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极限资源量模型与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿床金属储量最大容量(即极限资源量)是确定矿床是否还具有找矿潜力的重要参考数据.以矿床中多个矿体资源量统计分形模型为基础,并假定矿体储量连续变化,建立了极限金属资源量(T)预测模型,其与矿体极限数(C)基本呈线性变化;与矿体储量规模分布分维值(D)呈显著非线性变化.利用极限资源量模型,分析了胶东蚀变岩型大尹格庄金矿床的极限金属储量;考虑到大型矿体存在深部延伸,储量仍在不断增加,同时小型矿体统计不全,以中型矿体的金属储量为主要参考,建立了统计分形模型,并估算其极限金属储量为1.35×105 kg,说明大尹格庄金矿床深、边部还存在较大的找矿潜力.  相似文献   
Analysis of fracture network connectivity using percolation theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Connectivity aspects of fracture networks are analyzed in terms of percolation theory. These aspects are of fundamental importance in characterization, exploitation, and management of fractured formations. General connectivity and power law relationships are determined that characterize the density of fractures and average number of intersections per fracture necessary to ensure network connectivity, the likelihood of a fractured formation being hydraulically connected, and the probability that any specific fracture is connected to the conducting portion of the network. Monte Carlo experiments with a two-dimensional fracture network model confirm the percolation theory predictions. These relationships may prove useful in formulating theoretically tractable approximations of fracture nerworks that capture the essential system properties.  相似文献   
国家庄井田断裂构造的分形评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了应用分形理论对断裂构造进行定量评价的原理和操作方法,以山东国家庄煤矿为例,对操作步骤、数据处理做了详细说明,并对计算结果进行了分析和比较。研究表明,分形统计具有内涵丰富、准确合理且易于用计算机实现的优点。  相似文献   
随机分形插值法在地震数据处理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在本文中,作者首先对随机分形插值方法,分形、分维等进行了研究和探讨,并将该插值方法应用于实际地震资料处理中,取得了较好的效果,这表明随机分形插值方法是基于不同采样间隔,不同测网密度的地震资料插值补齐的,简单而有效的方法,值得进一步的研究与推广。  相似文献   
Fractal sinuosity of stream channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Analysis of a diverse set of twelve stream channel planforms indicates that at scales relevant to river meandering, river traces are most reasonably treated as fractal curves. The atypically high degree of channel wandering apparent at such scales is a common characteristic of all single-channel streams, while identifiable meandering appears to be only one way in which this tendency is expressed. At smaller scales of view river paths have shapes of smooth curves appropriate to Euclidian geometry, and toward larger scales a distinct change in degree of wandering marks the transition to bends that are considered to be changes in general river course rather than parts of channel pattern. This analysis method provides a natural, objective calculation of river sinuosity as well as other parameters that more completely specify channel planform.  相似文献   
碎屑颗粒圆度的分形描述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
碎屑颗粒圆度是指碎屑颗粒的原始棱角被磨圆的程度,用来表征碎屑沉积物的结构成熟度。目前普遍的做法是采用Powers 1953年作的一组图,表示从尖棱角状至滚圆状各级圆度的特征,这一做法属于定性描述。本文借助分形几何学理论,利用盒维数法实现了计算机对颗粒维数的自动统计计算,结果表明碎屑颗粒维数可以作为刻画碎屑颗粒圆度的定量指标。  相似文献   
河西地区几次强震前的垂直地形变分维特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张永志  王双绪 《内陆地震》1993,7(3):257-263
采用关联维的计算方法,对河西地区门源6.4级和天祝一景泰6.2级地震过程中的垂直地形变序列的时、空分维数分别进行了计算,得到:本文研究区内远场(远离震中区)的地形变序列分维数在0.63~0.80之间,而近场(震中地区)的序列分维数在0.17~0.44之间,近场出现明显的降维现象;地震的孕、发过程中地形变观测序列分维数在0.22~0.37之间,而无震期间则在0.57~0.77之间,地震孕、发过程中地形变观测时间序列亦存在明显的降维现象。  相似文献   
At the study area of Xigu District in Lanzhou City, using RS & GIS as tools we apply Diversity, Dominance, Fragmentation, Isolation and so on to study the quantitative, fractal and spatial characters of landscapes structures in the four sub-regions divided by the morphological features. Using the Fractal Theory to establish the fractal structure models, we analyze the complexity and stability of various landscapes distribution with fractal dimension value. The spatial distribution characteristics of landscape mosaic structure are also expounded. At the end of the paper we discuss the relevant problems on the main factors which control and effect on the spatial pattern of landscapes as well as on landscape optimization and management. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40171069). Biography: XU Jian-hua (1965 - ), male, a native of Gansu province, professor. His research interest includes Geo-computation and GIS.  相似文献   
陈彦光  张莉 《地理科学进展》2014,33(8):1058-1067
城市人口规模和用地面积随着时间的改变过程理论上服从异速生长定律,即在一定时空范围内表现为幂指数关系,并且标度指数小于1。但由于种种原因,中国的统计数据大多不满足纵向异速标度关系,或者标度指数严重异常。为深入研究这一问题,借助最小二乘法和对数线性回归分析技术,基于信阳的人口普查数据和城市用地现状图资料,开展城市人口和城市用地面积的标度分析,发现城市生长长期服从纵向异速生长定律,可用幂函数描绘,并且标度指数(约为0.86)接近于理论预期值(0.85)。然而,由于近年的“造城运动”,这种标度关系遭到破坏,城市人—地关系出现混乱。因此,揭示城市演化规律的前提是数据质量的保证,而人文系统的规律也会因为人为的因素而暂时破坏。本文提供了一个城市纵向异速生长及其标度破坏的简明案例,并给出了估计和预测信阳城市人口和用地的数学模型,其计算结果可以作为了解同类城市人—地关系的演化进程和未来趋势的重要参考。  相似文献   
云南地震流动重力监测网建设与映震能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结云南地区流动重力测网建设,根据分形几何原理,计算云南及周边地区现行测网的空间格网距和空间分辨率,给出最佳格网距为69 km,空间分辨率为61 km。结合近年云南及周边地区流动重力观测成果,绘制重力场变化图像,分析2014-08-03鲁甸6.5级地震、2014-10-07景谷6.6级地震以及2015年以后大理-保山一带部分5级以上地震相关重力场变化。综合分析认为,云南及周边地区流动重力监测网能识别5级以上地震相关的重力变化,但个别地区监测能力仍需加强。  相似文献   
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