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《The Professional geographer》2013,65(4):460-470
Abstract Taking a clue from classic time-series decomposition, this article demonstrates a spatial filtering and search technique that permits the partitioning of a measure of marginality, here measured as the percent of the population living at less than 50 percent of the poverty level, into macro, meso, and micro components. This approach supports theory that has argued for scale-specific explanations of spatial marginality. The technique also offers promise for many other types of investigations such as disease incidence, microclimate dynamics, and consumer preferences. 相似文献
Natural evaporite dissolution in the subsurface can lead to cavities having critical dimensions in the sense of mechanical stability. Geomechanical effects may be significant for people and infrastructures because the underground dissolution may lead to subsidence or collapse (sinkholes). The knowledge of the cavity evolution in space and time is thus crucial in many cases. In this paper, we describe the use of a local nonequilibrium diffuse interface model for solving dissolution problems involving multimoving interfaces within three phases, that is, solid–liquid–gas as found in superficial aquifers and karsts. This paper generalizes developments achieved in the fluid–solid case, that is, the saturated case [1]. On one hand, a local nonequilibrium dissolution porous medium theory allows to describe the solid–liquid interface as a diffuse layer characterized by the evolution of a phase indicator (e.g., porosity). On the other hand, the liquid–gas interface evolution is computed using a classical porous medium two‐phase flow model involving a phase saturation, that is, generalized Darcy's laws. Such a diffuse interface model formulation is suitable for the implementation of a finite element or finite volume numerical model on a fixed grid without an explicit treatment of the interface movement. A numerical model has been implemented using a finite volume formulation with adaptive meshing (e.g., adaptive mesh refinement), which improves significantly the computational efficiency and accuracy because fine gridding may be attached to the dissolution front. Finally, some examples of three‐phase dissolution problems including density effects are also provided to illustrate the interest of the proposed theoretical and numerical framework. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
应用二维有限体积法、Osher格式及间断拟合法,计算了钱塘江河口涌潮产生、发展到消亡的全过程。该算法能保证水量和动量守恒,且能适应水深巨大变化和动边界。根据钱塘江涌潮的特点,可将其合理概化为一线潮。在网格尺寸较大情况下,计算的一线潮仍保持高分辨率,能准确满足水力学间断条件,且计算量小,可以在微机上实现。在对某实测半日小潮进行率定后,对随后的大潮进行了验证计算,涌潮的主要特征(如涌潮高度、移速、水位和流场等)与实测资料符合良好,证实了模型的合理性和模拟能力。 相似文献
城市植被是维护城市生态系统平衡的重要组成元素,不同类型的植被具有不同的生态服务效益,然而基于植被精细分类的城市绿地景观格局度量研究较少。因此本文以北京城市副中心为研究区,使用夏、冬两季GF-2卫星遥感影像,基于随机森林特征优选和面向对象分类,划分了植被类型,并在此基础上使用景观指数法和移动窗口法分别度量了功能区尺度和栅格尺度绿地景观特征。研究结果表明:针对GF-2数据,使用多尺度分割后影像对象的光谱、纹理特征可以有效地提取植被信息;不同时相的影像能反映各类型植被的物候特征,相比于单时相数据,其分类精度更高,达到了87.7%;各功能区绿地景观格局特征差异较大,城市绿心拥有最丰富的植被且分布集中,商业区植被覆盖度和多样性均较低,绿地景观破碎;北京城市副中心景观多样性及各类型植被分布特征的空间差异显著,当前副中心绿地景观格局已形成规划的基本轮廓,但城市绿心和老城区公共绿地的建设仍有不足。研究探明了北京城市副中心绿地建设现状,证明了国产GF-2卫星在城市生态环境监测中具有较高的应用价值,有助于推动GF-2在城市生态环境领域的应用,并为副中心建设中的绿地系统监测和优化提供参考。 相似文献
AbstractHeadcut erosion has been recognized as one of the main processes involved in gully development in the dry-hot valley region of southwest China. To examine the effect of initial step height on headcut erosion processes, three headcuts were constructed ranging in height from 0.75 to 1.25 m on an active bank gully head, and a series of scouring experiments were conducted under a flow discharge of 120 L min?1. The morphological evolutions of the plunge pools and soil loss volume were estimated by three-dimensional photo-reconstruction methods (3D-PR). As the step height increased, the experimental results showed that: (1) the transformed potential energy and shear stress would increase by approximately 4.89 J s?1 and 26.4 Pa on average when the step height increased 0.25 m; (2) the mean depth and width of the plunge pool exhibited obvious growth, and the morphology of the cross-section developed from approximately V-shaped to U-shaped; and (3) soil loss volume increased logarithmically, with total soil loss volumes of 0.076, 0.105 and 0.116 m3, respectively. Although the significant effects of the initial step height on headcut erosion were verified, further quantitative studies are required to quantify the mechanism of headcut erosion, especially for plunge pool erosion. 相似文献
风沙流研究越来越受到人们的重视,其中风沙流通量廓线研究起着重要作用。本文总结了3种典型地表(流沙地表、草方格地表、戈壁地表)风沙流通量廓线研究现状及存在问题。由于研究方法、研究区域及集沙效率的不同,风沙流通量廓线函数有指数函数、对数函数、幂函数、分段函数等多种,同一问题不同函数模拟结果差异可达到3倍,难以应用于实际。根据研究中存在的问题,提出风沙流通量廓线研究发展趋势。 相似文献
通过工程检测实例,结合有关规范以及省组织的专家组对桩基检测结果的验证,论述如何依据时域信号特征和频域信号特征,正确划分桩身完整性的类别。达到减少错判误判的目的。 相似文献