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吴中海  周春景  冯卉  张克旗  李家存  叶培盛  李跃华    田婷婷   《地质通报》2014,33(04):419-469
青海玉树是巴颜喀拉地块西南边界上的典型历史强震区。最新的活动断裂遥感解译与地表调查结果表明,该区新构造期间主要发育清水河断裂带、玉树断裂带、阿布多断裂带和杂多断裂带4条NW向左旋走滑活动断裂带。其中,构成玉树—鲜水河—小江断裂系尾端构造的玉树活动断裂带是该区活动性最显著的岩石圈断裂。该断裂是由当江断裂、结古—结隆断裂和巴塘断裂3条斜接的主干断层和夹杂其间的多条次级断裂所共同构成的Z型左旋剪切张扭性变形带。它在上新世以来和晚第四纪期间的左旋走滑速率为4.0~5.4mm/a,调节了该区大部分的块体挤出与旋转变形,并构成该区大震活动的主要控震构造。历史强震梳理和古地震研究揭示,玉树主干走滑断裂带自约14530a BP以来至少发生了包括2010年地震在内的共11次大地震,原地重复间隔平均在千年以上,最长达近3000a。1738年玉树西北地震之后,玉树—甘孜断裂带的主干断层表现为平均间隔为50~100a的低频、串联式分段破裂过程,并且大震活动存在从东南向西北迁移的趋势。通过对玉树断裂未来大地震危险性进行综合地质判定认为,该区至少仍存在6段未来百年内大地震危险程度不同的地震空区,潜在的大地震震级为Mw6.6~7.3,其中危险性相对较高的段落主要是当江断裂带的当江—拉则段和结古—结隆断裂带上的结隆—叶卡诺段与桑卡—相古段。  相似文献   

作为淡水生境的顶级捕食者,水獭的分布变迁反映了水域生态系统的演变。江苏沭阳吕台井出土的6件水獭亚科下颌骨,经考古分析和碳十四测年,年代为唐代前期。根据现生江獭(Lutrogale perspicillata)与欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)的形态差异(前者尺寸更大、p4后附尖和m1下三角座更发育、下颌体更纤薄),确认吕台井标本分属江獭和欧亚水獭,其中江獭是纬度最高的出土记录。通过形态学研究,我国江獭还出土于中-晚更新世的安徽和县龙潭洞、广西荔浦洞穴、江西万年吊桶环,以及全新世早中期的广东英德牛栏洞、浙江余姚河姆渡、宁波傅家山、湖南洪江高庙等遗址。古文献考证表明,江獭和欧亚水獭分别对应了史料中的“猵(獱)”和“獭”;西汉至北宋时期,两者曾共存于黄淮流域。北宋以后,江獭从黄淮流域消失,反映了黄河泛滥导致的湖泊变迁;最终,江獭从我国大部分地区灭绝,现仅残存于珠江口和西双版纳。江獭在我国的区域性灭绝反映了人类活动对大型淡水水体的破坏。


以取自海南岛北部双池玛珥湖SCH17-04岩芯全长为420cm的沉积物为材料, 对其开展了AMS14C测年和总汞浓度、总有机碳、常量地化元素、干密度等指标的测试分析。通过对多代用指标的综合比对分析, 并结合历史文献资料, 着重探讨了815~1510A.D.时段内区域气候环境与人类活动影响下的汞沉积过程及其可能影响因素。研究结果表明: 在研究时段内, SCH17-04岩芯中汞浓度(Hg-C)为0.22~3.11μg/g, 汞沉积通量(Hg-AR)为0.01~1.92μg/(cm2·a)。进一步分析发现, 双池玛珥湖沉积物中汞浓度与各环境代用指标之间呈现出变化步调的不一致性, 揭示了有机质吸附、土壤侵蚀、气候变化、海洋释放等自然因素可能对沉积物中汞积累的贡献较为微弱。综合岩芯记录与史料记载分析发现, 主要与人类活动关系较为密切的大气汞沉降输入占据着主导地位, 其中人为汞信号始于约940A.D., 对应于五代十国时期, 并且在约940~1130A.D.(五代十国中后期和北宋)和约1320~1420A.D.(元朝中后期和明朝初期)期间, 特别是在后一时期, 出现显著的人为汞通量峰值阶段, 这与历史上海南岛人口数量变化趋势较为吻合, 揭示了人类活动(如金属冶炼和开采、战争叛乱、人口迁移等)在这些时期对自然界中的汞释放与积累具有重要影响。

整编了历史文献中记载的1400年以来华南地区霜冻灾害及冰冻灾害南界、降雪南界及日数和初/终霜冻灾害日期记录; 并结合1951年以来器测气温序列, 分析了各类记录与华南地区11~2月平均气温的相关性, 揭示其对温度变化的定量指示意义。结果表明: 华南地区的霜冻灾害南界、冰冻灾害南界、降雪南界和降雪日数可较好地指示该区域的温度变化; 且24°N以南地区(包括广东、广西、台湾中南部和海南)的最早与最晚霜冻灾害日期对华南地区温度变化亦具有指示作用。其中霜冻灾害南界、冰冻灾害南界、降雪南界向南推进1个纬度, 华南11~2月平均气温分别约低0.23℃、0.41℃和0.40℃; 南岭两侧50km范围内的降雪日数每多(少)10天, 华南11~2月平均气温约低(高)0.22℃。受原始记载缺失及距今越近、记录数量越多等的影响, 1400~1500年间有记录的年份只有7年, 而1501~1950年间有记录的年份则有309年。1951年以来, 冰冻灾害和降雪南界从未到海南, 霜冻灾害南界到海南岛的年份有8年; 而1501~1950年间, 冰冻灾害南界虽也从未到达海南岛, 但降雪南界有5年、霜冻灾害南界有22年到达海南岛, 且整个区域的初(终)霜冻灾害平均日期也早(晚)于1951年以后。这为下一步重建这一地区更长时段的年分辨率温度序列提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Women, Work, and Ideology in the Third World . Haleh Afshar, ed. The Birth of the National Park Service. The Founding Years 1913–33 . Horace M. Albright Theatres of Accumulation: Studies in Asian and Latin American Urbanization . Warwick Armstrong and T.G. McGee. New Tools for Social Scientists, Advances and Applications in Research Methods . William D. Berry and Michael S. Lewis -Beck , eds . Uncertain Dimensions: Western Overseas Empires in the Twentieth Century . Raymond F. Betts. Geography of Sugar Cane . Helmut Blume. The Mines of Neptune: Minerals and Metals from the Sea . Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Geographical Dimensions of Energy . F.J. Calzonetti and B.D. Solomon, eds. Statistical Methods for Geographers . W. A. V. Clark and P. L. Hosking. In The Wake of Columbus, Islands and Controversy . John DeVorsey, Jr., and John Parker, eds. Housing, States and Localities . Peter Dickens, Simon Duncan, Mark Goodwin and Fred Gray. Physician Location and Specialty Choice . Richard L. Ernst and Donald E. Yett. Practical Ecology for Geography and Biology: Survey, Mapping, and Data Analysis . D.D. Gilbertson , M. Kent and F.B. Pyatt Large Scale Water Transfers: Emerging Environmental and Social Experiences . Genady N. Golubev and Asit K. Biswas, eds. The Nature of the Environment . Andrew Goudie. Planning for Population Change . W.T.S. Gould and R. Lawton. The Niger and its Neighbors: Environmental History and Hydrobiology. Human Use and Health Hazards of the Major West African Rivers . A.T. Grove, ed. Remote Sensing of Ice and Snow . Dorothy K. Hall and Jaroslav Martinec. Atlas of Antebellum Southern Agriculture . Sam Bowers Hilliard. Galilee Divided; The Israel-Lebanon Frontier, 1916-1984 . Frederic C. Hor . Plains Country Towns . John C. Hudson. Agricultural Geography: A Social and Economic Analysis . Brian W. Ilbery. Industry in the 1980s: Structural Change and Interdependence . U.N. Industrial Development Organization. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States . Kenneth T. Jackson. The Industrial Geography of Italy . Russell King. Studies in Linguistic Geography: The Dialects of English in Britain and Ireland . John M. Kirk, Stewart Sanderson, J.D.A. Widdowson, eds. Tourism: A Community Approach . Peter E. Murphy. Cities and Services: The Geography of Collective Consumption . Steven Pinch. An Historical Geography of Europe 1800–1914 . Norman J. G. Pounds. An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia . A. Terry Rambo and Percy E. Sajise, eds. Discovering Past Landscapes . Michael Reed, ed. Managing the Ocean: Resources, Research, Law . Jacques G. Richardson, ed. Carta fitosociologica de la transecta botanica de la Patagonia Austral . F.A. Roig , Juan Anchorema , Orlando Dollenz , A.M. Faggi and Eduardo Mandez Intermetropolitan Migration in Canada: Changing Determinants over Three Decades . R. Paul Shaw. Chinese Cities—The Growth of the Metropolis since 1949 . Victor F. Sit, ed. Urbanization in the World-Economy . Michael Timberlake, ed. The Al Business: Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence . Patrick H. Winston and Karen A. Prendergast, eds.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the meteor records in the chronicles of the east Asian countries, especially the Korean records. Our results show that the seasonal variation of sporadic meteors has persisted at least for the last two millennia. We also observed the prominent showers such as the Perseids and the Leonids, which are formed by Halley-type comets. We obtained the regression rate of nodal points for the Leonids to be approximately 1.52± 0.04 days per century.  相似文献   
鸟瞰航摄历史遗迹景观的技术分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了国内利用超轻型飞机航空摄影考古的首次试验,通过对历史遗迹的分析,取得良好的应用效果。本次试验采用国产的超轻型飞机蓝鹰AD-200Y型,携带常规照相机,在内蒙古自治区以呼和浩特市为中心的局部地区,进行20个架次飞行,从低航空高度环绕历史遗迹,多角度视野,进行航拍鸟瞰地表历史遗迹景观照片799张。这些照片反映历史遗迹的整体面貌,是地面田野考古无法做到的事。为考古研究提供了不可多得的资料。其技术工艺流程:①确定历史遗迹项目;②地形图分析历史遗迹基础地理环境(地理位置,地形地貌);③分析交通气象状况;④航空摄影技术设计;⑤超轻型飞机技术完善;⑥照相机和胶卷选型;⑦拟定飞行安全措施;⑧飞行基地起降跑道选择;⑨航摄飞行实施和指挥;⑩历史遗迹鸟瞰景观数字化图像分析。  相似文献   
We present the results of work on the compilation of a fuller and more comprehensive historical catalogue of earthquakes and tsunamis in the basin of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, an area of primary importance for the Russian Federation. In the 20th century, there were no significant tsunamis in the Black Sea; therefore, its coast was not considered tsunami-prone. A systematic search for new data sources, a revision of earlier ones, and the use of new approaches to the identification of tsunamigenic events resulted in a more than doubling of the number of known tsunamigenic events in this basin, bringing it up to 50. The total length of the new tsunami catalogue reached 3000 years, which makes it the second longest after the Mediterranean tsunami catalogue (about 4000 years). Taking into account the seismotectonic features of the Black Sea region, we processed data on historical tsunamis and analyzed the geographical and temporal distributions of their sources. For all tsunamigenic events we performed a parameterization of available information about their sources and coastal manifestations, evaluated the tsunami intensity based on the Soloviev-Imamura scale, and proposed a classification of tsunami and tsunami-like water wave disturbances based on their genesis. Tsunami run-up heights, inland penetration, and damage were estimated with regard for the newly found data. Among the identified historical events, there are devastating tsunamis with run-ups of 4-5 m, sometimes up to 6-8 m, which resulted in disastrous consequences for several ancient cities (Dioscuria, Sebastopolis, Bizone, and Panticapaeum) and many coastal settlements. Expert assessments of the most tsunami-prone areas of the coasts are given.  相似文献   
历史文化商业街若能凸显地方性特征将更具吸引力,经营者的地方感不仅是商业街地方性水平的重要标志,更是地方性建构的主体基础。对屯溪老街经营者地方感进行了实地调研,初步探讨了经营者地方感的形成机制,并为历史文化商业街的优化发展提出了建议。研究结果表明:经营者地方感不仅受到地方文化景观和经营活动绩效的影响,更与经营者同游客的互动交流相关,而这也将影响到历史文化商业街的吸引力。老街商业开发的模糊定位一定程度上削弱了其地方性,但丰富的历史文化景观以及经营者与游客的频繁互动,则有助于增进经营者地方感。由此,历史文化商业街的发展不仅要重视保护特色文化景观,更要优化商业活动品质,促进经营者与游客的互动,这是增进经营者地方感和商业街吸引力的基本保障。  相似文献   
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