树脂用于天然水降氟试验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张千杰 《岩矿测试》1999,18(4):295-298
将载铝离子树脂作为吸附F的滤料,用于天然水的除F。经地热水(47℃)现场中试表明,每一级的吸附作用,F降低量ρ(F)为2 ̄3mg/L。用载铝离子树脂处理天然水,树脂上的铝离子与水中的F产生选择性吸附,可将高氟水改良为符合国家标准的饮用水,而不会在水中引入其它离子。  相似文献   
甘树才  陈博 《岩矿测试》1999,18(1):34-37
研究了酚(phen)-Cu-水杨酸(H2sal)和四乙基碘化铵(Et4NI)的四元体系中微分电位溶出分析法(DPSA)测定痕量酚。在pH为7.0的介质中,phen-Cu-H2sal的配合物抑制了Cu在玻炭电极上的还原富集,降低Cu的微分电位溶出峰(Δdt/dE),且0.4~200μg/L的酚与Δdt/dE呈线性关系。加入Et4NI使检测灵敏度提高2.75倍。天然水样经GDX-502树脂吸附分离富集后,除去了吡啶、苯胺等物质的干扰。NaOH洗脱,预电解富集3min,酚的检出限为0.2μg/L;实验测定20μ  相似文献   
钻遇渗透性漏失地层、破碎地层及低承压地层时,通常加入随钻封堵材料以防止钻井液漏失、提高孔壁稳定性和地层承压能力。深井高温地层及高温地热、高温干热岩钻探,遇到上述复杂情况时,需采用抗高温封堵材料。本文介绍了我国近年来抗高温随钻封堵材料研究与应用的进展情况,包括由桥接堵漏材料组成的抗高温随钻堵漏剂、膨胀型聚合物堵漏剂、超低渗透处理剂及弹性石墨等新型抗高温随钻堵漏材料。分析了4种抗高温随钻封堵材料的组分及其堵漏原理,并对抗高温随钻封堵材料的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   
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