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天津滨海新区地面沉降预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用1985~2008年天津地面沉降监测资料,以水准监测点为基本研究对象,在分析其时间沉降的变化动态基础上,采用分段权函数线性模型提取沉降信息并进行外推预测,展示了天津滨海新区地面沉降现状,编绘了2008年天津滨海新区地面沉降年度沉降分布图和2008~2013年间地面沉降总量的预测分布图研究成果可供政府及有关部门制定和实施控沉管理决策参考,同时对存在类似问题的区域也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
论述了西安地裂缝的空间分布规律和活动特点,并对地裂缝给西安市市政基础设施特别是城市立交带来的灾害进行了系统分析。以长安路立交、互助路立交、绕城高速长安南路立交的现场调查资料为依据,分析了地裂缝对城市立交的破坏模式。认为其结构的主要破坏模式为水平张拉和垂直错动。另外对穿越地裂缝的城市立交的减灾措施以及对拟建工程进行地裂缝专项勘察和采取的结构措施等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   
探地雷达发射的电磁波在整个空间传播,存在空气中回波,空气中回波可分为以下3种:直达波、系统振铃、反射回波。直达波位于探地雷达记录的初期很小时间段,对识别地下介质反射影响不大,系统振铃和地表反射体的回波是探地雷达探地工作的主要干扰。空气中反射体的反射回波时距曲线一般有两种形式:双曲线型、线型。可以通过计算介质中电磁波波速来识别反射回波是空气中反射体形成的,还是地下介质反射形成的。应用水平背景移除、二维滤波可以有效滤除探测剖面中的水平和倾斜同向轴干扰信号;利用地下介质和空气中雷达波速进行偏移处理的资料进行对比解释可以有效提高解释的正确性。  相似文献   
In Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake, a large amount of strong ground motion recordings were collected. In this paper, we analyze the recordings carefully. The abnor- mality of ground motion recordings is identified through a log linear regression. In the station of 51BXD, the PGA value has exceeded 1 g, which is the biggest peak ground acceleration (PGA) value obtained from all recordings in this earthquake. The log linear relation shows the PGA value in this station is abnormally large. As this station is located on the footage of a hill, the topographic amplifi- cation factor is explored in order to explain this abnor- mality. Through 3D numerical modeling using spectral element method with transmitting boundary conditions, the amplification factor is quantized. In this station, the topo- graphic amplification is highly polarized in the direction of East-West which agrees with the empirical recordings. This research result suggests us in future directionality of topographic amplification should be considered in the aseismic design.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic induction measurements (EM) were taken in a saline gypsiferous soil of the Saharan-climate Fatnassa oasis (Tunisia) to predict the electrical conductivity of saturated soil extract (ECe) and shallow groundwater properties (depth, Dgw, and electrical conductivity, ECgw) using various models. The soil profile was sampled at 0.2 m depth intervals to 1.2 m for physical and chemical analysis. The best input to predict the log-transformed soil salinity (lnECe) in surface (0–0.2 m) soil was the EMh/EMv ratio. For the 0–0.6 m soil depth interval, the performance of multiple linear regression (MLR) models to predict lnECe was weaker using data collected over various seasons and years (R a 2 = 0.66 and MSE = 0.083 dS m-1) as compared to those collected during the same period (R a 2 = 0.97, MSE = 0.007 dS m-1). For similar seasonal conditions, for the DgwEMv relationship, R 2 was 0.88 and the MSE was 0.02 m for Dgw prediction. For a validation subset, the R 2 was 0.85 and the MSE was 0.03 m. Soil salinity was predicted more accurately when groundwater properties were used instead of soil moisture with EM variables as input in the MLR.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor K. Heal

Citation Bouksila, F., Persson, M., Bahri, A., and Berndtsson, R., 2012. Electromagnetic induction predictions of soil salinity and groundwater properties in a Tunisian Saharan oasis. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (7), 1473–1486.  相似文献   
尹凤玲  张怀  石耀霖 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3649-3659
华北地区由于长期持续的地下水过量开采,导致了大面积地下水位大幅下降,引发地面塌陷、地下水质污染等一系列地质环境问题,这些现象早已为人们所熟知和关注.然而地下水位下降还会造成百米量级浅部地温及其梯度的变化,因此即使来自地球深部的大地热流密度没有变化,年度平均的从表浅部位通过地表实际传导进入大气的热流密度会减小,这是中外文献中尚未见讨论过的问题.我们通过数值模拟发现假定大地热流密度不变的条件下,华北数万平方公里地下水位下降会造成百米尺度内的地温降低,从而传入大气的热流密度降低40%以上,且会持续数百年以上的时间.这种长时间大范围的传导入大气的热流密度变化对环境会造成什么影响是一个十分值得关注的问题.这一预测在一定程度上得到了气象站地温观测数据的支持,但由于目前气象观测站只有3.2 m深度范围内的地温资料,累计不超过5、60年,中间还有10余年的间断,而且表浅深度地温受地表多种因素的影响也较大,这些资料难以对我们关心的地下水位下降引起流入大气的热流密度变化这一问题提供直接确凿的数据来进行分析,因此今后有必要开展对地下数十乃至数百米地温进行持续精确的监测工作.  相似文献   
The influence of vertical ground motions on the seismic response of highway bridges is not very well understood. Recent studies suggest that vertical ground motions can substantially increase force and moment demands on bridge columns and girders and cannot be overlooked in seismic design of bridge structures. For an evaluation of vertical ground motion effects on the response of single‐bent two‐span highway bridges, a systematic study combining the critical engineering demand parameters (EDPs) and ground motion intensity measures (IMs) is required. Results of a parametric study examining a range of highway bridge configurations subjected to selected sets of horizontal and vertical ground motions are used to determine the structural parameters that are significantly amplified by the vertical excitations. The amplification in these parameters is modeled using simple equations that are functions of horizontal and vertical spectral accelerations at the corresponding horizontal and vertical fundamental periods of the bridge. This paper describes the derivation of seismic demand models developed for typical highway overcrossings by incorporating critical EDPs and combined effects of horizontal and vertical ground motion IMs depending on the type of the parameter and the period of the structure. These models may be used individually as risk‐based design tools to determine the probability of exceeding the critical levels of EDP for pre‐determined levels of ground shaking or may be included explicitly in probabilistic seismic risk assessments. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the estimation of peak inelastic displacements of SDOF systems, representative of typical steel structures, under constant relative strength scenarios. Mean inelastic deformation demands on bilinear systems (simulating moment resisting frames) are considered as the basis for comparative purposes. Additional SDOF models representing partially‐restrained and concentrically‐braced (CB) frames are introduced and employed to assess the influence of different force‐displacement relationships on peak inelastic displacement ratios. The studies presented in this paper illustrate that the ratio between the overall yield strength and the strength during pinching intervals is the main factor governing the inelastic deformations of partially‐restrained models and leading to significant differences when compared with predictions based on bilinear structures, especially in the short‐period range. It is also shown that the response of CB systems can differ significantly from other pinching models when subjected to low or moderate levels of seismic demand, highlighting the necessity of employing dedicated models for studying the response of CB structures. Particular attention is also given to the influence of a number of scalar parameters that characterise the frequency content of the ground motion on the estimated peak displacement ratios. The relative merits of using the average spectral period Taver, mean period Tm, predominant period Tg, characteristic period Tc and smoothed spectral predominant period To of the earthquake ground motion, are assessed. This paper demonstrates that the predominant period, defined as the period at which the input energy is maximum throughout the period range, is the most suitable frequency content scalar parameter for reducing the variability in displacement estimations. Finally, noniterative equivalent linearisation expressions based on the secant period and equivalent damping ratios are presented and verified for the prediction of peak deformation demands in steel structures. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Pounding between adjacent bridge structures with insufficient separation distance has been identified as one of the primary causes of damage in many major earthquakes. It takes place because the closing relative movement is larger than the structural gap provided between the structures. This relative structural response is controlled not only by the dynamic properties of the participating structures but also by the characteristics of the ground excitations. The consequence of the spatial variation of ground motions has been studied by researchers; however, most of these studies were performed numerically. The objective of the present research is to experimentally evaluate the influence of spatial variation of ground motions on the pounding behaviour of three adjacent bridge segments. The investigation is performed using three shake tables. The input spatially varying ground excitations are simulated based on the New Zealand design spectra for soft soil, shallow soil and strong rock using an empirical coherency loss function. Results confirm that the spatially nonniform ground motions increase the relative displacement of adjacent bridge girders and pounding forces. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
震后灾情的快速获取是灾后应急的基础,传统的方法是根据现场调查结果决定应急方案。受灾程度的分布常以烈度分布图描述,而烈度又与加速度峰值密切相关。本文提出了一种震后地震动场分布快速评估的方法。该方法将主要依据灾区基岩台站的实时强震记录(无强震记录也行)和该地区的加速度衰减关系,再结合该地区各类场地的地震动放大因子,则可快速估计该地区地震动场分布,从而确定灾情,为政府的应急决策提供依据。  相似文献   
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