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为使药品管理摆脱繁琐的手工操作,减少差错,提高效率,用微机替代手工操作,实现药品管理系统化、程序化、自动化。本设计较好地实现了上述目标。  相似文献   
近10年中国大气PM10污染时空格局演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李名升  张建辉  张殷俊  周磊  李茜  陈远航 《地理学报》2013,68(11):1504-1512
为分析近10 年来中国PM10污染时空格局演变,运用统计学和GIS 方法对2002-2012 年PM10监测数据进行分析,结果表明:① 地级及以上城市ρ(PM10)年均值由0.130 mg·m-3下降至0.076 mg·m-3,达标城市比例由37.6%上升至92.0%;环保重点城市ρ(PM10)日均值超标天数比例由24.7%下降至7.0%。② 12 月份PM10污染最重,其次为1 月和11 月;8 月份污染最轻,其次为7 月和9 月。③ PM10的重污染区域明显减小,由集中连片分布变为零星点状分布。但空间格局未发生明显变化,北方尤其是西北、华北地区及山东、江苏、湖北一直是PM10污染相对严重地区。④ 北方地区PM10污染重于南方地区,两者的差异主要发生在北方采暖期(1-4 月及11-12 月)。⑤ PM10污染的改善主要体现在重污染城市的改善,1/10 左右的重污染城市对降低全国PM10平均浓度的贡献约占1/3,而清洁城市PM10污染则有加重趋势。⑥ 环保重点城市污染天气以轻度污染为主,占全部污染天数的80.4%。受沙尘天气影响,3、4 月份发生严重污染天气的比例较高。  相似文献   
祁连山东段山地景观格局变化及其生态脆弱性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以RS和GIS技术为主要手段,分析了祁连山东段地区1994-2008年的景观格局变化及其生态脆弱性。结果表明:(1)与1994年相比,森林、草地、冰雪带、水域4种景观要素的面积分别减少了5.0%、2.0%、2.2%、2.0%,而灌木和裸地的面积则分别增加了6.8%、5.0%;灌木、草地、冰雪带和裸地景观要素的平均斑块面积分别增加了49.0%、19.0%、1.1%、436.6%,森林和水域平均斑块面积分别减小了9.6%和4.1%。(2)森林、草地、冰雪带、水域4种景观要素的平均最邻近距离增加,聚集度降低,各景观要素内部斑块之间聚集度减小。灌木与森林景观要素之间的空间邻接长度增加了3 867 km,裸地与其他景观要素之间的空间邻接长度增加了5 589 km,嵌缀在其他各种景观要素中的裸地小斑块逐渐融合成大斑块。(3)景观类型脆弱度指数与破碎度指数之间显著正相关,分维数倒数、分离度指数和沙化敏感性指数与景观类型脆弱度指数呈弱度正相关。祁连山东段地区森林和草地退化,面积萎缩、水域干涸,裸地面积增加,各景观要素的空间关系趋于简单,景观破碎化增加。人类活动所引起的景观破碎化是祁连山东段地区景观格局和景观脆弱性变化的决定性因素。  相似文献   
With the goal of model fitting species abundance distribution patterns of the tree, shrub and herb layers of the natural Toona ciliata community in Xingdoushan Nature Reserve, Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province, we used the data collected from the field survey and employed different ecological niche models. The models tested were the broken stick model (BSM), the overlapping niche model (ONM) and the niche preemption model (NPM), as well as three statistic models, the log-series distribution model (LSD), the log-normal distribution model (LND) and the Weibull distribution model (WDM). To determine the fitted model most suitable to each layer, the fitting effects were judged by criteria of the lowest value of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Chi-square and the K-S values with no significant difference (P>0.05) between the theoretical predictions and observed species abundance distribution values. The result showed: (1) The fitting suitability and goodness of fit of the tree, shrub and herb layers by using the three ecological niche models were ranked as: NPM>BSM>ONM. Of the three statistical models, by accepting the fitting results of the three layers, WDM was the best fitting model, followed by LND. By rejecting the fitting tests of the herb layer, LSD had the worst fitting effect. The goodness of the statistical models was ranked as: WDM>LND>LSD. In general, the statistical models had better fitting results than the ecological models. (2) T. ciliata was the dominant species of the tree layer. The species richness and diversity of the herb layer were much higher than those of either the tree layer or the shrub layer. The species richness and diversity of the shrub layer were slightly higher than those of the tree layer. The community evenness accorded to the following order: herb>shrub>tree. Considering the fitting results of the different layers, different ecological niche models or statistical models with optimal goodness of fit and ecological significance can be given priority to in studying the species abundance distribution patterns of T. ciliata communities.  相似文献   
The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   
基于新经济地理学的长三角城市群空间格局及发展因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市群空间格局发展并非均匀的发展,而是密度(Density)更为集中、距离(Distance)逐渐缩短、整合(Division)更为强烈的过程。基于2009年世界银行发展报告,在劳动生产率基础上分析了长三角城市群空间发展状态。结果表明:1城市化的推进取决于密度的增加,区域发展取决于距离约束的克服,而区域一体化则取决于减少分割并增强整合,因此3D对于认识城市群区域发展及其一体化进程是非常合适的框架。2上海、苏州和无锡表现为3D类型,常州和南京表现为"密度—距离"2D类型,杭州表现为"距离—整合"2D类型,南通等表现为"距离"1D类型,绍兴等表现为"整合"1D类型,扬州等表现出0D类型;3长三角城市群的经济密度、心理距离、制造业专业化指数和外商直接投资均与劳动生产率存在显著性,弹性系数分别为1.727、0.218、0.102和0.237,而交通综合可达性作用不再显著,说明现阶段提升城市群内部经济密度和整合内外部资源比缩短各城市间距离更为重要。  相似文献   
五强溪水电站左岸船闸边坡开挖监控设计的理论与实践   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12  
五强溪水电站船闸左岸边坡,是由前震旦系的Pt1(主要为千枚状板岩)和Pt2(主要为砂岩、板岩)组成。因断层穿插,岩体破碎,边坡稳定性很差。为确保边坡在开挖施工期的安全,作者根据工程地质力学和系统科学相结合的方法,对之进行监控设计,取得了成功。  相似文献   
摘要:祁连山地区天然气水合物分布较为复杂,急需对该区天然气水合物成藏控制因素与成藏模式进行深入研究。本次重点对青海木里三露天天然气水合物系 列钻井揭示的地质资料及各种样品分析测试结果进行综合分析,结果显示:该区天然气水合物气源以油型热解成因气为主,少部分在浅部混有部分微生物成因气及煤成气,这些油型热解成因 气源主要由下部或更深部上三叠统或二叠系提供;当气源岩生成烃类气体后运移至浅部直接或间接由断裂连同泥岩、油页岩等封堵形成浅部气体聚集;浅部气体聚集体局部加入微生物成因气 或煤成气,经过不晚于中更新世早期形成的岛状永久冻土作用,在天然气水合物稳定带内与水结合形成天然气水合物,当它们处在天然气水合物稳定带之外便在更浅部以异常高压气层或游离( 吸附)气存在。由于气源类型与供应条件、运移与聚集条件、天然气水合物稳定带范围的不同,它们之间的匹配关系在不同位置具有很大的差异性,从而影响该区天然气水合物在横向平面上和 纵向剖面上分布与产出的不均性。  相似文献   
研究了川滇22 次 M≥6 34 级地震前区域性中强震活动变化情况。验证了某些震兆特征的客观性和普遍性。本文研究结果给出, (1) 强震前区域性中强震活动相对活跃; (2) 震源附近可能发生多次5 ~6级地震; (3) 震中周围出现5 级以上地震组成的相对活动区或活动带; (4) 震源区周围相当范围内显示平静特征。追踪区域性中强震活动变化对于预测未来较大强震的危险性有实际意义。  相似文献   

Abstract In the first part of this study, theoretical analyses showed that the Gumbel distribution is quite unlikely to apply to hydrological extremes and that the extreme value distribution of type II (EV2) is a more consistent choice. Based on these theoretical analyses, an extensive empirical investigation is performed using a collection of 169 of the longest available rainfall records worldwide, each having 100–154 years of data. This verifies the theoretical results. In addition, it shows that the shape parameter of the EV2 distribution is constant for all examined geographical zones (Europe and North America), with value κ = 0.15. This simplifies the fitting and the general mathematical handling of the distribution, which become as simple as those of the Gumbel distribution.  相似文献   
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