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This article reviews Fuqing ZHANG’s contributions to mesoscale atmospheric science,from research to mentoring to academic service,over his 20-year career.His fundamental scientific contributions on predictability,data assimilation,and dynamics of high impact weather,especially gravity waves and tropical cyclones,are highlighted.His extremely generous efforts to efficiently transmit to the community new scientific knowledge and ideas through mentoring,interacting,workshop organizing,and reviewing are summarized.Special appreciation is given to his tremendous contributions to the development of mesoscale meteorology in China and the education of Chinese graduate students and young scientists.  相似文献   
魏强  胡永云 《大气科学》2018,42(4):890-901
我国计划在2030年发射木星探测飞船,相关工程技术、科学目标论证的前期准备工作已经开始。为了更好地规划我国木星探测的科学目标,我们在本文系统地总结了美欧在过去几十年所进行的历次木星探测项目及其大气探测成果。到目前为止,已成功发射的有关木星的探测飞船共有9次,其中7次为飞越探测(飞船在飞越木星时顺带进行了木星的探测),另外2次为专门探测(专门为了探测木星而发射的飞船),分别为伽利略号和朱诺号飞船。这些飞船携带了大量的探测仪器,对木星大气的动力、物理和化学性质,磁层、电离层和内部结构等进行了综合探测。我们在本文中将主要集中在木星大气探测方面,对7次飞越探测做简要的介绍,对两次专门的探测进行详细介绍,并对一部分尚未解决的科学问题进行简单讨论。  相似文献   
Interannual variations of subsurface influence on SST in the Indian Ocean show strong seasonality. The subsurface influence on SST confines to the southern Indian Ocean (SIO) in boreal winter and spring; it is observed on both sides of the equator in boreal summer and fall. Interannual long Rossby waves are at the heart of this influence, and contribute significantly to the coupled climate variability in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO). Principal forcing mechanism for the generation of these interannual waves in the Indian Ocean and the relative influence of two dominant interannual signals in the tropics, namely El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), are also discussed. Two distinct regions dominated by either of the above climate signals are identified. IOD dominates the forcing of the off-equatorial Rossby waves, north of 10°S, and the forcing comes mainly from the anomalous Ekman pumping associated with the IOD. However, after the demise of IOD activity by December, Rossby waves are dominantly forced by ENSO, particularly south of 10°S.It is found that the subsurface feedback in the northern flank of the southern Indian Ocean ridge region (north of 10°S) significantly influences the central east African rainfall in boreal fall. The Indian Ocean coupled process further holds considerable capability of predicting the east African rainfall by one season ahead. Decadal modulation of the subsurface influence is also noticed during the study period. The subsurface influence north of 10°S coherently varies with the IOD, while it varies coherently with the ENSO south of this latitude.  相似文献   
湿斜压大气中暴雨中尺度系统发展的一种可能机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈忠明 《高原气象》2007,26(2):233-239
根据暴雨中尺度系统发生时的大气运动特征,在绝热、无摩擦条件下,从湿斜压原始方程出发,考虑大气运动的涡度及散度演化不仅受动力场的制约,而且还受到热力场的约束,采用不同于传统研究涡度及散度方程的分析方法,导出了新形式的涡度及散度方程。在此基础上,分析了湿斜压大气中对流层中低层气流旋转与辐合持续增长的动力特征,初步揭示了湿斜压大气中暴雨中尺度系统发展的动力机制。  相似文献   
公共服务设施作为社区生活圈的核心内容,直接决定了社区生活圈的生活品质。对社区公共服务设施建设情况进行量化评价,并对设施建设的未来规划提供科学决策支持逐渐成为规划者和决策者的一大难题。本文通过ArcGIS工具对POI数据进行处理、统计和可视化,在总结他人社区生活圈量化评价方法的基础上,结合温州本地特色,搭建了一套社区生活圈公共服务设施评价模型。利用该模型可对各类社区进行综合评分和分级,并根据模型评分结果挖掘公共服务设施未来优化方向。此外,还实现了社区生活圈评分的动态计算与展示,为社区服务设施建设选址、路网建设与公共服务设施建设优先级评定等提供决策支持。既可帮助规划者和决策者快速建立对整个区域生活圈建设现状的量化认知,又可助力公共服务设施的优化配置,为社区生活圈公共服务品质评价与提升探寻全新的思路与方法。  相似文献   
Vegetation population dynamics play an essential role in shaping the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems.However,large uncertainties remain in the parameterizations of population dynamics in current Dynamic Global Vegetation Models(DGVMs).In this study,the global distribution and probability density functions of tree population densities in the revised Community Land Model-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model(CLM-DGVM) were evaluated,and the impacts of population densities on ecosystem characteristics were investigated.The results showed that the model predicted unrealistically high population density with small individual size of tree PFTs(Plant Functional Types) in boreal forests,as well as peripheral areas of tropical and temperate forests.Such biases then led to the underestimation of forest carbon storage and incorrect carbon allocation among plant leaves,stems and root pools,and hence predicted shorter time scales for the building/recovering of mature forests.These results imply that further improvements in the parameterizations of population dynamics in the model are needed in order for the model to correctly represent the response of ecosystems to climate change.  相似文献   
湿地植物群落结构及其动态变化特征是反映湿地生态系统健康状况的重要指标,对预测湿地生态系统演变方向和生态恢复至关重要。本文基于融合Landsat和MODIS数据获得的30 m、8 d分辨率的NDVI数据集,结合物候特征构建决策树分类方法,解译了2000 2020年鄱阳湖洪泛湿地植被空间分布格局,分析不同植物群落时空动态特征及转移变化过程。结果表明:遥感时空融合为鄱阳湖湿地植被精细化分类提供了良好的数据基础,基于物候特征的决策树分类方法将研究区解译为水体、泥滩、浮叶植物群落、蓼子草(Polygonum hydropiper)-虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)群落、苔草(Carex cinerascens)群落、芦荻(Phragmites australis-Triarrhena lutarioriparia)群落、蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)群落和林地8种景观,总体分类精度达89.36%。从全湖范围来看,湿地植被总面积虽有波动,但整体呈显著增加趋势,其中蓼子草-虉草群落的增加最为明显,而分布最广的苔草群落先增加后有微弱减小,次优势种的芦荻群落面积在30...  相似文献   
西秦岭新生代高钾质玄武岩流体组成及其地幔动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
西秦岭新生代高钾质玄武岩是认识大陆碰撞俯冲体制下地幔流体组成及深部动力学的岩石探针。本文采用分步加热质谱法测定了西秦岭高钾质玄武岩中斑晶及基质的流体化学组成和碳同位素组成,结果表明流体组分在200~400℃、400~800℃和800~1200℃阶段性释出,以H2O为主,其次为CO2和SO2,并含有相对较高的He含量。从橄榄石斑晶到斜长石斑晶和基质H2O和CO2逐步升高。橄榄石斑晶流体挥发份主要释气峰温度(900~1200℃)明显高于中国东部地幔捕虏体及其它地区超镁铁质岩体中的橄榄石,流体组份以SO2和CO2等氧化性组份为主,其CO2δ13C值(-26.21‰~-20.85‰,平均-23.32‰)和CH4δ13C值(-42.35‰~-38.17‰,平均-40.03‰)低于基质的δ13CCO2值(-16.43‰~-11.67‰,平均-13.22‰)和δ13CCH4值(-44.22‰~-34.03‰,平均-39.70‰)。基质中CO2和CH4碳同位素组成具有机质热裂解特征。原始岩浆的流体挥发份主要为SO2、N2和CO2,可能起源于较深的混杂地幔源区、演化于高fO2的环境。流体挥发份化学和同位素组成表明高钾质玄武岩浆挥发份中存在地幔和地壳来源组分,幔源岩浆上升演化过程中可能加入了大量的H2O和CO2等,可能存在碳酸岩岩浆的混合或岩浆穿透区域碳酸盐地层的混染;其中的再循环壳源组分可能为古特提斯洋闭合俯冲或其后华北克拉通与扬子克拉通碰撞相关的再循环壳源沉积物脱出的流体组分。  相似文献   
华南加里东期金矿床的基本特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
文章分析了安徽月山矿田夕卡岩型矿床形成过程中水岩作用的类型和特征。估算和讨论了水岩作用过程中的质量-体积变化和动力学问题。结论认为:水岩作用对流体成矿系统中夕卡岩和蚀变矿化作用的发生、发展,成矿流体的形成,成矿物质的富集,矿床定位等具有重要意义;水岩作用的水岩比值(W/R)小于0.1;夕卡岩和矿化蚀变分带是开放体系一系列溶解沉淀波反应前锋发生水岩反应后矿物和元素组合的时空分离的结果。  相似文献   
Squall lines develop in various climate regions having diverse environmental profiles of wind shear, moisture, and temperature. In order to explore the sensitivity of squall lines to these environmental profiles, we have performed an extensive set of numerical simulations under various shear and moisture conditions in midlatitude-continental and tropical–oceanic temperature environments. From the results of the sensitivity simulations and the analyses of the environmental parameters, it is found that the static stability in a convectively unstable layer is of primary importance in determining the strength of squall lines. Under temperature environments having the same static stability, convective available potential energy (CAPE) and precipitable water content (PWC) well describe the squall-line intensity. Vertical shear also plays an important role in determining the squall-line structure as well as the intensity through the interaction with surface cold pool. The combination of the static stability in a convectively unstable layer, CAPE, and PWC should be examined in diagnosing the intensity of squall lines that develop with an optimal shear for their environment.  相似文献   
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