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勘查植物地球化学是通过分析植物器官来获取成矿元素信息的地球化学方法.我国学者在干旱荒漠区、森林沼泽区、半干旱和湿润半湿润中低山景观区开展了系统的勘查植物地球化学试验,厘定了一批适用于勘查植物地球化学调查的植物,为该方法的推广及应用奠定了良好基础.今后应进一步加强对勘查植物地球化学异常产生的机理、勘查植物地球化学数据库及指南建立、勘查植物地球化学异常遥感应用等方面的研究,更好地利用勘查植物地球化学方法服务矿产勘查工作.  相似文献   
镇赉县土地利用结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于遥感与GIS进行吉林省镇赉县土地利用现状调查与生态适宜性评价, 通过分析二者差异提出土地利用调整方向及对策, 进一步优化土地利用结构。研究结果显示, 镇赉县宜林地和宜牧地的利用现状主要是盐碱地, 其次为耕地, 很少用于林地与草地; 宜农地和宜农、林、牧地利用格局单一, 耕林草比例不合理; 土地利用结构调整方向为盐碱地治理、退耕还林还草与土地利用格局优化。结合自然环境特点分析, 调整后的土地利用模式有农林复合、林草复合及开发水田等3种, 农、林、牧用地比例接近3∶1∶1, 空间格局交替安排。  相似文献   
对“三江并流”,世外桃园的乡城地区的奇特旅游景观,罕见的地方情趣作简要介绍,为发展该区的旅游业提供参考。  相似文献   
对四川省夹江县主要地质地貌资源进行了叙述,分析了这些资源对旅游开发的重要意义,提出了开发的构想和保护原生地质地貌环境的建议。  相似文献   
全球变化背景下景观生态适应性特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全球变化包含气候变化、经济发展、土地利用变化等自然、人为及共同作用下引发的转变,是当前景观结构与功能保障面临的主要挑战。景观生态适应性是指景观这一地表镶嵌体吸纳上述影响并维持主要功能的特性,涉及不同景观类型、组成单元及层级在不同时空尺度中的不同程度转变。本文从景观生态学视角切入,以景观系统作为缓解与适应全球变化冲击的主体,整合农业景观、城市景观等相关研究案例,凝练当前景观系统适应全球变化过程的特征为:①由部分因子的绝对主导转向复合因子共同作用;②景观类型内部趋同,景观多样性及独特性降低;③同类景观间功能等级分明、分工明确,跨区域时空联系增强;④不同景观类型间空间边界清晰,过渡带景观功能退化。就当前全球变化议题,建议后续研究应加强:不同景观类型或组成单元的适应能力对比及其不确定性分析;基于景观系统整体健康的适应途径尺度联系解析;多学科、多部门研究在全球变化情景下的有效整合;景观系统适应性或适应能力量化分析方法的深化。  相似文献   
A section cut across an alluvial fan and the underlying floodplain terrace in the central Grampian Highlands provides an unusually complete record of late Holocene events. At ca. 2.7–2.4 cal kyr BP floodplain aggradation was replaced by net floodplain incision. Pollen evidence and charcoal counts provide no evidence for contemporaneous anthropogenic landscape change, and the timing of the transition suggests that it reflects an increase in high-magnitude erosive flood events following overall climatic deterioration. The overlying fan was deposited by torrential hyperconcentrated flows during three brief storm-generated depositional events at ca. 2.2–2.1, 1.9–1.8 and 0.9–0.7 cal kyr BP, separated and succeeded by prolonged periods of stability and peat accumulation. During these three events, a cumulative total of ca. 6750 m3 of sediment was deposited, probably in no more than a few hours over a timescale of two millennia. These findings imply that proposed links between human activity and the development of alluvial fans or debris cones require reassessment, and that different elements of the Holocene alluvial landscape have responded in different ways to the same climatic inputs. Aggregation of dating evidence relating to aggradation or incision of alluvial landforms at different scales therefore may produce misleading results. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The records of two large stock and station agents, Loan & Mercantile Agency in Dunedin and Wright Stephenson in Invercargill, allowed us to track the timing, nature, magnitude and rate of landscape change in southern New Zealand between 1896 and 1920. This period extends from the final years of subdivision of large estates, and includes closer settlement, the shift from pastoral farming to intensive agriculture, growth of dairying, and increasing mechanisation of agriculture. These changes are reflected in clients’ annual expenditures on capital items such as fencing and building materials, tools and implements, materials for drains.  相似文献   
詹嘉 《地理科学》2012,(1):55-59
根据自然—经济—文化相互联系及物质与能量转换的关系,通过实地考察景德镇生态资源,考证现存的大型陶瓷作坊,分析相关的历史文献和考古资料,运用手工绘图、测量数据,从文化地理学的角度论证了陶瓷作坊应严格遵循自然规律,因地制宜、因材施艺、资源循环利用;建筑材料、结构功能、生产工序、工艺布局具有科学性、合理性、严谨性。指出景德镇陶瓷工匠创造了采光、通风、温度、湿度宜人的生产环境,陶瓷作坊达到了结构、功能、效率、风格的完美统一,堪称世界人与自然和谐相处的经典之作,揭示作坊景观形成机理。  相似文献   
三江并流世界自然遗产地丰富独特的旅游地质景观是多种地质作用与不同成景岩组交互叠加作用的结果。其发育的地层基础主要为碳酸盐成景岩组、变质岩成景岩组、碎屑岩成景岩组以及岩浆岩成景岩组等,典型内力成景地质作用为板块缝合作用、断裂成景作用、变质成景作用,外力作用则主要有河流、冰川、丹霞、地热、喀斯特作用等。  相似文献   
In this study, we attempt to put forward a conception of landscape ecological niche, enlightened by international scholars on extending the ecological niche theory from spatial niche to functional niche. That is helpful for comprehensively appraising landscape spatial patterns and ecological functions, also, presents a new method for analyzing landscape features from multidimensional aspects. The practice process is demonstrated by taking Yan'an region in northwestern China as a case. Firstly, the indices system including spatial attribute and functional attribute is established for assessing landscape ecological niche. Additionally, two-dimensional figures are drawn for comparing the spatio-temporal features of landscape ecological niche in 1987 and 2000 among the 13 administrative counties. The results show that from 1987 to 2000, towards Yan'an region, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche changes from 1.000 to 1.178 with an obvious increment, and functional attribute value changes from 0.989 to 1.069 with a little increment, both of which enhance the regional landscape ecological niche. Towards each county, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche increases to different extent while functional attribute value changes dissimilarly with an increment or a decrement.  相似文献   
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