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本文分析了许多中-深成脉状热液矿床成矿温度和压力,研究了圈闭断裂形成的力学机制,指出在中-深成的脉状热液矿床中,凡是含矿的断裂在成矿时都是圈闭的;岩石破裂的形成和生长是从上面开始或是自下而上发展,取决于岩石在垂直方向上的力学性质,即岩石弹性模量(E)和岩石抗压强度(Rc)的相对变化;圈闭断裂形成必要条件是浅部地层岩石与深部地层岩石的弹性模量之比小于其两者岩石抗压强度的比值(即E1:E2< Rc1:Rc2)。  相似文献   
A method is presented which may be used to compute the displacements, strains and moments (both in-plane and transverse) in buried structures such as pipelines and culverts subjected to longitudinal bending. This type of bending can occur if a surface loading such as a vehicular loading or an embankment loading is applied to the soil above the pipe or culvert. Fourier transforms are used to reduce the three-dimensional problem to one involving only two spatial directions, thereby reducing the data preparation and computation time. Conventional finite element analysis is used to approximate the field quantities in the transformed two-dimensional plane. Two Fourier integral element types have been developed which have many applications in geotechnical engineering.  相似文献   
Micro–macro relations for discrete element method (DEM) media are derived using both classical and micropolar elasticity theories. The DEM media are classified into two main categories: dense packing, and loose packing. For both categories, relations for Young modulus (E), Poisson's ratio (ν) to represent static behaviors, and wave velocities (P‐wave and S‐wave) to represent dynamic behaviors are derived using the internal DEM parameters (kn, ks) and compared with values obtained from static and dynamic numerical tests. Whereas the dynamic behaviors for the two categories and the static behaviors for the dense packing match the analytical relations, the static behavior for the loose packing does not. Micropolar elasticity theory is also used to study the behaviors of the DEM media, where it is shown that if element rotation is included, DEM media behave according to linear elasticity theory. However, if element rotation is constrained, asymmetrical stresses arise in the DEM media, and a new expression is derived for the S‐wave, which allows it, under certain conditions, to travel faster than the P‐wave. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
马历  龙花楼  张英男  屠爽爽  戈大专 《地理学报》2018,73(12):2364-2377
基于中国县域1991年、2000年、2010年3期截面数据,利用定量和GIS空间分析法,研究了在快速城镇化背景下,农业劳动力变化与农业经济发展的耦合特征和时空格局。结果表明:① 1991-2010年中国县域农业劳动力总体呈减少趋势且减少幅度逐渐增加,1991-2000年、2000-2010年分别减少4.91%和15.50%;从空间分布上看,中国农业劳动力数量呈“东减西增”的空间演变特征。② 1991-2010中国县域农业经济呈持续增长态势,总量增长140.13%,但区域差异明显;农业产值占区域GDP的比重逐渐减小,呈现出东低西高的分布特征。③ 产劳弹性系数的耦合类型主要以农业经济、农业劳动力“同增”的增长型和农业经济增长、农业劳动力减少的集约型为主,分别分布在中国的西北和东南部地区;耦合类型为“滞后型”“衰落型”和“衰退型”的区域与中国贫困发生率高的地域较为吻合,1991-2010年各耦合类型整体呈良性发展态势。最后根据产劳弹性系数的耦合类型和空间分布特征,提出促进一二三产融合发展和乡村经济振兴的政策建议。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a series of quantitative analysis models, such as grey relational analysis model, hierarchical cluster analysis model, principal component analysis model, linear regression model and elastic coefficient model. These models are used to analyze the comprehensive function and effect of driving forces systemically, including analysis on features, analysis for differentiating the primary and the secondary, analysis on comprehensive effects, analysis of elasticity, analysis of prediction. The primary and characteristic factors can be extracted by analysis of features and analysis for differentiating the primary and the secondary. Analysis on prediction and elasticity can predict the area of cultivated land in the future and find out which factors exert great influence on the cultivated land supply.  相似文献   
基于2014年地理国情普查数据和历史遥感影像,对2010~2014年泸州城市空间扩展进行监测与分析。结果表明,泸州市中心城区由2010年的68.86 km2扩展到2014年的88.51 km2,年均扩展速度为7.31%;中心城区几何重心整体约向北偏西移动0.24 km,扩展模式总体上属于填充型,土地来源以人工堆掘地为主;中心城区紧凑度相对提高约20%,城市几何形状越来越规整;城市用地增长弹性系数为1.16、人口-城市扩展指数为1.31,表明中心城区土地城镇化快于人口城镇化。泸州市在今后的城镇化过程中,应加强空间管制、促进土地集约利用。  相似文献   
三峡工程船闸边坡弹粘塑性自适应有限元分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陈胜宏 《岩土力学》1998,19(1):13-19
应用弹粘塑性自适应有限元分析方法,对三峡工程船闸第二闸室边坡开挖的全过程进行模拟分析,得出了有关应力,变形和屈服的一些认识。成果表明:与常规的有限元分析相比,自适应可使前处理简化,便于优化设计;软件具有某种标准性和规范性,易于工程技术人员掌握。  相似文献   
In this paper, we show, using cyclic spherical nanoindentation experiments, that the deformation mechanisms in mica, including basal plane ruptures and delaminations, can be explained by invoking the presence of mobile dislocation walls, and incipient and regular kink bands. Our results clearly show that the energy dissipated or that was stored during the deformation of muscovite depends critically on its previous deformation history and/or the pre-existing defect concentration. Once nucleated, the dislocation-based incipient kink bands are believed to be responsible for the nonlinear elastic deformation and hysteretic loops obtained during cyclic loading. Moreover, a model is presented to estimate the number and distribution of dislocations and the energy consumed in their motion under the indenter. From the model, we also estimate the critical resolved shear stress for the motion of basal plane dislocations under the indenter. The implications of this work can be extended beyond mica to understand the nonlinear hysteretic deformation in other geological formations dominated by layered minerals.  相似文献   
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