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WAFS产品中GRIB资料中国区产品评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏丽蓉  温志军 《气象科技》2005,33(4):373-377
为了给使用WAFS产品的用户提供量化参考依据,选取WAFS产品中常用区域和层次的GRIB数据,利用由国家气象中心提供的风、温客观分析网格点资料,与WAFS中同时刻的预报场产品(风、温网格点资料),用均方根误差进行数字化形式分析比较。结果表明:WAFS提供的风、温预报,通常是短时效的风、温预报比长时效的风、温预报更接近客观分析场;低层的预报比高层的预报更接近客观分析场;风的预报以v矢量的预报优于u矢量的预报;风的误差主要来源于u矢量的误差。  相似文献   
泥石流危险性评价是灾情预测、防灾救灾决策中的重要内容,是国内外灾害科学研究的热点之一。本文以新疆开都河霍尔古吐水电站坝址区群沟泥石流为研究对象,在对泥石流区域地质环境研究的基础上,选取泥石流规模、爆发频率等8个因素作为评价因子,采用灰色关联度确定评价因子权重,运用可拓理论,通过定性和类比的方法对群发泥石流区域进行危险性评价。将评价结果与刘希林提出的单沟泥石流评价结果比较,清水沟与雪莲沟的可拓法评价危险度等级要高于单沟泥石流评价结果,这一结果和现场调查情况相吻合。因此,基于灰色关联度法的可拓理论对霍尔古吐水电站坝址区群发泥石流危险度评价结果合理可靠,进而为坝区泥石流危险性评估、规划防治提供合理的科学依据。  相似文献   
1 Introduction Eco-environmental quality assessment is an activity that is affected by man-made factors. As other environmental systems, regional eco-environment is also a complicated and uncertain system (Wu et al., 2005). Owing to these reasons, people may produce a style of subjective un- certainty in mind in evaluating such system (Liu et al. 1999a; Wu et al., 2004). According to unascertained mathematics (Liu et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1999b), we know that this kind of subjective uncerta…  相似文献   
This paper presents a case study of runoff and sediment generation under Submediterranean rangeland conditions (Ardèche drainage basin, France). Measurements indicate that on a rough hillslope interrill runoff and sediment are not produced uniformly over the slope surface. It is observed that runoff concentrates immediately in non-permanent interrill flow paths, which under average storm conditions vary in length from 1.0 to 12.5 m. Long interrill flow paths may eventually become permanent. These permanent flow paths, called pre-rills, are introduced as a new source area, and are considered to be the initial stage in the development of rills. Along pre-rills considerable quantities of runoff and sediment are carried away. This study also shows that calculations based on interrill, pre-rill, and rill runoff will only have significance if storm and soil conditions are specified in detail. It is concluded from a correlation analysis between the runoff volume and the amount of soil loss on a storm-by-storm basis that the runoff volume alone cannot explain the amount of sediment that is generated in each source area; soil availability is an additional factor that must be taken into account.  相似文献   
We developed generalised additive models (GAMs) to estimate standardised time-series of population abundance indices for assessment purposes and to infer ecological and behavioural information on northern Benguela hakes, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, using haul-by-haul commercial trawl catch-rate data as proxies for hake densities. The modelling indicated that individual ship identifiers should be used rather than general vessel characteristics, such as vessel size. The final models explained 79% and 68% of the variability in the commercial catch rates of M. capensis and M. paradoxus, respectively. The spatial density patterns were consistent and confirmed existing knowledge about these species in the northern Benguela system. Furthermore, seasonal migration patterns were described for the first time and were found to correspond to the known spawning areas and seasons for M. capensis and M. paradoxus. Spatial density patterns were validated using the geostatistical modelling results of fisheries-independent trawl survey data. Improved understanding of the relationships between fleet dynamics and fish movement can be achieved by taking into consideration the present catch-rate model and spatial and seasonal distribution maps. We conclude that the yearly standardised CPUE time-series are problematic as proxies for total stock abundance because of spatial coverage issues. Consequently, such CPUE data should not be used for stock-size assessments and fisheries advice concerning northern Benguela hakes until this is solved. We generally recommend the exclusion of standardised CPUE time-series from stock assessments when important and changing parts of the stock distribution cannot be targeted by the fishery, such as due to closed areas or seasons.  相似文献   
2018年8月19日受台风“温比亚”影响,山东省临沂市遭受龙卷袭击。通过实地灾情调查,给出了该龙卷的影响范围、灾害分布和强度评估等,综合考虑不同标识物和致灾过程,评估本次龙卷强度为EF3级。分析龙卷发生的环境和天气雷达特征,结果表明:龙卷发生在低抬升凝结高度(≤300 m)、强低层垂直风切变(≥18×10-3s-1)、强相对风暴螺旋度(≥350 m2/s2)和较低对流有效位能(≤400 J/kg)的有利环境条件下;龙卷超级单体嵌于台风右侧螺旋雨带内,龙卷发生在中气旋与风暴后侧下沉气流区相接一侧,与龙卷涡旋特征位置对应;龙卷及地时中气旋向下延伸加强,同时风暴顶及单体质心迅速下降;若探测到低层中等强度中气旋时应发布龙卷预警,则此次过程的龙卷预警时间提前量为15~20 min。  相似文献   
王赟  王洪祥  满永恒 《气象科技》2014,42(4):702-706
根据大连地区近6年雷电灾害资料,40年雷暴资料,以大连地理、气候环境为背景,通过计算指标权重,采用层次分析法对大连区域雷灾易损性进行评价,并通过一致性检验。结果显示,金州新区属于极高风险区域,瓦房店属于高风险区域,大连、普兰店、庄河属于低风险区域,旅顺属于极低风险区域。结果表明雷灾区域易损性分析不仅取决于样本区域的自然雷暴日,还与样本区域的经济发展情况、人口密度、历史灾害等多方面因素有关,各指标影响权重也并非相同。采用层次分析法进行区域雷灾评价研究,能够有效减少人为因素,为防雷减灾提供了依据。  相似文献   
黄河"八七"分水方案是流域水资源管理的重要依据。颁布30余年来,黄河流域自然环境、经济社会等发生了显著变化,亟需科学认识分水方案对环境变化扰动的适应性。运用动力系统原理构建分水方案适应性的动力微分方程和综合评价模型,从敏感性、稳定性、抗力和恢复力4个方面建立包含20个指标的适应性评价指标体系,定量评价1999年以来分水方案的适应性,并采用HP(Hodrick-Prescott)滤波识别适应性变化趋势。结果表明:分水方案对环境变化的适应性良好,19年中63.2%的年份适应性值大于1;适应性先升后降,2005年达到峰值,之后逐渐降低,2014年起适应性值小于1,表现为不适应。分析影响分水方案适应性的主要因素,提出分水方案调整策略,为支撑流域水资源管理提供方向参考。  相似文献   
借鉴海洋资源开发潜力、旅游开发潜力、土地开发潜力、主体功能区开发潜力、可持续发展能力和多指标综合评价等方面的研究方法和指标体系,首次提出了海洋功能区开发潜力的概念、构成和指标,并分析了层次分析法在海洋功能区开发潜力评价中的适用性,总结了海洋功能区开发潜力评价的方法、步骤和存在的问题。  相似文献   
基于遥感和GIS的建筑物震害损失评估方法研究与实现   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王龙  王晓青  丁香  窦爱霞 《地震》2007,27(4):77-83
介绍了一种使用遥感技术进行震后损失快速评估的方法,评估流程包括震害提取和损失评估两个部分。评估方式根据需求可以分为基于震害指数的评估和基于图像分类结果的评估两种模式,前者通过震害指数与烈度的关系得到地面居民住地的宏观震害情况,结合地震应急数据进行建筑物损失评估;后者采用图像处理技术,选取典型震害样本以图像分类技术得到地面居民住地的分级分类的震害结果,然后计算参数进行损失评估。损失评估的计算根据震害提取模式而不同。这种遥感震害评估方法和计算流程结合了遥感和GIS技术,以满足实际工作需求目标,提高了震害提取的自动化程度,实现多人工作模式,通过有效率的人机交互来提高遥感震害评估的速度。  相似文献   
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