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青藏高原的隆升扩展不但塑造了高原及其周边的地貌,影响了气候的变化,而且极大地改造了其周缘的水系格局。其中,河流沉积物最直接地记录了河流演化与水系演变的过程。本研究主要利用河流砾石层的沉积特征分析金塔南山地区水系演化对高原东北缘扩展过程的响应。金塔南山顶面普遍沉积一套磨圆度较好、分选较好的河流砾石层,其砾石岩性主要组分为岩屑砂岩、石英砂岩和硅质岩,在局部地区也存在较多的砾岩和灰岩。祁连山北部主要的7条河流出山口主河道的砾石组分统计结果显示砾石岩性主要组分存在较大差异;河流之间的砾石岩性差异很好的解释了金塔南山顶面砾石岩性组分自东向西的变化。根据对比金塔南山顶面砾石组分和祁连山北部主要的7条河流主河道砾石组分中不同抗风化能力岩性的含量与分布,我们认为金塔南山顶面砾石主要来源于祁连山。对金塔南山顶面砾石ab面的测量发现:东段砾石倾向单一,指示古流向为北;而中西段倾向复杂。总体来说,砾石倾向指示的古水流方向是北向。结合砾石岩性组分与分布以及古流向,认为在金塔南山顶面沉积砾石层时,此处的河流处于摆荡状态且河流之间可能有汇合现象,造成局地砾石ab面指示的古流向与整体流向不一致;而后随着中更新世以来金塔南山的抬升,黑河和北大河下切分别形成正义峡和鸳鸯峡,形成两个相对独立和稳定的水系。  相似文献   
神木北部矿区5-2煤层厚度及其底板高程趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了查清神木北部矿区5-2煤层赋存特征及成因,选取了该矿区172个典型钻孔数据,用趋势分析法研究了5-2煤层的厚度及其底板高程度变化特征。结果显示:该区煤层厚度总体为南北厚中部薄,东厚西薄;底板高程为南北高中部低,东高西低;煤层厚度和其底板高程间普遍存在正相关关系。在该区构造稳定的背景下,后期改造对煤层厚度及其底板的影响很小,煤层赋存特征主要受沉积与剥蚀的控制。  相似文献   
武汉市10个主要极端天气气候指数变化趋势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据武汉市1951—2007年逐日气温、降水量计算分析了10个极端天气气候指数的变化特征。结果表明:1)4个气温指数中,年及四季高、低温阈值均为上升趋势,并造成最长热浪天数的延长和霜冻日数的减少;低温阈值升速明显快于高温阈值,高温阈值仅在春季变化显著,最长热浪天数仅在冬季变化显著;低温阈值则为极显著上升趋势,尤其是年和冬季,造成"热春"、"暖冬"频繁;暖夜、闷热、傍晚至夜间的强对流等显著增多,暖日、高温热浪增加,霜冻日大幅减少。2)6个极端降水指数以增趋势为主,其中强降水阈值、比例、日数以及最大5日降水量在冬季增趋势最明显,仅夏季强降水阈值、比例略有减小,冬季日降水强度的增大趋势、夏季持续干期的缩短趋势显著性水平分别可达0.1、0.01。3)一些气温指数在1980—1990年代发生突变,而降水指数未现突变。  相似文献   
青海可可西里自石炭纪以来经历了复杂的构造演化和地表过程,形成了集高山、宽谷、夷平面、冰川、热泉、河流和湖泊等地貌元素为一体的高原高寒地貌,同时还包括了蛇绿混杂岩带、活动断裂带、地震遗迹和火山遗迹等地质元素。在调研前人研究资料和实地野外考察基础之上,根据IUCN(2005)提出的13类地质主题分类标准将区内的地质遗迹分为地质构造、火山和地热遗迹、山脉、地层剖面、河流和湖泊、现代冰川、冰期遗迹7类,共计60余处地质遗迹点。可可西里地质遗迹对重建古特提斯构造域、研究天然地震机制、青藏高原北部隆升过程及全球气候变化均具有重要的意义。基于可可西里区内地质遗迹和前人资料恢复出可可西里石炭纪以来经历了8个构造演化阶段。  相似文献   
利用长江上游最近30年(66个测站)蒸发皿蒸发量和最近50年(90个测站)的7种气象要素,分析了蒸发皿蒸发量的区域变化趋势和影响蒸发皿蒸发量变化的因素;针对7个水文站的年径流量变化,探讨了蒸发皿蒸发量变化后对水分循环的影响.结果表明,长江上游蒸发皿蒸发量的变化可以划分为三个分区,研究区域东西两侧(青藏高原和大巴山一带)为显著减少区,分别命名为RⅠ和RⅡ,中间(云贵高原北部到黄土高原南缘以及由二者包围的四川盆地一带)为显著增大区,命名为RⅢ区.影响区域蒸发皿蒸发量变化的原因各有不同,青藏高原一带(RⅠ区)蒸发皿蒸发量减少的原因可归结于太阳辐射强度和风动力扰动减弱所致.大巴山一带(RⅡ区)减少原因是太阳辐射强度、风动力扰动强度、湿度条件都在显著下降所引起的.云贵高原到四川盆地一带(RⅢ区)蒸发皿蒸发量增加是环境气温强烈升高,导致其上空大气水汽含量显著减少,大气很干燥,引发蒸发过程加强所致.蒸发皿蒸发量发生变化的直接后果就是导致水分循环强弱发生变化,对于RⅠ区,尽管蒸发皿蒸发量减少,由于降水量和径流量增加的作用,这一区域的水分循环有所加强.在RⅡ区,降水量、径流量和蒸发量都在减少,因此RⅡ区水分循环显著减弱.在RⅢ区,降水量和径流量同时减少,而蒸发量增大,水量消耗增大,因此RⅢ区水分循环有减弱趋势.  相似文献   
地球系统多圈层构造观的基本理论框架是:①把大地构造学从研究地球表层的地壳构造、岩石圈构造推进到研究地球整体多圈层构造的新阶段.②地球系统和宇宙天体系统共同作用下形成的全球动力学,太阳能、地球系统多圈层相互作用以及宇宙天体运行的联合作用是各种地质作用的动力来源.③洋陆转化论:陆与洋是对立统一、相互转化的.陆与洋都不会永存...  相似文献   
采用更加符合长期变形和震后短期变形的Burgers流变模型,模拟了华北地区1303年以来6.5级以上地震引起的同震和震后库仑应力演化.结合华北地区历史地震期幕活动特征,分析了不同活跃期之间、同一活跃期内不同地震之间的库仑应力加卸载效应.结果表明:华北地区不同活跃期的强震主体活动区受控于历史强震的库仑应力加载作用;每个活跃期内强震活动主体区在空间上的迁移与该活跃期内首个7.5级以上地震的触发作用有关;华北地区每个活跃期内强震活动在时间上表现出的"平静期—活跃警告期—高潮期—剩余释放期"应该是区域动力加载过程的一种表现.岩石圈流变松弛效应引起的库仑应力变化对华北地区强震活动时空演化有显著的促进作用.本研究讨论了库仑应力变化在华北地区历史地震活动时空演化过程中可能扮演的角色,为探索华北地区强震活动空间迁移和韵律特征蕴含的构造动力学过程,以及与之相关的地震危险性判定提供参考依据.  相似文献   
Merapi Volcano (Central Java, Indonesia) has been frequently active during Middle to Late Holocene time producing basalts and basaltic andesites of medium-K composition in earlier stages of activity and high-K magmas from 1900 14C yr BP to the present. Radiocarbon dating of pyroclastic deposits indicates an almost continuous activity with periods of high eruption rates alternating with shorter time spans of distinctly reduced eruptive frequency since the first appearance of high-K volcanic rocks. Geochemical data of 28 well-dated, prehistoric pyroclastic flows of the Merapi high-K series indicate systematic cyclic variations. These medium-term compositional variations result from a complex interplay of several magmatic processes, which ultimately control the periodicity and frequency of eruptions at Merapi. Low eruption rates and the absence of new influxes of primitive magma from depth allow the generation of basaltic andesite magma (56–57 wt% SiO2) in a small-volume magma reservoir through fractional crystallisation from parental mafic magma (52–53 wt% SiO2) in periods of low eruptive frequency. Magmas of intermediate composition erupted during these stages provide evidence for periodic withdrawal of magma from a steadily fractionating magma chamber. Subsequent periods are characterised by high eruption rates that coincide with shifts of whole-rock compositions from basaltic andesite to basalt. This compositional variation is interpreted to originate from influxes of primitive magma into a continuously active magma chamber, triggering the eruption of evolved magma after periods of low eruptive frequency. Batches of primitive magma eventually mix with residual magma in the magmatic reservoir to decrease whole-rock SiO2 contents. Supply of primitive magma at Merapi appears to be sufficiently frequent that andesites or more differentiated rock types were not generated during the past 2000 years of activity. Cyclic variations also occurred during the recent eruptive period since AD 1883. The most recent eruptive episode of Merapi is characterised by essentially uniform magma compositions that may imply the existence of a continuously active magma reservoir, maintained in a quasi-steady state by magma recharge. The whole-rock compositions at the upper limit of the total SiO2 range of the Merapi suite could also indicate the beginning of another period of high eruption rates and shifts towards more mafic compositions.  相似文献   
Organic petrology is a marginal science that is quite practicable. At present, it has developed into a routine research tool that is widely applied in petroleum exploration and assessment. Based on several years‘ research of the authors, this paper presents the advances in organic petrological studies on immature source rocks, including the classification and characteristics of macerals, the composition of macerals and types of organic matter, the abundance and evolution of organic matter, oil-prone macerals, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. All these results show that organic petrology is of considerable value pertaining to its application in the assessment of immature oil and gas. The immature source rocks consist of various macerals with obvious heterogeneity, contain different hydrocarbon-generating macerals with different oil thresholds and oil peaks, and show a two-staged evolutionary pattern of organic matter.  相似文献   
The wedge shaped Dong Tso ophiolitic block is distributed near the transition point from the western to the middle sub-belt of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone.The ophiolite is characterized by well-developed cumulate rocks that are mainly composed of cumulate and massive gabbros.In the cumulate gabbros,the adcumulate amphiboles are distributed extensively around the plagioclase and residual pyroxene grains; hence,the rocks are named adcumulate amphibole-gabbro.In this study,the formation age of the ophiolite has been estimated to be 166 ± 4 million years (Ma) by the sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) Ⅱ U-Pb isotopic analysis of the zircons from the adcumulate amphibole-gabbro; the 40Ar/39Ar plateau age was estimated to be 148.19 ± 1.53 Ma,which should represent the emplacement time of the ophiolite,by isotopic dating of the pure amphibole mineral from the amphibole-schist.Two different suits of volcanic lavas have been recognized in this work.The purple colored pillow basalts have high TiO2 and P2O5 contents,and are rich in light rare earth elements (LREEs),large-ion lithospheric elements (LILEs) and high-field-strength elements (HFSEs),the characteristics that are the typical of the oceanic island basalt (OIB).On the other hand,other massive basaltic andesites of celadon color are poor in MgO; rich in Fe2O3,LREEs,LILEs,and HFSEs; and especially characterized by negative Nb and Ta anomalies,the properties that establish the andesites as continental arc volcanic rocks.It is concluded that hotspots had developed in the old Dong Tso basin,the oceanic basin that had been developing from middle Jurassic (166 Ma) or even before and emplaced northward in late Jurassic (about 148 Ma).  相似文献   
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