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2014年8月3日云南鲁甸发生MS6.5地震,10月7日云南景谷发生MS6.6地震。这2次地震的震级、地震类型、震源深度等相差不大,但地震所造成的人员伤亡、房屋建筑损毁程度、地震地质灾害等却相差很大。在地震现场调查资料的基础上,对比分析地震造成的崩塌、滑坡、地裂缝、砂土液化、房屋建筑损毁等灾害轻重差别的主要原因。研究表明,鲁甸地震灾区地质构造复杂,地层破碎,人口密度大,房屋建筑抗震性能差;而景谷地震灾区地质环境较好,植被茂密,人口密度低,相比同量级地震的加速度小,房屋建筑结构抗震性能较好。总体而言,鲁甸MS6.5地震的震害比景谷MS6.6地震要严重得多。 相似文献
Y.?BouhadadEmail author A.?Nour A.?Slimani N.?Laouami D.?Belhai 《Journal of Seismology》2004,8(4):497-506
A destructive earthquake of magnitude Mw = 6.8 hit the region of Boumerdes and Algiers (Algeria) on May 21, 2003. This is among the strongest seismic events of the mediterranean region and the most important event in the capital Algiers since 1716. It caused a widespread damage in the epicentral region, claimed 2271 human lives, injured 10000, about 20000 housing units affected and left about 160000 homeless. The main shock was felt about 250 km far from the epicenter and triggered sea waves of 1–3 m in amplitude in Balearic islands (Spain). Based on field observations and press report an intensity IX (MSK scale) is attributed to the epicentral area. The main shock was followed by many aftershocks among them several are of magnitude greater than 5.0, which added panic to inhabitants. The main shock triggered ground deformation, particularly liquefaction whose features are in different forms and sizes and caused damage and collapse of roads. The focal mechanism determined by worldwide institutions yield a pure reverse faulting with a compressional axis striking NE-SW. The epicenter is located offshore about 7 km from the Boumerdes-Dellys coast. Field observations show 0.7 m of coseismic uplift of shoreline between Boudouaou and Dellys. This uplift is about a half of the extracted coseismic slip from the seismic moment. On the other hand there is no clear surface break onshore, confirming hence, that the causative active fault is offshore. However, the rupture may propagate onshore to the SE near the Boudouaou region where ground cracks showing reverse faulting are observed a long a corridor of about 1 km wide. These fissures may correspond to a diffuse coseismic deformation. 相似文献
考虑地基土液化影响的桩基高层建筑体系地震反应分析 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
本文建立了土体-结构体系地震反应分析的混合有限元法,并研究了地基土液化对地震反应的影响。本方法把土体-结构体系简化为一个完整的体系,该体系由梁(柱)单元、剪切杆单元、刚体单元、平面四边形等参单元与三角形单元、界面单元的任意组合来模拟。桩与上部结构材料视为线弹性体,土介质视为非线性材料。土的静应力-应变关系之间的非线性用邓肯一张模型来描述;土的动应力-应变关系之间的非线性和振动孔隙水压力对土的软化效 相似文献
通过给饱和砂土层施加反压,模拟地震荷载作用下具有残余孔压的饱和弱化、液化土层。选择粉质细砂与细砂,进行了18组水平荷载作用下桩与饱和弱化、液化土层相互作用的模型试验,研究了饱和弱化、液化土层水平极限抗力随土层残余孔压增加的变化规律。结果表明,随土层中残余孔压增加,水平极限抗力逐渐降低,土层液化后的水平极限抗力大约降低80%~90%。通过定义饱和弱化、液化土层的强度,定量分析了饱和弱化、液化砂土的强度参数与水平极限抗力之间关系。又通过引入土层的残余孔压比折减系数,建立了确定饱和弱化、液化土层等效强度的关系式,进而提出了一种按等效强度确定饱和弱化、液化土层水平极限抗力的方法。 相似文献
应用FLAOD实现自由场液化数值模拟试验.试验结果验证了砂土液化典型特征:超静孔隙水压升高,有效应力降低,体积压缩积累增大.证实了液化的隔振作用:砂土在液化状态变为流体,不能传递剪力,液化时砂土位移、速度、加速度振幅显著降低,剪应力降低,动水向上渗流,土体向下沉降,水平残留不可恢复位移.球压应力、有效压应力、动水压力满... 相似文献
To investigate the seismic liquefaction performance of earth dams under earthquake loading, we present a new methodology for evaluating the seismic response of earth dams based on a performance‐based approach and a stochastic vibration method. This study assesses an earthfill dam located in a high‐intensity seismic region of eastern China. The seismic design levels and corresponding performance indexes are selected according to performance‐based criteria and dam seismic codes. Then, nonlinear constitutive models are used to derive an array of deterministic seismic responses of the earth dam by dynamic time series analysis based on a finite element model. Based on these responses, the stochastic seismic responses and dynamic reliability of the earth dam are obtained using the probability density evolution method. Finally, the seismic performance of the earth dam is assessed by the performance‐based and reliability criteria. Our results demonstrate the accuracy of the seismic response analysis of earth dams using the random vibration method. This new method of dynamic performance analysis of earth dams demonstrates that performance‐based criteria and reliability evaluation can provide more objective indices for decision‐making rather than using deterministic seismic acceleration time series as is the current normal practice. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献