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通过对祁连山东段童子坝河各级阶地的年代和变形程度进行测定,得到了河流阶地的形成年代和过程,推算出民乐—大马营逆断裂的活动强度和速率,并分析了阶地形成和气候变化之间的关系。童子坝河5级阶地(年龄分别为16.70±1.81 cal,ka BP、 10 092.5±27.5 cal a BP、8127.5±72.5 cal a BP、2900±60 cal a BP、282.5±17.5 cal a BP)均形成于气候由冷转暖的阶段,属于气候成因阶地。基于断裂两侧阶地面的平面几何形态并结合上、下盘阶地横剖面同级阶地的高差,得到T4、T3、T2和T1阶地在民乐—大马营断裂处的垂直位错分别为10.6±3.1,m、5.0±2.6 m、2.0±1.9 m和1.9±1.3 m,推算出全新世以来民乐—大马营断裂的垂直滑动速率为1.05±0.31 mm/a,水平缩短速率为1.02±0.60 mm/a。  相似文献   
第11届国际河流沉积学大会于2017年7月17日-21日在加拿大卡尔加里大学举行,每四年举行一次的国际河流沉积学学术会议,吸引了当今北美、欧洲、澳洲及亚洲从事河流沉积学及相关学科研究的众多知名学者参会,研究成果充分体现了当前国际河流沉积学研究取得的重要进展和发展方向。重要进展有:1)河流动力学及其变化过程研究。其中包括将今论古法论现代河流沉积过程与古老地层对比,河道-洪泛平原体系的越岸复合沉积动力学,河流动力学与变化过程研究展望,恢复河道迁移过程:新一代平面图演化模式的讨论,冲积河流和基岩河流的湍流、颗粒间作用和沉积作用;2)陆缘河流。包括河流入海处的地貌动力学与沉积学,河流补给边缘的沉积物搬运、地貌和地层特征,干旱地区河流、冲积扇体系与风的相互作用,植被生长前、无植物生长、或是植被发育区河流的沉积过程研究;3)河流沉积地层及其地下资源。包括源-汇系统,"河流相模式"是否有用的讨论,辫状河、网状河、曲流河概念的厘定等;4)河流地貌变化。包括气候改变、泥泞植被洪泛平原等对河流沉积物通量、河流模式等产生影响,河道中冲积岛屿的演化和稳定河流的蛇曲化,河流环境中沉积物生物作用等。基于上述资料分析,认为河流演化过程从定性向定量化研究,物理模拟与数值模拟技术是河流沉积学研究不可或缺的手段,应用定量建模、数学计算等方法进行精准研究,碎屑锆石U-Pb定年技术是新一代从源到汇研究的重要工具等诸多方面,是我国学者应该重视并开展研究的方向。  相似文献   
MARC J.P. GOUW 《Sedimentology》2008,55(5):1487-1516
Ancient fluvial successions often act as hydrocarbon reservoirs. Sub‐surface data on the alluvial architecture of fluvial successions are often incomplete and modelling is performed to reconstruct the stratigraphy. However, all alluvial architecture models suffer from the scarcity of field data to test and calibrate them. The purposes of this study were to quantify the alluvial architecture of the Holocene Rhine–Meuse delta (the Netherlands) and to determine spatio‐temporal trends in the architecture. Five north–south orientated cross‐sections, perpendicular to the general flow direction, were compiled for the fluvial‐dominated part of the delta. These sections were used to calculate the width/thickness ratios of fluvial sandbodies (SBW/SBT) and the proportions of channel‐belt deposits (CDP), clastic overbank deposits (ODP) and organic material (OP) in the succession. Furthermore, the connectedness ratio (CR) between channel belts was calculated for each cross‐section. Distinct spatial and temporal trends in the alluvial architecture were found. SBW/SBT ratios decrease by a factor of ca 4 in a downstream direction. CDP decreases from ca 0·7 (upstream) to ca 0·3 (downstream). OP increases from less than 0·05 in the upstream part of the delta to more than 0·25 in the downstream delta. ODP is approximately constant (0·4). CR is ca 0·25 upstream, which is approximately two times larger than in the downstream part of the delta. Furthermore, CDP in the downstream Rhine–Meuse delta increases after 3000 cal yr BP. These trends are attributed to variations in available accommodation space, floodplain geometry and channel‐belt size. For instance, channel belts tend to narrow in a downstream direction, which reduces SBW/SBT, CDP and CR. Tectonics cause local deviations in the general architectural trends. In addition, the positive correlation between avulsion frequency and the ratio of local to regional aggradation rate probably influenced alluvial architecture in the Rhine–Meuse delta. The Rhine–Meuse data set can be a great resource when developing more sophisticated models for alluvial architecture simulation, which eventually could lead to better characterizations of hydrocarbon reservoirs. To aid such usage of the Rhine–Meuse data set, constraints for relevant parameters are provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
The last glacial shows large variations in climate, which are reflected in the fluvial record in the Niederlausitz, eastern Germany. The entire sequence resembles the fluvial development in other river basins in northwestern Europe, which show contemporaneous changes in depositional style at the onset of a climatic change. During the Middle and the Late Pleniglacial, permafrost conditions resulted in an episodic river discharge. The presence or absence of vegetation, in combination with such ephemeral stream conditions, determined the type of river during each period. A relatively well-developed vegetation cover on the flood plains during the Middle Pleniglacial resulted in a low sediment yield. In combination with the intermittent discharge, this caused the development of an ephemeral anastomosing river system, a river with stable channels and extensive sandy overbank areas. The decline in vegetation cover at ca. 28 ka BP caused an increase in sediment yield and peak discharges, which resulted in the development of a sandy braided river in adjustment to these new conditions. Following the coldest period at around 20 ka, precipitation was so low that fluvial activity was limited and aeolian deposition took place in the valley. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
冰冻圈演化不仅与青藏高原水塔变化、地表侵蚀风化及荒漠化密切相关,还深刻影响着亚洲季风系统和全球气候,冰碛物的粒度组成可以为冰冻圈演化提供重要信息,但高原冰碛物的特征粒度组成及其形成机理仍不清楚,高原冰碛物与高原冷黄土及河湖沉积物的关系也不明确。为此,选择青藏高原最大的冰帽——古里雅冰帽的冰碛物及系列冰水沉积物,开展系统粒度组成研究。研究发现:自终碛到冰川前端冰水扇及下游河流冰水沉积均表现出特征的双峰模态,即1~3φ(500~125μm)的中细砂峰和6~8φ(16~4μm)的细粉砂峰,前者可能由冰川压碎、寒冻风化崩裂作用造成,后者由冰川研磨作用形成,并受到源区基岩岩性软弱和组成颗粒大小的影响。冰川磨蚀的细粉砂组分含量,从冰碛物经冰水扇、河流到湖滩沉积物整体呈现减小趋势,粗粉砂在湖滩沉积中几乎完全被风吹走,粗粉砂直接成为下游黄土的物源并富集其中成为黄土特征组分,水流分选在开口湖泊中产生粗、细粉砂的明显富集,这些证据揭示出,无论是与冰川发育相关的尾闾湖沉积还是近源、远源的青藏高原及周边黄土沉积,其粉砂组成和来源,均可为高原冰冻圈的形成演化提供重要信息。  相似文献   
河流相砂岩储层内部由于岩性、物性和微小构造变化导致的不连续性特征是阻隔流体流动,影响注采受效的重要因素.因此对这些特征的研究对于油田开发具有重要意义.这类不连续特征在地震资料上通常表现为地震振幅和波形的变化、同相轴的扭曲等,尺度通常小于地震资料分辨率.本文研究了基于曲率算法的储层不连续性特征的识别方法,通过模型正演分析...  相似文献   
在对岩心详细观察的基础上,通过时研究区杨大城子油层沉积物的结构、构造、颜色、组合韵律、垂向序列、电性响应、砂体平面展布特征的综合分析,认为研究区杨大城子油层总体上是-套河流相沉积。作为油气储集层的砂体主要是点坝砂体。  相似文献   
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