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通过人工授精技术对牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus )和夏鲆( Paralichthys dentatus )进行了正反交及回交实验,并比较了正反交、回交子代的胚胎发育时序和仔稚幼鱼的生长.结果表明:孵化水温18.0±0.5℃下,初孵仔鱼破膜用时为:牙鲆41 h,正交鲆47 h,回交牙鲆42 h30 min,回交夏鲆44 h;16.5±0.5℃下,夏鲆61 h 40 min,反交鲆66 h.正交及两组回交子代在胚胎期均可正常发育.反交子代卵裂期出现异常,仅少数胚胎可以孵化.胚胎孵化后,在1~64日的培养过程中,反交鲆于3~4 d 内全部死亡,回交牙鲆发育至18日龄时全部死亡.正交鲆和回交夏鲆可正常发育,与牙鲆没有明显差别  相似文献   
鱼类甲状腺轴由下丘脑、垂体、甲状腺组成,下丘脑通过分泌促甲状腺激素释放激素、促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素调节垂体促甲状腺激素的合成和分泌,促甲状腺激素促进甲状腺滤泡合成并释放甲状腺激素(主要为甲状腺素—T4),T4运输至肝脏等外周组织中,经过脱碘转化形成生物活性更强的三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3),T3主要通过同核受体结合发挥生物学功能。甲状腺激素对鱼类胚胎发育、仔鱼变态及性别分化等早期生长发育过程具有重要调控作用:甲状腺激素为鱼类胚胎发育期所必须,外加适量甲状腺激素能够提高胚胎或仔鱼存活率;仔鱼变态过程中,某些外部形态变化及相关组织分化依赖甲状腺激素的调控,牙鲆等仔鱼变态期体内甲状腺激素水平及其受体表达量会显著升高;性腺发育期,甲状腺激素对调控鱼类性别分化方向可能具有一定作用。  相似文献   
海洋传感观测服务柔性开发技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋传感观测服务能够实现多个海洋观测系统间的数据共享与集成,支持大范围、多学科的海洋科学研究。在软件开发过程中,由于不同观测系统的数据库异构互异,导致传感器观测服务软件难以复用,开发效率低。本文针对数据库结构的相似性进行分析,提出海洋传感观测服务的柔性开发模型,设计可适配于异构数据库的服务构件。该构件通过配置观测数据在具体数据库的存储结构,实现了数据库结构向服务模式定义的映射;服务构件根据配置信息生成数据库查询语句,实现观测数据的自动提取,避免了数据库异构导致的重复开发的问题。通过将服务构件应用在实际开发中,验证了该模型的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   
海底观测网络由于其特有的能源供给与信息传输优势,受到了广泛关注与重视。文中简要回顾了国内外海底观测网技术的发展现状,并就海底观测网技术发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   
犬齿牙鲆胚胎及仔、稚、幼鱼形态发育观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈朴贤 《海洋科学》2012,36(6):64-71
犬齿牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)卵为端黄卵,受精卵浮性,卵径950~1100μm,油球径200~225μm.在水温20.5~22.0℃,盐度33条件下培育,受精后1 h 20 min 进入卵裂期,6 h 10 min 进入囊胚期,11 h 20 min 进入原肠胚期,19 h 10 min 发育到胚孔封闭期,胚体形成,26 h 50 min 尾芽出现,33 h 35 min心跳开始,48 h 10 min 开始孵化出仔鱼.初孵仔鱼平均全长2.59 mm±0.02 mm,在培育水温为17.0~21.0℃,盐度24~34条件下,胚后发育时序为:1日龄~9日龄为仔鱼前期,10日龄平均全长5.52 mm±0.05 mm,卵黄囊和油球完全吸收进入仔鱼后期;40日龄平均全长20.82 mm±0.67 mm,各鳍鳍条发育形成进入稚鱼期;65日龄平均全长41.13 mm±0.88 mm,全身鳞被完整进入幼鱼早期  相似文献   
海岸侵蚀是沿海各国面临的共同问题,海滩养护是当前砂质海岸保护的最佳手段,在全球范围内得到广泛应用。本文回顾了海滩养护技术的发展历程,总结了世界范围的海滩养护实践,分析各国海滩养护理念上存在的差异。以研究文献为基础,总结归纳了平面和横向剖面的补砂方式、辅助工程技术和海滩模型预测等方面的海滩养护技术研究进展,并在此基础上提出了海滩养护的未来发展趋势:①针对复杂海岸的海滩养护应用拓展;②基于沉积物管理的海滩养护修复;③从地貌系统到生态系统全面考虑的海滩养护技术;④全球砂源赤字条件下的海滩保护和修复思路。  相似文献   
The Campos, Santos and Pelotas basins have been investigated in terms of 2D seismo-stratigraphy and subsidence. The processes controlling accommodation space (e.g. eustacy, subsidence, sediment input) and the evolution of the three basins are discussed. Depositional seismic sequences in the syn-rift Barremian to the drift Holocene basin fill have been identified. In addition, the subsidence/uplift history has been numerically modeled including (i) sediment flux, (ii) sedimentary basin framework, (iii) relation to plate-tectonic reconfigurations, and (iv) mechanism of crustal extension. Although the initial rift development of the three basins is very similar, basin architecture, sedimentary infill and distribution differ considerably during the syn-rift sag to the drift basin stages. After widespread late Aptian–early Albian salt and carbonate deposition, shelf retrogradation dominated in the Campos Basin, whereas shelf progradation occurred in the Santos Basin. In the Tertiary, these basin fill styles were reversed: since the Paleogene, shelf progradation in the Campos Basin contrasts with overall retrogradation in the Santos Basin. In contrast, long-term Cretaceous–Paleogene shelf retrogradation and intense Neogene progradation characterize the Pelotas Basin. Its specific basin fill and architecture mainly resulted from the absence of salt deposition and deformation. These temporally and spatially varying successions were controlled by specific long-term subsidence/uplift trends. Onshore and offshore tectonism in the Campos and Santos basins affected the sediment flux history, distribution of the main depocenters and occurrence of hydrocarbon stratigraphic–structural traps. This is highlighted by the exhumation and erosion of the Serra do Mar, Serra da Mantiqueira and Ponta Grossa Arch in the hinterland, as well as salt tectonics in the offshore domain. The Pelotas Basin was less affected by changes in structural regimes until the Eocene, when the Andean orogeny caused uplift of the source areas. Flexural loading largely controlled its development and potential hydrocarbon traps are mainly stratigraphic.  相似文献   
The assessment of sustainable development is a relatively recent advent in policy and the evaluation of industry structural adjustments. Although the elements of economic and environmental assessment have been relatively well developed and accepted, the effective inclusion of ‘social’ aspects in assessments of sustainable development are still being grappled with.  相似文献   
新时代国土空间规划是未来可持续发展的空间蓝图。陆地与海洋作为国土空间的两大主体,落实陆海统筹战略、推进生态保护和高质量发展已成为沿海地区国土空间规划编制的重要内容。文章阐述陆海统筹的重点内容并分析其实现路径,研究结果有助于推动陆海统筹在国土空间规划中的有效落实,提升国土空间规划编制的科学性。研究结果表明在新时代背景下,可从6个方面实现陆海统筹:有机衔接陆海主体功能,统筹协调岸线两侧矛盾,统筹塑造陆海空间格局;统筹规划陆海自然资源的保护与开发;统筹布局和协调发展陆海产业;建立陆海一体的交通和防灾支撑体系;开展陆海协同的生态环境保护与修复治理;建设陆海统筹的管理体制机制。  相似文献   
深水开发的新型立管系统——钢悬链线立管(SCR)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1种全新的深水立管系统——钢悬链线立管(Steel Catenary Riser,SCR)在翠西哥湾(Golf of Mexico)、坎普斯湾(Campos Basin)、北海(North Sea)和西非(West Africa)得到了成功应用。它的适用水深为300~3000m,且适用现有任何浮式结构,从浅水的固定式平台到极深水的浮式生产储运系统(FPSO)。因此,它取代了传统的柔性立管和顶张力立管,成为深水油气开发的首选立管,被认为是深水立管系统的成本有效的解决方案。  相似文献   
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