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针对塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏目前储量动用程度低、开发效果变差的特点,以纵向岩溶分带、油井分段开采特征为基础,首次提出缝洞型油藏致密段定义,利用岩心、测井、单井纵向岩溶带分布特征和开发动态特征及地震波阻抗反演等,建立缝洞型油藏高阻致密段划分标准.采用点、线、面相结合技术流程,研究塔河油田6、7区不同致密段分布.该方法已应用到塔河油田开发中,效果较好,成为“十二五”缝洞型油藏精细描述和提高储量动用主要方法之一.  相似文献   
Studies on the biodiversity and population dynamics of freshwater planktonic Gastrotricha have been carried out in conjunction with a physical–chemical analysis of the water in the Yaounde Municipal Lake (Cameroon, Central Africa) over a 14 months period (November 1996–December 1997). The results obtained allow to consider the Yaounde Municipal Lake as an eutrophic lake. It harbours eight species of Gastrotricha belonging to four genera (Chaetonotus, Dasydytes, Neogossea and Polymerurus) of the order Chaetonotida. This community was characterized by high abundances of populations, and was dominated by the genus Neogossea and Chaetonotusreaching up to 2000 ind. L−1. Polymerurus was mostly abundant at the almost anoxic bottom layers. The highest abundances were found mostly during the rainy season, when there is an important sedimentation process of organic matter, and were influenced by several different environmental factors such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH of the water.

Finally this community which may play an important role in the water bodies, is a potential water quality indicator.  相似文献   

In this article we draw on the power of geographic information systems (GIS) to examine the progression of HIV/AIDS in Africa for the period from 1986 to 2003. We use GIS for two purposes: (1) to transform and interpolate a set of annual point-based HIV/AIDS rates into area data; and (2) to extract or “mine” annual HIV/AIDS prevalence rates from the interpolated area (country) level maps. Once the rates are extracted from the GIS analysis we then model and forecast them into the near future (i.e., 2004–2010) by using the UNAIDS Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) software. The article offers an alternative grounded in geospatial analysis for yielding estimates of HIV/AIDS rates in Africa. Using incomplete sets of data for the period from 1986 to 2003, mean HIV/AIDS rates are generated from spatially interpolated data and future trends are estimated. The results indicate that the HIV/AIDS epidemic for many countries in Africa has reached the saturation or maturity level as evidenced by the typical S-shaped curves in the trends over time. As a matter of fact, some countries have begun to experience a sustained decline in the rates (e.g., Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe).  相似文献   
长江三角洲NB5孔第四纪地层划分及环境变化信息   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江三角洲北翼NB5孔做了古地磁测试、~(14)C测试及ESR测试结果,对古地磁变化特征进行了总结分析,结合区内其他钻孔的对比,对钻孔第四纪地层划分及所反映的古气候环境进行了探讨。结果表明:46 m处为全新世底界,163 m为中更新世顶部,240 m左右为早更新世顶部,354 m为早更新世底部。其中,海相层有2个,位置在2~47m,125~163 m。分别对应于Ⅰ(Qh)镇江海侵,Ⅲ(Q_p~(3-1))昆山海侵。据晚更新世以后沉积物粒度变粗及磁化率所反映的巨大变化特征,提出中更新世晚期、晚更新世初期为长江主泓流经本区的时间,并认为此或与塑造中国现代地貌的共和运动造成的青藏高原再次强烈隆升有关。  相似文献   
 随着地理数据深度、广度和复杂度的不断增加,如何集成这些在结构、语法及语义上高度异质性的需求越来越迫切。尽管XML在一定程度上解决了结构异质性问题,OGC标准规范解决了语法异质性问题,但语义异质性问题仍然成为分布式环境下地理空间数据集成与互操作的最大障碍。本文提出了一种基于本体的网络地理空间数据集成方法:以本体思想对数据进行语义组织;结合OGC网络服务标准规范对数据进行服务语义发布;利用支持双向映射的混合本体模式来解决全局本体与各应用本体之间的冲突,实现数据的语义集成。通过海洋海岸带土地利用数据集成试验表明,本文方法不仅能够克服数据间语义异质性问题,并在很大程度上屏蔽了数据底层集成的复杂环节,使得数据集成过程简单、高效。  相似文献   
A major obstacle of the interdisciplinary communications for decision-making is that each participant prefers the solution from their own area because current collaboration systems cannot effectively mediate among many alternatives. If a visual collaboration system could display multiple alternatives in a single visual presentation, users would be able to compare alternatives with only a few variables, where all other parameters are fixed, at least from a visual perspective. In this study, we developed a visualization tool to support a microscale air quality (MSAQ) management group, the members of which often need to compare the effects of many alternative control methods. The main achievements of this study are: (1) three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the MSAQ using a 3D city model and (2) development of a geospatial spreadsheet (GS) to facilitate visual comparisons, thereby improving decision-making by making it easy to compare differences based on realistic visual display items. A questionnaire-based survey showed that use of the GS could generate a shared perspective and provide a spatiotemporal context for the participants, thereby making it easy to compare, mediate and reach decisions when confronted with many alternatives.  相似文献   
提出了一种断层处理新方法——分块法与断层恢复法合成算法,这种方法兼有分块法与断层恢复法的优点同时又克服了其不足,较好地解决了含逆断层时煤层底板等高线自动绘制及任意边界的构网问题,使绘出的等值线图误差较小,更加符合实际。  相似文献   
自适应空间信息移动服务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
空间信息移动服务系统是空间信息系统继由传统PC计算环境向有线Web分布式计算环境扩展后,向移动计算环境的新发展。文中在分析移动计算环境概念和特点的基础上,讨论了空间信息移动服务的若干特点及关键技术,研究了自适应空间信息移动服务方案。  相似文献   
目前,我国数字城市已走向面向云服务的智慧城市地理平台时代。云GIS服务平台为政府部门及公众提供了可定制、弹性化的一站式地理信息服务。本文在研究云GIS下地理空间数据的整合模型、服务体系架构,以及部署方式的基础上,深入分析了Arc GIS云平台特点并设计了一套基于云平台的智慧城市地理空间信息服务共享平台——"兰州市城关区数字化社会管理与服务平台"。该平台通过地理云服务集成了虚拟化、网络化、智能化等关键技术,创建了智慧城市社会管理与服务新模式,提高了社会管理效能和质量。  相似文献   
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