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菏泽数字国土工程主要包括国土资源政务管理信息、土地管理信息、地质矿产资源信息、国土测绘管理信息和国土资源法规监察信息。3S术是其工程中空间数据获取和管理的技术基础。在工程建设中应首先科学编制建设规划。通过规划确定方针,提出目标,明确任务,有序地开展建设。  相似文献   
刘宗香  谢自楚 《冰川冻土》1995,17(4):356-359
本选用中国冰川目录数据库中的青藏高原内陆水系冰川粒雪线、中值高度和地理坐标资料,利用计算机绘图方法,绘制出冰川粒支线、中值高度在空间的变化趋势,以便全面认识该地区的冰川发育特征。  相似文献   
实时动态(Real Time Kinematic)测量技术,简称RTK技术已风靡全球,它具有全球、全天候工作、定位精度高等优点,在当今测绘界已经得到广泛应用。RTK技术在南阳市全国土地二次调查中起到了关键的作用,大大提高了工程进度,降低了成本。  相似文献   
湘西地区志留纪沉积体系及典型前陆盆地的形成模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李斌  胡博文  石小虎 《地学前缘》2015,22(6):167-176
湘西地区发育志留系中、下志留统碎屑岩地层,缺失上志留统。经沉积学综合研究,可以划分出滞留盆地、浊积扇、三角洲、潮坪滨岸等沉积体系,从下向上海平面逐渐下降,其物源来自于东南部雪峰隆起。湘西地区志留纪沉积盆地构造演化经历了前陆盆地的形成期、发展期及萎缩期、消亡期几个阶段。其沉积构造演化规律为:前陆盆地初始形成期发育深水滞留盆地沉积体系;前陆盆地发展期发育海相浊积扇沉积体系;前陆盆地萎缩期发育三角洲沉积体系,前陆盆地消亡期发育潮坪沙坝滨岸沉积体系。  相似文献   
Remote sensing techniques allow monitoring the Earth surface and acquiring worthwhile information that can be used efficiently in agro-hydrological systems. Satellite images associated to computational models represent reliable resources to estimate actual evapotranspiration fluxes, ETa, based on surface energy balance. The knowledge of ETa and its spatial distribution is crucial for a broad range of applications at different scales, from fields to large irrigation districts. In single plots and/or in irrigation districts, linking water volumes delivered to the plots with the estimations of remote sensed ETa can have a great potential to develop new cost-effective indicators of irrigation performance, as well as to increase water use efficiency. With the aim to assess the irrigation system performance and the opportunities to save irrigation water resources at the “SAT Llano Verde” district in Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was applied on cloud-free Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images, processed by cubic convolution resampling method, for three irrigation seasons (May to September 2006, 2007 and 2008). The model allowed quantifying instantaneous, daily, monthly and seasonal ETa over the irrigation district. The comparison between monthly irrigation volumes distributed by each hydrant and the corresponding spatially averaged ETa, obtained by assuming an overall efficiency of irrigation network equal to 85%, allowed the assessment of the irrigation system performance for the area served by each hydrant, as well as for the whole irrigation district. It was observed that in all the investigated years, irrigation volumes applied monthly by farmers resulted generally higher than the corresponding evapotranspiration fluxes retrieved by SEBAL, with the exception of May, in which abundant rainfall occurred. When considering the entire irrigation seasons, it was demonstrated that a considerable amount of water could have been saved in the district, respectively equal to 26.2, 28.0 and 16.4% of the total water consumption evaluated in the three years.  相似文献   
??The proper management of solid waste (SW) is a global environmental challenge. A major issue is the proper disposal of SW while balancing a wide range of criteria and working with different spatial data. In this study, we used geographic information system as a tool to perform multi-criteria decision analysis with an analytical hierarchy process to develop an environmental impact susceptibility model (EISM) for landfills. The model was applied to the state of California, USA and results are presented herein. In particular, the EISM considers factors such as geology, pedology, geomorphology, water resources, and climate as represented by 13 associated environmental indicators. The results of the EISM indicate that more than 75% of California’s territory is situated in areas with very low, low, and medium environmental impact susceptibility categories. However, in the remaining 25% of the state’s land, 61 landfills are located in the high and very high categories. These results are alarming because during the period from 2000 to 2015, these 61 landfills received approximately 308 million tons of SW, which corresponds to more than 57% of all SW disposed in California. The model results can be used toward mitigating the environmental impacts of these facilities.  相似文献   
嵌入式态势显示系统在机动武器平台上具有重要的应用价值。本文在分析态势显示系统常用的三种开发模式优缺点基础上,改进并设计了一种适合VxWorks特点的开发模式,论述了系统的逻辑结构和功能部件,并以态势符号库管理、态势档案管理等功能模块为重点,介绍了系统的详细设计思想和实现方法。  相似文献   
王军  戴建祥  姜芸 《测绘工程》2007,16(3):63-66
城市综合管网是城市建设的重要组成部分,随着城市地理空间基础框架工程的推进和城市管网信息化的加速发展,城市管网数据将更加与基础地理数据融合为一体,并为城市建设提供基础服务。结合实际应用,介绍了Ar-cEngine在城市管线管理中的应用,以及管线数据库和基础地理空间框架库集成,对于基于GIS的综合管线系统开发具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   
李超岭    李健强  张宏春  龚爱华  魏东琦 《地质通报》2015,34(07):1288-1299
地质调查数据主要由结构化和非结构化多样性的数据构成。由非结构化多样性数据文件组成的报告,由于技术原因,长期以来一直以传统的目录文件方式进行存储。这种存储方式导致数据的查询、统计、更新等操作不但低效,而且非常不利于检索、查询、挖掘等应用,使得数据服务能力极低。通过把Hadoop生态体系融入中国地质调查云平台架构,基于Hadoop HDFS和HBase存储架构,建立非结构化地质数据基础内容库存储组织模式,采用Lucene全文搜索引擎架和地质领域本体词库构建快速随机访问的索引文件机制,改变了多样化、碎片化的复杂地质调查非结构化数据的存储、阅读、搜索和应用模式,为智能地质调查提供精确、快速服务奠定基础。  相似文献   
通过无人机航摄技术在农村土地承包经营权确权登记工作调查底图制作的实例应用,论述了无人机航空摄影、像控点测量、空中三角测量、数字正射影像图和地块分布图的制作等几方面的技术流程和方法,以增城区北部派潭镇的农村承包土地为试点,探索无人机影像底图的获取、处理、调查及对地块分布图的制作方法,为相关部门开展确权登记颁证工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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