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近几年,县域经济作为经济发展的重要基础越来越受到各级政府高度重视。滨州市以其特有的土地资源优势,为县域经济发展提供重要支撑。针对滨州市县域经济发展现状,从土地资源的比较优势人手,提出了在现阶段发展县域经济土地利用的新思路。  相似文献   
Since it was first proposed in 2000, the concept of the Anthropocene has evolved in breadth and diversely. The concept encapsulates the new and unprecedented planetary-scale changes resulting from societal transformations and has brought to the fore the social drivers of global change. The concept has revealed tensions between generalized interpretations of humanity’s contribution to global change, and interpretations that are historically, politically and culturally situated. It motivates deep ethical questions about the politics and economics of global change, including diverse interpretations of past causes and future possibilities. As such, more than other concepts, the Anthropocene concept has brought front-and-center epistemological divides between and within the natural and social sciences, and the humanities. It has also brought new opportunities for collaboration. Here we explore the potential and challenges of the concept to encourage integrative understandings of global change and sustainability. Based on bibliometric analysis and literature review, we discuss the now wide acceptance of the term, its interpretive flexibility, the emerging narratives as well as the debates the concept has inspired. We argue that without truly collaborative and integrative research, many of the critical exchanges around the concept are likely to perpetuate fragmented research agendas and to reinforce disciplinary boundaries. This means appreciating the strengths and limitations of different knowledge domains, approaches and perspectives, with the concept of the Anthropocene serving as a bridge, which we encourage researchers and others to cross. This calls for institutional arrangements that facilitate collaborative research, training, and action, yet also depends on more robust and sustained funding for such activities. To illustrate, we briefly discuss three overarching global change problems where novel types of collaborative research could make a difference: (1) Emergent properties of socioecological systems; (2) Urbanization and resource nexus; and (3) Systemic risks and tipping points. Creative tensions around the Anthropocene concept can help the research community to move toward new conceptual syntheses and integrative action-oriented approaches that are needed to producing useful knowledge commensurable with the challenges of global change and sustainability.  相似文献   
The rhetorical zeal for green enterprise as a global fix for the tripartite challenges of economic recession, environmental degradation and social inequality is increasingly visible in state and non-state pronouncements around the globe under the banner of ‘The Green Economy’. In particular, many policy-facing statements call for transitions leading to a transformation in development practices. Yet there is little detail either in policy or research regarding the types of transitions needed and how they are to be initiated, nor agreement about what a transformed economy might look like. Despite this, there are emergent activities within the cleantech arena which are being heralded as actually existing examples of green economy activities. One means through which these activities are seeking to exert influence over development trajectories is by clustering both at the subnational and transnational level. While diverse in formation, many of these clusters are hybridised, involving actors from public, private and civil society sectors. Critiquing the efficacy of mainstream industrial cluster theory to analyse hybridised cleantech clustering, this paper presents a unique synthesis of current thought on multiscalar environmental governance and socio-spatial formations to explore the practices and potentialities of these hybridised cleantech clusters. Surveying the landscape of cleantech clustering and meta-clustering, before focusing in depth on one case study, the contribution of clustering to transitioning towards a transformed green economy is considered. Despite strong forces, both within and beyond cleantech clusters, for maintaining neoliberalised approaches to cleantech activity, it is concluded that for as long as cleantech clusters remain open and inclusive of actors proposing alternative pathways they do represent potential, albeit provisional, assemblages for transformation.  相似文献   
在"京津冀一体化"的发展目标下,随着新区的建设,政府项目存在着规模大、周期紧、关注度高、管理难度大等特点.利用互联网+的理念提高建筑行业的管理精度是解决问题的主流方向,也符合住建部《2016—2020年建筑业信息化发展纲要》提出的"构建基于BIM、大数据、智能化、移动通信、云计算等技术的工程质量、安全监管模式与机制".本文以某一重大政府项目工程为例,介绍如何将住建部要求的技术要素通过BIM+GIS指挥调度系统应用到项目中.  相似文献   
为了提高供水管网巡检效率,基于GIS和物联网技术设计实现了供水管网巡检系统。该系统能够有效地解决地理信息分析问题,也为管网改造、爆管抢修等业务提供支持,并为管网设备管理提供了科学化、制度化的保障。  相似文献   
美、日、欧、俄空间政策调整产生的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束后,以军事利用为基本特征的美苏空间争夺,已经被以科技创新和经济为中心的综合国力竞争所替代,信息技术和经济全球化的发展,导致外层空间成为具有知识创新要素和技术带动能力的竞争新领域。世界经济大国已经认识空间政策的设计是事关提升综合国力和竞争优势的重大意义。近年来,美、日、欧对空间政策进行了冷战结束后的第一次,全面重大的调整,伴随着体制转型俄罗斯空间政策调整也在展开,面对即将形成的国际空间竞争与合作新的格局和带来新发展机遇,如何清晰地鉴别、定位,对空间政策做出正确的调整,抓住历史机遇应对挑战是摆在中国面前的战略性、全局性和方向性问题。  相似文献   
分析了网络地图的特点与功能,回顾了网络地图的发展历程,并对现今较为成熟的国内、外网络地图发布技术及其实现方式做了比较研究。在此基础上,结合“深圳市资源节约与综合利用网”企业信息发布的实际需要,采用“Flash”技术,实现了真正意义上的“瘦客户端”的网络地图发布系统。  相似文献   
杨志  张华  张磊  王成  张春菊 《测绘通报》2019,(11):145-148
随着全球范围移动互联网的高速发展,人们作为"传感器"行走在真实社会中制造实时的、实地环境的、大范围的地理信息,特别是具有互动性和实时性的区域环境状况的地理信息。这类数据具有交互性、实时性、丰富性、社会性等特点,成为数据科学家眼中的金矿。基于"互联网+"时代背景,随着移动互联网、移动GIS技术和LBS技术日趋成熟,本文提出了基于移动GIS的生态环境智能感知方法,开发基于Android平台的APP,实现查询环境质量指数、查看环境污染地图、污染一键分享和解决等功能,从大众的视角感知和获取生态环境信息,为大众提供实时动态环境信息查询方式,引导鼓励公众参与环境保护,提供治理环境污染和地理信息资源获取的新思路。  相似文献   
物联网正在快速发展,而地理信息系统能够为联网的物体提供空间位置与状态可视化、时空关系管理与时空过程分析的技术支撑,已在物联网业务中大量使用。本文在分析物联网的需求和GIS技术特点的基础上,针对物联网应用GIS较为分散、开发难度大的现状,提出基于GIS的物联网中间件架构,并基于该架构实现了交通状况示范应用系统,有利于数据共享、互联互通、统一服务、即时处理、实时预警和数据分析,降低了系统建设的成本和周期,提高了业务运维的效益,有利于促进物联网应用向空间化、可视化、协同化、普适化发展。  相似文献   
主要介绍了五大连池风景区微信公众账号的建设模式,微信公众账号作为景区的宣传推广工具,为游客提供智能化的自助导览服务,解决游客旅行前、中、后所需,实现智慧旅游移动端应用,集旅游推广营销与游客旅行服务构建一体化移动端产品。微信公众账号还将以二维码的形式,在"天地图·五大连池"门户网站、景区入口以及各大商场、酒店醒目位置展示,作为打通线上线下的必要环节,以提升游客访问量,形成智慧旅游O2O闭环。  相似文献   
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