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对我国著名地质学家陈国达院士的科学哲学思想作了探讨,其主要内容有:历史动力法是复杂性哲学思想与地质科学思想相结合的产物;递进思想是辩证否定观在大地构造理论发展中的胜利;地洼学说的理论结构与发展纲领是与拉卡托斯科学哲学思想不谋而合的。研究陈国达科学哲学思想对指导科学研究无疑具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
冰冻圈是全球气候系统的主要圈层之一,既具有不可替代的气候效应,又维系着寒旱地区社会经济和自然生态系统良好运行,而中国是中低纬度地区冰川、积雪、冻土发育程度最高的国家。长期以来,针对冰冻圈“致害性”的研究众多,而聚焦冰冻圈服务的“致利性”研究则相对滞后,在此背景下着眼于人类福祉的冰冻圈服务识别与综合区划研究成为冰冻圈科学、人地系统可持续发展等的关键科学问题之一,也是目前迫切需要开展的研究方向。首先,确定以地域分异规律理论、人地关系地域系统理论、集合论和信息编码论等跨学科理论为研究基础;尔后,构建面向综合区划研究的冰冻圈服务分类体系,先以供需均衡模型为核心进行单项服务重要性空间识别,再以服务最大化模型为指导,通过区位熵算法判定冰冻圈主导服务的空间分布;最后,以三维魔方展开法为核心制定冰冻圈服务综合区划方案,将研究区划分多重空间层级、彼此独立完整、相互联系密切的冰冻圈服务单元。综上,形成综合自然供给和人文需求因素且适应地区特色的冰冻圈服务空间识别与综合区划技术体系和方法流程,为冰冻圈服务供给与社会经济发展需要架起一座桥梁,是满足国家重大战略需求和合理利用冰冻圈服务的必由之路。  相似文献   
Patterns of spatial development and protection form a basic category of geoscience,and redesigning them is a popular subject of research in regional sustainable development that is important for ecological civilization construction.The authors here report a case study of Wuhan city using the circuit theory model and minimum cumulative resistance(MCR)model to rebalance its spatial protection and development.The results show the following:(1)Using the density of the gross domestic product(GDP),density of population,rate of urbanization,and access to transportation as evaluation indicators,seven core areas of development in Wuhan were identified,accounting for 59%of the total number of streets,that exhibited a “circular-satellite”spatial structure.(2)According to the importance of ecosystem services,ecological sensitivity,land use type,and slope of the terrain,the resistance surface of spatial development in Wuhan had a stereoscopic spatial form of an“inverted pyramid,”with high surroundings and a low center.The area of low resistance accounted for 6.64%of the total area of Wuhan.(3)Based on coupling analysis using the MCR and spatial morphological characteristics of current,nine axes of spatial development with a total area of 427.27 km2 and eight key strategic points with a total area of 40.02 km2 were identified.Streets that were prioritized for development accounted for 9.63%of Wuhan's total area.(4)By combining the characterization of the development axis with the structure of the three-level core area,we extracted the structure of spatial development of "one heart,two wings,and three belts" in Wuhan.The research framework and empirical results can provide scientific guidance for the urban spatial layout,the development of regional linkages,and ecological environmental protection in China.  相似文献   
Urbanization and eco-environment coupling is a research hotspot.Dynamic simulation of urbanization and eco-environment coupling needs to be improved because the processes of coupling are complex and statistical methods are limited.Systems science and cross-scale coupling allow us to define the coupled urbanization and eco-environment system as an open complex giant system with multiple feedback loops.We review the current state of dynamic simulation of urbanization and eco-environment coupling and find that:(1)The use of dynamic simulation is an increasing trend,the relevant theory is being developed,and modeling processes are being improved;(2)Dynamic simulation technology has become diversified,refined,intelligent and integrated;(3)Simulation is mainly performed for three aspects of the coupling,multiple regions and multiple elements,local coupling and telecoupling,and regional synergy.However,we also found some shortcomings:(1)Basic theories are inadequately developed and insufficiently integrated;(2)The methods of unifying systems and sharing data are behind the times;(3)Coupling relations and the dynamic characteristics of the main driving elements are not fully understood or completely identified.Additionally,simulation of telecoupling does not quantify parameters and is not systemically unified,and therefore cannot be used to represent spatial synergy.In the future,we must promote communication between research networks,technology integration and data sharing to identify the processes governing change in coupled relations and in the main driving elements in urban agglomerations.Finally,we must build decision support systems to plan and ensure regional sustainable urbanization.  相似文献   
高速铁路路基的工后沉降严重影响着行车安全。在已有的预测模型中,所采用的初始数据往往不能满足等时间周期采集,而且还会伴随着一系列不可避免的观测误差,模型本身的误差累计,不能进行长期预测。文中利用最小二乘原理对初始值进行拟合改进,采用Lagrange插值方法将非等间隔序列转为等间隔序列,并基于新陈更替GM(1,1)模型利用MATLAB建立沉降预测模型;在此基础上,提出对模型残差进行GM改正以提高模型精度的方法。研究表明,通过对初始值序列改正后的模型具有较好的适应性,优化改进后的模型预测误差小,预测精度优于新陈更替GM(1,1)模型。  相似文献   
以广州市猎德复建房社区为案例,运用布迪厄的场域理论,剖析改造后村民市民化进程问题;并基于问卷调查数据和深度访谈资料,采用描述性统计和质性分析方法,从经济融合、社会文化适应、结构融合和身份认同4个维度探讨村民的市民化水平。结果表明,由于村社共同体这一特定场域的延续,村民经济资本转化不畅,村民的社会、文化和象征性资本相对匮乏以及村民既有惯习的固化和自我改变动力的缺失,尽管村民在改造后经济状况、行为方式、思想观念等均有一定程度的提升,但村民仍处于“半市民化”状态,在经济融合层面就业难题尚未解决,在社会文化适应层面老一辈村民的思维和行为方式固化,在结构融合层面社会网络拓展受阻,在身份认同层面对市民角色的认识不足。在城中村改造过程中,政府应当兼顾社会效益与经济效益,大力推进村社共同体转型,并将城中村村民市民化视作长期的社会系统工程,切实提升村民的人力与社会资本,促进村民融入城市社会。  相似文献   
基于神经-模糊方法的单料烟感官质量评价专家系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者通过对单料烟评吸的结果与理化测定的指标参数进行分析 ,结合专家经验并采用神经 -模糊方法 ,提出一种基于单料烟的理化指标对各感官参数进行分类、分级 ,建造单料烟感官质量评价专家系统的方法。实验表明 ,该系统具有学习与知识提取能力 ,在卷烟产品质量管理新产品开发中具有指导意义  相似文献   
大气能见度研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
回顾总结了国内外有关大气能见度的理论研究、仪器观测和数值模拟方面取得的成果;介绍大气能见度研究的基本理论、消光系数的概念及计算方法;总结了几种白天大气能见度探测仪的使用原理及优缺点;介绍测量夜间大气能见度和数字摄像法探测大气能见度的方法;并着重介绍4种计算与雾有关的大气能见度的经验公式,基于2004年4月11日黄海海雾个例的RAMS模式数值模拟结果,采用4种方法分别计算了大气能见度的分布并进行了比较。总结出大气能见度研究中存在的问题和今后研究的主要方向,并针对其中仍然存在的问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   
发生地震时常伴随有地热辐射增强现象,这些异常信息隐藏于遥感卫星NOAA所捕获的地球射出长波辐射(OLR)数据中,目前多数研究还停留在对源数据的解读,缺乏有效的信息处理技术,致使大部分的OLR数据没有得到充分利用。因此,本文提出一种基于鞅理论的概率统计方法来识别异常特征算法,从有噪声的非结构化的源数据中提取出震前OLR数据异常变化特征序列,从时间序列和地域范围进行震前异常分析。本算法实验是以尼泊尔的在2014年9月至2015年7月期间(包括2015年4月25日Ms7.8大地震)发生的3次地震的OLR数据为例,实验结果显示震中区域的OLR数据在震前的2~3个月开始有显著的异常数据变化,通过分析发现数据显示数据异常在震前出现的时间长短与地震的大小相关,异常的发生区域与震区周围的地貌特征相关。这说明基于鞅理论的算法所提取的OLR数据异常点序列的确与地震发生的时间地点是有关系的。  相似文献   
Application of the standard Eulerian model to simulations of sand scour results in unrealistic phenomena. Therefore, the present work develops a modified Eulerian model based on sand incipient motion theory. The modified model is applied for simulating a two-dimensional single vertical jet and a moving planar jet. The simulation results generally demonstrate fairly good agreement with published results of scour profiles and the velocity contours of the water and sand phases. In addition, equations to describe self-similar scour profiles for the moving planar jet cases are given. The results demonstrate that the modified model efficiently and accurately simulates the two-dimensional sand scour produced by jets, particularly for the moving jet cases.  相似文献   
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