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引出水平分层大地面上水平电偶极源及垂直磁偶极源的电磁场分量表达式,对式中核函数进行了变换,分析所含的波型及其与场区的关系,指出了TE型场、TM型场和TEM型场穿透地层的能力。根据波型与地层作用特点,优化电磁场分量,以提高频率电磁测深的探测效果。  相似文献   
5.12汶川大地震龙门山地区发育地震高位滑坡,通常发生在10~11度的极震区,这种灾害难预测,发生速度快,容易造成惨重的生命和财产损失。本文通过在龙池乡川主坪的实地调查,对典型地震抛射滑坡形成的抛射堆积体进行剖析,探究地震加速度受地形放大效应的影响效应及崩塌被抛射的运动程式。  相似文献   
三维质点追踪模型及其在胶南海域的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在已建立的变边界河口、陆架、海洋模型(ECOM)的基础上添加一个变边界质点追踪模块,研究胶东半岛南海域的物质输运特征,讨论了三维空间中,水质点在潮流作用下的迁移特点.该模型在近海海洋环境管理上具有实用价值.  相似文献   
Net primary productivity(NPP) is the most important index that represents the structure and function of the ecosystem.NPP can be simulated by dynamic global vegetation models(DGVM),which are designed to represent vegetation dynamics relative to environmental change.This study simulated the NPP of China's ecosystems based on the DGVM Integrated Biosphere Simulator(IBIS) with data on climate,soil,and topography.The applicability of IBIS in the NPP simulation of China's terrestrial ecosystems was verified first.Comparison with other relevant studies indicates that the range and mean value of simulations are generally within the limits of observations;the overall pattern and total annual NPP are close to the simulations conducted with other models.The simulations are also close to the NPP estimations based on remote sensing.Validation proved that IBIS can be utilized in the large-scale simulation of NPP in China's natural ecosystem.We then simulated NPP with climate change data from 1961 to 2005,when warming was particularly striking.The following are the results of the simulation.(1) Total NPP varied from 3.61 GtC/yr to 4.24 GtC/yr in the past 45 years and exhibited minimal significant linear increase or decrease.(2) Regional differences in the increase or decrease in NPP were large but exhibited an insignificant overall linear trend.NPP declined in most parts of eastern and central China,especially in the Loess Plateau.(3) Similar to the fluctuation law of annual NPP,seasonal NPP also displayed an insignificant increase or decrease;the trend line was within the general level.(4) The regional differences in seasonal NPP changes were large.NPP declined in spring,summer,and autumn in the Loess Plateau but increased in most parts of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
南方集约农区农牧结合对农业可持续发展的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为寻求该区农业可持续发展的途径,作者在分析其农业可持续发展的主要制约因素基础上,对农牧结合在实现农业可持续发展中的功能作了全面论述。结果表明,农牧结合是实现该区农业可持续发展的一条有效途径。最后还提出了该农区农牧结合的可行途径及有效措施  相似文献   
利用有限元方法进行大地电磁正演数值模拟时,由于是在有限网格区域上的数值计算,模拟计算时的网格边界为截断边界,而有限元数值模拟时的大地电磁场边界条件需要在足够远处才能够满足,所以截断边界的存在可能会使大地电磁正演模拟的边界条件无法满足,致使对计算结果和计算精度产生影响。利用有限元二维正演程序,在网格边界处加载一维情况下的大地电磁场,然后固定研究区域的网格剖分,并对一维地电模型和二维地电模型在改变有限元网格边界大小的情况下进行计算。在对一维模型进行模拟计算时,截断边界对边界条件没有影响,边界条件自然满足。而对二维模型进行模拟计算时,截断边界的存在对计算结果有较大影响。利用趋肤深度作为有限元网格边界变化的量度,通过改变网格边界大小,对不同的二维地电模型进行计算比较,总结出适合大地电磁有限元正演模拟的参考网格边界。  相似文献   
The effect of fluids on recrystallization behaviour is well known; however, the detailed microscale distribution of fluid in grain boundaries and the influence of fluid on grain boundary migration are still unresolved. In this study, in‐situ deformation experiments in transmitted light microscopy were undertaken, as this allows continuous and direct observation of the whole range of processes involved in fluid‐assisted grain boundary migration. A new see‐through deformation apparatus was developed to enable the control of fluid pressure. Bischofite containing small amounts of aqueous fluid was deformed at temperatures between 50 and 90 °C, over a range of fluid pressure from 0.5 to 1 MPa, and strain rates of 5 × 10?6 to 1 × 10?4 s?1. The rates of grain boundary migration were measured at different temperatures and strain rates. Detailed observations during and after the deformation illustrate the evolution of migrating fluid‐filled grain boundaries and show that the incorporation of fluids from inclusions as well as their pinch‐off is dependent on the grain boundary velocity, the thickness of the grain boundary and the size and shape of the inclusions. Direct evidence is presented for the contraction of the grain boundary fluids into isolated inclusions after equilibrium conditions are attained.  相似文献   
本文以表格形式列举了1993年1月至1993年12月经《国际矿物学协会(IMA)新矿物与矿物命名委员会(CNMMN)》批准并在各国矿物学杂志上发表的42个新矿物的中文英文名称、化学式及其他数据。数据依次为:矿物的晶系、空间群、晶胞参数、主要粉晶数据(I、hkl)、物理性质(晶形、颜色、条痕、光泽、解理、发光、硬度、密度等)、光学性质(一、二轴晶,正、负光性,折光率,反射率,双反射,2V,色散,吸收性,多色性等)、产状、共生矿物等。  相似文献   
白晓宇  张明义  袁海洋 《岩土力学》2015,36(4):1167-1173
以青岛地区特有的土岩组合地质条件为背景,采用现场监测和Plaxis有限元模拟相结合的方法,研究了土岩基坑中吊脚桩在龙门吊移动荷载作用下的变形规律及动力响应。结果表明:桩身变形模拟结果与实测值吻合较好,基坑的变形主要发生在基坑上部软弱土层,吊脚桩嵌岩处产生应力集中;在龙门吊移动荷载作用下,桩顶水平位移较大,但其动力响应最小,而嵌岩处水平位移较小,但其动力响应最大;嵌岩处、桩身最大正弯矩处及最大负弯矩处的土压力动力响应较大,且移动荷载刚经过时刻影响最大。研究成果可为类似土岩结合地区深基坑支护设计提供参考。  相似文献   
王红雨  杨敏 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1677-1681
与地面水平时地基土体的对称破坏模式不同,临近基坑(边坡)地基土体的破坏模式呈现明显的非对称性.利用FLAC-3D数值模拟技术,研究了在竖向极限荷载作用下临近基坑c-ψ土地基不同工况时的破坏模式,得出了与J.Graham所假设的边坡附近无黏性土地基破坏模式相一致的结论.最后将数值模拟结果与大尺寸模型试验数据以及J.Graham的基于应力特征线法的非对称滑动破坏模式的地基承载力理论解进行了分析对比.结果表明,采用叠加计算方法得到的承载力系数Nγq偏于安全.  相似文献   
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