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军曹鱼人工育苗饵料投喂技术的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了军曹鱼Rachycentron canadum幼鱼(初始体重10g左右)的日摄食节律及不同摄食水平条件下鱼体的化学组成、特定生长率和食物转换率,以此确立人工育苗过程中军曹鱼幼鱼的适宜投饵时间和和投饵水平。研究结果表明,军曹鱼幼鱼具有明显的昼夜摄食节律,摄食主要在白天进行,以早晨(06:00—08:00)和傍晚(18:00—20:00)最为活跃,形成一天中的2个摄食高峰,夜间基本不摄食。由此可见军曹鱼幼鱼的摄食节律属白天摄食偏晨昏性类型。在饥饿、3%、6%、9%和饱食(指日投饵干重占试验鱼初始体重的百分比)摄食水平条件下,军曹鱼幼鱼鱼体蛋白质和脂肪含量随摄食水平的增加呈增长趋势,在6%摄食水平组脂肪含量出现大幅下降,在3%—饱食摄食水平时蛋白质含量变化不明显。军曹鱼幼鱼的湿重、干重和蛋白质特定生长率均随摄食水平的增加呈减速增长趋势,两者间的关系表现为对数函数形式:SGRw=3.876 ln(RL 1)-3.716,SGRd=5.107 ln(RL 1)-5.24,SGRp=5.561 ln(RL 1)-5.609,9%和饱食摄食水平组特定生长率无显著差异;脂肪特定生长率随摄食水平的增加而线性增长:SGRL=1.731RL-7.702。食物湿重、干重、蛋白质和脂肪转换率随摄食水平的增加均呈先升后降的变化趋势,9%摄食水平组有最大值,约为最大摄食水平的70%。因此,军曹鱼幼鱼投饵应在白天进行,适宜投饵时间为早晨和傍晚2个摄食高峰期,这个生长阶段的军曹鱼幼鱼当投喂鳗鱼配合饲料时其适宜投饵水平约为最大摄食水平的70%。  相似文献   
大亚湾中型浮游动物群落结构和植食性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以中型浮游动物成体为研究对象,通过在大亚湾实验站附近一个采样点连续两年的野外调查和现场摄食实验,分析大亚湾近岸富营养化海域中型浮游动物的群落特征,及其对浮游植物的选择摄食特性。结果表明:2015—2017年实验站附近中型浮游动物的总丰度在冬季达到最高,其次为春、秋和夏季;其优势种大多是滤食性桡足类,如锥形宽水蚤(Temora turbinata)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)等,中型浮游动物的摄食特性与优势种摄食行为有很大的相关性。中型浮游动物群落更偏好于粒径较大的小型浮游植物(20—200μm),而对微型(2—20μm)或超微型浮游植物(0.7—2μm)的摄食影响较小,甚至会因为选择性摄食对这两种类型的浮游植物的生长有间接促进作用。且中型浮游动物的摄食选择性具有明显的季节性,除每个季节均倾向于摄食甲藻和青绿藻。除此之外,在春季偏好于定鞭藻和隐藻,夏季偏好于定鞭藻和绿藻,秋季偏好于硅藻、隐藻和聚球藻。尽管硅藻的生物量在调查期间平均约占总浮游植物类群的50%,但是中型浮游动物并不主动摄食硅藻,而更偏爱生物量低但营养较高的甲藻。总体上,中型浮游动物虽然对浮游植物有一定的摄食,但其植食性较弱,不能对浮游植物的生物量进行有效控制。  相似文献   
琼胶酶是作用于琼胶的水解酶,在食品、化妆品和制药工业中有广泛的应用。本文建立了一种基于诱导模式和甘油补料优化的高细胞密度和高产β-琼胶酶策略,同时可以较好的控制乙酸盐产量。首先,在诱导前期采用不同的比生长速率(μ)的甘油指数补料策略。结果表明,低的比生长速率(μ=0.2)是细胞生长和β-琼胶酶产生的最佳条件。其次,研究了诱导阶段诱导温度和诱导物浓度对细胞生长和β-琼胶酶产生的影响。当异丙基-β-d-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导时,在20℃下0.8mmol/L的IPTG诱导策略对β-琼胶酶的产生效果最佳。采用1.0g/(L·h)的乳糖连续补料策略诱导培养,β-琼胶酶活性达到112.5U/mL,是目前报道的产量最高的β-琼胶酶。此外,β-琼胶酶能直接酶解龙须菜粉,产生新琼寡糖,水解产物为新琼胶四糖(NA4)和新琼胶六糖(NA6)。本文的研究为β-琼胶酶的工业化生产和应用提供了较好的理论依据。  相似文献   
Inanga (Galaxias maculatus Jenyns) are the basis of an important recreational and commercial freshwater fishery that has declined over the past 100 years, probably because of habitat degradation in developed areas. Maintenance of suitable stream flows for inanga is one means of protecting the fishery. Observations of habitat use by drift‐feeding inanga were made in three streams. Most feeding inanga were stationary in the current taking food items from the drift and sometimes from the surface. Drift‐feeding locations were related to current patterns and water velocity, with inanga feeding at locations where the current concentrated food, and where water velocities were sufficiently low to allow the fish to hold position. The mean feeding velocity did not vary significantly between streams, although the range of velocities used did. Optimum feeding velocities were 0.03–0.07 m s‐1, and were comparable with brown trout (Salmo trutta) feeding velocities, when adjusted for the differences in fish size. Depth use was very different between streams and this was attributed to the variation in available habitat. Depths greater than 0.3 m were optimum, with some use of depths between 0.1 and 0.3 m. It is suggested that inanga suitability criteria are dictated by biological factors, such as swimming ability and bio‐energetic requirements, rather than the river the fish is living in and that it is necessary to collect habitat use and availability data in a wide range of stream types to define optimal habitat and suitability criteria for generalised application.  相似文献   
实验于1995年7月10日至9月16日,在烟台市黄海水产集团公司第二养虾场进行。采用围隔生态系实验法,利用4个海水池塘陆基围隔(5m×5m)初步研究了台湾红罗非鱼(Ore-ochromismossambicus×O.niloticus)与菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapesphilippinarum)施肥混养的效果。结果表明:菲律宾蛤仔的生产力为1.24g/m2·d,负荷力为3830.0kg/hm2;罗非鱼的生产力为1.86g·(m2·d)-1,负荷力为1580.8kg/hm2。鱼贝对施入氮、磷的利用率分别为15.06%和6.80%,比单养罗非鱼要高;总生产力和总负荷力都明显高于单养罗非鱼。  相似文献   
皱唇鲨为黄勃海常见的底栖中小型鲨鱼,它是以游泳生物为主的杂食性鱼类,捕食蓝点马鲛、青鳞鱼、黄鲫、绵、长蛸、日本枪乌贼、对虾、鹰爪虾、虾姑、鲽科鱼、底栖多毛类和蟹类。皱唇鲨为卵胎生,7~8月性成熟后体内受精,雄性性腺成熟明显表现出:鳍脚增大呈飞跃式的增大,产仔期为5~6月,胚胎在母体内发育时间为9~10月,雌鲨怀胎最多为42尾,仔鱼的雌雄比例为1:1。  相似文献   
Feeding activities provide necessary nutrition and energy to support the reproduction and development of fish populations. The feeding ecology and dietary plasticity of fish are important factors determining their recruitment and population dynamics. As a top predator, Japanese Spanish mackerel(Scomberomorus niphonius) supports one of the most valuable fisheries in China. In this study, the feeding ecology and diet composition of Japanese Spanish mackerel spawning groups were analysed based on samples collected from six spawning grounds along the eastern coastal waters of China during spring(March to May) in 2016 and 2017. Both stomach contents and stable isotope analysis were conducted. Stomach content analysis showed that spawning groups of Japanese Spanish mackerel mainly fed on fish, consuming more than 40 different prey species. Diets were significantly different among sampling locations. The most important prey species were Stolephorus in Fuzhou, Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus in Xiangshan, Euphausia pacifica in Lüsi, sand lance Ammodytes personatus in Qingdao and Weihai, and Leptochela gracilis in Laizhou Bay. Stable isotope analysis showed that the trophic level of Japanese Spanish mackerel was relatively high and generally increased with latitude from south to north. In the 1980 s, the diet of Japanese Spanish mackerel was dominated solely by Japanese anchovies in the eastern coastal waters of China. The results in the present study showed that the importance of Japanese anchovies declined considerably, and this fish was not the most dominant diet in most of the investigated waters. Both the spatial variations in diet composition and changes in the dominant diet over the long term indicated the high adaptability of Japanese Spanish mackerel to the environment. Combining the results of stomach analysis and stable isotope analysis from different tissues provided more comprehensive and accurate dietary information on Japanese Spanish mackerel. The study provides essential information about the feeding ecology of Japanese Spanish mackerel and will benefit the management of its populations in the future.  相似文献   
为筛选适合添加于草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)饲料的植物源免疫增强剂,本试验以白芍(Radix paeoniae Alba)、杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)和知母(Rhizoma anemarrhenae)三种允饲植物配制的复方制剂A、B和C为研究对象,开展其对草鱼非特异性免疫功能的比较研究。试验将二龄草鱼随机分成6个试验组和1个对照组,试验组和对照组按鱼体重量的3%每天分别投喂添加复方制剂的饲料和空白饲料。试验第7、14、21、28天分别采集试验草鱼血液,用于检测血液细胞组分、血清溶菌酶、血清SOD;试验第29天,对各组试验草鱼进行腹腔注射嗜水气单胞菌活菌,记录攻毒后14天内各组草鱼的存活率。结果表明,与对照组相比,试验第14天时,以2%和4%剂量添加的复方制剂A分别显著提高草鱼白细胞吞噬活性128%和143%,分别提高草鱼血清溶菌酶活性69%和85%,分别提高草鱼血清SOD活性61%和55%;连用28天对草鱼的保护率分别达到49%和55%,复方制剂A对草鱼非特异性免疫增强效果优于复方制剂B和C。  相似文献   
The soles Solea solea and Solea senegalensis are marine flatfish that use coastal and estuarine nursery grounds, which generally present high food availability, refuge from predators and favourable conditions for rapid growth. Two important nursery grounds for these species juveniles have been identified in the Tagus estuary, one in the upper part of the estuary (nursery A) and another in the south bank (nursery B). While S. solea is only present at the uppermost nursery area, S. senegalensis is present at both nurseries. Although they are among the most important predators in these nursery grounds, there are no estimates on their food consumption or on the carrying capacity of the system for soles. The Elliott and Persson [1978. The estimation of daily rates of food consumption for fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 47, 977–993] model was used to estimate food consumption of both species juveniles in both nursery areas, taking into account gastric evacuation rates (previously determined) and 24 h sampling surveys, based on beam-trawl catches carried out every 3 h, in the summer of 1995. Monthly beam trawls were performed to determine sole densities over the summer. Density estimates and daily food consumption values were used to calculate total consumption over the summer period. Sediment samples were taken for the estimation of prey densities and total biomass in the nursery areas. Daily food consumption was lower for S. solea (0.030 g wet weight d−1) than for S. senegalensis (0.075 g wet weight d−1). It was concluded that thermal stress may be an important factor hindering S. solea's food consumption in the warmer months. Total consumption of S. solea over the summer (90 days) was estimated to be 97 kg (wet weight). Solea senegalensis total consumption in nursery A was estimated to be 103 kg, while in nursery B it was 528 kg. Total prey biomass estimated for nursery A was 300 tonnes, while for nursery B it was 58 tonnes. This suggests that food is not a limiting factor for sole in the Tagus estuary. However it was concluded that more in-depth studies into the food consumption of other species and prey availability are needed in order to determine the carrying capacity of this system for sole juveniles.  相似文献   
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