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利用RT-PCR方法从半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)中克隆了雄激素受体(Androgen receptor,AR)基因cDNA的部分序列(434 bp),经BLAST比对与狼鲈(Dicentrarchus labrax)、花溪(Kryptolebias marmoratus)、三斑海猪鱼(Halichoeres trimaculatus)和三刺鱼(Gasterosteus aculeatus)的雄激素受体同源性分别为84%,82%,82%和81%.组织表达分析表明,AR基因在半滑舌鳎的性腺、肝、胃、脾、肾、头肾、肠、鳃、心、脑和肌肉这11种组织中均有表达,表达量有所差异.肾中表达量最丰富,鳃中最少.根据其他硬骨鱼类表达模式,推测半滑舌鳎可能只含有1种AR.  相似文献   
气候变化下中国南北过渡带的动态变化及地域范围探测是识别农业生产敏感区、研究农业适应行为的基础.前人基于"自上而下"或"自下而上"的方法,采用不同的划界指标对中国南北过渡带的范围进行了探索,但对气候变化下南北过渡带范围的地理表达及其地域范围的定量探测较少涉及.采用1951-2018年2400多个国家气象站点气温和降水的逐...  相似文献   
根据客家文化景观基因理论及其"地域机制",以客家扩展聚居区炎陵县为例,结合历史文献查阅和实地调研,发掘分析该县客家文化的景观基因。研究结果表明:(1)迁徙由来、地域背景分别是客家文化景观的共同基因、本土基因;(2)由共同基因以"反客为主"的作用方式与本土基因形成了地方客家景观本质特性的主体基因;(3)保护与传承意识形态是决定其主体基因能否在世代遵循并坚守着"原汁原味"文化传统和文化精神传承过程中的人为基因。基于这些独特基因构成内在相关联的地域机制而所表达的特征,提出了应加强客家文化景观基因的数字化保护管理、传承开发政策等对策。  相似文献   
High concentrations of ammonium nitrogen released from tannery sludge during storage in open air may cause nitrogen pollution to soil and groundwater. To study the transformation mechanism of NH4+-N by nitrifying functional bacteria in tannery sludge contaminated soils, a series of contaminated soil culture experiments were conducted in this study. The contents of ammonium nitrogen (as NH4+-N), nitrite nitrogen (as NO2?-N) and nitrate nitrogen (as NO3?-N) were analyzed during the culture period under different conditions of pollution load, soil particle and redox environment. Sigmodial equation was used to interpret the change of NO3?-N with time in contaminated soils. The abundance variations of nitrifying functional genes (amoA and nxrA) were also detected using the real-time quantitative fluorescence PCR method. The results show that the nitrification of NH4+-N was aggravated in the contaminated silt soil and fine sand under the condition of lower pollution load, finer particle size and more oxidizing environment. The sigmodial equation well fitted the dynamic accumulation curve of the NO3?-N content in the tannery sludge contaminated soils. The Cr(III) content increased with increasing pollution load, which inhibited the reproduction and activity of nitrifying bacteria in the soils, especially in coarse-grained soil. The accumulation of NO2?-N contents became more obvious with the increase of pollution load in the fine sand, and only 41.5% of the NH4+-N was transformed to NO3?-N. The redox environment was the main factor affecting nitrification process in the soil. Compared to the aerobic soil environment, the transformation of NH4+-N was significantly inhibited under anaerobic incubation condition, and the NO3?-N contents decreased by 37.2%, 61.9% and 91.9% under low, medium and high pollution loads, respectively. Nitrification was stronger in the silt soil since its copy number of amoA and nxrA genes was two times larger than that of fine sand. Moreover, the copy numbers of amoA and nxrA genes in the silt soil under the aerobic environment were 2.7 times and 2.2 times larger than those in the anaerobic environment. The abundance changes of the amoA and nxrA functional genes have a positive correlation with the nitrification intensity in the tannery sludge-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
使用软件1,将岩层序号、导线的方位和倾角、岩层的倾向、倾角和两层面切割导线处的读数分别输入A、F、G、H、I、J、K列,先后分别沿M、N列从第2行单元格开始拖动鼠标,岩层真厚度数据和累积厚度即刻计算出来,进一步可计岩组或岩性段的真厚度;将导线的序号、方位、倾角、长度分别输入W、X、Y、Z列,先后分别沿AB、AC、AD、AE、AF、AG、AH列,从第2行单元格开始拖动鼠标,导线的水平投影长度、纵座标增量及其累积值、横座标增量及其累积值、高程增量及其累积值即刻计算出来。使用软件2,在输入原始数据的同时,结果便计算出来。  相似文献   
Thermal impact of typical high‐density residential, industrial, and commercial land uses is a major concern for the health of aquatic life in urban watersheds, especially in smaller, cold, and cool‐water streams. This is the first study of its kind that provides simple easy‐to‐use equations, developed using gene expression programming (GEP) that can guide the assessment and the design of urban stormwater management systems to protect thermally sensitive receiving streams. We developed 3 GEP models using data collected during 3 years (2009–2011) from 4 urban catchments; the first GEP model predicts event mean temperature at the inlet of the pond; the second model predicts the stormwater temperature at the outlet of the pond; and the third model predicts the temperature of the stormwater after flowing through a cooling trench and before discharging to the receiving stream. The new models have high correlation coefficients of 0.90–0.94 and low prediction uncertainty of less than 4% of the median value of the predicted runoff temperatures. Sensitivity analysis shows that climatic factors have the highest influence on the thermal enrichment followed by the catchment characteristics and the key design variables of the stormwater pond and the cooling trench. The general method presented here is easily transferable to other regions of the world (but not necessarily the exact equations developed here); also through sensitivity and parametric analysis, we gained insight on the key factors and their relative importance in modelling thermal enrichment of urban stromwater runoff.  相似文献   
罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)是我国重要的经济虾类之一。近年来, 细菌性感染造成罗氏沼虾养殖业病害频发, 经济损失巨大。因此了解其免疫机制对于指导疾病防控至关重要。线粒体锰超氧化物歧化酶(mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase, mMnSOD)被认为是抵御氧化应激的第一道防线, 在先天性免疫中具有至关重要的作用。目前, 甲壳动物中mMnSOD的免疫功能尚不清楚。为此, 本研究克隆了罗氏沼虾mMnSOD基因(mMnSOD of M. rosenbergii, MrmMnSOD), 制备了多克隆抗体, 分析了嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)感染下, MrmMnSOD在不同组织中的表达模式。结果显示, 肝胰腺和肠组织中MrmMnSOD的基因表达水平分别在感染后3h和6h达到最大; 组织免疫荧光分析显示, 肝胰腺和肠组织中MrmMnSOD均在感染后12h达到最大荧光强度。以上结果表明, mMnSOD参与了罗氏沼虾对嗜水气单胞菌的免疫应激反应。进一步的蛋白抑菌实验表明, MrmMnSOD可显著抑制大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、嗜水气单胞菌、副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)和无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)的生长, 推测该蛋白可能属于免疫相关分子, 可通过抑菌反应发挥免疫功能。当前的研究结果进一步丰富了甲壳动物先天性免疫基础理论, 也可为今后罗氏沼虾的病害防控和药物研发提供新的靶点参考。  相似文献   
Dmrt基因家族在后生动物性别决定与分化以及组织和器官的形成等发育过程中发挥着重要作用。为探究dmrt家族基因在海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)横裂生殖中的功能,本研究以海蜇转录组测序获得的dmrta2基因片段为基础,通过RACE技术获得了海蜇dmrta2基因的cDNA全长,并分析了其在横裂生殖不同时期的表达模式。结果显示海蜇dmrta2基因cDNA全长为1 804 bp,开放阅读框为1 011 bp,所编码蛋白质含336个氨基酸,分子质量为37.25 kDa,理论等电点为9.11。预测海蜇dmrta2编码蛋白为亲水性蛋白质,无跨膜区域,不含信号肽。在33至79位氨基酸之间具有dmrt基因家族保守的DM结构域,与珊瑚、果蝇等物种的同源基因相应区域高度一致。系统进化分析显示,海蜇DMRTA2与鹿角珊瑚DMRTA2和DMRT3以及海葵DMRTA2的亲缘关系最近。原位杂交显示dmrta2基因在海蜇横裂生殖后期主要表达于感觉缘叶原基位置,在初生碟状体中表达于感觉棍位置。研究结果表明,dmrta2基因参与海蜇横裂生殖过程,可能主要与感觉棍神经系统的分化发育相关,研究为进一步解析海蜇等钵水母横裂生殖的分子调控机制提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
本文以二倍体和三倍体虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)幼鱼为实验对象,探究急性高温胁迫下,不同倍性虹鳟热休克蛋白家族(hsps)基因表达水平。选取二倍体和三倍体虹鳟幼鱼,分别进行常温处理(14℃)和高温胁迫(22℃),并在高温胁迫48h后,将虹鳟置于常温(14℃)恢复48h。分别在实验开始的0,12,24,48,72和96h进行取样,测定实验虹鳟肝脏和肌肉组织中的hsp70s(hsp70a,hsp70b),hsp90s (hsp90a1a,hsp90a2a,hsp90a1b,hsp90a2a,hsp90b1,hsp90b2)mRNA水平。结果表明:hsp70s和hsp90s的各个亚型均能对热胁迫做出反应,并具有应答幅度的组织特异性和时间特异性。在胁迫6和24h后,上述基因mRNA水平达到最高,随后降低。三倍体幼鱼肝脏和肌肉hsps mRNA表达水平的峰值显著高于二倍体幼鱼。研究结果显示,三倍体虹鳟对高温环境更为敏感,需要消耗更多的能量用于适应高温环境。  相似文献   
SOXB作为重要的转录因子,参与了动物内胚层分化、消化道形成、神经细胞和感官细胞分化的调控。本研究利用RACE技术克隆了单环刺螠(Urechis unicinctus)2个soxb亚族基因soxb1(Uu-soxb1)和soxb2(Uu-soxb2)的cDNA全长序列,大小分别是1871 bp和2906 bp。在两个推导的氨基酸序列中均包含SOX家族的HMG-box结构和SOXB亚族蛋白特有的Group B homology序列,进化树分析它们分别与SOXB1和SOXB2聚类。原位杂交结果显示,Uu-soxb1和Uu-soxb2为母源表达基因;二者在担轮幼虫中的表达图式存在差异,其中早期担轮幼虫中Uu-soxb1 mRNA广泛分布于虫体中,Uu-soxb2 mRNA则集中于顶纤毛束基部和虫体后部(口后纤毛环之后),中期担轮幼虫中,Uu-soxb2阳性信号主要位于纤毛环及虫体的下半球;而Uu-soxb1 mRNA主要位于虫体下半球;之后的发育中二者的表达位点基本一致,即:晚期担轮幼虫中主要位于虫体后部,体节幼虫和蠕虫状幼虫中主要分布于消化道和体壁处。本研究结果表明,单环刺螠soxb在消化道发育过程中的表达模式与其他已报道动物类似,提示其在消化道发育中具有保守的功能。  相似文献   
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