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用数学分析中的区间套定理证明了闭区间上连续函数的四个定理。  相似文献   
川滇中短期地震活动图象异常及其在强震预报中的应用   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
根据川滇20例M≥67级强震前中短期地震活动图象异常的分析对比,归纳出8项有普适性的图象异常指标,试图对一、二年内各个强震区(100×200平方千米)强震孕育程度给出一个经验性的估计量。并将它作为中短期强震预报的基本依据。同时,这些异常的动态既是改进年度性震情会商的着眼点,又是震情跟踪的具体目标。  相似文献   
大地震的强余震活动持续时间和重复时间   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
傅征祥 《地震地质》1990,12(1):15-20
1966—1981年中国大陆华北和西南地区发生了10次大地震(M_s≥6.9),其强余震活动持续时间有明显差异,从1天到1000天不等。它们似乎与主震震级大小无关,却依赖于不同主震的重复时间,即较长的持续时间对应较长的重复时间。基于地震力学的观点,较长的重复时间意味着地震断面静止接触时间较长,断面摩擦强度将增大,产生数量较多和面积较大的强固点,所以,有可能在断面主破裂之后,观测到较长持续时间的强余震活动(强固点破裂  相似文献   
渤海和南海海域极值风速的置信区间   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前我国海洋台站积累的实测日最大风速资料长度还较短,本文提出采用实测日4次(或3次)平均风速产生日最大风速样本的方法。认为极值风速是随机变量,采用本文方法产生的日最大风速样本,统计推算了渤海和南海海域15个台站的若干年一遇极值风速的统计参数,得到了不同重现期的不同置信水平的极值风速区间,为更合理地确定海洋平台结构设计风荷载提供了依据。  相似文献   
冯利华  张萍 《海洋科学》2003,27(3):47-51
台风以最无序的方式在沿海各地登陆,意味着台风熵达到了极大值。在给定的约束条件下,当台风熵取极大值时,台风强度是一种指数分布。根据最大熵原理和1949年以来中国登陆台风的实测资料,揭示了台风强度的分布形式,提出了台风复发期的概念,这对登陆台风的统计预报有所裨益。  相似文献   
Fluctuation in calpionellid, foraminiferal, and nannofossil diversity and abundance are documented in two successions located in the eastern part of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform of the Southern Carpathian area, Romania. The lower part of the studied sections consists of upper Tithonian–upper Berriasian bioclastic limestones. This age is supported by the presence of the calpionellid assemblages assigned to the Crassicollaria, Calpionella, and Calpionellopsis Zones. Based on biostratigraphical data, a gap was identified within the uppermost Berriasian–base of the upper Valanginian (the interval encompasses the Boissieri, Pertransiensis, Campylotoxum, and lower part of the Verrucosum ammonite Zones). Hence, the upper Tithonian–upper Berriasian bioclastic limestones are overlain by upper Valanginian–lower Hauterivian pelagic limestones (the interval covered by the NK3B and NC4A nannofossil Subzones). A detailed qualitative and semiquantitative analysis of the nannoflora was carried out over this interval. To estimate the surface water fertility conditions, the nannoplankton-based nutrient index (NI) was calculated. The fluctuation pattern of NI allow us to recognize four phases in the investigated interval, as follows: (1) phase I (covering the lower part of the NK3B nannofossil Subzone and the upper part of the Verrucosum ammonite Zone, respectively) is characterized by low values of the NI (below 20%), by the dominance of the genus Nannoconus in the nannofloral assemblages (between 60–70%), and moderate abundance of Watznaueria barnesae (up to 23%), while the high-fertility nannofossils constitute a minor component of the assemblages; (2) phase II (placed in the NK3B nannofossil Subzone, extending from the top of Verrucosum ammonite Zone, up to the lower part of the Furcillata ammonite Zone) is characterized by increase of NI above 30%, a decrease of nannoconids (up to 50% at the top), while Watznaueria barnesae increases in abundance up to 27%. The fertility proxies (Diazomatolithus lehmanii, Zeugrhabdotus erectus, Discorhabdus rotatorius, and Biscutum constans) represent again a minor component of the recorded nannofloras (less than 7% in both sections), but they have an ascending trend; (3) phase III (which encompasses the boundary interval of the NK3B and NC4A nannofossil Subzones, corresponding to the upper part of the Furcillata ammonite Zone) contains higher NI values (over 35%, and up 52% towards the base of this phase), an abrupt nannoconid decrease (down to 20%), higher abundance of Watznaueria barnesae (over 30%), while the fertility nannofossils became an important nannofloral component, jointly amounting to almost 20%; (4) phase IV (identified within the NC4A Nannofossil Zone and corresponding to the boundary interval of the Furcillata and Radiatus ammonite Zones) is characterized by a decrease of NI to 25%, a recovery of the nannoconids up to 40%, a decline in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae to 25%, together with a pronounced drop of fertility taxa, which make together no more than 8%. We assume that maximum of eutrophication in the studied interval from the Southern Carpathians was in the Furcillata ammonite Zone. Notably, within the phases 2 and 3, the morphological changes identified in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages (the predominance of flattened morphologies, together with the presence of conical and trochospiral inflated forms), as well as the occurrence of the Zoophycos trace fossils and pyrite framboids, indicate dysaerobic conditions. In the Southern Carpathians, the late Valanginian–early Hauterivian biogeographical changes are coeval with the initiation of the carbonate platform drowning.  相似文献   
南黄海盆地和北黄海盆地地震速度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在概述南黄海盆地和北黄海盆地区域地质背景的基础上,介绍了横跨2个盆地的HHQY05-1测线的位置和地层属性。通过对2个盆地(主要是HHQY05-1测线)的速度谱、平均速度以及层速度的分析对比,认为2个盆地的地震速度差别较大,南黄海盆地的平均速度总体上小于北黄海盆地的速度,主要是由于2个盆地在地质构造、岩性、地质年代等方面的差异所引起。因此,利用地震速度可以初步了解盆地的构造特征和地质属性。  相似文献   
由于非等间隔GM(1,1)灰色模型对于处理数据量小且表达信息不确定的数据具有优越性,因此广泛应用于石油天然气勘探、机床故障诊断、电力负荷预测、大坝安全监测等领域。基于非等间隔GM(1,1)灰色模型理论,利用某小区建筑物沉降观测的实测数据,建立了适合该小区建筑物沉降预测的灰色模型。通过对比理论预测值和实测值,并进行模型对应的精度评定分析,结果表明,此模型适用于该建筑物沉降预测分析的研究。  相似文献   
根据断层位错和地貌位置,麦凯段断层陡坎分为三组,它们是三次史前地震的产物。根据位错量和陡坎长度对比,史前地震的震级大约为7级。利用扩散方程模拟史前7级地震发生的重复时间间隔是5—11千年  相似文献   
In reflection surveys and velocity analysis, calculations of interval velocities and layer-thicknesses of a multilayered horizontal structure are often based on Dix's equation which requires the travel times at zero offsets and a prior estimate of the root mean squared velocities.In this paper a method is presented which requires only the reflection travel-time data. A set of equations are derived which relate the interval velocity and thickness of a layer to the reflection travel time from the top and the bottom of that layer, the offset distances and the ray parameter. It is shown that the difference of the offset distances and the difference of the picked travel times of any reflected rays with the same value of ray parameter from the top and the bottom of a horizontal layer can be used to calculate the interval velocity and thickness of that layer.  相似文献   
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