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宜昌处在我国地形第二、第三级阶梯的过渡地带,又位于我国南北过渡带秦巴山地南麓的中低纬度过渡带,长江中上游结合部,山地河谷平原并存,地形复杂,垂直高差大。气候资料分析和文献调研表明,宜昌天气气候因特殊地理环境具有过渡性和特异性:(1)年平均气温主要随地形高度递减,年总降水量主要随纬度升高减小。(2)年暴雨日数、连阴雨天数,在中西部随纬度升高而递减,等值线近似纬向排列;东部随地形升高而递增,等值线近似经向排列。(3)山地平原过渡带地形的阻挡滞留、辐合抬升等对极端短时强降水有明显加强作用,这种作用在秦岭与黄淮过渡带、太行山与华北平原过渡带有相似的天气气候效应。(4)宜昌位于江淮梅雨的西界、华西秋雨的东界,具有天气气候“分水岭”特征。(5)宜昌是暴雨雨团、西南涡移动的主要通道之一。  相似文献   
北大西洋涛动位相转换的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李忠燕  罗德海 《大气科学》2012,36(2):374-384
借助一个非线性准地转正压模型,模拟了基本西风气流的强弱、不同空间分布的天气尺度扰动涡对北大西洋涛动(NAO)位相转换的作用,以及大尺度双波地形对其的影响.通过一系列的对比试验发现,适当弱的基本西风气流有利于下游系统西退使NAO由正(负)位相转换为负(正)位相;振幅强、活动范围大的天气尺度扰动波是NAO由负位相转换为正位...  相似文献   
乔梁  张强  岳平  金红梅 《大气科学》2019,43(2):251-265
利用中国西北中部具有代表性的非季风区、夏季风影响过渡区和季风区的7个高空站的2013年夏季晴天07时、13时、19时(北京时)的大气边界层资料,通过分析大气边界层位温、比湿、风速的垂直结构,发现大气边界层结构及厚度在不同区域的分布特征:稳定边界层厚度、残余层顶高度和对流边界层厚度从非季风区、夏季风影响过渡区至季风区出现阶梯性大幅降低,从非季风区至夏季风影响过渡区,以及从夏季风影响过渡区至季风区,对流边界层厚度降幅依次为25.6%和81.8%,稳定边界层厚度降幅依次为58.3%和41.8%;在稳定边界层条件下,可观察到低空急流的存在,非季风区低空急流出现高度明显高于夏季风影响过渡区和季风区,且非季风区的低空急流风速也明显大于夏季风影响过渡区和季风区。通过分析与大气边界层发展最为密切的陆面热力因素在不同气候区的分布,净辐射值、日地-气温差最大值以及感热通量值在非季风区大于夏季风影响过渡区和季风区,从陆面热力过程为非季风区大气边界层厚度大于夏季风影响过渡区和季风区提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
用NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均风、压场资料得到1958—1997年5—10月月际场的局地型相似系数(LPAC)。多年平均LPAC表明了对流层和平流层低层印度夏季风环流的建立、东亚夏季风环流的北进和南亚高压上高原的过程,这些区域LPAC值较同纬度非季风区明显偏低。在平流层中层,夏季型环流表现出纬向对称性和由高纬向低纬的传播特征。对东亚LPAC气候变率时空剖面及3个涝年LPAC异常的分析反映出环流型季节转变异常及其与东亚月降水异常的关系。  相似文献   
The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, CMAP rainfall and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature (SST) datasets are used to investigate the relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon and Asian-Pacific thermal contrast, together with the possible causes. Based on the 250 hPa air temperature over two selected key areas, the Asian-Pacific thermal difference (APTD) index is calculated. Results show that the APTD index is highly consistent with the Asian-Pacific Oscillation (APO) index defined by Zhao et al., in terms of different key areas in different seasons. Moreover, the time point of the seasonal transition of the Asian-Pacific thermal contrast can be well determined by the APTD index, indicative of seasonal variation in East Asian atmospheric circulation from winter to summer. The transition characteristic of the circulation can be summarized as follows. The continental cold high at lower tropospheric level moves eastward to the East China Sea and decreases rapidly in intensity, while the low-level northerlies turn to southerlies. At middle tropospheric level, the East Asia major trough is reduced and moves eastward. Furthermore, the subtropical high strengthens and appears near Philippines. The South Asia high shifts from the east of Philippines to the west of Indochina Peninsula, and the prevailing southerlies change into northerlies in upper troposphere. Meanwhile, both the westerly and easterly jets both jump to the north. The seasonal transition of atmospheric circulation is closely related to the thermal contrast, and the possible mechanism can be concluded as follows. Under the background of the APTD seasonal transition, the southerly wind appears firstly at lower troposphere, which triggers the ascending motion via changing vertical shear of meridional winds. The resultant latent heating accelerates the transition of heating pattern from winter to summer. The summer heating pattern can further promote the adjustment of circulation, which favors the formation and strengthening of the low-level southerly and upper-level northerly winds. As a result, the meridional circulation of the East Asian subtropical monsoon is established through a positive feedback between the circulation and thermal fields. Moreover, the time point of this seasonal transition has a significant positive correlation with the SST anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific Ocean, providing a basis for the short-term climate prediction.  相似文献   
A wind-tunnel experiment was designed and carried out to study the effect of a surface roughness transition on subfilter-scale (SFS) physics in a turbulent boundary layer. Specifically, subfilter-scale stresses are evaluated that require parameterizations and are key to improving the accuracy of large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer. The surface transition considered in this study consists of a sharp change from a rough, wire-mesh covered surface to a smooth surface. The resulting magnitude jump in aerodynamic roughnesses, M = ln(z 01/z 02), where z 01 and z 02 are the upwind and downwind aerodynamic surface roughnesses respectively, is similar to that of past experimental studies in the atmospheric boundary layer. The two-dimensional velocity fields used in this study are measured using particle image velocimetry and are acquired at several positions downwind of the roughness transition as well as over a homogeneous smooth surface. Results show that the SFS stress, resolved strain rate and SFS transfer rate of resolved kinetic energy are dependent on the position within the boundary layer relative to the surface roughness transition. A mismatch is found in the downwind trend of the SFS stress and resolved strain rate with distance from the transition. This difference of behaviour may not be captured by some eddy-viscosity type models that parameterize the SFS stress tensor as proportional to the resolved strain rate tensor. These results can be used as a benchmark to test the ability of existing and new SFS models to capture the spatial variability SFS physics associated with surface roughness heterogeneities.  相似文献   
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period of 1957-2001, the climatological seasonal transition features of large-scale vertically integrated moisture transport (VIMT) in the Asian-Australian monsoon region are investigated in this paper. The basic features of the seasonal transition of VIMT from winter to summer are the establishment of the summertime "great moisture river" pattern (named the GMR pattern) and its eastward expansion, associated with a series of climatological events which occurred in some "key periods", which include the occurrence of the notable southerly VIMT over the Indochina Peninsula in mid March, the activity of the low VIMT vortex around Sri Lanka in late April, and the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon in mid May, among others. However, during the transition from summer to winter, the characteristics are mainly exhibited by the establishment of the easterly VIMT belt located in the tropical area, accompanied by some events occurring in "key periods". Further analyses disclose a great difference between the Indian and East Asian monsoon regions when viewed from the meridional migration of the westerly VIMT during the seasonal change process, according to which the Asian monsoon region can be easily divided into two parts along the western side of the Indochina Peninsula and it may also denote different formation mechanisms between the two regions.  相似文献   
季亮  费建芳 《大气科学》2009,33(6):1297-1308
选取1997年第11号台风“温妮”为研究个例, 通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台风登陆后经历初期减弱、 变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程。采用Davis et al.(1996) 提出的片段位涡反演方法, 提取具有副热带高压物理意义的位涡扰动, 采用片段位涡反演的方法, 改变模式积分初始时刻台风东部副热带高压强度, 并引入Ertel等熵面位涡收支方程, 深入分析不同强度的副热带高压环流系统在登陆台风结构演变的过程中等熵面位涡的守恒性, 以及守恒性与非守恒性相对作用的大小。研究表明: 台风北上深入内陆的过程中, 高空槽大值位涡源源不断的输送使得对流层低层西北侧位涡增长, 台风中心上空的辐散形势有利于台风强度的再次增强。由于摩擦和非绝热加热的存在, 对流层位涡局地变化主要决定于位涡的水平平流 (守恒项)、 位涡的垂直平流、 加热的垂直微分 (非守恒项) 的分布。台风经历变性及再增强的过程中, 其影响范围内位涡守恒性经历了先减弱后增强的过程, 非守恒项中位涡的垂直平流能较好地描述对流层中层位涡局地变化趋势, 而加热的垂直微分则在对流层低层和高层表现良好。副高强度的加强使台风加速北上, 加快了台风变性速度, 高层位涡的向下输送明显提前且强度增强, 位涡守恒性的破坏、 重建也相应提前, 位涡垂直平流的整层负值减小, 加热垂直微分对对流层低层位涡增长的正贡献加强, 且持续时间更长。  相似文献   
梁军  李英  张胜军  刘晓初 《大气科学》2015,39(6):1215-1224
Meari(1105)和Muifa(1109)是两个路径相似并在辽东半岛产生强降水的热带气旋。但Meari强降水持续时间长,而Muifa时间短。利用中国气象局热带气旋年鉴、FY_2D(0.1°×0.1°)云顶亮温资料、大连地区逐时自动气象站降雨量资料、常规观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对两个台风影响辽东半岛的降水过程进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1)Meari影响辽东半岛时强度较弱,但与低空东南急流相连获得丰富水汽供应,衰减缓慢;Muifa影响时强度较强但与低空急流水汽通道快速断开而衰减迅速。(2)两个台风均进入西风槽区而变性,但两者影响辽东半岛时处于不同的变性阶段。Meari为半冷半暖结构,其北侧中尺度对流活动发展旺盛,非对称结构明显;Muifa低层环流已变性为冷中心,云系结构孤立且无发展。(3)两次过程中辽东半岛位于台风不同的对流发展区域是其降水强度差异的原因之一。辽东半岛位于Meari北侧,低层的水平辐合较强,水平风垂直切变较大,深厚的上升运动维持;Muifa影响下辽东半岛位于其西侧,受偏北风下沉气流控制,不稳定度和动力抬升条件减弱。  相似文献   
The splitting of the Northern Hemisphere sub-tropical high (SH) during spring to summer and its possible mechanisms has been analyzed. Results indicate that the splitting of SH occurs over the Bay of Bengal to the Indo-China peninsula. However, remarkable contrast exists in the Hadley cell at the lower and upper levels over these sectors during March to May. The land surface sensitive/latent heating both play an important role, and decay the local Hadley cell over the Indo-China peni…  相似文献   
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