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随着乡镇经济的发展,乡镇快递公司的配送中心选址研究成为了前沿课题,深入研究乡镇地区配送中心的选址问题具有重要的应用价值.近些年,地理信息技术在很多领域有了广泛应用,尤其是地理信息系统的空间分析,为城市规划提供了有力的处理手段.缓冲区分析与叠置分析是地理信息系统进行空间分析常用的空间操作.本文着重介绍了基于ArcGIS软件的缓冲区分析和叠置分析,利用此软件的缓冲区分析功能建立某乡镇区域的道路网与各村庄的缓冲区,随后将以上得到的各缓冲区图层进行叠置分析,将快递公司配送中心选址的最佳区域筛选出来.  相似文献   
Climate change is likely to exacerbate the dry conditions already experienced in southern Africa. When rainfall does come, it is likely to be in bursts of greater intensity, leading to erosion and flood damage. However, these predictions have had very little influence on policy in southern African countries. Computable general equilibrium (CGE) model simulations for Namibia indicate that over 20 years, annual losses to the Namibian economy could be up to 5% of GDP, due to the impact that climate change will have on its natural resources alone. This will affect the poorest people the most, with resulting constraints on employment opportunities and declining wages, especially for unskilled labour in rural areas. Namibia must take steps to ensure that all its policies and activities are ‘climate proofed’ and that it has a strategy to deal with displaced farmers and farm workers. The need to mainstream climate change into policies and planning is clear, and it is the responsibility of industrialized nations, who have largely created the problem of climate change, to help Namibia and other vulnerable countries cope with climate change impacts and plan for a climate-constrained future.  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,探讨了瞬变波动力强迫作用对初夏至盛夏急流北跳和急流中心西移的影响。结果表明,瞬变波的动力强迫作用有利于急流北跳的发生,但不利于急流中心西移的发生。通过分析年际尺度上初夏至盛夏急流变化的早晚与瞬变波异常的关系发现,对于急流北跳发生的早晚,瞬变波异常的动力强迫作用为正反馈作用;对于中心西移发生的早晚,瞬变波异常的动力强迫作用则为负反馈作用。可见,瞬变波的动力强迫作用对初夏至盛夏急流变化及其发生早晚具有重要影响,但对急流北跳和急流中心西移的作用显著不同。  相似文献   
本文以武汉市主城区为研究对象,首先基于手机信令的居民出行OD数据识别商业中心的势力范围和腹地,并分析了研究区商业中心的空间特征;然后构建了影响腹地规模的指标体系;最后通过熵权法对影响因子赋权,计算得到各商业中心的综合水平。研究结果表明:①研究区商业中心呈多核心分布特征,其影响范围沿地铁分布,长江对其具有明显分隔作用;②POI多样性与商业中心腹地规模有较强相关性(0.879 8),商业中心吸引力更多取决于其服务水平和交通发达程度;③汉街和街道口虽为区级商业中心,但由于位置较好、交通便捷,仍是附近居民消费、游憩的首选。  相似文献   
人才是乡村地域空间发展的基础,鼓励在外务工人员回流就业是推进乡村振兴的重要举措,也是实现共同富裕的保证。论文采用多变量交互作用的模糊集定性比较分析方法,以乡村旅游地居民回流就业意愿为结果变量,构建地方参与、地方情感、感知获益、风险承受能力、政府信任、支持度为前因变量的研究模型,探索居民回流就业的驱动机制与多元影响路径。研究结果表明:(1)所有单项因素均不构成乡村旅游地居民回流就业的必要条件;(2)满足条件的组合路径共7条,总体一致性为0.876,总体覆盖率为0.862;(3)在所有路径组合中,支持度和政府信任出现的频率最高,包含地方情感的路径覆盖率较高;(4)7条路径构成了情感主导路径、信任主导路径、支持主导路径,以及知—情—意—行综合路径4大类路径模式;(5)当同时包含情感、信任、支持和参与因素时,路径具有最高解释力;(6)不同类型的乡村旅游地在回流就业影响路径上显示出差异。研究结论可为鼓励和吸引乡村旅游地在外务工人员回乡参与旅游发展提供参考,也可为更广泛的乡村地区鼓励人才回流提供理论依据。  相似文献   
近年来,寿光市以科学发展观为指导,按照国土资源部“金土工程”建设总体要求和省国土资源厅一个平台2个市场的要求,充分利用已有的信息化资源成果,从网络基础设施建设、应用系统建设、档案信息资源建设、标准规范建设、人才队伍建设及网络安全服务等方面进行档案信息化建设,促进党风廉政建设,全面提高寿光市国土资源行政管理效能和社会化服务水平。  相似文献   
The recent economic recession brought much university hiring to a standstill in the United States. Geography, in spite of strong prerecession growth, was no exception. Without a sense of how the academic geography job market has changed over the past decades, however, it is difficult to assess any recession-related decline or the relative strength of any recovery. This article presents an analysis of academic job postings in the field of geography from 1990 through 2011. Using data aggregated from the AAG Newsletter, which acts as an informal clearinghouse for most academic openings for geographers at four-year colleges and universities in the United States, we assess changes in the overall magnitude in numbers of academic job openings, with the particular goal of placing the recession-based paucity of openings within its broader historical context. Our results indicate that, indeed, the recession led to a very sharp decline in advertisements, but compared to previous recessions, the recovery appears to have occurred very quickly. Open-rank and temporary/non-tenure-track positions appear to have been fairly robust to the poor economic conditions, whereas assistant professor openings were particularly hard hit.  相似文献   
在高质量发展的要求下,针对分散的IT基础设施、"孤岛化"的数据资源和生产能力瓶颈等方面的供给侧问题,本文以陕西省地理空间大数据中心建设为例,通过3个阶段性工作推进了测绘事业供给侧结构性改革。首先通过IT基础设施建设与升级实现了集约利用和灵活配置;然后通过数据资源改造与共享实现了大数据分析和开放互联;最后通过产业链升级与高效供给实现了按需更新与服务。经过建设,大数据中心硬件资源利用率接近99%,在地理国情监测、全国GNSS基准站网平差、第三次全国国土调查等方面发挥了提质增效的作用。  相似文献   
In this short note, we report the ages of five lava samples from a segment of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC) and three samples from the Valu Fa Ridge (VFR) in the southern Lau Basin. These samples were collected in situ from the axes and flanks of the spreading centers in the basin. These ages provide a key to better understanding the spreading mode, crustal formation and overall tectonic evolution of the basin. Except for two basaltic andesites and one andesite, the lavas analyzed are basalts. The ages of the lavas from ELSC range from (1.45 ± 0.15) Ma to (0.74 ± 0.04) Ma whereas those from VFR range from (0.50 ± 0.06) Ma to (0.32 ± 0.27) Ma, and the basalts give the oldest ages. The relatively younger ages of the VFR lavas are consistent with proposed tectonic evolution of the southern Lau Basin, i.e., VFR is a propagating extension of ELSC. The occurence of older lavas close to or on spreading axes in the southern Lau Basin implies the complex tectonic evolution of the basin. These results underscore a need for further detailed geophysical and geological studies in the southern Lau Basin, in order to better clarify the crustal accretion tectonic evolution in this area.  相似文献   
刘睿全 《探矿工程》2013,40(5):44-47
针对煤矿井下定向钻技术对钻杆的随钻测量通讯和强度要求,钻杆采用中心通缆方式,可实时传输钻孔随钻测量信号。采用高强度管材、特种螺纹丝扣结构、摩擦焊技术,可提高钻杆抗拉、压、弯、扭强度。并根据现场使用中存在的问题给出了解决方法。大佛寺煤矿随钻测量应用实例说明中心通缆钻杆满足最大孔深1200 m的随钻测量通讯和钻杆强度要求,朱仙庄梳状孔应用实例说明中心通缆钻杆满足最小弯曲半径54 m定向孔施工,哈沙图煤矿定向钻孔应用实例说明中心通缆钻杆满足急倾斜58?煤层定向孔施工。  相似文献   
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