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Based on a 0.5°×0.5° daily gridded precipitation dataset and observations in meteorological stations released by the National Meteorological Information Center, the interannual variation of areal precipitation in the Qilian Mountains during 1961-2012 is investigated using principal component analysis (PCA) and regression analysis, and the relationship between areal precipitation and drought accumulation intensity is also analyzed. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of precipitation in the Qilian Mountains can be well reflected by the gridded dataset. The gridded data-based precipitation in mountainous region is generally larger than that in plain region, and the eastern section of the mountain range usually has more precipitation than the western section. The annual mean areal precipitation in the Qilian Mountains is 724.9×108 m3, and the seasonal means in spring, summer, autumn and winter are 118.9×108 m3, 469.4×108 m3, 122.5×108 m3 and 14.1×108 m3, respectively. Summer is a season with the largest areal precipitation among the four seasons, and the proportion in summer is approximately 64.76%. The areal precipitation in summer, autumn and winter shows increasing trends, but a decreasing trend is seen in spring. Among the four seasons, summer have the largest trend magnitude of 1.7×108 m3×a-1. The correlation between areal precipitation in the mountainous region and dry-wet conditions in the mountains and the surroundings can be well exhibited. There is a negative correlation between drought accumulation intensity and the larger areal precipitation is consistent with the weaker drought intensity for this region.  相似文献   
Correlation in spectral accelerations for earthquakes in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape of a uniform hazard spectrum has been criticized to be unrealistic for a site where the spectral ordinates of the uniform hazard spectrum at different periods are governed by different scenario events and conservative for long‐return‐period earthquake shaking. The conditional mean spectrum considering epsilon (CMS‐ε) takes into account the correlation of spectral demands (represented by values of ε) at different periods, to address these issues. This paper proposes new prediction models for the correlation coefficient of ε(T1) and ε(T2), a key component for developing a CMS, using Pan‐European earthquake records from a European ground motion database. Epsilon (ε) for each record is computed using the 2005 Ambraseys ground‐motion prediction equation. The model can be used to develop CMS for European sites, and it can be incorporated in the European seismic standards. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于各向异性岩石物理的缝隙流体因子AVAZ反演   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
裂缝型储层表现出较强的各向异性特征.缝隙中充填不同流体时,裂缝储层的地震响应特征也不相同.本文从各向异性岩石物理模型出发,引入可有效识别缝隙流体的指示因子,并研究缝隙充填流体类型、饱和度以及缝隙纵横比与流体因子的相互关系,进而分析不同流体充填时介质的地震响应特征,并基于AVAZ反演方法估测缝隙流体指示因子.首先对缝隙流体因子的敏感性进行了分析,讨论当缝隙充填不同流体时,缝隙流体因子值的变化特征,同时研究了不同流体类型充填时裂缝储层反射系数随方位角和入射角的变化特征.某工区测井数据和复杂裂缝模型应用表明,基于各向异性岩石物理的缝隙流体因子AVAZ反演方法合理、可靠,且具有良好的抗噪性,即当对合成地震记录添加信噪比不小于1/2的随机噪声时,利用AVAZ反演方法估测所得流体因子值与真实值仍然吻合较好.  相似文献   
利用中国105站的探空资料以及NCEP/NCAR、ERA和JRA 3种再分析资料,采用线性趋势、标准差、相关系数、EOF分析等多种统计分析方法,对再分析资料年平均的高空温度在中国区域的可信度进行了分析.研究表明:在数值上,3种再分析资料的高空温度均小于探空资料的高空温度,NCEP/NCAR资料在对流层上层更接近于探空资料,ERA和JRA资料则在对流层中下层与探空资料更为接近;在描述年际变化和长期变化趋势方面,ERA资料在我国北方的对流层上层的再现能力较好,NCEP/NCAR资料在我国南方的对流层上层的再现能力较好,而3种再分析资料在对流层中下层的再现能力相当;在时空变化特征方面,NCEP/NCAR和ERA资料能较好地表现高空温度的年代际变化特征,而ERA和JRA资料则能较好地表现年际变化特征.  相似文献   
长江中游城市群承东启西、连接南北,在我国经济均衡发展、和谐发展中占有重要地位,咸宁地区矿泉水资源的发现,将助力绿色经济发展。咸宁汀泗桥幅数据依托中国地质调查局"武汉都市圈京广高铁沿线汀泗桥幅地质环境综合调查"项目,在充分收集地质、遥感、物探及水文地质等资料基础上,开展汀泗桥幅1:50 000水文地质调查。本数据集包含钻孔基本信息(12个钻孔)、钻孔地层描述信息(12个钻孔)、机民井点调查结果(77个机民井)、泉点调查结果(46个泉点)、地下水动态监测信息(2处)、无机水样测试结果(61件)和有机水样测试结果(9件),数据量约为4.77 MB。数据集充分反映了1:50 000水文地质调查中典型水文地质现象、灰岩地层的岩溶发育特点及岩溶地下水的水化学特征。通过水化学分析,在咸宁市汀泗桥镇白羊畈-赤壁官塘驿镇大贵畈-中伙铺镇一线发现富锶型饮用天然矿泉水,赤壁中伙铺琅桥一带为富锶、富锌复合型饮用天然矿泉水,对该区的矿泉水资源勘查具有重要参考意义。实施探采结合井,服务地方用水需求。  相似文献   
The increasing number of large individual-based spatiotemporal datasets in various research fields has challenged the GIS community to develop analysis tools that can efficiently help researchers explore the datasets in order to uncover useful information. Rooted in Hägerstrand's time geography, this study presents a generalized space-time path (GSTP) approach to facilitating visualization and exploration of spatiotemporal changes among individuals in a large dataset. The fundamental idea of this approach is to derive a small number of representative space-time paths (i.e. GSTPs) from the raw dataset by identifying spatial cluster centers of observed individuals at different time periods and connecting them according to their temporal sequence. A space-time GIS environment is developed to implement the GSTP concept. Different methods of handling temporal data aggregation and the creation of GSTPs are discussed in this article. Using a large individual-based migration history dataset, this study successfully develops an operational space-time GIS prototype in ESRI's ArcScene and ArcMap to provide a proof-of-concept study of this approach. This space-time GIS system demonstrates that the proposed GSTP approach can provide a useful exploratory analysis and geovisualization environment to help researchers effectively search for hidden patterns and trends in such datasets.  相似文献   
在中国极地科学数据库系统项目建设过程中 ,通过对极地科学数据管理现状以及数据分布情况、数据类型等因素进行分析 ,提出数据资源的组织及其表达形式两个关键问题 ,并进行了研究与探讨。结果表明 ,用户对数据共享的持续需求、顺达的行政支持、明确易行的技术要求以及稳定的经费支持是解决数据资源组织问题的关键 ,在项目实施过程中 ,涉及到数据资源组织问题的解决措施都是立足于对上述 4个方面的思考。针对数据的表达形式问题 ,在数据库系统设计中 ,数据的表达形式研究包括了用户需求分析、数据库结构设计等环节。将基础数据表示为数据集和数据说明 (元数据 ) ,后者通过标准化、格式化后作为元数据库与前者 (数据库 )关联。同时 ,将元数据库从纯粹的数据说明集合扩展成数据库的搜索引擎。在实际开发过程中 ,运用上述设计思路解决了极地科学数据种类多、零散、结构复杂的技术难点  相似文献   
广西防城港是我国华南沿海酸性地下水发育的典型地区,2013-2015年在该地区开展了地下水调查,获取了一批地下水现场测试数据。广西防城港地下水现场测试数据集包含丰水期和枯水期现场测试数据2个Excel数据表格。每个Excel数据表格包含调查点位置、地下水埋深、地下水类型、地下水物理和化学特征等地下水现场测试数据。本数据集共采集水点323组,分析结果表明防城港地区地下水以pH为5.50~6.50的偏酸性地下水为主,此结果不仅能为防城港地下水资源评价和开发提供资料支撑,还可为华南沿海酸性地下水的研究提供典型范例。  相似文献   
利用2007年6月8日—8月31日东亚地区TIGGE集合预报资料中欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)和英国气象局(United Kingdom M et Office,UKM O)两个中心的地面2 m气温资料进行集合成员优选研究。结果表明,对于24~96 h预报,集合成员优选方法能够较好地选出预报技巧较高和预报技巧较低的集合成员。个例分析表明,在极端天气出现的地区,优选集合平均的预报优势较为明显。对比ECMWF和UKMO的集合成员优选结果发现,ECMWF的预报效果优于UKMO的预报效果。  相似文献   
本数据集在1:50 000活鸡兔图幅内综合应用了遥感、地面调查、物探、钻探,以及水化学同位素等多种方法进行数据采集,共完成2期遥感数据解译800 km2,地面调查点377个,丰水期、枯水期地下水水位统测240点次,抽水试验10组,水体样品采集共计127组,水文地质钻探累计进尺600 m。本数据集细化了工作区内第四系孔隙含水层、白垩系洛河组孔隙-裂隙含水层富水等级,填补了侏罗系安定组、直罗组水文地质信息的空白;同时,加入了与采煤相关的次生环境地质要素,并首次将浅层含水层疏干区较为准确地勾画出来,还建立了采煤影响下的地下水的循环模式,突出了矿区水文地质调查的特色。本数据集为矿区水文地质调查工作的规划、部署与总结提供常态化支持,对保障国家能源安全、生态安全具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
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