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We extracted marine low-temperature lysozyme (MLTL), a novel lysozyme, from a marine microorganism through fermentation. Our previous study suggested that a low molecular weight (16 kDa) may exert anti-tumor activity through antiangiogenesis. In this study, we extracted a high weight (39 kDa) and investigated its antiangiogenic activity in vivo and in vitro. Using zebrafish embryos as an in vivo study model, we found that treatment with MLTL significantly inhibited the growth of subintestinal vessels (SIVs) in a dose-dependent manner and that 400 μg/ml MLTL was sufficient to block the growth of SIVs. An in vitro study conducted using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) revealed that MLTL suppressed the proliferation, migration and tube formation of HUVECs in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, assays by flow cytometry and DNA electrophoresis indicated that MLTL was able to induce apoptosis of HUVECs. Moreover, further study demonstrated that the disruption of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis may play an important role in MLTL induced apoptosis of HUVECs. Taken together, the results of this study demonstrate for the first time that MLTL inhibits angiogenesis through its pleiotropic effects on vascular endothelial cells and induces apoptosis through regulation of cellular Ca2+ levels. The results of this study also revealed a possible mechanism underlying the antiangiogenic effect of MLTL and suggested that MLTL may be a promising new antiangiogenic agent for use in cancer therapy.  相似文献   
陈朴贤 《海洋科学》2012,36(11):24-29
为了探索褐毛鲿(Megalonibea fusca)胚胎孵化和早期仔鱼生长发育最适宜的盐度条件,作者观察了其胚胎在6个盐度(35、30、25、20、15、10)海水中沉浮性、发育、初孵仔鱼分布状态.结果表明:胚胎在盐度35时完全上浮,盐度低于25完全下沉,在盐度30时处于半悬浮状态;不同盐度对胚胎发育有一定影响:在盐度30~15范围内,胚胎发育较快,孵化时间较为一致,在盐度35和10发育变慢,孵化时间延长2.5 h以上;初孵仔鱼在不同盐度海水中呈不同分布状态:在盐度35时完全上浮表层,盐度25~30分布于中下层至中上层,盐度25大部分仔鱼沉底,盐度低于20,初孵仔鱼全部沉底.观察了10个盐度(35、32、29、26、23、20、17、14、11、8)海水中胚胎孵化率和早期仔鱼存活率,结果表明:褐毛鲿胚胎在盐度35~8范围内孵化率达(76±2)%~(98±2)%,在较低盐度26~11区间,孵化率达(88±0)%~(98±2)%,显示低盐区更高的孵化率,而在较高盐度29~35区间,孵化率在(82±2)%~(84±2)%,并且具有明显趋向性,即盐度大于29,随盐度升高孵化率逐渐下降;盐度对早期仔鱼存活率有明显影响:孵化后40 h 正常仔鱼最高存活率在低盐度26~8区,为(89.4±2.2)%~(97.4±0.1)%,盐度大于29,随着盐度上升仔鱼死亡率骤然升高,在盐度29~35,升至(31.7±0.7)%~(38.1±1.5)%,畸形率升至(7.1±0.2)%~(10.7±0.5)%,正常仔鱼存活率下降至(61.0±1.0)%~(61.9±1.5)%.低盐度区仔鱼有更高的存活率.褐毛鲿胚胎最适孵化盐度在29~32,早期仔鱼最适培育盐度为26.  相似文献   
七带石斑鱼胚体和卵黄囊期仔鱼的发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验对七带石斑鱼胚体、卵黄囊期仔鱼形态发育的过程进行观察,研究其发育特征.结果表明:(1)七带石斑鱼受精卵在水温会(27.77±1.05)℃,盐度32条件下,胚胎发育从胚体形成至孵出仔鱼历时约22h 10min.(2)仔鱼卵黄囊在孵化2d后消失,油球消失于孵化后第6 d,卵黄囊依照先卵黄、后油球的顺序被吸收.吸收速度为先快后慢.(3)初孵仔鱼在孵化后一天时间内生长迅速.之后速度减缓.(4)仔鱼的营养可概括为内源性营养一混合营养一外源性营养阶段.  相似文献   
The development of embryos and larvae of Babyloniaformosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The fast two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27 ℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   
采用细胞松弛素B(CB)处理,栉孔扇贝(Chlamys ferreri)抑制其受精卵的第一极体(PB1),研究抑制PB1对受精卵减数分裂过程及胚胎倍性组成的影响。结果发现,抑制第一极体显著改变了受精卵的染色体行为,在第二次减数分裂过程中共发现4种典型染色体分离类型,分别是三极分离(41.7%)、二极分离(11.7%)、双二极分离(24.9%)和非同步分离(2.8%),其余的受精卵(19.0%)染色体分离行为紊乱。对4-8细胞期胚胎的倍性组成进行分析,发现处理组中含有二倍体(10.9%)、三倍体(12.5%)、四倍体(19.5%)、五倍体(12.6%)以及非整倍体(46.6%)胚胎。研究结果表明,二极分离和双二极分离分别是形成三倍体和四倍体的主要机制,而其他的染色体分离行为将主要形成非整倍体。  相似文献   
膨胀蔷薇珊瑚与壮实鹿角珊瑚的胚胎和幼虫发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
造礁石珊瑚的有性繁殖是修复珊瑚礁生态系统的有效途径之一.文章为国内首次报道造礁石珊瑚有性繁殖和幼体发育过程,为利用有性繁殖技术恢复珊瑚礁生态系统提供了发育生物学上的理论基础.海南省三亚市鹿回头海域的大部分珊瑚在2009年3月底至4月中发生有性繁殖行为.2009年4月11日晚采集膨胀蔷薇珊瑚Montipora turgescens和壮实鹿角珊瑚Acropora robusta自然排放的受精卵,研究其胚胎及幼虫发育的过程.通过连续观察和显微拍摄记录了2种珊瑚的受精卵发育过程,结果显示,受精卵经过分裂变为桑葚胚;桑葚胚经过进一步发育变形为虾片状,进而发育成盘状幼体;盘状幼体由四周向内弯曲形成碗状的结构,进而出现原肠胚及纤毛,发育成为椭圆型或圆形的浮浪幼虫;浮浪幼虫发生附着变态,长出触手,发育成珊瑚幼体.通过观察还发现,膨胀蔷薇珊瑚的卵母细胞中本身就含有黄褐色虫黄藻,壮实鹿角珊瑚的卵母细胞中没有虫黄藻,其共生的虫黄藻足在发育过程中从周围环境获得的.  相似文献   
The experimental results showed that:1) The embryonic development of bay scallop is inhibited ata dissolved oxygen range of 1.38-3.64×10~(-3)at 23℃,and completely blocked below the lower limit.2)The tolerance of larvae to anoxia increased with larval sizes and was related to their oxygen debt.3)The scallop larvae exhibited specific behavioral responses to oxygen deficiency,which finally led tovelum disintegration and larval death.The possible relationship between environmental oxygen deficien-cy and the disease of disintegration of the larval Velum is also discussed.In this study,considerableoxygen debt was found in bay scallop larvae,which was greater in small animals.Based on the worksof previous authors,a new concept is proposed for the estimation of oxygen debt,namely,thecompensatory rate of oxygen debt(CROD).This can be used in intra-or interspecific comparison ofoxygen debt.The results can be helpful in the management of water quality and for the prevention oflarval diseases encountered in scallo  相似文献   
For development of embryo dunes on the highly dynamic land–sea boundary, summer growth and the absence of winter erosion are essential. Other than that, however, we know little about the specific conditions that favour embryo dune development. This study explores the boundary conditions for early dune development to enable better predictions of natural dune expansion. Using a 30 year time series of aerial photographs of 33 sites along the Dutch coast, we assessed the influence of beach morphology (beach width and tidal range), meteorological conditions (storm characteristics, wind speed, growing season precipitation, and temperature), and sand nourishment on early dune development. We examined the presence and area of embryo dunes in relation to beach width and tidal range, and compared changes in embryo dune area to meteorological conditions and whether sand nourishment had been applied. We found that the presence and area of embryo dunes increased with increasing beach width. Over time, embryo dune area was negatively correlated with storm intensity and frequency. Embryo dune area was positively correlated with precipitation in the growing season and sand nourishment. Embryo dune area increased in periods of low storm frequency and in wet summers, and decreased in periods of high storm frequency or intensity. We conclude that beach morphology is highly influential in determining the potential for new dune development, and wide beaches enable development of larger embryo dune fields. Sand nourishment stimulates dune development by increasing beach width. Finally, weather conditions and non‐interrupted sequences of years without high‐intensity storms determine whether progressive dune development will take place. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
首次使用266nm激光脉冲对泥鳅受精卵进行辐照,引起畸变。辐照分别对全卵、只对胚盘、只对卵黄三种方式进行。对实验结果的分析说明266nm激光对泥鳅受精卵的作用是光化学作用,而不是光致热效应,可能引起DNA分子结构—碱基的变化。核质关系实验证明了细胞质对细脆发育过程有控制作用。  相似文献   
Sediment budget data from an 18‐month topographic survey were analysed with data from brief experiments on wind parameters, beach moisture contents, bedforms and sand mobilization in order to monitor conditions and patterns of embryo dune development over a flat 150–1000 m wide accreting upper beach. The surface conditions over the upper beach locally affect aeolian transport, but net dune development over time depends on sustained strong winds and their orientation. Incoming marine sand supplied by storms and onshore winds is reorganized by the dominant offshore to longshore winds into elongated embryo dunes over this upper beach, imprinting a regional morphology of long‐term longshore dune ridge development. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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