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刘锐 《海洋地质前沿》2022,38(11):91-94
创刊于1982年的《海洋地质前沿》是海洋地质专业领域的著名学术期刊,40年来谨守初心,坚持做海洋地质调查与科研成果的“百花园”。面对当今学科发展的机遇和挑战,多措并举,实现出版全流程信息化,充分利用新媒体扩大影响,积极开展学术热点的专刊出版实践,不断探索中文科技期刊特别是地学类期刊的发展壮大之路。  相似文献   
MAPGIS 6.O平台地学断面图形数据库向ARC/INFO 8.1平台的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨菲  刘国兴  方彦春 《世界地质》2004,23(2):183-186
对MAPGIS地学断面数据文件转换成ARC/INFO的数据文件的几种途径进行了探讨,指出了在转换大数据量过程中存在的问题和局限性,并在大量转换实验基础上,得出最优的解决方案.在数据转换时,点文件在MAPGIS平台下转换成E00格式,通过在ARC/INFO的ArcToolbox中选择工具将Interchange格式转换成Coverage格式;线和区文件在MAPGIS平台上转换为MIF文件,在ARC/INFO的ArcToolbox中选择工具将MIF格式转换成Shapefile格式.  相似文献   
The authors designed the spatial data mining system for ore-forming prediction based on the theory and methods of data mining as well as the technique of spatial database,in combination with the characteristics of geological information data.The system consists of data management,data mining and knowledge discovery,knowledge representation.It can syncretize multi-source geosciences data effectively,such as geology,geochemistry,geophysics,RS.The system digitized geological information data as data layer files which consist of the two numerical values,to store these files in the system database.According to the combination of the characters of geological information,metallogenic prognosis was realized,as an example from some area in Heilongjiang Province.The prospect area of hydrothermal copper deposit was determined.  相似文献   
对凤凰─茶陵地学断面重力异常,根据爆炸地震测深资料,确定密度分层,用变密度水平梯形体构制剖面密度模型,计算理论重力异常和实测布格重力异常吻合较好。根据剖面密度模型,可以合理地解释布格重力异常。并将地壳划分为沉积盖层、变质岩层、麻粒岩层三层结构,分别计算三层的重力效应曲线及上地幔低密度体重力效应曲线。还计算了莫霍面起伏引起的重力异常曲线,分析了引起地壳重力异常的各种因素及特点。  相似文献   
格尔木-额济纳旗地学断面古地磁学研究工作中,在北祁连地体上获得了8个古生代、中生代古地磁新数据。研究结果在明北祁连地体在古生代一直处于北纬低纬度(10°~17°N)地区,并且表现出于古生代明显的南向位移过程。南移幅度为5.5°左右。这与北祁连地区原始陆壳在中奥陶世的强烈拉张及其后期洋壳闭合作用有关。  相似文献   
简要地介绍了AdobePhotoshop图像系统的运行环境与主要功能。通过与地学数据图像化处理流程的对比分析表明,一般用户只要获得一些其他软件与应用程序的支持,便可在微机上以Photoshop为依托,组织进行各种深入有意义的地学数据图像化处理工作。  相似文献   
根据现代科学技术水平的发展,定义了盐湖资源与环境的科学概念,表述了盐湖资源的范畴和内涵,对盐湖的水面位、相环境、成岩作用、变质作用及反馈作用进行了详悉论述;对盐湖系统研究的几个关键性问题及发展方向和应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   
地学空间数据库建库工艺流程简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过承担福建省不同比例尺地质图空间库建设的实践,总结了地质图空间数据库建设的工艺流程,方法及技巧,对今后地学空间数据库的建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Evaluation of the utility of a geologic map can require understanding of its knowledge evolution. In such cases, online usage further requires machine representation of both the knowledge and the evolution. To meet these needs, an informal structure is developed here that involves the interaction of the three reasoning forms of abduction, induction, and deduction. Empirical results are presented that support the structure, and a foundational ontology for science knowledge is adapted to represent the structure. These results lead to a new understanding of the role of the three reasoning forms in geologic mapping and constitute a new approach to the machine representation of geologic knowledge evolution. The approach also has potential to characterize the mapping of many types of geographic regions.  相似文献   
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