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蒋淑华  焦华富  管晶 《地理科学》2021,41(10):1783-1791
采用1992年、2005年、2019年上海市存续航运服务企业(组织)数据,运用加权核密度、最近邻指数以及关键词共现网络,研究其空间分布及功能演变,结果表明:上海市航运服务业的空间分布总体趋于集聚,早期沿城市内河形成连片分布,后向工业园、港口及城市CBD等多区位、多核心转变。从功能演变来看,重要功能元构成长期稳定,仓储保持首位。新兴功能元发展持续性不足,电子商务、集装箱运输、船舶技术突变强度高。已形成7个功能元聚类,呈价值链攀升态势。传统港航业、金融业及信息业是功能元聚类形成的关键行业。功能多元化对资源组合需求异质化,而资源在空间分布不均衡,两者动态调整匹配是空间分布及功能形成演变的根本原因。  相似文献   
针对不同姿态下的三维等距部分模型与完整模型对应关系计算问题,提出了一种结合局部函数映射和局部流形谐波(localized manifold harmonics,LMH)算子计算三维模型特征描述符并构建模型间对应关系的新方法.首先,通过改进的Laplace算子的谱分解构造局部基产生LMH算子,并计算模型的特征描述符;其次...  相似文献   
地下管线系统应用平台设计是在数据库设计、数据库的数据组织结构设计的同时相互参照与相互约束下进行的。应用平台功能实现也是完成系统既定目标重要构成。先进行基于用户类型的系统功能分析,然后完成平台架构及功能模块设计,最后系统集成实现系统应用平台功能。  相似文献   
The natural groundwater recharge in Asia is estimated to be 4 677.74×109 m3/a. However, it features extremely uneven spatial-temporal distribution. Groundwater is distributed in various natural and geological environments, and it is liable to be affected by numerous factors and possesses different properties. Moreover, groundwater faces complex ecological problems. This paper gains a complete understanding of groundwater in Asia in terms of the structure of aquifer systems, the processes of groundwater cycle, and the spatial variation laws of surface ecosystems. Based on this, it proposes the ecological function zoning scheme of groundwater in Asia, aiming to provide guidance for the utilization of regional water resources and the planning for economic and social development, coordinate the relationship between social and economic development and water resource protection, and improve the ecological functions of groundwater. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the problems with regional groundwater management in Asia and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions, thus providing a theoretical basis for the sustainable development and utilization of regional groundwater and environmental protection.  相似文献   
西藏羊八井地热田水热蚀变的时空演化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏亚东—谷露裂谷中—北段的羊八井地热田是我国著名的高温地热田,研究其水热蚀变的时空演化有助于更好地认识藏南地热的发育特征。通过对羊八井地热田及其水热蚀变岩开展地表调查、显微特征与X衍射分析等工作,总结了其主要蚀变类型特征,划分出黄褐色蚀变中心带、灰白色中强蚀变带、灰白色中等蚀变带和浅灰白色弱蚀变带4个不同的水热蚀变带,并区分出红褐色—黄褐色蚀变期、灰白色蚀变期和淡黄色—灰色蚀变期共3期蚀变。研究结果揭示,羊八井地热田高温地热活动中心一直在北区硫磺沟区域,其水热蚀变活动主要受亚东—谷露裂谷内部的活动断裂构造控制,并与断裂构造活动具同步性;地热水的排泄方式早期为沿北东向断裂构造直接排泄,晚期为经浅层第四系径流后再排泄,由直接排泄向间接排泄转变;中高温地热水的排泄区由北区硫磺沟地区向南区藏布曲迁移。根据研究结果推断,硫磺沟区域的北东向断裂与北西向断裂交汇区可作为羊八井热田北区深部地热勘查的主要方向。  相似文献   
We present new evidence of infiltration metasomatism in granitoids that were albitized in a process that produced two sharp replacement fronts, both of which are clearly visible in the field. The two fronts advanced through the original granite simultaneously, but at different rates. Here we focus mainly on the Ajitgarh intrusive in the northern Aravalli orogen of northwest India. This intrusion shows geographically well-defined metasomatic zones on the outcrop scale as well as a large volume of original ferroan granite, both of which were poorly preserved in most of the previously studied Khetri granites. Stage I metasomatism transformed the grey original granite to pink microcline–albite granite, and stage II converted the microcline–albite granite to white albite granite. Both these reaction fronts are sharp and are easily recognized in the field by their different colours. The mineralogical and chemical changes during the first stage are expressed by transformation of original oligoclase to albite, biotite (annite-rich) and hastingsite (amphibole) to hastingsite with low XFe values, dehydration, gain in Na, and losses in Fe and Rb. The second stage of metasomatism caused almost complete conversion of microcline to albite and complete or nearly complete disappearance of amphibole. Chemically, these changes are manifested by substantial gain in Na and extreme losses in K, Rb, Ba, Ca, Sr, Fe, and Mg. Depending on the modal abundances of amphibole, stage II albitized rocks are depleted in light rare earth elements or heavy rare earth elements or both, signifying that rare earth elements are principally hosted by mafic phases. The disparity in whole-rock δ18O values during both stages of albitization is related to the variations in modal amounts of Si-bearing phases. The replacement microstructures are in accord with the fluid-mediated phase transformations by a coupled dissolution–precipitation mechanism. The albitizing event took place at low temperatures of 350–400 °C and the fluid was metamorphic in nature.  相似文献   
铜陵矿集区矿田构造垂直分带   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在对铜陵矿集区内矿田构造分类及其控矿特征分析的基础上,依据空间分布位置将矿田控矿构造带划分为浅带、中带和深带3个层次,其空间配置为浅带"行、列、汇"构造样式、中带岩浆侵入接触构造体系和深带"隆中凹"构造,三者在空间上构成了矿田构造的垂直分带.以上覆地层厚度估算矿田各层次控矿构造带的深度大约为浅带0~1 km;中带1~3.0 km;深带>3.0 km.三个层次的控矿构造带分别控制了热液脉型、矽卡岩型和层控矽卡岩型等主要矿床类型.浅、中、深控矿构造带在不同的矿田常具有不同的组合形式,可以单独出现,也可以是两两组合,当三者复合产出时则构成完整的矿田构造垂直分带.矿田构造垂直分带的发育程度往往决定矿田的成矿特点,是控制成矿系列和"多层楼"成矿的主要原因.  相似文献   
Functional zoning is an important mechanism for achieving national park planning and management objective. Better functional zoning is of great significance to the protection of ecosystem legitimacy and integrity, the appropriate utilization of resources, community integration, and feasible management. In the present study, the proposed Qinghai Lake National Park is the research object. Based on the critical goal of ecological protection, the importance of ecosystem service functions and the eco...  相似文献   
识别区域产业承接潜力及优化承接潜力区格局是实现产业转移承接的重要前提。以环京津贫困带为研究对象,基于产业生态承载力、产业吸引力、产业支撑力、产业发展力与产业选择力5个维度,构建贫困带产业承接潜力评价指标体系,运用多指标综合评价模型测度产业承接潜力水平,采用标准显示性比较优势指数(NRCA)与空间聚类法实现环京津贫困带产业承接潜力的分区优化。结果表明:1)环京津贫困带县域产业承接潜力具有明显的空间分异特征,中、高水平单元主要位于“京津”以及张家口、承德和保定市辖区周边;低水平单元主要分布在西北部坝上高原和燕山—太行山脉。2)结合环京津贫困带发展规划及策略,将环京津贫困带划分为产业适度转移区、产业重点转移区和产业优先转移区,依据各类型区特点提出产业承接转移导向,科学定位不同县域产业发展方向。  相似文献   
城镇化进程中张谷英村功能转型与空间重构   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
李伯华  周鑫  刘沛林  陈驰  刘一曼 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1310-1318
快速城镇化进程中,传统村落普遍面临着功能转型与空间重构的双重压力。以湘北传统村落张谷英村为例,探索了传统村落功能转型的一般态势和空间重构的实现路径。研究结果显示:从功能转型来看,张谷英村正经历着传统生活功能向现代生活功能的转变、农业功能向旅游业功能的转变以及传统空间功能向多功能的转变 ;从空间发展来看,张谷英村空间结构经历了空间缓慢发育、空间快速扩展和空间有序跃升3个阶段;从适应性来看,张谷英村正面临着村落文化冲突显性化、聚落空间结构空心化、道路结构系统衰退化以及村落土地利用粗放化等一系列问题;从发展对策来看,构建了集视角层、功能层、规划层和目标层于一体的传统村落空间重构调控机制。  相似文献   
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