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This paper assesses linear regression‐based methods in downscaling daily precipitation from the general circulation model (GCM) scale to a regional climate model (RCM) scale (45‐ and 15‐km grids) and down to a station scale across North America. Traditional downscaling experiments (linking reanalysis/dynamical model predictors to station precipitation) as well as nontraditional experiments such as predicting dynamic model precipitation from larger‐scale dynamic model predictors or downscaling dynamic model precipitation from predictors at the same scale are conducted. The latter experiments were performed to address predictability limit and scale issues. The results showed that the downscaling of daily precipitation occurrence was rarely successful at all scales, although results did constantly improve with the increased resolution of climate models. The explained variances for downscaled precipitation amounts at the station scales were low, and they became progressively better when using predictors from a higher‐resolution climate model, thus showing a clear advantage in using predictors from RCMs driven by reanalysis at its boundaries, instead of directly using reanalysis data. The low percentage of explained variances resulted in considerable underestimation of daily precipitation mean and standard deviation. Although downscaling GCM precipitation from GCM predictors (or RCM precipitation from RCM predictors) cannot really be considered downscaling, as there is no change in scale, the exercise yields interesting information as to the limit in predictive ability at the station scale. This was especially clear at the GCM scale, where the inability of downscaling GCM precipitation from GCM predictors demonstrates that GCM precipitation‐generating processes are largely at the subgrid scale (especially so for convective events), thus indicating that downscaling precipitation at the station scale from GCM scale is unlikely to be successful. Although results became better at the RCM scale, the results indicate that, overall, regression‐based approaches did not perform well in downscaling precipitation over North America. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Drying of deformable porous media results in their shrinkage, and it may cause cracking provided that shrinkage deformations are hindered by kinematic constraints. This is the motivation to develop a thermodynamics‐based microporoelasticity model for the assessment of cracking risk in partially saturated porous geomaterials. The study refers to 3D representative volume elements of porous media, including a two‐scale double‐porosity material with a pore network comprising (at the mesoscale) 3D mesocracks in the form of oblate spheroids, and (at the microscale) spherical micropores of different sizes. Surface tensions prevailing in all interfaces between solid, liquid, and gaseous matters are taken into account. To establish a thermodynamics‐based crack propagation criterion for a two‐scale double‐porosity material, the potential energy of the solid is derived, accounting—in particular—for mesocrack geometry changes (main original contribution) and for effective micropore pressures, which depend (due to surface tensions) on the pore radius. Differentiating the potential energy with respect to crack density parameter yields the thermodynamical driving force for crack propagation, which is shown to be governed by an effective macrostrain. It is found that drying‐related stresses in partially saturated mesocracks reduce the cracking risk. The drying‐related effective underpressures in spherical micropores, in turn, result in a tensile eigenstress of the matrix in which the mesocracks are embedded. This way, micropores increase the mesocracking risk. Model application to the assessment of cracking risk during drying of argillite is the topic of the companion paper (Part II). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel approach is introduced for simulation of instantaneous unit hydrographs (IUHs). The model consists of a series of linear reservoirs that are connected to each other, and is referred to as the inter-connected linear reservoir model (ICLRM). By assuming the flow between two reservoirs is a linear function of the difference between the water levels in the reservoirs, a system of first-order linear differential equations is obtained as the ICLRM governing equation. By solving the equations, the discharge from the last reservoir is considered as an IUH. A small-scale laboratory device was constructed for the simulation of IUHs using the model. By studying four hydrographs extracted from the literature, and simulating them using both the ICLRM and the Nash model, it is concluded that the ICLRM can predict these hydrographs more accurately than the Nash model. Due to the simplicity of the construction and operation of the ICLRM and, more importantly, its visual aspect, the ICLRM may be considered as an effective educational tool for studying IUHs.  相似文献   
现有天线曲面拟合算法均基于最小二乘法,难以消除多个粗差对拟合结果的影响。本文基于等价权抗差估计思想,利用线性规划计算残差初值,再进行选权迭代计算。通过算例,证明本文方法能较好地探查多个粗差,且计算结果精度更高。  相似文献   
郭庆胜  王琳  孙雅庚  周林  龙毅 《测绘学报》2016,45(7):850-857
在地图综合过程中,线的图形简化和移位算子通常是分别执行的,图形简化和移位有时都会产生新的空间冲突。本文试图把这两种算子进行协同,避免在地图综合过程中进行空间冲突的多次探测,提高地图综合数据处理的效率。本文通过把线图形简化转换为线上的点移位,并构建邻近地图目标之间的移位传播路径,在考虑空间上下文关系和地图感受规则的前提下,使移位过程能考虑到线图形简化,并尽量保持有关地图目标的空间特征。最后,以道路和其周边的建筑物群为例,验证了该算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
兵棋地图是兵棋的重要组成部分,是战场环境信息的载体,是兵棋推演者认知战场环境的工具。在介绍兵棋地图概念和作用的基础上,阐明兵棋地图可视化设计的重要性,总结目前兵棋地图可视化设计存在的问题和不足。以提高兵棋地图可视化设计效率和改进其可视化表达效果为目的,将地图模板技术运用到兵棋地图可视化设计中,分析兵棋地图可视化模板设计的影响因素,构建兵棋地图可视化模板库,并对其实现机制进行研究,最后给出应用实例,证明效果良好。  相似文献   
The attempt to obtain long-term observed data around some sea areas we concern is usually very hard or even impossible in practical offshore and ocean engineering situations. In this paper, by means of linear mean-square estimation method, a new way to extend short-term data to long-term ones is developed. The long-term data about concerning sea areas can be constructed via a series of long-term data obtained from neighbor oceanographic stations, through relevance analysis of different data series. It is effective to cover the insufficiency of time series prediction method’s overdependence upon the length of data series, as well as the limitation of variable numbers adopted in multiple linear regression model. The storm surge data collected from three oceanographic stations located in Shandong Peninsula are taken as examples to analyze the number-selection effect of reference oceanographic stations (adjacent to the concerning sea area) and the correlation coefficients between sea sites which are selected for reference and for engineering projects construction respectively. By comparing the N-year return-period values which are calculated from observed raw data and processed data which are extended from finite data series by means of the linear mean-square estimation method, one can draw a conclusion that this method can give considerably good estimation in practical ocean engineering, in spite of different extreme value distributions about raw and processed data.  相似文献   
This study considered the possibility of using visible and near infrared (VNIR) spectral absorption feature parameters (SAFPs) in predicting the concentration and mapping the distribution of heavy metals in sediments of the Takab area. In total, 60 sediment samples were collected along main streams draining from the mining districts and tailing sites, in order to measure the concentration of As, Co, V, Cu, Cr, Ni, Hg, Ti, Pb and Zn and the reflectance spectra (350–2500 nm). The quantitative relationship between SAFPs (Depth500nm, R610/500nm, R1344/778nm, Area500nm, Depth2200nm, Area2200nm, Asym2200nm) and geochemical data were assessed using stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and enter multiple linear regression (EMLR) methods. The results showed a strong negative correlation between Ni and Cr with Area2200nm, a significant positive correlation between As and Asym2200nm, Ni and Co with Depth2200nm, as well as Co, V and total values with Depth500nm. The EMLR method eventuated in a significant prediction result for Ni, Cr, Co and As concentrations based on spectral parameters, whereas the prediction for Zn, V and total value was relatively weak. The spatial distribution pattern of geochemical data showed that mining activities, along with the natural weathering of base metal occurrences and rock units, has caused high concentrations of heavy metals in sediments of the Sarough River tributaries.  相似文献   
在资源储量估算的过程中,矿石小体重的准确与否将直接影响到资源储量估算的客观程度。对矿石小体重的准确预测将需要通过大量的统计分析工作,传统的方法是利用矿石小体重的算术平均值进行估算矿床资源储量,并没有考虑到多矿种对矿石小体重的影响程度。本文利用Excel软件"数据分析"的"回归"功能模块,对实验室所测定的矿石小体重值与其对应品位进行二元线性回归分析,快速、准确地构建矿石体重与其品位的数学模型,从而为资源储量估算提供了更客观、更科学的矿石体重模型。  相似文献   
线性化物理过程对GRAPES 4DVAR同化的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
线性化物理过程能够改善四维变分同化中极小化收敛的稳定性和增加极小化过程中对大气物理过程和动力更加精确的描述,它是四维变分同化中非常重要的一部分。通过在GRAPES全球模式中研究线性化物理过程,尤其是两个湿线性化物理过程,改善切线性模式预报精度,来提高GRAPES全球四维变分同化的分析和预报效果。线性化物理过程的开发首先需要简化原非线性化物理过程中的强非线性项,然后对线性化物理过程进行规约化,以抑制切线性扰动的异常增长。目前GRAEPS全球模式中的线性化物理过程主要包括次网格尺度地形参数化、垂直扩散、积云深对流和大尺度凝结。线性化物理过程预报精度的检验方法是通过选择合适大小的初始扰动(同化分析增量),来比较非线性模式和切线性模式中的扰动演化的纬向平均误差。然后以绝热版本的切线性模式为基础,通过冬、夏两个个例试验来分别检验4个线性化物理过程的12 h预报效果。试验结果表明,通过添加次网格地形参数化和垂直扩散两个干线性化物理过程方案,可以有效抑制住绝热版本切线性模式低层扰动的异常增长,大幅度改善切线性模式预报效果。通过添加积云深对流和大尺度凝结两个湿线性化物理过程,可以在热带区域和中、高纬度地区提高切线性模式中湿变量和温度变量的近似精度,提高GRAPES全球四维变分同化的分析和预报效果。   相似文献   
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